A Bullet is the Key.

By haleycomet246

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It was supposed to be simple... Except there is always the calm before the storm and in this case.. the silen... More

Chapter 1
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 2
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 3
The Bullet is the Key
Chapter 4
A bullet is the key
Chapter 5
A bullet is the Key
Chapter 6
A bullet is the Key
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 9
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 10
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 11
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 12
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 13
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 14
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 15
A Bullet is the Key
Final Chapter
A Bullet is the Key

A Bullet is the Key

39 1 0
By haleycomet246

 "Dude get your ass down here to help!" Jace's voices yelled. 
Ryder heaved a sigh before climbing off me and fixing his wrinkled shirt. He looked at me with a smile on his face as he said, "don’t move I’ll be back" and left the room. 
Holy hell I kissed him! I screamed in my head, finally it happened. Rolling over I buried my red face in his pillow as I let out a girlish squeal. That was the best kiss I have ever gotten, it was what they say and more. With my face still buried in his pillow I inhaled deeply bringing a huge amount of air into my lungs as well as his familiar calming scent. With my face still in the pillow I pulled the sheet over my body to cover me as I finally felt the events of today take its toll on my small body.  I could hear the boys talking down stairs their voices taking on playful banter as you could also hear objects being moved. A smile landed on my face as I realized even though Mike had kissed me they could all get along. With the feel of Ryder's lips still on mine I dozed into a peaceful sleep closing off the world around me. Their voices surrounding me from downstairs in a soothing cocoon taking away the fear.

I slowly drifted off into a peaceful dream.

Ryder’s point of view

Tuesday March 1st morning

Have you ever felt like your heart was torn from your chest and stepped on? The feeling of what you want most in life taken away from you in a blink of an eye?

Class was boring as I made my way out into the quad for some fresh air. I could feel the slight chill stinging my already pink tinted cheeks. I cannot believe Bobby had started another fight with me today. He seriously was asking for trouble or something more. I almost snapped when he said that Bell was his. She wasn’t his. I ran a hand through my already messy hair in frustration as I remembered walking into that hallway after the girls. The moment I went to step in I couldn’t move, I was frozen as the events of that day came rushing back. In panic I turned around and left the girls in there alone and I even missed the person who had ran into the hallway. Flashes of that day came back to me in snippets. Richard and a girl, Chrissie, bullets flying, jingle bells was being sung, I was writing Bell a note, pain and then nothing else. My throat became clogged as I struggled to breath; I was having a mini panic attack. I dropped to my knees as I was trying to pull myself back together. I heard voices and footsteps then the slam of the door before I stood up again made my way back towards the doors to face my fears before It opened and Bell ran out. I could see the fear in her face, my heart clenched for the girl in my arms. Then the fight happened.

The snow crunched under my feet as I took a seat waiting for bells to come out of her second class. Closing my eyes I looked to the cloudy sky and hoped it wouldn’t start to snow again. Tightening the jacket closer to my body I heard her voice before I saw her and when I looked I felt rage burn through my veins. Mike was kissing her!

“What the bloody fuck!” I screeched while jumping up. I looked at her the girl I was hopelessly in love with his someone else. Her eyes held regret but in that moment I didn’t care I was far to pissed to stay around and wait to hear her explain. Pushing my way through the crowd I made my way toward my black motorcycle and took off. I drove over the speed limit the speed matching my racing heart.

How could she I asked myself. The pain hurt, I was blinded with rage as I raced home. Coming to a screeching halt in the driveway I raced inside not even bothering to lock the door behind me as I escaped to my room. I flung my shirt off not bothering to remove my pants before my body hit the bed and a scream tore itself from my lips in complete agony.


I was losing myself here and before I reached for my phone and called her I decided I would take a nap to cool myself down.

I must have dozed off for no more than ten minutes before I felt a foreign object in my bed- this object was no object- but a person.

“Oh Ryder…Oh Ryder that feels so good, give it to me harder. I want it all.” I could hear them say something but really wasn’t fully awake until I felt them sit on me and begin to move. Opening my eyes I was met with menacing green and not the hazel ones I wanted to see and those green eyes belonged to Chrissie.

“What the hell Chrissie” I screamed as I sat up pushing her away from and that was when I realized she had nothing on. “Why are you not wearing anything?” she just stared at me a smile on her face, a smile that was to sweet for my liking. I saw her move something to her side and that something happened to be my cell phone. What the hell I thought.

