You found me! Hetalia oneshot...

By FicWriterAtRandom

301 7 2

I know real original. But I've been dragged into this fandom and here I am.... Also warning there is boyxboy... More

My regrets. RussiaxReader
Romeo and Juliet?
How you met them- France
How you met them- America
How you met them- Canada
How you met them- England
How you met them- China
How you met them- Russia
"How many times?"
How you met them- Germany
Father I love you.
How you met them- N. Italy
Now you know
Another Chaotic Meeting
Jack and Jill
"Lovino, te amo"

Why Culture Differences? Ameripan

78 0 0
By FicWriterAtRandom

(America x Japan. Or Alfred x Kiku)

It was just a normal meeting. Or was it? He just couldn't get the loud American out of his head. Everything he did or said made a impact on his own decisions. World War 2 brought there cultural differences to light. And now, they talk constantly. They were like best friends. Kiku found himself heading to McDonald's more then he did in the past. Not to mention pay attention to America's news. He always made sure Alfred was safe. Though it's ironic, really, he bombed Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. They were once enemies but now best friends? But why? Why couldn't he stop thinking about him?
Why did he worry about him?
Why did he care?
It was simple. And a certain country could tell. And no it's not France. It was Canada....or Matthew.

After a few years of being invisible he's picked up everyone's habits. Especially when nervous. He's noticed the Japanese man fidgeting when he talked to his twin American. Should he help? Yes....his brother had told him when he came over out of no where like always.
Matthews pov a week a go

"Hey dude! How's my little bro!" The loud American wrapped an arm around the slightly taller Canadian. Matthew jumped slightly at the loudness but relaxed when he realized who it was. "H-hey Alfred..." The American smiles "Can I crash at your place?" Matthew sighs and looked at his brother. "I guess you'll follow me home anyways." The blue eyed boy smiles widely and followed Matthew to his car.

The minute Alfred step foot in Matthews house his demeanor dropped. He walked to the couch and sighed softly and put his rough hands over his now closed blue eyes. Matthew noticed this and put Kuma , his fluffy white polar bear, on the floor. He shut and locked the door and sat beside his brother. "What's that all aboot?" Alfred uncovers one eye and looked at the concerned Canadian. "Nothing dude lets play some video games!" Alfred sat up and smiles his hero smile. Matthew wasn't buying it. "Alfred.." said man stopped and looked at his twin "I-I'm sorry Matt it's just.....I'm stressed that's all." Matthew stood up and crossed his arms. "I'll call England and France..." Alfred jumped up and wrapped his arms around his torso. "Please no! They tease me!" Matthew looked down at the American country, arching an eyebrow. "tease you aboot what?"

Matthew felt Alfred tense and sit on the couch. He sat beside him. "Alfred you need to tell me..let me help you..." Alfred looked away at a wall with pictures of Matthew and Gilbert. Or as he'd like to say 'Zhe awesome Prussia!' Matthew watched his brother look at the pictures. Then looked at him, there it was his nervous habit. Alfred was nervous far more then anyone would believe, he'd always be nervous. But Matthew helped him overcome that nervousness when he became a new country, in fact Alfred was still slightly anxious at meetings. Alfred was the kind of person to mess with something. Whether it was just a piece of hair or a pencil or just the sides of his pants. He always messed with something. People thought it was his ADHD but nope.

Matthew looked at his hands which was messing with the couches side messing with the sewn in lines. Matthew sighs "Alfred why are you nervous?" Alfred jumped and turned "I don't know what your talking about dude!" This made Matthew sigh deeper 'that's it' "SERIOUSLY WHAT THE HELL STOP ACTING LIKE EVERYTHING IS FINE!" Only a few people have heard the Canadian mad. Alfred, Gilbert, and Ivan or Russia. He screams louder then Alfred when agitated. Alfred flinches and looked at the very irritated Matthew.

Alfred sighs sadly "Look I-I Don't know if you like me after this because there's still some countries that don't accept it... but I-I'm bi and well I have a huge crush on someone and they probably- no they wouldn't like me back at all...." Matthew looked at the American and Sat beside him before laughing "Are you serious that's what your nervous aboot? So what? I'm bi welcome to the club!" Alfred was slightly surprised but realized who raised him. "Oh...yea" he said softly. Matthew looked at him serious "So who is it?" Alfred looked away and sighs "Doesn't matter" Matthews purple eyes roll as he starts tickling his brother.

