Chillin Like A Villain-A Desc...

By randomreader000000

159K 3.5K 323

There's so many ways to be wicked. Here's mine. ____________________________________ Camilla De Vil was alway... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Not an Update - A Memorial
Possible Preview 😏

Part 43

1.6K 38 2
By randomreader000000

Chapter 43

They headed out as soon as they were all ready. Normally walking across the Isle to get to Medusa's would take at least an entire day, probably longer if they had to avoid other villain kids causing trouble. Luckily they first stopped at Dragon Hall with Diego and Harriet who knew exactly where to find Harold and Jace. The two boys looked ready to wet their pants when they saw all the big name villains coming their way. Between Uma, Gil, Harry, Harriet, CJ, Diego and the Facilier girls they knew they looked intimidating and when Diego grabbed Jace and shoved him against the lockers again with a smile and said 'Hey Jace, nice to see you again.' both boys trembled looking white as sheets. They'd talked the boys into stealing their father's truck for them so they could get across the Isle faster, one threat from Diego was all it took to ensure that neither one would snitch and rat them out to their parents and they were on their way. The only one who knew how to drive was Diego after years of stealing cars for joyriding so he took the wheel and steered them to the swamps. Once they were there they ditched the truck knowing it would never make it in all the mud – it was a miracle it had made it the first time according to Diego - and they went the rest of the way on foot. They used their swords to slash at vines that hung in their way until the boathouse came into view. Harry clenched his jaw and tightened his hand around the handle of his blade. He took one step forward with the clear intention of storming inside to get his girl when Harriet, Uma and CJ all reached out a hand to stop him. Then he followed their gaze and saw why, out in the murky lake water around the house were at least four crocs, and that was just what they could see, there was no telling how many were under the water and they also figured there would be two more inside, Medusa's precious Brutus and Nero waiting for them.

Before they could decide on how to get in, the door to the boathouse opened and a woman with bright red hair and an awful red dress stepped out, she was followed by a short round man in a yellow suit and she was barking something about staying there to guard the brat while she went out. She strutted down the dock to her car which was oddly similar to Cruella's and they heard Celia mutter under her breath, 'wannabe'. Once the car with Medusa inside drove off they watched her henchman go back inside.  

"We should use the exterior deck to surround him and flank him." Harriet suggested.

"But if the crocs in the water are working for Medusa too they're going to attack us the minute we're on the docks." Freddie spoke up.

"I'm willing to be the distraction again." Gil offered with his usual goofy smile.

CJ scoffed, "These aren't the bird brains working for the Evil Queen. A croc will catch you and make you its meal before we have a chance to get to the door."

Gil looked a bit offended by that as he replied, "No beast alive stands a chance against the son of Gaston."

"I'll go." Uma spoke up and both Gil and Harry turned to her. Using your captain for live bait was unheard of, that was a job for a deckhand or someone too crazy or too stupid to know they were being used as a pawn. Uma turned to them and saw their looks of surprise, "I'm the one who's best in the water, they won't ever get a claw on me. I'll circle the Isle and meet you back at the ship and by the time the crocs come back here you'll all be long gone with Camilla."

"We'll need lookouts too." Diego spoke up, "We don't want Medusa coming back while we're in there. She might get back in her car and go report to my aunt."

"Okay, Freddie, Celia you think you two and keep an eye on the perimeter?" Harriet asked them and they both nodded.

"I can stay out here in the bayou and Celia can go with you guys as far as the door." Freddie said, "If I see that woman coming back I'll signal to her and she can get the rest of you."

"Alright, I can take on the henchman if the rest of you think you can handle the crocs." Diego continued as the pirates all drew their swords eager for a fight.

"Okay, give me five minutes to get the crocs in the water far from here then you all move in." Uma ordered.

"Good luck." Harry wished her as she nodded at him and took off for the water. The moment she dove off the wood of the dock and made a splash all the crocodiles turned their attention toward her. Harry and Gil both wished they could see their captain but the water was too murky to tell, all they could see was the crocs submerge and the bubbles that revealed where they were all headed away from the boathouse. Harry took out his pocket watch and waited for five minutes to pass.

"Alright, one more minute." He read and Harriet took the watch from him.

"No, now." She corrected him showing him the face of the watch and he scowled at her.

But there was no time for snappy come backs or rude remarks as they all headed down the dock approaching the boathouse except for Freddie who waited in the shadows of the bent willow trees. When they reached the door they all took a deep breath preparing themselves to charge in.


From the moment they broke the door down chaos erupted, the two crocs Brutus and Nero were right in the middle of the room and turned with wide open jaws ready to snap them up. Diego went for Medusa's minion while Gil and the three Hook's went for the beasts. Gil jumped on the back of one while Harry charged at the other. When it opened its jaws and hissed at him he froze but for only a moment, there was a flash of a memory behind his eyes of his father falling into the mouth of Tick Tock, then Harry's anger overtook him and he looked at the beast with rage. He refused to let dying at the jaws of a crocodile to be the Hook family legacy and he readied both his blade and his hook ready to kill the creature. It lunged at him and he swung his sword knocking its large mouth away then he brought his hook down and impaled it's snout making it shake it's head and back up a step or two. When it lunged again someone else's sword came down on it and he turned to see Harriet beside him.