“I came here to see you Ryder, you are mine,” her voice said dripping with honey. She made a move to crawl forward in a seductive manner but I just pushed her away, I tried my hardest not to look anywhere expect her face seeing as I was still a guy.


“What the fuck I am not yours!” I hissed between clenched teeth as I finally pushed her a good distance away from me but still making sure she didn’t fall off the bed.

“You are mine!” she screamed as she lunged at me pressing her lips to mine, I froze until I realized I realized what was going on. Pushing her away I wiped my mouth with the blanket before I turned on her.

“How the fuck did you get into my house?” I was seething at the point, no longer pissed I was enraged. I watched her sit there for a second inspecting her nails before she spoke “I followed you after you left campus and you forgot to lock the door behind you in your fury.”

“Get the hell out of my house” I screamed at her as I jumped up from the bed throwing her clothes at her as I saw them lying on my floor. My breathing was heavy as I watched her stand up and turns her back to me as she got dressed. I closed my eyes to give her privacy plus I didn’t feel anything for her so I didn’t care she stood before me naked. She wasn’t the one I wanted; though she is the one who made the one I wanted leave me. Her next words shocked me as I snapped my eyes open to see her dressed and looking at me with a smirk.

“I called Emma” were her words. I just stared at her panic taking over. Why would she do that? What did she expect Bell to do? I couldn’t wrap my head around it so I repeated what she had just said.

“What do you mean you called Emma?” I dropped my voice to a dangerously low level. Chrissie had officially gone insane with her obsession and she was trying to ruin things for me with Bell.

“I called Emma when I got here from your phone, you see I knew she wouldn’t answer the phone because she would be afraid to get yelled at by you since you stormed off.” She said simply as she threw her red hair over her shoulder in a prissy manner. Man I hated this girl with a passion.

“What the hell!” I screamed at her, which was what she moved beside her and was saying when I woke up. 
“I told you, you were mine” she stated simply.

“She won’t believe you”

“Oh I think she will Ryder, I am her best friend and I wasn’t the one to abandon her all those years ago.” She said as she narrowed her eyes at me.

I had enough of this. My anger was flaring and she needed to leave before I was tempted to hit a girl.

“Get the fuck out of my house!” I screamed my chest heaving up and down with my anger. She just stared at me not moving an inch from where she stood across the bed from me. Neither of us heard the beep from my phone which had signaled the end of the recording. 
No words were spoken as we just continued to look at one another I knew I looked livid and she looked pleased with herself. What kind of friend was she? She just backstabbed her best friend if you can even call Chrissie Bell’s best friend.

“You need to leave” I hissed between clenched teeth my fist clenching tightly, my knuckles going white. Her response was a shake of her head before she turned around to face my desk; I saw her eyes flare with anger as she saw the picture.

In one quick movement she flung her arm outwards and swung the stuff off my desk and sent them smashing to the floor.

“She doesn’t want you!” she screeched as she rounded on me her hand pulling back to deliver a SMACK across my face. The moment her palm hit my cheek all I saw was red and my glare turned to a deadly one as I gazed at her. I watched her cower in fear as I snatched her arm up earning a loud “agh” from her as I flung her out of my room. Her body connected with the floor but I didn’t care, I was done with her shit and ruining my life. With wide eyes she gazed up at me as she went to speak there was a loud Bang from down stairs. My senses went on high alert as we waited, she still sat on the floor cradling herself as I made my way towards the door.

Squeak, squeak, and squeak

An eerie feeling crept into my bones.

“Get up” I hissed quietly at her she looked at me and nodding slowly. Grabbing her arm gentler now I pulled her across the hall to the guest room a door down from mine.

“Hide” I said simply as I watched her eyes widen with fear before she huddles beside the bed out of sight.

I moved slowly into the hallway and waited.

Squeak, squeak, and squeak

They sounded closer now to the stair case backing up slowly I went back into my room to wait.

Squeak, thump, squeak, thump

Standing on the other side of the door I could hear the intruder breathing, it sounded soft and quiet. Then I saw the figure they had made their way into my room and hadn’t noticed me. They were dressed in all black but what caught my attention was the intruder was shorter than me and looked almost- feminine? Weird, it was if they could hear my thoughts because they turned to me with blazing brown eyes a craze look in their eyes. They swung something at me hitting my shelf on my wall as I ducked out of the wall now only seeing the bat in their hands. I heard the items crash to the ground where I just stood. My eyes were wide at the person before me, they looked pissed and swung again this time knowing into the doorframe of my closet creating a loud bang. As I stared at the person I came to the conclusion from a few moments ago that this intruder was in fact a girl.

