Wild Hearts

By mikalao50

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Five friends in their early twenties been struggling with their professions, savings, envious co-workers, par... More

Carolina 'Lina' Gomez
Kyoto 'Koto' Hale
Keira 'Kiko' Samson
Suhyun 'Sunny' Park
1. Impatient and Uncertain

Vivianna 'Viva' Trillo

10 0 0
By mikalao50

I carefully cut the strands of my bangs that almost covered my eyelids. I cut it extremely thinly just to avoid looking like it was cut by a five-year-old. The reason why I got bangs because of Sunny. Hers looked so cute, just like those Korean girl groups that she always talks about.

I examined myself infront of my circular mirror and brushed the few strands of my bangs, looking pleased of the outcome.

I pulled my vanity drawer and picked the lip shade of the day, since it's Friday, I'm going to use my cherry tint and apply it on my faint pinkish lips. I smacked it up and down as it gradiently covered both the upper and lower lip.

I put some blush on my cheeks, just to avoid being called a walking corpse again because of my pale white skin, which I now find troublesome as I need to put colors just to have my officemates stop teasing me of how I portray the Twilight characters. At first it felt nice, being pale like Snow White or having that Edward Cullen-like description but now I find it very annoying each time the guys teased me about my skin complexion.

I tapped my cheeks, letting the blush cover both cheeks naturally. I reached my brush and carefully combed my auburn shoulder-length wavy hair.

I put the brush down and closed my drawer as I gave myself a final inspection infront of the mirror.

"Well, seems that everything's in place."

I stood up from the chair and got my Chanel handbag lying on top of my bed. I went towards my full-lenght mirror and twirled around, assessing how I looked today.

A smile came into my lips as I felt internally pretty wearing my one-piece gray cotton long dress. It hugs my body perfectly. Last night, I was debating with myself if I wanted to buy it or not. The lady at the Forever 21 store was extremely persuasive yet her flattery got me and made me bought it.

I was not really planning to get myself a new dress. I was strolling at the mall to buy myself a dinner but got tempted after I saw this dress being modeled by a glass mannequin.

Oh well! That sales personnel was right. It looked fine on me. I cannot stop myself from squirming. I shook my head and grabbed my blue thick long coat and wore it. I immediately went outside my one-room apartment.

I went downstairs and rushed the way down to the ground floor as my room was located on the third floor. I got no plans to take the elevator since I still have that tremendous fear that it might stopped functioning like what it did last week.

I went outside the apartment building and walked few steps towards the bus stop. I checked my watch. I still got thirty minutes before 9 AM.

I stilled when I reached the bus stop and waited for my ride. I reached for my phone inside my handbag and checked for some messages. A smile came unto me when I read the morning greetings of my friends. We have a group chat. The 'Wild Hearts'. I know it may sound lame and pre-historic but I kinda like the sound of it. And besides, it was I who named our group, 'Wild Hearts'. And that is why I love it. No one can change it. Not even the gals.

I typed 'morning ladies' with a coffee mug and heart emoticons. And hit send.

I cannot wait for work to end and meet with my gals. It has been like 72 hours the last time we were together. And it was even disastrous, Sunny kept on crying and crying because her new officemate was such a cow. A very obnoxious cow. I never understand the whole story since she was drunk and her words were all covered with cries and hiccups. All I know is that she got this new super talented high-level officemate who happens to be a possible rival for her to be promoted for a higher position. According to her, that officemate of hers always judged her work, gave unnecessary advices and pointed out her mistakes out loud.

And the four of us, as always, did not say anything until she fell asleep, completely unaware of what happened on that night. All we know, she was uncomfortable and felt harassed by that officemate of hers. I swear, if I see that human being, I will make him or her feel the wrath of a Viva Trillo. You can say anything to me, I do not care how mean it is as long as you do not throw it to my gals.

Oh well! I just love my girls like how I love my family. They are my family. And we have been together since highschool. And I will do anything for my family. For my girls.


A notification woke my senses up as I was in a quick mental break. I tapped my phone and got a sudden little heart attack when I saw my boss' name popped on the screen.

'Drop by at my office. Got something to discuss.'

I sighed deeply. My boss always reminds me that I have a life outside my own world. And that is work.

I saw a bus approaching fastly and it stopped just infront and unloaded some passengers. I immediately excused myself and got inside the vehicle.

