Baby [H.S]

By harryslittlesavage

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She was gorgeous green eyes and curly locks just like her father. Her name... Darcy May Joy. More

Baby ~Harry Styles~
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By harryslittlesavage


"Gemma, I'm a human not a barbie doll" I swatted at her hands as she applied makeup to my face. She stuck her tongue out at me as I bounced Darcy on my lap. She applied some blush to my cheek as I laughed- the contact of the brush on my skin tickled. I saw Darcy look up at me in curiosity. I squeezed her side and she giggled loudly.

"Mommy looks pretty" Darcy cooed while reaching her hands out to touch my face. "Baby don't touch mommy's face you don't want to mess Aunt Gemma's hard work up" Gemma explained. Darcy nodded her head and laid back down onto my chest.

"And.... done" Gemma proudly exclaimed while flipping the mirror towards me. I gasped as I saw myself, I haven't felt this beautiful since prom with Harry... Why does every memory I have trace back to him.

Because he was the only thing you cared out, my mind absently threw around. I fought a self conflicted battled between me and myself. I couldn't help but look at my perfect makeup and my gorgeous hair. It was in loose curls braided down the side. My finger went to touch it before Gemma stopped me. I raised my hands dramatically. She chuckled at my reaction as I checked the time.

I needed to get dressed so I hopped up and ran over to my bed which had clothes laid out. Chosen by Gemma of course. It was a tight black dress that hugged my curves. I felt a bit self conscious in it, considering I am a mother. It was paired with white pumps. I looked at myself timidly while turning around.

My hands ran down my sides sucking in my stomach to see if it made a difference. " Stop sucking in, your literally so gorgeous as it is. Please" Gemma called from behind me. I hugged my arms, "Really" I shyly spoke while looking in the mirror. "You are drop dead gorgeous. You will have this guy flustered and drooling at the sight of you trust me. I would so turn for you, but I don't swing that way hun" She winked. Her words of endearment raised my confidence tremendously.

"Now go on your date. Darcy is in good hands don't fret knowing you.  If you even so send me a text checking up every 5 minutes they will be ignored. Now go and have fun be young. God I wish I was young again." She smiled while pushing me towards the door. I turned around and saw Anne playing with Darcy. "Bye Darcy mommy loves you" I called while being pushed out the door. I heard the faint 'I wuv you' Before Gemma shut the door behind me.

I walked towards the elevator before stumbling a bit due to the heels. I hopped in and once the doors were about shut a tall figure stepped in. I was to busy typing on my phone to even look up. "Tiffany wow" That deep voice sounded throughout the elevator. My eyes met with Harry, I was about to hop out, but the doors were already shut. "Damn" I muttered while slightly kicking the door. Letting out a loud sigh while crossing my arms holding in all my current emotions.

"You look gorgeous" He spoke his voice cutting the air thick with tension. "Thanks" I said awkwardly while rubbing the back of my neck. "Why are you dressed up" He asked as I stood there awkwardly.

"I have a date" I slowly said while twiddling my hands. I heard him clear his throat, "Oh you have a date" He muttered while fumbling with his watch. The doors opened as I rushed out. "Bye"I called before running away. I looked around the lobby and my eyes met with Adams green ones. I walked up to him as he greeted me with a hug.

I could feel Harry's stare burn into the back of my head as we pulled away. "You look gorgeous you ready for a fun night out" He smoothly asked while hooking an arm around my waist. I blushed and nodded my head as we began to walk. "You better not take me to a bar, I meet strange people there" I winked while teasing him.

"We would hope not. Your mine for the night wouldn't want any guy thinking otherwise." He laughed before opening the car door for me. We drove to the place which I was unknown to because he wanted to surprise me. "I hate surprises" I groaned as he smirked while placing a hand on my thigh.

"Well too bad my lips are sealed' He placed his pointer finger over his lips as I rolled my eyes. My fingers tapped on the side of the car as we rode along. It was about a 15 minute drive before we reached our destination. The windows were tinted so it was hard to see, but my face met the cold air yet again as Adam opened my door before I even had the chance to. Glad to see chivalry wasn't completely dead.

"Thank you" I smiled sweetly before hopping out. He wrapped his long arm around my waist and lead me into the restaurant. "Name" The young waiter asked while looking at Adam biting on the tip of the pencil he was holding.

