Chillin Like A Villain-A Desc...

By randomreader000000

118K 3K 250

There's so many ways to be wicked. Here's mine. ____________________________________ Camilla De Vil was alway... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Not an Update - A Memorial
Possible Preview 😏

Part 51

1.2K 37 3
By randomreader000000

Chapter 51

"Yeah!" the boys all cheered chest bumping each other.

"We did that!" Uma said cheerfully, "That's what I'm talking –" she and Mal raised their hands to high five each other before they stopped and realized what they were doing and dropped their hands.

"No. . . "Evie said bummed.

"Hey good job." Carlos said just as the boys realized what they were doing and Uma's crew regrouped on one side of the room as Mal's gang did the same on the other.

"Guys, come on." Evie said standing in the middle, "This was so great. We were a team. We worked together. Come on." She said trying to take Mal's hand but Mal pulled it away so Evie tried for Uma but got the same result.

"You know what we should try? An ice breaker." She said and they all groaned. Camilla even saw Carlos lower his head and bring his hand to his face. Evie turned to the pirates and explained, "You say something you really like about the other person. Okay? I'll start."

She looked at them all as they avoided her gaze then she chose one poor unfortunate soul, "Harry." she said and he sighed, "Great accent. Now you go."

Harry stared at her looking uncomfortable and Uma saved him.

"Is she always this perky?" she asked.

"Oh it wasn't really your turn but thank you." Evie said as Mal stepped forward.

"Okay Evie, I love you –"

"I love you."

"I love this energy, but we are very short on time. Audrey clearly knows that we're here and we need to get out of here ASAP."

"Okay where does this cheerleader bunk down?" Uma asked, "Even if she's not there we might find some sort of clue."

"Actually she's still in the dorms." Evie said.

"You're right. Because of summer school." Mal said.

"What? Summer school?" Harry asked laughing, "Summer. School. No wonder she wants revenge." He kept chuckling and Camilla smirked, even on the Isle run by villains who loved torture they didn't have summer school.

"Okay I need you guys to go find Ben." Mal instructed Jay and Carlos, "We will meet back at Evie's in two hours okay?"

"Sounds like we're going with my plan. I'm just saying." Uma said.

"It was kinda the obvious plan." Mal tried to defend herself.

"Uma said it first." Gil piped up.

"Right so my plan." Uma said smiling at him.

"Whatever." Mal said as they left the room and split up. Harry, Gil and Camilla went with Jay and Carlos to search for Ben. She could have gone with the girls but she really didn't want to be stuck with Mal and Uma's power struggle along with Evie's overly positive pushiness. They headed outside and searched the grounds around the castle since Ben clearly wasn't inside anymore. They were still following the dog but Camilla was starting to have her doubts about how useful he really was.

"Ben!" Carlos shouted as they made their way deeper into the trees. "Dude, come on. Nothing?" he asked sitting on a rock and petting the mutt.

"These things just grow everywhere." Gil said getting distracted by a berry bush as he picked the fruit and popped one into his mouth. "Hey we should play that ice breaker. Um, Jay, I like the way that you can. . . bounce around and jump off things. These are free right?" he asked holding up the berry.

"Yeah, um." Jay replied. "I like how you get a kick out of a berry bush."

"I guess you've probably seen everything by now huh? Furry rocks, giant fish, you're probably used to grabbing lunch off a bush."

"Actually no not really. I mainly just use the vending machines at practice. Ya know, tourney kinda eats up most of my time."

Then Harry's laughter broke through the conversation Camilla had been eavesdropping on. She saw Harry lean his arm against a tree as he laughed.

"Tourney? That's a wee boys game."

But Jay and Gil ignored him and continued their conversation.

"You know what would be fun?" Gil asked Jay, "Rafting down a jungle river."

The amused smile fell from Harry's face and Camilla approached him knowing he was feeling rejected by his friend though he'd never show or admit it. She moved in front of him and rested her hands on his waist.

"I like. . . the way you smile at me." She told him and she saw a real smile spread on his face.

"And I like how yer the only one who can make me smile." He replied and they leaned in to kiss but before their lips could touch they heard someone clear their throat and she turned to see Carlos looking at them.

"Uh. . . ew." He said and Camilla smirked and approached him.

"Oh ew?" she asked sitting down beside him and throwing one leg over the other, "Is it 'ew' when it's between you and the Fairy Godmother's daughter?"

