Azur Lane: A Fight Against th...

By TatsuyaHisaki

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17 year-old Jacob lived in a small peaceful village just on the beach side far from any major city or town. H... More

Part 1: The Azur Lane!
Part 2: Sakura Empire
Part 3: Akagi's Plan!
Part 4: The Mental Cube
Part 6: The First Attack!
Part 7: Enterprise!
Part 8: Fight or Save?
Part 9: The First Siren Attack!
Part 10: A New Ally!
Part 11: Prinz And Iron Blood!
Part 12: The Rescue Operation!
Part 13: Setting Up For the Ceremony!
Part 14: PARTY TIME!!
Part 15: I Became an Older Brother...Again?!
Part 16: My Date With Illustrious.
Part 17: The Secret's Out.
Part 18: The Paradise That Embodies Heaven!
Part 19: The Paradise That Embodies Heaven (Pt. 2)
Part 20: The "Fishing" Trip
Part 21: Finally... At Long Last.
Part 22: Fight Once Again...For Her Sake.
Part 23: The Brutal Truth...That Reminds Me of That Day. (Contains Lemon)
Part 24: Mother Complex...
Part 25: Three Legends of the Sakura Empire!
Part 26: New Bases, New Faces, and New Fears... (Contains Lemon)
Part 27: New Bases, New Faces, and New Fears... (Pt.2)
Part 28: New Bases, New Faces, and New Fears... (Pt.3) (Contains Lemon)
Part 29: The Crane Sisters. (Contains Lemon)
Part 30: The Grey Ghost and the Head Maid! (Contains Lemon) (Christmas Special)
Part 31: The Pride of Iron Blood. (New Years Special) (Final)

Part 5: Spending The Day With Illustrious!

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By TatsuyaHisaki

Illustrious: I see. Well either way, it is getting rather late so we should get some sleep soon. We will be getting up early tomorrow so we can head into town.

I gave Illustrious a confused look.

Jacob: What for?

Illustrious: You'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out.

Jacob: If you're trying to get me to join Azur Lane then I'm not going with you tomorrow.

Illustrious: Why would I do that?

Jacob: I'm sorry if I sounded rude there. It's just, Akagi tried that on me when I was in Sakura Empire. I just don't want something like that to happen again.

Illustrious: Oh I didn't realize that, I'm sorry for making it seem like that.

Jacob: Nah it's cool. I'm kinda tired so I'm down for some sleep.

Illustrious: It is getting late.

Jacob: True.

Illustrious stepped aside and I entered the room. I made my way to one side of the bed as Illustrious walked to the other side. I looked at the bed before softly pressing my hand to the mattress.

Jacob: It's so soft. It's been so long since I last seen a bed, I almost forgot what they looked like.

Illustrious: Don't be afraid to lay down.

Jacob: I'm getting there.

Illustrious: Do you intend to sleep in a bath towel?

Jacob: Huh? Oh that. Yeah I'm gonna go change first.

I stepped away from the bed and grabbed the bag with my clothes.

Illustrious: That's the bathroom door.

Jacob: So you're telling me, that you have a bathroom in your room, yet you made me take a bath with everyone else here?

Illustrious: If you are staying here then it's important that you get to know everyone here.

Jacob: I can do that without showering with them.

Illustrious: Would you go change already?

Jacob: Yeah yeah, give me a sec.

I walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I placed my bag on the floor and started taking out my clothes. I looked up and scanned the bathroom a bit.

Jacob: *thoughts* This is one fancy as hell bathroom Illustrious got. That being said, why does she use the one everyone else does?

I pulled out my clothes and started changing. All I had was a my jeans and my t-shirt. A few minutes later, I unlocked the bathroom door and walked out to find Illustrious already in bed. I walked around the bed and placed my bags on the floor. Then I crawled into the bed and pulled the covers up to my chin. I looked over at Illustrious who appeared to already be asleep. I stared at her for a few seconds before a small smile appeared on my face.

Jacob: *thoughts* Thank you Illustrious for everything you are doing for me.

