Anne with an E Instagram•

By DaphaneGreen

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Anne with an e insta More



829 14 20
By DaphaneGreen

Liked by gil.bert and 198 others bring it @gil.bert


gil.bert: why did you make me do that?

janey_: wow ok?

xoxo_tills: sometimes I worry about you Moody

anne.shirley.cuthbert: did it hurt?
gil.bert: when I fell from heaven😏
anne.shirley.cuthbert: no when you hit your heads with the cones dumby

janey_: shit! Get roasted!!^^

josie.pie: and toasted!^^

charlieee: invite me next time😢


love.ruby: idiots

Josie🛍 created a group chat with Gilbert🚞, Cole🌈, Jane🐥, Charlie🥚, Tillie🌿, Moody🪕, Anne🥕Jerry👨🏽‍🌾, Diana🦋, and Jack🪐

Josie🛍: I think we should all do something together without Ruby and her boyfriend!

Jerry👨🏽‍🌾: I SECOND THAT!

Tillie🌿: what would we do?

Diana🦋: beach?

Charlie🥚: we already did that

Jane🐥: than what should we do?

Moody🪕: let's go to the beach!

Anne🥕: ok

Cole🌈: Anne! Are you ok?

Anne🥕: I'm fine

Diana🦋: whats are we going to do?

Jack🪐: beach?

Cole🌈: are you and Tillie dating?

Josie🛍: Cole! you cant just say that!

Tillie🌿: idk are we

Jack🪐: I guess. Yes we are dating!

Gilbert🚞: good for you!


Anne🥕: Jillie!!

Cole🌈: yay!!

Moody🪕: nice job bud!

Diana🦋: yay my babies!

Charlie🥚: welcome to the dating circle

Jerry👨🏽‍🌾: My turn!!

Tillie🌿: thanks guys! But what are we going to do to hang out?

Jerry👨🏽‍🌾: BEACH!

Charlie🥚: Party!

Diana🦋: beach


Cole🌈: Party

Josie🛍: beach

Anne🥕: I don't care

Jane🐥: I say beach

Gilbert🚞: Doesn't matter to me

Jack🪐: that's 5 for beach, 2 for party and 2 I don't cares

Tillie🌿: Beach it's is!

Jerry👨🏽‍🌾: Yay!

Charlie🥚: ok fine. I get to see my beautiful Jane in a swimsuit!

Jane🐥: creep

Diana🦋: when should we go?

Moody🪕: tomorrow at 3

Cole🌈: k that works

Anne🥕: ok

Josie🛍: Annie are you ok?

Anne🥕: fine

Gilbert🚞: see you there


Anne was laying in her bed and looking up at the ceiling. Why is Ruby mad at me? That crossed her mind every few minutes. Her phone next to her started to ring. She sighed and answered the call.

" Hello?" Anne said rubbing her face.

" Where the hell are you!!" a voice yelled at her.

" Well, who the hell is this!?" Anne responded happy with her witty-ness.

" It's Diana! I'm using Masons phone I left mine at home. Why aren't you at the beach?" Diana says.

" Oh is that today?" Anne said jumping off her bed.

" Yes! Get her quick!" Diana yelled through the phone.

" Ok. Be there in an hour." Anne rummaged through her swimsuit drawer.

"K, bye!" Diana hung up.

Anne hurriedly dressed in a swimsuit, and put a big green shirt on top.

Anne ran out of the house calling 'goodbye' to Matthew and Marilla. She hopped on her white bike that Cole painted flowers on and rode off.

" Hello Lake of Shining Waters! Lovely day, isn't it?" She spoke to the still pond.

" Good Afternoon, White Way of Delight! Mind if I pluck a flower? It will match perfectly with my swimsuit!" Anne gently plucked three flowers and wove them in her hair.

"Shoot! I got to go!" Anne said to herself and rode as quickly as possible.

15 minutes later she arrived a the beautiful beach. Anne parked her bike next to Diana's car, and ran down to their spot.

" Anne! Anne! Finally you're here!" Diana yelled when she saw her. Anne gave Diana a hug.

"Girlie!" Josie yelled behind her. Josie gave her a tight hug. " Finally out of the house. What are the odds."

"Josie! We're happy your here. " Jane give Anne a side hug. Tillie and Anne did their ultra special top secret hand shake.

After saying hi to everyone Anne laid her towel next to Gilbert whom was reading. She plopped down and pulled out her book.

"Hey, look who's late?" Gilbert laughed at his joke, that wasn't funny.

" You're not funny." Anne replied snotty.

" You good?" Gilbert asked turning concerned.

" I'm fine. What are you reading?" Anne said looking at his book.

" My ultimate favorite Alice in Wonderland."  Gilbert showed to cover. Anne laughed and showed him her favorite book.

" I'm reading Pride and Prejudice, my personal favorite." Anne said, he nodded and sighed.

" Another good one." He said going back to reading his book. Anne looked at him for a while. The way his curls bounced lightly when him moved his head. His eyes were gorgeous, a beautiful mixture of green and hazel. When the sun hit them it was perfect. And when Gilbert moved to a new page his eyebrow lifted lightly.

" What? Do I have something on my face?" Gilbert said when he noticed Anne's staring. Anne's face shown almost as red as her hair.

" Nope." Anne said opening her book to where it was left off.  Now it was Gilbert's turn to stare. Her freckles looked like the constellations. She wove white flowers in her braids from the White Way of Delight. She had a small smile on her face as she read. All Gilbert could think was how beautiful she was.

The day went on with laughs and smiles. When night fell it started to rain. They all danced and was down right gitty.

When it was time to go home, Anne hopped on her bike she would be getting a ride from Diana but she was going home with Mason, who also attended, you could see the sparks from a mile away.

" Anne, do you need a ride home?" someone said behind her. She turned to find Gilbert. He hair was soaking and a few pieces stuck to his face.

" That would be lovely." We walked to his car. He put her bike in the truck.

" Please be careful with Lucia! Cole painted it special." Anne asked quickly. Gilbert smiled and gently set her down. They hopped in and Gilbert started the engine. They backed out and headed down the street. Anne turned on the radio. Back in Black by AC/DC was playing.

" I love this song!" Anne yelled against the wind. She sang along to the music all the way home. Gilbert pitched in a few times. All he could do without crashing the car was watch her sing. She was pretty good too.

When they arrived at Anne's wonderful Green Gables, Gilbert turned the car off and turned to Anne. Her hair was a mess from the wind but that didn't bother Gilbert.

" Anne, I'm so incredibly sorry for driving a wedge between you and Ruby's friendship. I didn't know that it would happen that way." Gilbert said staring into her baby blues.

" It's not your fault. We all knew you didn't like her that way but we also didn't want to crush her." Anne responded reassuringly.

" Well, I can't help it. I'm gorgeous." Gilbert complimented himself. Anne laughed.

" Thanks for the ride. See you later." She kissed him on the cheek before thinking and ran inside.

Gilbert couldn't contain his excitement. On his drive home he was all smiles and flipping  out.

Anne on the other hand was freaking out. Did I really just kiss my ex best friends crush for all of her life?!? She thought. Anne collapsed onto her bed and fell into a wonderful sleep.

Ahhhhhhhhhh! I'm so so so sorry for not updating for about 2 months. I've been really busy and I don't know what I want to do with this story. If you have any suggestions please comment because I'm at a loss.

Have a wonderful day/night! Byeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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