"Harry, go! Find Camilla!" she shouted as she took his place in the duel with the croc. He was hesitant to leave his kin with a beast known for killing his loved ones but then she made an even greater point, "The sooner you get her the sooner we can get out of here!"

He nodded and ran past the croc as CJ joined in helping Harriet in her fight. Gil was still latched onto the back of the other crocodile who was having trouble shaking him off as his crewmate laughed gleefully having his own fun. As Harry ran up the stairs he caught a glimpse of a black and white Mohawk and saw Diego pulling a carpet out from under Medusa's round minion making the man fall onto his back and roll like a turtle stuck on its shell.

When Harry made it to the top of the rickety old steps it wasn't hard for him to find the room Camilla was in, there weren't many rooms upstairs and Harry found Camilla on his second try. It was dark and smelt of mold. There was a dresser, a bed and a small nightstand from Madame Medusa's days when she'd been keeping Penny hostage. There was a candle on the nightstand but its wick had burnt out long ago leaving puddles of dry wax around the stump that was left. Camilla was lying on the bed on top of the ripped and torn up covers, if she hadn't been under a dark curse Harry would have stopped and appreciated how peaceful she looked. She was laying on her stomach with half her face buried into the pillow under her head, her black and white hair falling over her shoulder. He shut the door behind him to keep out the sound of the brawling as he made his way over and stepped forward slowly not wanting to make the floorboards creak under his boots, though he knew no sound could wake Camilla. He sat softly on the edge of the bed and leaned over her as his dark hair fell into his eyes and rested his hand on her back before brushing some of her hair out of her face and tucking it behind her ear. He leaned in and pressed his lips to hers and waited for the kiss to take effect like the last time. After a moment of stroking her hair she took a deep breath. He knew firsthand how weak she'd feel coming out of the curse and gave her a minute to take in her surroundings. He pulled away and saw her face scrunch up in pain before she opened her eyes. He knew what she was going through, coming out of the spell was like waking up from a bad night's sleep and your muscles were aching and cramped. He sat up to give her her space while her mind caught up with where she was. She slowly brought her arm up and her hand gently grabbed his that was in her hair.

"Harry?" she asked groggy from sleep as he smiled down at her. Then she sat up on her elbow and looked around. "Where. . . ? How did. . .?" then like with him it came back to her and she looked up at him with wider more alarmed eyes, "You're okay?"

He nodded, "I'm fine." He said bringing their linked hands to his mouth and kissing her knuckles, "I can explain later but right now we've got ta go."

She gave him a small smile and chuckled as she sat up more, "You've got to stop saving me like this, we're becoming way to much like an Auradon couple."

He chuckled then he leaned down and wrapped his arm under her helping her up and getting her to the door as she leaned on him.

"Where's your coat?" she asked rubbing her eye still waking up.

He gave a chuckle, "Details to follow, love." And he led her out the door.

She seemed to wake up faster once she heard the growling of the crocs and the clashing of swords and Diego and Gil's laughing. They hurried down the stairs and past the fighting, when they got to the door he passed Camilla to Celia who helped her stand as he turned around and called to the others.

"Time ta go!" quickly as they could they broke free of their fights, Harriet and CJ luring their croc toward Gil while he moved up his croc's back and covered its eyes. When Brutus and Nero smashed their heads into each other the impact was enough for the three to make their escape before the crocodiles could come out of the collision that stunned them momentarily. As they were making it out Freddie ran out of the bog.

"Hurry! I can hear her car! She's on her way back!"

Harry made sure Camilla was taken care of as Diego rushed out and grabbed her other arm helping Celia get her out of there. Harry waited until his sisters had finished tangling up the two crocodiles and were running to the door with Gil. Once everyone was out he followed behind and disappeared into the trees with the others. They all kept running and no one looked back not even when they heard Medusa shouting in rage that seemed to shake the whole swamp. They made it back to the truck and got Camilla in safely as Diego started the engine. Harry sat beside Camilla whispering it was alright but knowing even as tired as she looked she wouldn't be getting any rest, not after enduring a curse like that. He remembered his own awful experience and hated thinking she was going through the same torment. While they were both grappling with the side effects and finding comfort in each other their group seemed in high spirits which rose the further away they got from the swamp and the closer they got to Pirate's Bay. CJ and Harriet were telling the Facilier girls all about their fight with the giant croc while Diego and Gil sat together in the front laughing about their own fights and how impressive it was that Gil held onto the back of a croc for so long. When they got back to the main portion of the Isle with its familiar spray painted buildings and strings of tattered clothes hanging from one rusted balcony to the next the conversation turned to Uma. They all hoped she was okay and safely back on the ship but had no way of knowing until they got there.

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