I looked at the ceiling and closed my eyes before I slowly drifted off to sleep.

My eyes were heavy and it took everything I had to open them, but I managed. When I opened my eyes, I realized that I was laying on my side and that I was facing Illustrious. I let out a small yawn and when I finished, something moved right in front of my face. I started to push away so I could get a better view of whatever it was, but as I started to push away, I felt something on my back. My vision was still a little blurry from just waking up, but after a bit, everything was now crystal clear. I felt my cheeks burning a little as I realized that Illustrious was right in front of me. I tried to push away again, but this time, I was being pulled even closer towards her. That's when I had also realized that Illustrious's chest was right in front of me.

My eyes were wide open and I gritted my teeth as Illustrious continued to pull me closer. I started shaking around to try and get free, but to no avail. My face was now only centimeters away from making contact with Illustrious's chest before I noticed that I wasn't being pulled anymore.

Illustrious: Oh, good morning Jacob. Did you sleep well?

Jacob: Aren't you worried about the current position we are both in right now?

Illustrious: Huh? Oh I'm sorry about that.

Illustrious let me go and I moved away from her.

Jacob: And I slept great. What about you?

Illustrious: I slept fine. Now it's about time we get out of bed.

Jacob: But, I don't want to. It's so comfortable.

Illustrious: I'm sure it is, but we still need to go to town.

Jacob: What for?

Illustrious: I told you that you would have to wait and see.

Me and Illustrious got out of bed. Illustrious went into the bathroom while I sat on the bed and waited for her. A few minutes later, she walked out and was now in her normal clothes. When she was done, we left her room and made our way outside where a car was parked.

Jacob: We can't just walk to town?

Illustrious: If we were to walk, that's how far we would be walking.

Illustrious pointed in a direction and when I looked, all I saw was a long bridge with a street and far off in the distance was a town.

Jacob: Fair enough.

I opened the door to the car and moved aside for Illustrious. She stepped inside and took a seat on one side. I stepped in after her and seated myself across from her. Shortly after, the car started moving and we were headed for the town.

A few minutes of silence passed before I spoke up.

Jacob: So now that we are on our way into town, mind telling me the reason for us going?

Illustrious: I suppose. Well I was planning on bringing you into town so we can get you some more clothes. That way you won't just have jeans and a t-shirt.

Jacob: But I don't have any money.

Illustrious: I know that. That's why I am buying your clothes as well as anything else you want, to an extent I mean.

Jacob: But you don't have to you know?

Illustrious: I know, but you need more clothes that what you are currently wearing.

Jacob: Can I ask you a question?

Illustrious: Of course.

Jacob: I appreciate everything you're doing for me, I really do, but WHY are you doing all of this? And it's just a question that's been on my mind.

Illustrious: It's the holy light!

Jacob: Heh?

Illustrious: Don't worry about it.

Jacob: Whatever that means, I'm sure you have your reasons.

Illustrious: Is it bothering you?

Jacob: No not really. I was just wondering that's all.

Illustrious: I see.

After that, Illustrious stood up and moved to my side of the car and she sat down next to me.

Jacob: Your reason for coming sit next to me?

Illustrious: You've been through so much in your past. You've been filled with so much hatred for the Sirens and even humans.

Jacob: You're only half right. Yes I hate the Sirens, but I don't hate humans, even though that gets tested at times.

Illustrious: Well, I want to show you that there is more to life getting revenge.

Jacob: This time you're dead wrong. I don't want revenge, I want closure. I don't want events in my past to affect the decisions I make in the future.

Illustrious: Then what would you do if we were attacked by Sirens right now?

Jacob: You mean just us two or the whole base?

Illustrious: Either or.

Jacob: Well, if it was just us two, then i'd make protecting you my top priority. If it was the whole base, then I'd protect everyone here.

Illustrious: Well said. And thank you.

Jacob: For what?

Illustrious: For saying that you would protect me.

Jacob: Of course I'd protect you. Like I wouldn't after everything you're doing for me.