This caused the depressed American to laugh. "OKAY OKAY OKAY I'LL TELL YOU!" Alfred screamed pushing Matthew onto the floor. Matthew got up and smiles "I'll get us a drink what do you want?"

"Tea please"

"I'm getting wine..."


Both countries laugh and smile " Iced sweet tea or hot tea?" Alfred chuckles and uses his old accent "Do you have any earl gray?" Alfreds voice was graceful in a British accent but....he was only joking.

"iced sweet tea coming up!"

Matthew brought out the drinks and gave the tea to Alfred. Said man reading a book on his phone. "what are ya reading?" He stopped reading. " Uh a book..." Matthew chuckles "Okay okay."

Matthew smirks and chuckles as Alfred started drinking his tea. "now spill" Alfred looked at his twin confused "Spill?" Matthew smirks and swirled his wine. "Spill the tea of course!"

Alfred chuckles "Into the harbor or about my crush?" Matthew smiles "Crush please!" The American chuckles and nods slowly. "Well he's a good friend of mi-" Matthew jumped in saying "Japan!" He watched Alfred turn from his normal skins color to a Rose red. "h-how did you?!" Matthew chuckles taking a sip of wine then putting it on the table. "it's obvious plus you two have been hanging out so much." 'Not to mention the sexual tension at meetings'

Alfred sighs and nods "Yea....I love that little genius"


Matthew sighs and stood walking over to Japan. "H-hey.." Kiku turned around and smiles at him "Herro? Who are you?" Matthew sighs "Canada..." Kiku bows slightly "I'm sorry I rearry didn't mean to forget." Matthew waves it off "Hey you should speak to my brother Alfred aboot somethings cultural wise you can share." Kiku not really caring and wanting to get out of the conversation nodded. And walked to the loud American who had been extremely quiet. 'Those two idiots'

The loudest country has been quiet the whole time. And it was concerning but the other countries didn't care. Except Kiku.
"America can I tark to you?" Said American nodded smiling "Sure dude!" Just as he said that a very irritated German screams "ZHAT IT EVERYONE LUNCH BREAK!" Ludwig walked out the door with a small Italian following. Kiku looked at Alfred. "Rets go get runch..." Alfred nodded.


Kikus nervous habit was simple. He spoke in Japanese when he was speaking English. And it was starting to take affect on him. "Ano...America...." Alfred smiles and started messing with his watch. "Call me Alfred." Kiku nods and bows his head slightly. "Arright. Arfred...I wanted to rearn about your curture." Alfred smiles widely and turned to him. "Actually I wanted to learn a little about your too!"

Kiku was slightly surprised but smiled slightly. "Okay then....why do you go by first names instead of famiry names?" Alfred smiles "Well that's simple. Your name makes you unique. Plus there are a lot of people with the same last name. Okay why do you use last names?" Kiku looked forward and hoped he didn't mess up. "Werr we see famiry names as a extremery important thing. It's arso easier to remember."

Timeskip again

Alfred was red at this point the conversation started out good but then got odd. Quickly. They'd stop talking about their culture and more about themselves. Till the question 'do you rike anyone?' Came out of Kikus mouth they were in a park with flowers and a fountain. It was beautiful. "y-yes." He finally got out. Kiku was surprised. "Who?" Alfred tensed and looked away red coating his face. Kiku put his hand on Alfred hand. "are you sick? Do you need anything?" Kiku froze.


Alfred sighs and moved Kikus hand. "no I'm fine I just can't tell you who.." Kiku was slightly hurt. Alfred couldn't trust him? Or was it something else? "Prease you'rr probabry feer better" Alfred looked at him...

"Kiku I...

I like you...."

The American started messing with his jacket. Anything he could mess with he did. (Mind out of the gutter)

Kiku looked at Alfred.

Kiku smiles and grabbed the sides of the blue eyes mans face.

A chocolate brown met A sky blue.
Kiku leaned closer as well as Alfred.
When their lips connected a spark went through them.
Kikus soft lips against Alfreds chapped ones.


"The answers simples really..."

Kiku and Alfred pulled away and smiled widely at the other. Foreheads touching.

"I rike you too....Arefred"


My lord that took forever!
Anyways hope you liked this!
I had fun writing it.
Anyways more oneshots coming soon!

1524 words!

Happy new year!

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