I sat comfortably on a vacant spot near the window.

I focused myself again on my phone and fumbled on the keys.

'Copy, Mr. Pierre.'

And hit send.

I put my phone back and rested myself comfortably as I enjoy the last few minutes of my lazy life before I enter the world of being an employee.

I closed my eyes a bit as series of thoughts came into me.

It was my dream to work in the entertainment industry. Well, not to become an artist or a singer. I do not have any talents at all.

Well...I do. But not a popstar kind of talent.

People say I have a TV commercial kind of features but my awkwardness makes me think the other way around.

I was socially awkward during my pre-teen, teen and adolescence life.

Well, I am on my twenties and I still feel awkward. I cannot meet someone's eye directly during meetings and just stared at my notepad, scribbling.

But yeah, I was able to get a spot as a screenwriter in one of the biggest entertainment companies here in New York.


Or known as 'The Next Movement'.

It is one of the biggest entertainment company that holds the brightest and trendest names of the entertainment world.

And being an employee here is already a dream come true.

I have seen multiple of notable stars, even the rising ones.

I got to see them, chat with them and even know their best and worst personalities.

TNM is owned by one of the top ten listed most expensive Forbes personalities.

The Pierres.

Yeah. Italian lineage. Well, the patriarch was Italian and the matriarch is from Texas.

Mr. Hugo Pierre, died six years ago because of heart failure and his riches was fairly divided among his three children.

All were given responsibilities to operate the Pierre businesses.

I am not such a fan of the family but since they always been mentioned to every social media platforms, each three kids own a single Pierre company.

The hotel chains were ran by the eldest son, Alec Pierre. The most stern looking of all Pierre siblings. I have seen his face in every magazines and that strong Italian features is enough to make you say that he is not someone that can easily dealt with.

Well, all I know is that he got married to a Dior top model, I forgot her name but she is Swedish. And very beautiful. Rich. So I guess, gorgeous people attract gorgeous people?!

The second sibling and the only lady among the three, Juno Pierre. She handles their airline businesses. Aside from that, she is also an independent actress. She is a beauty and I envy her naturally tan-skin color and her forest green eyes just screams liveliness compared to my dull gray ones.
I heard that she is dating her bodyguard. Those are rumors but I wonder why it is such a big deal to some people? I came to ask if love nowadays are being labeled as high and low society? So what if she is dating her bodyguard? If they love each other let them be people! Goodness!

And lastly...the youngest Pierre.

Well, not really 'youngest' as he turned twenty-seven last month.

Apparently, he happens to be my boss. And the CEO of TNM. His father's last line of businesses.

Vigo Pierre.

I do not know much of his personal life as he is so exceedingly private and very careful of his image outside work.

I have not heard much of his 'romantic' life but why do I care? The man has his own life.

A lot of speculations rose since no one has ever seen him with someone for the past year. Well, he has dated a royalty before but it lasted for a couple of months and eventually broke up.

People are so keen about his romance that they have thought that he is gay!

Well, so what? If he is or not, just let him be. Being a multi-billionaire can be a pain sometimes. You have these people who always wanted to know even your darkest little secret. Well not really everybody, but some just cannot let you be on your own.

So my TNM life...

I have been working at the backstage since the very first time I got hired. I was twenty-one when I got the job of my life. I was so excited to start exploring my imaginative thoughts and bring them out for the viewers yet that did not happen until now.

I worked as an assistant to one of TNM's senior screenwriters, Lilia Osborne. She is extremely nice and talented. Her works were always trending and her stories give heartthrobbing experiences. I admire her so much and being her assistant was already a big career achievement.

I can say that we have become so eminently close considering I got an invitation for her 49th birthday. I can't believe she is already 49?

She looks so sturdy and majestic on her 5'7 frame and silver hair. She takes good care of her body knowing that her husband is ten years younger.

Anyway, going back to my narrative, and so, I jusy got my first real job as a screenwriter. I already have a project!

I still cannot believe that after three years, finally! Someone saw my potential and gave me this grand moment of my whole career.

Well, it was actually Miss Osborne who gave a few talk to the higher people. I was actually working on a story that I have been keeping for awhile. I was contemplating if I should let her know about it or continue to work as her shadow.