"Adam Biggs" He said as the man nodded. He picked up two menus and gave us a nod. This place was nice, fancy but not over the top. Adam caught my stare as he wiggled his eyebrows causing me to laugh.

"Enjoy" The waiter smiled while sitting us down at a table for two. We say across from each other, as I folded my napkin over my lap. The waiter came back with a pitcher of water and filled our glasses.

" What would you all like to drink ?" He asked while taking out his notepad. "I will have a Merlot and Tiffany what would you like" Adam asked. "I will have a chardonnay please" I politely asked while grabbing my menu. He nodded before walking away. I crossed my legs under the table while facing Adam.

"You look lovely tonight" He smiled before unfolding his napkin. I brushed some hair behind my ear while giving him a shy smile. "Thanks" The waiter had came back and handed us our drinks. He took down our orders as we began to toast.

"I say we toast to our first date yeah" He winked while holding his glass up. I followed his action as my glass tapped his delicately . "To our first date" I repeated his words while bringing the chill glass to my lips. I took a smile sip letting the taste sit on my tongue. The soothing liquid tastes so good..

"So tell me about yourself " He curiously asked while leaning back in his chair.  I sat up straighter while rubbing my thumb on the glass of wine I was holding.

"Well I have a beautiful daughter named Darcy. She just had turned 3 recently. Everything in my free time has to do with her, but besides taking care of her I have always liked to draw its been a passion of mine for quite some time, once I had Darcy all my free time vanished" I sipped my glass of wine as he nodded his head.

"Oh I could understand, maybe you can draw for me sometime. Not to get into your personal business, but what is it like being a single young mother" He slowly asked, not trying to strike a nerve. I respected his concern.

"It actually isn't as hard. It was scary at first, but the first time i held her just cleared everything up. Yes she can be a pain in the ass at points with the mild temper tantrums , but she is worth every second, because she makes me whole. She is one of the most cherished things in my life" I smiled thinking to my gorgeous baby girl.

"You are a great mother" He sighed looking into my blue eyes. He had a grin etched on his face as he sipped more of his wine. Eying me subtly leaving me cowering under his intense gaze. The waiter had came out with our food directly Adam's gaze to the steaming plates opposed to my face. Adam began to pick up his knife to cut into his tender steak while I spun my pasta around with my fork. 

"Anyways tell me about you" I twirled a bit of my pasta. He looked up while cutting his steak, "Well before I became a waiter I used to play soccer, I was actually quite good. My parents thought it wasn't steady career so they made me give it up. I was absolutely gutted seeing all my lads get ready for games while I was getting ready for work. It was one of my largest stress relievers after giving it up I was quite lost for a bit. "

I looked up and saw him furrow his eyebrows. "So a waiter is more stable than being a soccer player?" I asked confused on why his parents made him quite soccer for being a waiter, he shook his head before responding, "I go to college in London, they want me to be a doctor. I had to give up soccer for my education. I go back to London soon" He spoke. I looked up and couldn't help but a grin reach my face.

He lives in London, so if we were to be something he would be in the same country. "You should do what you want to do" I spoke honestly.

"I want to more than anything, I just want my parents to be happy with me you know. I don't want them to be disappointed in me." he sighed raking a hand through his short hair. "They should love you for whatever you choose to be. When my mother died she wanted me to be happy, your parents should feel the same" I set down my fork. He nodded his head while pushing his plate to the side.

"You sure have your way with words" He smirked, as I smiled wider. "I have been told a couple of times" I bragged. He just rolled his eyes as he called out for the tab. The waiter rushed over with the receipt . Adam slide his card into the check holder and gave it to the waiter.

"I don't like you paying for my meal" I frown as he chuckles. "A man should always pay. If I didn't I would be an absolute wanker" He cheekily responded while standing up. He offered me his hand as I grabbed it and stood up. "Ready to go" He poshly asked as I curtsied. We hooked arms as we walked out of the restaurant.

The cool brisk breeze cause goosebumps to rise on my skin as I shivered slightly. I saw Adam look down at me due to our difference in height, "Are you cold" He asked reaching for his jacket. I went to deny his offer, but his jacket was already draped over my shoulders. I snuggled into it due to its warmth.