“Shit” I swore under my breath since I wouldn’t fight a girl.

I backed up into my desk and stood there waiting for her to get closer, as she was feet away she swung at my head I stuck my leg out and watched her fall into my closet dragging clothes down with her. Her body landing with a loud thump and a crash sounded from the weight of the clothes falling.

“What do you want?” I asked the girl as she was untangling herself from the clothes before she jumped up with the bat in front of her. My eyes went wide. She didn’t answer just advanced on me as I backed up into the nightstand next to my bed. With one swing she caught my arm a searing pain shot through me as she prepared for another one I jumped across my bed and away from the psycho. Her hit knocked over the lamp with a loud bang. She looked at me with so much hatred I swear I could have burned where I stood. Her body lunged at me but I moved out the room and took off down the stairs knocking into another black covered figure rushing up the stairs. My body hit the railing before I tumbled down the stairs her footsteps chasing after me.

Jumping up I ran into the kitchen to see Mike and Bryan. Wait Mike and Bryan? What the heck I thought. They both stood there their mouths open wide just staring at me but before I could say anything I felt a heavy object collide with my back and send me crashing to the ground.

“Jace!” Mike yelled as he rushed to grab the body off of me, I heard footsteps and the very subtle “Shit” come from my best friend.

Smack! I rolled over groaning as I felt the pain race up my spine. I looked up to see Mike holding the girl in his arms she was struggling small drops of blood trickled from her nose as if she had been punched.

“You okay?” Bryan said as he came and helped me to my feet.

“Yeah I think I’ll be okay.” He just nodded his head. I looked at my best friend as he shook out his fist and that was when I realized he had socked her. Wonder if he knows she is a girl?

“You punched a chick,” I told him. He whirled around so fast I swear he got whip lash his eyes so wide he looked scared.

“What?” he shrieked like a girl himself.


I didn’t have time to react before a fist was landed on my jaw sending my head sideways.

“Damn” I mumbled.

Somehow she had gotten out of Mikes grip and lunged at me.

I turned my glare on the figure before me none of the guys made a move since we weren’t allowed to hit girls. She looked at me then spit at me. I almost gagged at the spit that landed on my chest, damn I am glad I put a shirt on before that psycho came in. Jace made a move and I watched her swing the bat as it landed soundly into his gut, he crumpled to the ground dragging the tablecloth with a full table set down with him. The dishes smashed into tiny pieces around him. I opened my mouth to say more when she swung at Mike he ducked causing her to smash into the wine glasses hanging on the bakers rack. Though her next hit, hit its mark right in his head and he crashed.

“Stop!” I yelled as I lunged at her to grab the bat from her hands. She must of saw my movements from the corner of her eye because she swung; I ducked but didn’t realize how close Bryan was until I heard a sound thud come from behind me. The bat smacked it his chest sending him down breathless.

“Get out of my house you crazy asses!” I screamed at her my voice cracked as she swung once more catching me off guard in the stomach I went down. I felt her body jump on my already aching stomach and land a solid punch into my bruising jaw. The sound echoed in the silence amongst the groans from the bodies around me. Footsteps came from up stairs when a voice shouted out, “What the hell, you were supposed to let me do that” the guy above me snapped. His voice was familiar. I knew who it was.

“Where is she?” he asked. The girl still sat on my aching chest I could feel by ribs aching against the weight.

“I-I don’t know,” I wheezed out. Damn it hurt to breathe and speak.

His eyes flashed deadly before me and then I watched in fear as he brought his boot down onto my head knocking me out.

Blackness surrounded me. He kicked me right where I had been shot, the pain shot through me more so than the bat being smashed against my body. I didn’t even know the guys were in my house, I guess I need to make sure my doors are locked from now on. How had I not known there was a commotion going on down here? If Jace was here did that mean Bell was too? Did she come with Mike and Bryan? That thought made me angry. Were they here to tell me that they were together? No I thought, she wouldn’t date him he was not her type at all.

“Ryder” I heard a voice in the darkness call my name and slowly I began to regain consciousness. Blinking rapidly my eyes adjusted to the light since a moment ago all I saw was darkness. Blinking once more I looked beside me to see Jace and he was tied up. I moved my hands to see that I was tied up as well.

