Pulling Heart Strings~ Obi-Wa...

By --EmberVamp--

20.4K 331 72

Anakin Skywalker wasn't the only child of Shmi Skywalker. 16 years prior to Anakin's birth, Shmi gave birth t... More

~The Phantom Menace~
Who is Theala?
The capital
Battle and the end
~Attack of The Clones~
part 1
~Revenge of The Sith~
The end


1.8K 39 11
By --EmberVamp--

Having headed outside to get some fresh air, I also seemed to get a lung full of sand. And I hate sand. Standing behind Obi-Wan, I decided to use him as a human shield against the ongoing storm.

"This storm will slow them down!" Managing to shout over the rustling winds, He caught the head guards attention.

"Looks pretty bad" As soon as his lips closed, he got a message saying that a transmission had come through. Deciding to head inside to see what it was, I grabbed ahold of Obi-Wans robe as my attempt to guarding my eyes left me blinded by my arm. 

Turns out, the councillor had made contact and explained the danger that the people of Naboo had fallen into and requesting immediate contact back. I could sense that this alarmed Obi as he was quick to tell them that they weren't to send anything back.
Even Qui-Gon said it sounded like a trap, but Obi being the caring person had second thoughts.

"What if it is true, and the people of Naboo are dying" Saddened yet hopeful, Qui-Gon mentioned that either way, we were running out of time.


After a while, Qui-Gon made contact with us once again, this time with a plan.

"What if this plan doesn't work master, we could be stuck here a very long time" I managed to overhear some of the conversations, yet I found myself losing interest rather quickly. 

"Qui-Gons met a boy and his mother who are willing to help us. Bad news if, if the plan doesn't work, we lose the ship"

"Yes, seems like your master has a lot of faith and is either brave or stupid"


I was awoken By Obi talking to what seemed to be himself, yet he wasn't. Picking myself up and unravelling the sheet that was around me, I wrapped it around my body and made my way towards Obi, who appeared to be in shock. 

"Is everything alright Obi, you seem worried." Spinning around in his chair, he had a puzzled look.

"The boy that Qui-Gon found, his reading is off the charts, even higher than Yodas" In amazement, I hunched over Obi, and looked at the screen in amazement. 

"That's impossible. No Jedi has ever had that high of a reading"



We received news that the boy had won, and the parts for the ship would be on the way. Qui-Gon managed to bring the parts without any harm.

"Heres the parts you needed. I'm going back, I have unfinished business, I won't be long" I almost wanted to say something, but I was handed a box of parts.

"Why do I sense that you've picked up another pathetic life form" Guessing that he had referred to Jar-Jar being the other pathetic life form, I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"It's the boy who's responsible for getting us these parts. Get this hyperdrive generator instaled"

"Yes master, it shouldn't take long" Qui-Gon left once again and Obi turned to face me.

"I'll need your help installing all this" Placing the box on top of another box, I nodded. 

"Sure thing" 


It wasn't long until Qui-Gon returned with the boy, but not without an unwanted visitor.

We rushed to his side as he landed into the ship on his behind.

Qui-Gon explained that he wasn't sure who it was, but they had been trained in the Jedi ways.

"What are we gonna do about it?" I had almost completely forgotten about the young boy who was now accompanying us. 

"We shall be patient" 

"Anakin Skywalker, meet Obi-Wan Kenobi" Hang on, what?! 

"Hi" Anakin exclaimed, shaking Obi's hand

"You're a Jedi too? Pleased to meet you!" Obi couldn't help but smile, but I for one didn't know what to do.

"And Anakin, meet Theala Skywalker, your older sister" My eyes widened with shock.

"Wait, you're my sister! Mom always used to mention that you were a Jedi!" I think I'm lost for words.

" Theala?" Obi nudged me and i shock out of my shock.

"I guess I am" I shook his hand and he lept in for an unexpected hug.

Boy oh boy.....

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