Illustrious: What if I wouldn't have helped you?

Jacob: Then nothing would change. I'd still want to protect you.

Illustrious: Thank you.

Jacob: Don't thank me yet. I need to get stronger first.

Illustrious: You don't need to do all that so soon though, right?

Jacob: I don't know to be honest, the other version of me can attack at any given time. That means I have to get as strong as I can as soon as possible.

Illustrious: I see.

Illustrious lowered her head a little as she replied to me. I didn't know for sure what was going through her head, but I had a pretty good idea. I looked out the window of the car as I reached behind her back and placed my hand on her shoulder before pulling her close to me.

Jacob: I promise Illustrious, I'll do whatever it takes to survive.

Several minutes passed and before long, the car stopped and the door opened. Illustrious and I stood up and I exited the car first. Then I turned around and held out my hand towards Illustrious. She placed her hand on mine as I guided her down the running board. She looked up at me as I looked at her. I placed my hand on top of her head and gave her a reassuring smile. Then we started our little shopping spree.

A few hours passed and so far, we bought two more pairs of jeans, five more t-shirts, four pairs of shorts, some dress shirts (both the long sleeve and short sleeve), dress pants and shorts, another pair of shoes, and a dumbbell set.

Jacob: I get the clothes were necessary, but why the dumbbell set?

Illustrious: You did say that you needed to get stronger.

Jacob: Yeah but when I said that, I was thinking that I could train with everyone else. I mean, this is a good start, but I can't just do this forever.

Illustrious: I know that, but it is as you said, it's a good start.

Jacob: Do you know anyone who is strong? Besides Enterprise I mean.

Illustrious: Well, there's me.

Jacob: But I don't want to fight you.

Illustrious: You don't think I'm strong?

Jacob: Not what I meant and you know it.

Illustrious: I'm only teasing. Let's see, there is Hood, Warspite, Belfast. Who else?

Jacob: Warspite huh? She sounds strong. I wouldn't mind sparring with her, sounds like it could be some fun.

Illustrious: Warspite is very strong. I don't even know if you would stand a chance.

Jacob: Well if i fight her and loss, then that just means I know who to start going for, in terms of surpassing them I mean. Climb my way to the top.

Illustrious: Warspite would be a good start.

Jacob: So um, this is a bit off topic, but I don't have a phone and whatnot.

Illustrious: You want to get one?

Jacob: Not exactly. I just figured everyone else has one so I could get one too. Not because everyone else has one, but so I can keep in touch with others. The thing is, I don't know how much they usually run for.

Illustrious: I get it.Would you like to go check out some phones?

Jacob: Only if you don't mind.

Illustrious: I don't.

After that, we went look at some phones. There were some really expensive ones, so I stayed away from those. There was one I liked that was only about $130, an Iphone SE. Because of Illustrious being Illustrious, she bought it for me. After that we left and was walking past a few stores when one store caught my attention. I stopped walking and so did Illustrious.

Illustrious: Do you want some?

I nodded my head and Illustrious giggled a bit. We walked into the store and was greeted by the cashier. We were looking at a few of the items when one caught my eye.

Illustrious: What about this one? It has a nice smell.

I walked over to Illustrious and she handed me the bottle of cologne. I took the cap off and smelled the little spray thing.

Jacob: I like this one, but I want to look a bit more if that's okay with you.

Illustrious: Of course. I'll hold onto this one incase we buy it.

I walked back to the cologne bottle I was looking at earlier and I smelled it.

Jacob: I really like this one.

Illustrious: What's it called?

Jacob: Mankind.

Illustrious: How much is it?

Jacob: Really? Now your asking for the prices?

Illustrious: What do you mean?

Jacob: Before you would just buy something if I liked it, so why ask for the price? Of course it's not like I want you to just buy me a whole bunch of things.

Illustrious: I just wanted to know the price. I was going to buy it for you if you wanted it.

Jacob: I do want it, but.

Illustrious grabbed the bottle from me and started walking towards the checkout. After that we left and walked past a few stores again.