“Damn” I mumbled.

“You three have been out forever” he told me.

“W-what happened?” my words stumbled out since my chest still hurt.

“The two of them tied us up; well the big guy did easy seeing as we were all unconscious. I was just coming to when they just finished tying up Bryan, they left after that. But as they left they said they would get Emmie.”

My breath caught in my throat at that. Why would they want Bell?

I remember managing to get out of the binds and hearing Jace whine next to me since he had been trying for the past hour to untie himself and couldn’t. I had jumped behind the kitchen door when I heard footsteps and was very surprised to see a shaky Bell walk into the kitchen. My surprise attack didn’t go over to well because her fist knocked into my cheek. She looked so scared to see me there it was funny if I had felt the anger course back through me. Watching her interact with Jace made my last defense fall and I needed to show her. The moment I touched her lips I was in heaven, fireworks flew and I couldn’t get enough of the women in my arms. She fit with me perfectly. I wanted her to stay there forever and I would make sure she did. When she kissed me I could feel all her emotions consume me and show me just how much she carried truthfully. In that instant I knew she felt the same was I felt about her but neither of us said anything to the other, not yet at least. Her lips were like sugar they only got sweeter but you could never get enough of the sweet taste. Our second kiss sent fire through my body and I wanted more. It was getting heated but my damn best friend had to come and ruin the moment by demanding I come help clean, well I mean I should since it is my house. Walking away from her was so hard. She was only upstairs asleep in my room but still, I was stuck down here with these three morons I called friends. Once the house was clean I sent them on their way, locking up the house and checking everything to make sure it was secure I proceeded up the stairs into my room. My breath caught at the sight before me. Bell laid sprawled under the blankets of my bed her hair making a beautiful brown halo around her head on the pillow. I smiled as I saw her on my side of the bed where I sleep all the time, once she goes home her smell will linger there. I loved how she smelled it was a mixture of vanilla and strawberries. She smelt like my own personal heaven. Shutting the door behind me softly I began to pick up the items scattered around my room, while cleaning up my desk I came across the picture that made Chrissie go mad. To my surprise the picture was still intact the only issue was there was a small crack in the corner of the frame. Not bothering with picking up the other items I pushed them into a pile to clean up later, while I placed the frame back on my desk where it belonged. The moon came in through the window lighting my way as I took off my clothes leaving me only in my boxers. I could feel the bruising of my ribs and the ache of my body. When I had kissed Bell the pain seemed to vanish just like all the other times I had gotten into a fight and she took care of me. Turning from the closet I leaned against the frame and watched her sleep soundly in my bed a sight I wanted to see always if she would have me. Though the fear of her rejection still scared me I felt it slowly starting to fade away as I moved back towards the bed. She still wore her clothes from early I didn’t want to wake her so I slowly moved the blanket from her. I watched her arm move outwards as looking for something to hold to a small frown marred her adorable face. A chuckle left my lips. Slowly I watched her blink her eyes as I stood over her, she turned her head to look at me since she was asleep on her side.

“Hi” she mumbled groggily. A smile came to my face as lowered myself down to her height, my elbows resting on the bed with my head in my hands. Slowly her hand came out and cupped my cheek where he fist had landed I leaned into her hand enjoying the warmth and tingles it sent through me.

“Hi beautiful, sorry I didn’t meant to wake you I wanted you to be comfy to sleep in” I told her honestly, her face softened and she just nodded her head.  I placed my head on the bed as I watched her wiggle out of her jeans on the bed; I swear I think she was trying to kill me. She tossed the jeans to the floor leaving her in her shirt as she turned back towards me with her eyes closed and slipped back to sleep. Her even breathing told me she was dead to the world once again. Laughing softly I walked to the other side of the bed and slipped under the covers, the moment I was covered in the blankets I felt Bell roll over and place her head on my chest. Her leg was tangled with my own and her arm was tossed across my chest. I smoothed the curls from her face and tucked it behind her ear. Her breathing was soft as it fanned across my warm skin it cooled the pain to a dull ache in my chest. Somehow she took the pain away to where it was bearable. I felt her head snuggle more on my chest as I looped an arm around her waist.

“Goodnight Handsome” I heard her voice mumble against my chest before she placed a soft kiss where my heart is before her breathing slowed and she was asleep.

“Goodnight mio amore” I whispered kissing her head then I was dead to the world around me also.

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