It took me three cups of oolong tea to gather all my hidden courage and showed her my piece.

As I studied her mouth twitching, brows meeting, eyes bulging and fingers tapping, after some moments, I saw her smiling.

'Dear, it took you so long to finally show me this great talent? Why now? You have been hiding all this time. Finally you got the courage to give me this piece. And what can I say? I love it!"

Were the exact words she said!

I fely my body shook in happiness as she accepted my piece. She patted my head and advised me that she will grant my wish to debut as the next screenwriter to look forward to.

And that exploded my heart!

Finally...this is the career path that I have been dreaming for.

I was smiling all ears as I got off of the bus. I was exuberant. I walked inside the company premises, showing the people I passed by with a 'I am so happy' smile that I do not usually do so. They all gave me weird second looks. Oh well! They just got charmed!

People see me as grumpy, out of life and even emotionless because of three things.


I do not smile. I do but if there is a reason to do so. Why do I smile if I am walking? Why do I need to smile if I am buying my lunch in the pantry? I mean, I do smile, but again, if there is a good reason to show it. I do not want them to think I was some kind of loon smiling for no apparent reason.


Because of my skin complexion. I know...I know, this should not be a case but since I am so pale like I can be mistaken as a live ghost. Their first impression of me was a creepy gothic chic and I do not even look or dress like a goth!

And lastly...

I have a strong persona.

Yep! I do. I am my gals' defender. I speak my mind when I think it is right. I do not engage in office politics nor I work my way to the top by sucking blood to my seniors.

And boy, because of that, I still have zero lovelife despite the fact that I flirt. Well, sometimes I do. When I get drunk. But I do not do those extreme one night stands or make out thingies. I have such great amount of respect and fear to my parents.

That is why I until now, I am still, and probably will be forever single!

I think my personality has something to do with it, because guys see me as a threat, but hey, why in a rush?

I mean, I am still young. And I got to enjoy the liberty of being single and free.

And I do not care if I do not have a boyfriend.

Well...maybe I care, a tiny bit.

But so what!!!

I am happy. Especially today.

As I walked my way towards Mr. Pierre's office which is located at the 17th floor, the topmost floor, by the way. I stopped first at my office and pressed the 6th floor button.

The elevator door opened. I sprinted towards our office. I can hear laughters and chit-chats. I went inside and greeted everyone a warm 'good morning New York', and like what happened earlier, everyone gave me a weird look.

I continued to smile as I put my handbag on top of my counter.

I took my coat off and put it around my chair.

"Good morning my dear sunshine."

I shook my head in disbelief as I took a glance to my desk mate, who also happens to be my senior.

Oz Reynolds.

Well, he is charming, and everyone can agree with me that he has the most dreamy pair of ocean blue eyes plus such soft-looking red hair. I thought that working with a group of TV writers can be a bit old-school looking because I was mentally thinking that my officemates will be a group of thirties but I was caught off guard when I saw Oz for the first time. He is handsome. He can be mistaken as a model since he stands at 5'11 and man he has a nice body built (the reason why I said it because he once went on topless during our summer party at California.) And I do not lie. I think most of the single young girls here have hidden crush on him. Even the other girls who works on a different deparment.


He is such a heartbreaker.



And very, very, very annoying at times.

I cannot count how many times he told me 'to ask' him out? Can you believe that?

I know I am desperate to have a boyfriend but if it's Oz? Well, I'd rather be single and be a mother of hundreds of cats.

"Well, good morning to you too, Oz!"

He leaned closer to me and gave me one of his boyish charming smiles, and please, I have seen it a million times and I still not affected by it.

I know Oz has such a funny and happy go-lucky aura on him but at times, he can be such an annoyance.

"Why have I not notice you are so hot in so many ways? Like now? You should smile like that everyday, dear. But only show it to me." His eyes were on my face, looking kind of bewitched.

I raised a brow and gave him a smirk.

"I am glad that you notice but you won't see this smile ever again." I got up from the chair and held my phone.

He gave me a puzzled look. "Where are you going, Vivi?"

I rolled my eyes. He still calls me that despite the fact that everyone calls me Viva.

"Upstairs. I am being summoned."


I shrugged my shoulders. "Dunno. Maybe he missed me?" I said sarcastically.