Jacob: How much was the cologne?

Illustrious: About $50.

I slowly turned my head to look at her.

Jacob: I should smack you.

Illustrious: Why?

Jacob: We already bought all this stuff, plus I was saying that you didn't need to buy me the cologne if it was expensive.

Illustrious: But I wanted to buy the cologne for you.

Jacob: I appreciate it but stop buying so much expensive things for me.

Illustrious: Oh, that would look good on you.

Jacob: What would?

I looked to where Illustrious was pointing and saw what looked like, well, I don't entirely know what it looked like, but it was in the display window of a clothes shop. Then Illustrious started walking towards the shop and I followed her.

Illustrious: Excuse me, I would like to look at the outfit in the display window please.

Shop Clerk: Sure, I'll be right back.

Jacob: Did you even listen to me out there? Illustrious?

Illustrious: I heard you, but I want to see you in this outfit.

Jacob: That's not the point Illustrious.

Shop Clerk: I got it right here ma-am.

Illustrious: Thank you. Now Jacob, can you go change into this for me please?

I looked at Illustrious for a few seconds before I let out a small sigh.

Jacob: If it was anyone other than you, I would have said no.

I walked up to the clerk and she handed me the outfit. Then I walked to an empty changing room and changed into the outfit. A few minutes later, I walked out wearing the outfit and when Illustrious saw me, her face lit up.

Illustrious: That looks really good on you!

Jacob: You think so?

(The outfit)

(Just so you know, this will be Jacob's combat outfit...)

Illustrious: I do. What do you think about it Jacob?

Jacob: I don't know. I can't see it if I'm wearing it. Not unless there is a mirror.

Illustrious: Well come on. There is a mirror right here.

Illustrious turned me around and she started pushing me towards a mirror. When I was standing in front of the mirror, I took a look for a little bit.

Illustrious: So, what do you think?

Jacob: It looks cool, I guess.

Illustrious: Excuse me, we would like to purchase these clothes.

Jacob: Wait hold on Illustrious! Isn't that a little fast?! I mean, don't you want to look at other outfits?!

Illustrious: That is true. Okay then, I shall go find another outfit. *Walks off*

Jacob: *Sighs*

I stood there for a few more seconds as Illustrious walked away. That's when I walked over to a seat and sat down as I waited for Illustrious to come back, which she did about a minute later...

Illustrious: I found another outfit, Jacob.

Jacob: Let me go try it on then...

That's when Illustrious handed me the outfit and I went try it on. I walked out about a minute later and stepped in front of the mirror.

Illustrious: That one also looks really good on you, Jacob.

Jacob: You think so...?

(The second outfit)

(Just so you know, this will be Jacob's outfit when he's let's say, on a date, or when he's just out in town and not really doing anything. Basically leisurely outfit...)

Illustrious: I do. You look so devilish.

Jacob: *thoughts* How? That made no sense in comparison to how the outfit looks...

Jacob: *Sighs* Whatever you think then...

Illustrious: I'll get it for you then.

Jacob: *Sighs* Okay...

Illustrious: *Turns to Shop Clerk* Do you mind if he wears it out?

Shop Clerk: Not at all.

Illustrious: Now Jacob, I want you to go wait outside for me.

Jacob: What why?!

Illustrious: Please?

I looked at Illustrious before sighing.

Jacob: Okay fine.

Illustrious: Thank you.

Jacob: *In low voice* Yeah yeah.

I walked outside and took a seat at a table. I was waiting for Illustrious when I noticed a couple of people walking up to me. I looked in their direction and saw Hornet and that nun looking chick looking my way. That's when I saw Hornet squinting her eyes at me. I quickly looked away and tried to cover my face. I sat there for a few seconds before I heard footsteps coming my way. I looked in the direction the footsteps were coming from and saw Hornet and the nun walking towards me.

Jacob: *Screaming internally* *thoughts* IF HORNET SEES ME LIKE THIS, I'M GOING TO DIE!