She got some satisfaction watching her baby brother's freckled face turn red as he started to stutter.

"Oh come on Carlos. I saw you two together at Cotillion, they broadcasted it all over the Isle. . . She looked very beautiful." She complimented and he chuckled nervously, they'd never had a conversation like this before, about boyfriends and girlfriends and such.

"Yeah but we, I mean not that I haven't wanted, we just, I'm not sure." He said looking at the dirt and playing with his fingers. Camilla laughed, not an evil laugh, just a laugh and soon he joined in with her. She found a strange warmth filling her chest at the normal moment they were having before she heard Harry groan.

"You guys are killing me." For a moment she thought he was referring to her and her brother before she turned and saw his attention had gone back to Jay and Gil. He walked over to the bush they were at and stabbed a berry with his hook and brought it to his lips, he gave a small hum at the taste before leaning over and looking to Carlos.

"P. S. yer mutt went that way. And we're slaves to time so tick tock." He said as Dude called for Carlos.

"Dude what do you see?"

"This way." The dog said leading them on. Camilla joined Harry as they walked, he had one more berry he'd hooked and as he brought it to his mouth she grabbed his wrist and brought the hook to her own lips and ate the berry off it. As she chewed she winked at him and moved on as he stood frozen to the spot watching her go, his eyes on her strut as her hips moved from one side to another. She looked over her shoulder at him just in time to catch a wicked glare as he caught up to her and wrapped his arm around her pulling her close and getting a giggle out of her.

They continued to follow the dog through the woods pausing every now and then to call for Ben, though Carlos and Jay did most of the calling. Camilla was also busy keeping her eyes on Gil making sure they didn't leave him behind because he got too distracted by berry bush after berry bush. When they almost did lose him she groaned and went off to pull him back in the direction the group was going, the second Harry was alone Carlos turned to him and called, "Hey Hook."

Harry played with the tip of his hook as he turned to the boy with a bored expression. "Aye?"

It was clear Carlos was still angry that Harry had lied to him about his sister and it amused the pirate, "Why are you helping us?"

"Hmmm." He began pretending to be thinking as he stepped closer to the boy, "Ta put Auradon in my debt? Because, my captain has given me orders I'll follow because I'm such a good first mate? Ta play the hero fer once and sweep yer gorgeous sister off her feet? Take yer pick." He smirked making Carlos scowl deeper.

"Camilla deserves better then you." He said, he knew the pirate and his sister shared true love and he was glad Camilla had someone who cared so much for her and made her happy, though it didn't change the fact that Carlos did – on some level – still believe his sister could do better.

Harry laughed, "Funny, I've told her the same thing about ye."

Carlos looked deep in thought before he took a step closer and Harry gripped his hook tighter in case he had to use it, "I can't control my sister's decisions –"

"Thank Heaven fer that."

"But how far are you willing to go on this rescue mission for Auradon? It's dangerous and she could get hurt. So if this turns sour, how do I know you won't run and save your own skin?"

"Ye dare impure me honor?" He said through his grit teeth stepping face to face with the boy.

"Regardless of what you think of me I do care about Camilla and I won't let her get hurt. But how far are you willing to go for her?" he asked his brotherly nature compelling him to test his sisters boyfriend.

"I'd die fer her." 

Carlos smirked, "Good, we won't have a problem then." He said before walking off following Dude and Harry quirked an eyebrow. Was he just threatened?

"Oi! Runt!" he called making Carlos turn back around as Harry approached him. "Ye leave me ta wonder, I'd die fer yer sister, but can ye say the same?" he challenged and saw the insult in the boy's eyes.

"You had your crew last time we fought Hook but in a fair fight I'd kill you." He said and Harry didn't believe him for a second.

He gave his best smirk and scoffed, "Which doesn't give me much incentive ta fight fair now eh?" Before he could reply Camilla came back dragging Gil who was still munching on berries and Harry and Carlos exchanged one last glare before following.


"Ben!" Carlos shouted again now that they were even deeper in the woods.

"Boy something stinks." Dude complained, "And it wasn't me this time!"

Then something leapt out from behind a tree growling loudly at them. Dude shouted in fright as Carlos pushed Gil back as the monster charged and ended up slamming into a tree. It quickly turned and attacked again as Harry ducked its paw ready to claw off his head. The monster tripped over a log but somersaulted back onto its feet. It turned and growled at them again before running at Camilla, Harry pushed her into Carlos who tugged her back and away from the danger as Harry now faced it. While Harry's attention was on Camilla and her safety Jay quickly grabbed Harry and pulled him out of the way saving him from getting mauled. The beast kept growling as it climbed a small hill getting a vantage point where it could pounce on any one of them.