"Oh no! Of all people? Why can't it be with me? You know I am ten times good-looking than him? And I prefer ladies." Oz said while wiggling his eyebrows.

I gave him a disgusted look. He is good-looking alright but he is such a perv. I shook my head and dismissed our nonsensical conversation.

"If Miss Osborne will look for me, tell her I have a quick talk with the big man."

"Alright. But hurry and be back. I do not want you to talk to other guys."

Everyone whistled and started to riot over Oz's delighful statement. These people always finds Oz's flirting moments with me like some kind of entertainment.

Like I find it entertaining or what.

I walked hurriedly outside the office and quickly pressed the 17th floor button the moment the elevator door opened.

I examined myself infront of the mirror-like door. I smiled.

Is my smile really that good?

I wonder why they fuss over it so much.


Mr. Pierre wants to talk about something.

And this is the fourth time that I will be meeting him and I felt normal for a second.

Wait a moment...


Isn't this the first time that I will be meeting him alone?

Oh gosh!

It is!!

This is the first time that I will be meeting him.

Usually, I see him during board meetings or deparment meetings.

Why? What's there to talk about?

Why does he want to talk to me now?

Wait...did I done something wrong recently?

Or did I violate any company policies?

I think I have not.

I always come to work on time.

I always do my work diligently.

Well, there are times that I hate my job but I always keep it to myself and never ever post it online.


With all these thoughts running around my head, my phone buzzed.

It was Miss Osborne.

She dropped me a message.

'Viva darling, we will have a meeting with the production team. They have read your work and they love it. Great job kiddo!'

Oh my gosh!!!

A meeting with the production team?

Is this really happening?

My whole face was in bright red. I cannot stopped myself from smiling and trembling. My pale skin has become bright tomato red.

I jumped shortly as I hid my face in excitement with my hands. Oh my gosh! Finally! This is happening!

The moment the elevator door opened, I immediately went to the front desk.

I saw Dahlia Porter. She was writing something on her pad. She attends the front desk and a very friendly person. She is practically friends with almost every employee here. Well, except with Mr. Pierre's frontline bodyguards.

"Hi Dahlia." I said, in a wide smile.

She lifted her hazelnut eyes and met my gray ones. "Oh girl! I like your outfit. So chic and sexy. Where did you get this?"

I blushed. "Uhm, from Forever 21."

She eyed me with surprise. "Something's different about you but maybe it is just because of your outfit. Anyways, you're here for?"

"Mr. Pierre called me."

"Oh, alright. Let me call Polo."

Dahlia dialed a number on her cordless phone. She's phoning Polo Lambert. Mr. Pierre's smart-looking, super strict, into-policy secretary. He has been working with Mr. Pierre since the beginning, I believed.

"Alright. Thanks." Dahlia said and put the phone on its cradle. "You can go. He is waiting for you."

I nodded my head. "Thanks."

I went straight towards the door as I was greeted with the two towering fearsome-looking bodyguards.

I smiled at them, well, shakingly. They opened the door and I went inside. I looked back as they closed the door.

I heard faint voices as I walked nearer to Mr.Pierre's desk.

I saw Polo who was wearing a two-piece Armani suit that was advertised last night when I was watching TV. Well, he's fast.

He turned around and saw me. I gave him a smile. I do not interact with those people who works directly to Mr. Pierre.

He walked towards me and halted as he assessed me up and down. I felt a bit nervous when he was examining my look.

What's wrong with this dude?

His coal-dark eyes became even darker as he threw a look at my appearance.

"Why are you so pale? Have you been eating?" He asked. His voice was kind of deep-sounding with a very thick British accent.

I managed to nod my head. "This is my natural skin color. And yeah, I am pale. There is nothing to worry about. And to answer your question, I eat. A lot."

He suddenly burst into a smile that made me grew surprised because he looked a bit strong earlier when our eyes first met.

"That is good. You must be Vivianna? Nice to meet you." Polo said and extended his hand.

I reached out and shook hands with him. I threw a look in our hands as I realized he almost covered mine with how big his palm was.

"Same here. Nice to meet you, Mr. Lambert. And Viva will do. Vivianna is too long."

I pulled my hand back. Wow! Polo Lambert is really good-looking as I looked at him closely. Englishmen are very seductive.

He cleared his throat that made me blush. He caught me looking at him intently. He must think I was some kind of perverted girl.