Hornet: Excuse me.

Jacob: *thoughts* Welp, my fate is sealed. No avoiding it now.

I stood up and faced Hornet and her friend.

Jacob: Yes?

Hornet: WOAH! Jacob, is that you?

Jacob: Yes.

Hornet: You look, devilish.

Jacob: *Sighs* I'm gonna say it this time... How? That made no sense in comparison to how the outfit looks...or do I just look that damn good in it? *Activates "Smug Mode"*

Hornet: *Laughs awkwardly* Why are you dressed like that?

I looked to my right and saw Illustrious walking up to us.

Jacob: Why don't you ask little miss "I'll Buy You Anything" right here.

Hornet: Huh?

Hornet turned to where I was looking and she saw Illustrious walking up to us.

Illustrious: Why hello Hornet.

Hornet: What up Illustrious?

Illustrious: Nothing at all. Just shopping with Jacob.

Hornet: I see that. Do you mind if we tag along?

Illustrious: No not at all.

*Illustrious and Hornet talking in the background*

???: Excuse me.

Jacob: Huh?

I turned to a girl standing on the side of me. It was Hornet's friend.

???: My name is Vestal. I'm a repair ship here at Azur Lane.

Jacob: Vestal huh? Well it's nice to meet you Vestal. My name is Jacob, as you may already know.

Vestal: It's nice to meet you too.


Vestal: I wanted to ask you, are you the one who helped Enterprise rescue Hornet and her team a couple days ago?

Jacob: I mean yeah, but there was also Cleveland and two other girls with me.

Vestal: But you still helped them right?

Jacob: Yeah, I guess.

Hornet: What are you talking about? Of course you helped in the fight. You saved me from getting hurt.

Illustrious: And you went without my permission.

Jacob: I didn't know I needed your "permission".

Vestal: Well I just wanted to say thank you for protecting Hornet and Enterprise.

Jacob: Oh it was no problem really. I went for my own reasons.

I turned to face Hornet.

Jacob: You and Enterprise are sisters right?

Hornet: That's right, but we both have an older sister. Her name is Yorktown.

Jacob: Oh, I haven't seen her around here.

Vestal: Well.

Hornet: Yorktown isn't here.

Jacob: I'm sorry.

Hornet: Huh, for what?

Jacob: I didn't realize that.

Hornet: Oh, she's not dead.

Jacob: Oh. Yeah now I really feel like an ass.

Hornet: It's cool. Yorktown is somewhere else. You see.

Hornet then explained to me what happened to her sister Yorktown many years ago.

Jacob: I see. I'm...sorry about that.

Hornet: Why you apologizing?

I then explained to Hornet what had happened to me in my past.

Hornet: That sounds rough. I'm sorry you had to go through all that man.

Jacob: *Shakes head* Don't worry about it. It's just...when I hear about someone wanting to protect their siblings, I start thinking about my family and how I couldn't protect them when the Sirens attacked. Back when we went save you and your team, I tried to stop Enterprise, but when she told me that you were her sister, I suddenly felt bad for trying to stop her.

Hornet: You were just looking out for my sister.

Jacob: I guess you're right, but when it comes that that kind of stuff, well let's just say that that is a major weakness for me.

Hornet: I see.

Then there was a short moment of silence.

Hornet: So Jacob.

Jacob: Huh?

Hornet: I didn't know that you and Illustrious here had a thing. I bet all the other guys are jealous of you.

Jacob: HUH?! Me and Illustrious don't have a thing!

Illustrious: How could you say that Jacob? And on a date too.

Jacob: What are you talking about? This isn't a date, you just thought it would be good for me to get some more clothes.

Hornet: Sounds like a date to me.

Jacob: Shut up Hornet!

Hornet started laughing and Illustrious started to giggle. For some odd reason, I couldn't help but laugh with them.

Illustrious: That really does look good on you Jacob.

Jacob: Thanks.

I started blushing and Hornet appeared right next to my face and she whispered right into my ear.

Hornet: Now's your chance buddy.