"You need some serious nose adjustments." Harry said to Dude.

"I'm not so sure." Carlos said as the beast roared again, "Ben?"

"Audrey do that?" Jay asked, "Huh, I thought I recognized those pants."

"Oh he's got a boo boo." Gil said looking at the beast's paw which Ben was holding close to his chest, "That's why he's so cranky. You know my dad said that his dad did not handle pain well, at all."

"You're good with animals." Jay said looking to Carlos, "Do something."

"Okay, alright." Carlos said unsure of himself before he approached the transformed king. "Hey Ben. It's me, Carlos alright."

But the beast swiped his claws at him making Carlos jump back. Camilla didn't think twice as she stepped forward, her sisterly instincts making her try and protect her brother.

"Hey!" she shouted but Harry quickly grabbed her and pulled her back holding her so she couldn't run into trouble.

"Whoa! Ben! Ben! It's Carlos." Her brother tried again glancing at her quickly and waving his hand at her telling her to stay back. Then he turned to Ben again, "Alright? You know me. You helped me once, remember with Dude? Alright? Let me help you. Come on let me see your hand. Alright thatta boy, beast, king, whatever. Oh yeah that's a big one. I'm gonna count alright? One, two –" then he pulled the splinter out and the beast growled.

"There it is! You did it!"

Then water started shooting at the beast from behind them and Camilla turned to see Jane standing there with a water shooter. The beast stepped back as he was soaked and Carlos ran down the hill.

"Hey!" Carlos said happily as he made his way to Jane.

"Oh my gosh when you didn't show up I was scared she got you too I'm so glad you're alright!"

"Oh my gosh I was so worried. I did not forget your party though I forgot to call. I'm so glad you're alright!"

They finished in unison before they both embraced in a hug and Camilla had to fight a smile at seeing her brother so happy. Then Jay came over helping the now humanized Ben though he still had a few sharp fangs and some facial hair.

"You good?" Jay asked.


"Take a seat right there." He said helping him to a log. Harry leaned his arm on a tree as Camilla held her hands behind her back and leaned back against the same trunk.

"Oh that was funky." Ben said.

"Was? Is." Jay said pointing out his teeth and beard.

"Oh wow." Ben said feeling the fangs.

"You need another blast." Jane said dousing him with more water but nothing more happened to reverse the side effects on Ben. "Huh. It's Enchanted Lake water, guess it can only do so much."

"Well, well, well." Camilla said walking over to Jane before she stopped at another log and folded her arms in front of her. "Been a while hasn't it?"

Jane looked a bit nervous at seeing the new and improved pirate Camilla for the first time, with her dark eye make up like Harry, her new clothes and her black hair parted to cover the majority of the white it only made her and her brother look more like polar opposites. Jane's eyes glanced from Camilla to Carlos and back again as she gave a nervous smile, "Hey Camilla."

"Jane." Camilla replied.

"Camilla." Carlos said in a scolding tone dragging out her name as she looked at him, "Down girl."

She smirked and gave Jane one last glance before turning back and joining Harry at the tree.

"Hold on." Ben said getting up and noticing them for the first time, "Who's side are they on?"

"They escaped and joined us." Jay explained lying easily, huh guess Auradon didn't change them as much as Camilla had thought, "And Mal has the ember which is our only hope to stop Audrey. Details to follow."

"The Hades Ember? Has Mal gone back to the Isle?" Ben asked with a slight lisp as he adjusted to his new teeth.

"I said details to follow. We're meeting up with Mal, Evie and Uma let's go."

"Uma!?" Ben shouted.

"Details to follow!"

"Details to follow!"

"Details to follow!"

"Details to follow!"

"Details to follow!"

"Details to follow!" they all said as Jay shoved Ben down the path as they headed to wherever it was Evie lived now.

"Hey Jay um. . . " she heard Harry say from the back of the group as she stopped and turned to him as he approached Jay and cleared his throat uncomfortably, "Thanks for saving me gorgeous face."

Harry gave him a small pat on the shoulder before he followed the rest of them. Camilla gave him a smile as he shook his head at her. She took his hand and they kept walking.

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