Miraculous Ninja: A crossover

By theblueshad0w

7.8K 152 12

Lloyd had a hard life, growing up in an orphanage without even knowing his parents. He got used to it, being... More

1. Letter
2. Orphanage
3. Lloyd
4. Home
5. Return
6. Father
7. News
8. Tigg
10. Close
11. Truth
12. Quit
13. Pythor
14. Fight
15. Ready
16. Lanature
17. Help
18. Flame
19. Hurt
20. Courage
21. Bolobo
22. Spy
23. Mall
24. Lightning
25. Blind
26. Samurai
27. Heros
28. Exhausted
29. Love
30. Plan
31. Danger
32. Hurt
33. Pain
34. Wait
35. Return
36. Forgive
37. School
38. Morro
39. Water
40. Surprise
41. Anxiety
42. Captive
43. Prisoner
44. Guardian
45. End

9. Hero

217 4 0
By theblueshad0w

People are running away panicking, more and more buildings are breaking and falling apart. A big piece of a building is falling down and about to crush some of the people. They all cover their heads and are ready to get crushed. They wait a moment but nothing happens. When they all open their eyes it's dark, the rock is above them but it didn't crush them. It starts to shake a bit and then they can see the sky. While all of them are laying on the ground someone is standing between them and made some kind of green shild over them. The shield disappears and the person looks at them.

"Is everyone alright?"

Everybody just looks at him with big eyes and they nod.

"Ok good. Please be careful. Don't worry it'll be over soon. I promise."

The person jumps away and the people are just cheering.

Lloyd's POV

After saving those people I jumped on the roof of a building and look at myself. I'm wearing a green ninja gi and some black armor. On my back I have two golden swords. On my head I wear some kind of head wrap but I can't really see it. I look around and see some glass on the ground, I look at it and see my own reflection in the glass. I can only see my eyes, the rest is covered by the head wrap and a bandana over my mouth, the bandana and the part over my forehead is black with a strange symbol on the black part of the forehead. The rest is green.

"Huh...intresting...ok let's do this."

I stand at the edge of the building and look around, when I spotted the bear I jump from one roof top to an other into his direction.

//Seems like I'm stronger and faster with this suit.//

I stand on top of a building next to the bear.

//Tigg said I have to destroy the object with the akuma in it. This akuma went in Katarus exam sheet...but he's now a bear where could it be?//

I watch him and follow him jumping over the rooftops when I finally noticed a white spot on his forehead. The rest of his body is brown but this spot is white.

//But how do I get it...//

My eyes wide when I see that the bear is following some people, I jump off the building and land infront of the bear.

"Hey you!!! Come on, try to get me!!!"

The bear looks at me and roars, I start to run into an other direction then the people, the bear is following me.

//Ok big evil bear following me and now what?//

I keep running and lead the bear away from the people. As soon as no people are in sight I jump up and land on the head of the bear.


The bear gets faster and shake me off but I'm able to rip the sheet of his head before he shakes me off. When I land on the ground I look at the sheet and then rip it into two pieces. The purple butterfly comes out of it and starts to fly away. I look at it and then get big eyes.

"W-Wait...I have to purify it...b-but how??"

The butterfly starts to fly away, I follow it as good as possible.

"What do I do, what do I do??? Ehm...d-destruction!!"

My hand starts to glow black, I jump up to the butterfly and grab it with my glowing hand. When I open it again some dust falls from my hand on the ground. I look at it with big eyes and swallow.

"D-Did I just...?"

I get big eyes and just shake my hand.

"Ahhhh I'm sorry!!!! Huh?"

I look at my bracelet and noticed that 10 lights appeared.

"She said 10 minutes. Mh."

Now I noticed that Kataru changed to his normal human form, I jump down to him and help him standing up.

"Are you alright Kataru?"

Kataru just looks at me surpised.

"H-How do you know my name?"

"Ehhh....you know I'm just really smart."

I smile nervously and he looks around.

"Did...I did this...?"

I look around to and nod. "It's ok it wasen't your fault. You were akumatized. And don't worry I can fix this."

I look at my bracelet and notice that I have 9 minutes left.


A white shinging ball forms between my hands. I look at it for a while and then throw it into the air. It's getting bigger and swallows the whole city. Everything get's fixed again, all the buildings, streets and everything.

《 Garmadon and Wu》

While they fight everything gets fixed. They stop fighting and Wu looks up, smiling.

//You did it Lloyd.//

Garmadon looks angry but then starts to fix. "That means. The green ninja appeared. Sorry Wu but I think we have to continue our fight on an other day. Nooroo dark wings rise!!"

After he transformed, Garmadon jumped away and left Wu alone. He started to run and tries to find Lloyd.

//Oh no. Please be alright Lloyd.

《Kai and the others》

We hid in the tea shop like Wu told us bit suddenly some white sphere appears and everything is silent, we walk out and see that everything is fixed. It's like the bear never destroyed anything. We look around and see in the distance Kataru standing next to a person wearing strange green clothes, but this person falls on their knees. When we saw this we immediately run over to them.

《Back to Lloyd》

I fall down on my knees and breath heavily.

//That was...exhausting...//

Kataru looks at me shooked and kneels down beside me.

"H-Hey are you alright?"

I nod and look at my bracelet. 5 lights. Means 5 minutes. I stand up slowly and look at him.

"I know it's hard with school and everything but if you have problems with a subject I'm sure there are many people in your class who would help you out."

Kataru looks suprised and nods.

,,Ok...thank you."

I just smile even tho he can't see it and look at my braclet. 4 lights. I should go. I just want to turn away and leave when I see a lot of people around us. They all look at me and start to clap and cheer. The helicopter of the news sender is again flying above us and filming me. I just look around and smile embarrassed. Kai, Cole, Jay, Nya and Zane run towards Kataru, they ask him if everything's fine, I turned away and want to go.

"Hey wait, who are you??" Says Zane and I stop, I turn around slowly and look at them.

"E-Ehm I'm..." All the people around me keep asking who I am. I look around, then to the helicopter and back to my friends.

"I'm...the green Ninja. I'm here to protect the city."

All clap again, some ask who I am but I ignore the questions. I look at my bracelet and gasp. 2 minutes. I'm about to leave but then someone lands infront of me. All the people around me go backwards and I just look at the person shooked.

"Hello hello...I finally found you...green Ninja~"

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