"Well, Mr. Pierre is waiting for you. I will be out in a minute. I'll see you some time, Viva." He said and smiled.

I nodded my head as I followed him with my eyes. He opened the door and went outside the huge office.

I gulped.

I am kind of nervous now but also excited to end this talk and be with the production team immediately and discussed my work.

I composed myself and gave a smile to myself as I headed towards Mr. Pierre's desk.

As I got nearer and nearer, I saw his appearance in a close angle.

I work in his company but I never see him this close.

He was on his phone, typing something.

My heart started to do somersaults when I am facing now the CEO of TNM.

I breathed in and out.

Calm down.

I breathed deeply.

And here it goes...

"Good morning, Mr. Pierre."

I was giving myself my best smile, though, I am not sure how I looked like but thinking back on how Oz viewed my smile earlier, maybe it was not that bad.

Mr. Pierre lifted his head and met my eyes. I was not certain on how to describe his initial reaction but one thing that registered on me was he looked surprised.

Was my smile too much?

Was I eager to finish our talk?

Did I look excited that made him gave a surprised look?


I continued to smile. "I'm Viva Trillo, from the creative team."

He looked at my face for a couple of seconds. That made me felt so horribly awkward. Was there something on my face?


Do I looked so pale?

I automatically cupped my cheeks with my hands. "I am not a ghost, Mr. Pierre. This is just my skin color."

And then...

A loud laughter was heard.

I was shocked when I heard his laugh.

I stood there unaware of what was happening.

He moved from his chair and stood up. I watched him as he leaned on the edge of his desk. My eyes grew wide when I realized I was a feet near to him.

He was tall...6 something.

And his eyes were much darker green compared to his sister, Juno. He was wearing a gray suit that made him appear like some protagonist. And his hair has the same color like Alec's, bluish black.

I did not realize that my boss is like an Olmpyian god.

"Nice to see you again, Viva."


My brows furrowed. "Oh, I am sorry Mr. Pierre, but, have we met before?"

He smiled brightly, making me feel anxious in a sudden.

"Yes. We have. Wait, you have forgotten it? I am a bit hurt."

My cheeks getting warmer in a sudden.

Why am I feeling tingly. Heart! Stop sending attacks, please. This is our boss. We cannot grew a crush on him.

"I apologize. But yeah, I forgot." I said sheepishly.

He shook his head but his smile was still plastered. "Well, it's kinda a long story. But we will talk about it later. I called you because I have read your work. Your storyline."

"You have?"

He nodded his head. "I have. And I am impressed. I cannot imagine it as a work of a newbie."

I clasped my hands as I cannot contain my smile away. "Thanks, Mr. Pierre. I just don't know what to say."

He was looking at me with those intense green eyes but kind of different with the first time he saw me.

That made me grew a bit shy. I do not understand but he looked at me the same way Oz did. "Uhm, is there something wrong, Mr. Pierre?" I asked, almost hesitantly.

He chuckled. He moved away from his desk and approached me with hands on his pockets. I was unguard.

I do not know if I should move away or what.

I stayed standing on my position.

He stopped.

Only a hand away from me.

I was lifting my head because he was so tall.

Oh my gosh! This height difference gives a very romance novel kind of feeling.


"Are you free tonight?"


I blinked twice. Did he ask what?

I laughed shortly. "Ahaha, what?" Oh my! I sound stupid.

"I wanted to know if you are free tonight?"

I lowered my head and bit my lip. Is he asking me out? Or am I hearing things? He did ask if I am free tonight? But why?

"Or...you are not?"

I lifted my head. What should I say? I mean, I have a dinner date with my gals.

But this is Vigo Pierre we are talking about.

And he is soooooo hot!


But he is my boss. The CEO!

Why would he ask me out?


This is so good to be true. And I do not feel right somehow.

Should I go instead?

Oh screw it!

"Well, I have plans tonight, Mr. Pierre." I said in a spontaneous way.

His smile faded away which made me wanted to rewind the time.

My mouth is so stupid.

"Oh, alright. Well, we can have dinner some time. I hope that you are free on that time once I ask you out again."

My heart started to catapult.

Did he really confirm it?

But why?

That is the question.

Why would a billionaire ask a screenwriter like me for a dinner?

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