Jacob: *thoughts* Chance for what?

My body was completely frozen. I didn't know what to do. Before long I heard Hornet sigh and I felt her push me closer to Illustrious.

Jacob: *thoughts* Damn you Hornet. How am I supposed to get out of this?

Illustrious closed her eyes and puckered her lips and I started doing the same. Then there was a flash of light to my right. I opened my eyes to find a girl standing there with a camera. The girl pulled down the camera, revealing her face, and that's when I realized that this is the same girl that took those pictures of my and Illustrious back in the hot springs. My focus quickly changed.

Jacob: It's you!

???: He noticed! I got to go.

Jacob: Oh no you don't!

Then the girl took off and I started chasing her. The girl barely started running away before she tripped and fell face first. I walked up on the side of her and picked her up by the back of her shirt collar, her feet a few feet off the ground.

Jacob: Give me the damn camera.

???: Please don't break it.

Jacob: I just might.

???: Wait hold on, I can give you something if you let me go.

Jacob: I want you to get rid of the pictures you took of me and Illustrious in the hot springs.

???: I will, I will, I promise.

Jacob: You better, cause if you don't, well you won't want to know.

???: Understood, but do you still want the offer?

Jacob: What offer?

Then the girl handed me a picture of Hornet, in her swimsuit, laying on a beach chair on the beach. I looked at the picture for a few seconds before looking at the girl.

Jacob: Get out of here.

I tossed the girl and she hit the ground and started running away. I turned around and was walking back to Hornet and Illustrious as I stuffed the picture in my pocket.

Hornet: What did she give you?

Jacob: Don't worry about it.

After that, a few hours passed and in those few hours, me, Illustrious, Hornet, and Vestal shopped together. Now me and Illustrious was back at the main base of Azur Lane and we were sitting in the garden. We were sitting under the same thing as when I met Illustrious and Wales. I was sitting across from Illustrious with my feet propped up on top of the table. That's when I heard three different footsteps coming our way. I sat there with my feet propped up on the table as the footsteps reached us.

Illustrious: Good evening Queen Elizabeth, Hood, Warspite.

???: Good evening. Who is this with you here?

Jacob: *thoughts* One of them sounds like a bratty little girl.

I opened my eyes and saw a shorter girl holding a what looked like a staff or something.

Jacob: *thoughts* Yup, bratty little girl confirmed.

Illustrious: This is.

Jacob: The name's Jacob.

???: How dare you speak so informally to your majesty.

Jacob: My majesty? Yeah right.

???: You little.

(Queen Elizabeth)

Queen Elizabeth: Calm down Warspite.

Warspite: Yes your majesty.


Jacob: Oh, so you're Warspite?

Warspite: I am. Why do you ask?

Jacob: Yeah, you look strong.

Warspite: What are you talking about?

Jacob: So here's the deal.

I then explained to Warspite and Queen Elizabeth about how I'm the host of a mental cube and everything else related to the topic.

Queen Elizabeth: I see. So what you're telling me is that you need to get stronger and you want to fight Warspite to see how well you hold up?

Jacob: That's right. So, how bout it Warspite? Will you fight me?

Warspite: What do you think about this your majesty?

Queen Elizabeth: Hmm? This decision is all up to you Warspite.

Warspite: Well then, you said that your name is Jacob right?

Jacob: That's right Warspite.

Warspite: Well then Jacob, I accept your proposal.

Jacob: Sweet!

Warspite: Where are we to fight?

Jacob: I was going to leave that up to you. I don't know my way around this base like you and everyone else. Wherever is fine with me.

???: I have a spot for the fight.

Jacob: Do you now?

???: Yes. My name is Hood. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.


Jacob: Same here Hood. Now as for the time, how does 12:00 p.m. sound Warspite?

Warspite: Sounds good enough.

Jacob: Perfect. I'll see you for the fight then.

End Part 5: Spending The Day With Illustrious!

This is a little apology part for not putting out a new part over Christmas break. I apologize everyone.

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