I smiled at the unfamiliar feeling as we walked side by side. We stopped right in front of the water. A light house's light searching the lengths of the water as I watch in amazement. The wind was blowing my hair as we sat there. Staring into the unknown. Silence filling the brisk air.

"That light house has a story behind it. Its quite romantic really" He smiled before continuing. I nodded my head taking in all of his words. "The woman who had lived there, her husband was in the navy. He ended up being deployed and had to leave her a few weeks after their marriage . She would go up in the lighthouse every night and shine the light onto the water so her husband knows- Whenever he sees her light its her heart glowing for him" He softly said taking his eyes off the light house and onto me.

His hand met my cheek as the pads of his thumb brush against my soft skin. His eyes bore into mine as we both slowly lean in, copying each others actions. Once we were close enough to feel each others breath's he stopped. He looked at me for assurance as I nodded. His lips softly met mine, not a rough kiss, but a soft and gentle one.

He pushed away shortly and gave me a big smile. "Time for you to get back and see your daughter yeah" He cutely smiled as I hooked our fingers together. I kissed his hand before sighing. "Yeah, you know I am leaving the day after tomorrow" I said sadly.

"I go to college in 2 weeks, I will see you soon trust me" He spoke as we walked over to the curb. He called for a cab as one pulled over. We both hopped in and that was the end of my amazing night. My finger traced over my lips as his kiss still lingered..

Harrys POV

I can't believe I saw her after all these years. She looked so gorgeous her long blond hair and those blue eyes. She was the definition of gorgeous, but her reaction- she hated me. That set of a sharp pain into my heart. The coldness laced her in tone. That dull look in her eyes.

She used to look at me with such love and admiration in her eyes. Then I was an idiot and fucked it up. Left her the next day and packed my bags. I denied every call because if I were to date her, I needed to be with her not trying to manage a long distance relationship when we both knew it would of went to shit. It would pain me to be separated from her.  She called almost every day- then one monday all her calls stopped and that's when everything ended.

Right now I was pacing around in my room. She has a date, am I too late. Who is that baby girl she is always with. I have so many questions that aren't being answered.

"Harry slow down mate your creating a draft" My mate Louis joked as I pulled at the end of my hair. I sat down with a grunt. "I really fucked up man" I kicked the floor with a frown. All the lads decided to take advantage of the surroundings and went clubbing. Louis decided to stay back and be my wing man for the night.

"What did you do Haz" He sat down next to me as I threw my fit. "Her I gave her up, and then I see her 3 years later looking more fucking beautiful than ever. Those blue eyes the same fucking crystal blue and that soft blond hair, longer but still the same. Her body is amazing man, but she hates me cause I am an idiot and fucked everything up. Now she is on a date with another guy" I shouted as I was mad at the world, mad at everything.

"The only thing you can go at the point is try, talk to her- talk everything out. Show her you can change so she wont hate you, make her like you again that's all you can do. Now I have to go the boys invited me to go clubbing I think you might want to sit this night out" He said with a soft smile. I nodded thinking about his words.

He straightened out his jacket before leaving me alone with all my thoughts. The only thing I could do was go to Gemmas room. I grabbed my phone and room key before jumping up and walking over. Once I saw her room I knocked briskly on her door. A minute later she swung it opened and smile.

"Well Harry come in" She opened the door wider. I walked in and saw my mom bouncing a little girl on her lap. Her brown curls flying everywhere as she laughed uncontrollably. "My baby Harry" My mom shouted before setting the girl down and hugged me tightly. I felt a tug on my pants, as I looked down and my green eyes met with her green eyes,

"Harry" She cooed her face stuffed in the bottom of my pant leg . "Hello whats your name" I poked her belly as she giggled. "I am darcy" She laughed as I smiled at the name. I had always wanted that name for my baby girl. I observed her closely and saw she had dimples. Her curls were just like mine, her green eyes just the shade of mine. Her nose just like Tiffany short and cute.

Then my mind flashed back to the lobby. "Wheres your mommy" I asked the little girl. "Right there" She pointed to Tiffany.

Could it be, my jaw dropped as I looked at this baby girl. Just then the door opened and in walked in Tiffany. She looked at me with wide eyes, "Can we talk" I asked as she timidly nodded. Now what the hell was I going to say. Bloody Hell

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