A Demon's Mate

By awkward_teen_02

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""Ok, I admit it may not be the smartest idea to smile and act all cutesy to some stranger but he seems diffe... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - Can I Go Home Now?
Chapter 2 - Cupid Screwed Up
Chapter 3 - Les I'm Miserable
Chapter 4 - Uh Oh
Chapter 5 - I Should've Stayed In Bed
Chapter 6 - Time To Fess Up
Chapter 7 - Mother Knows Best
Chapter 8 - Date Night Prep
Chapter 9 - Suprise!
Chapter 10 - Dinner
Chapter 11 - Our Happy Day
Chapter 12 - Uninvited Guests
Chapter 13 - A Dark Place
Chapter 14 - Getting Better
Chapter 15 - Another Day Forward
Chapter 16 - More Ties
Chapter 17 - Time Of Change
Chapter 18 - A Lot Of Blushing
Chapter 19 - Putting The Pieces Together
Chapter 20 - Power Up
Chapter 21 - History Lesson
Chapter 22 - Worries
Chapter 23 - Out Of The Loop
Chapter 24 - Exciting News?
Chapter 25 - We've Already Met
Chapter 26 - She Looks Just Like...
Chapter 28 - Our Ending
Hello Beautiful People - Thank you very much!!

Chapter 27 - Finally The Big Picture

1.3K 41 1
By awkward_teen_02

"Jennifer Thorne, are you listening to me?" A hard voice speaks.

Jennifer Thorne, the Thorne family that was feuding with the Thistles. If Jennie is Jennifer then that must mean that Dean is...

"Yes Deacon, I'm listening but I just say you droning on is getting quite boring," Jennie jokes leaning against her brother.

"Well, you'll have to deal with it. Now, let's go over it again, tell me what you have to do," he reminds pulling away from Jennie and standing to face her.

"But we've already been over this, multiple times," she says but Dean's unimpressed face results in her to sigh and start again. "James Thistle routinely buys the same drink from the same café every day, as he leaves I need to 'accidentally' bump into him, " she quotes with air marks, smiling at Dean who frowns, "blah blah he falls in love, blah blah blah he proposes, we marry, I kill him and take everything as his equal partner," she summarises with a bored look, "is that good enough?"

"For now," Dean replies with a calculating expression, "this is it, Jennifer, our family will get its revenge on the Thistles and it's going to start with taking our institute back."

The scene blurs into a new one, Jennie is standing outside a small establishment. Its cosy exterior matching its interior. She holds a stack of books and watches the door to the cafe.

Seconds later, she rushes towards the door with her head down, purposely knocking into someone.

"Oh gosh! I'm so, so sorry," she squeaks, "jeez I'm such a klutz," she mumbles going to pick up her books.

"No, it's my fault I should've been paying more attention to where-" he stops mid-sentence, with a book in his hand extending it towards her. Time stops as they hold each other's gaze. James' eyes twinkle with a spark and momentarily flash black.

Taken aback, Jennie flushes and breaks away, "thank you," she takes the book from his hand and as their hands meet tingles erupt throughout her body. She cautiously steps backwards and brushes down her outfit.

Standing as well, James clears his throat, "yeah no problem," he smiles, reaching up to run through his hair, "I'm James by the way," he introduces, offering his hand.

She watches his hand, disputing with her thoughts. He's my mate, I didn't know demons had mates, what about the plan? She panics.

Forget the plan. I won't break his heart, James Thistle is mine and I'm his.

Jennie takes his hand and shakes it, "I'm Jennie," she smiles holding on.

The scene changes again. Jennie stands dressed in a wedding gown, to her right, a blonde woman speaks to her.

"I can't believe you're getting married, Jen!" She squeals, however, Jennie worried face makes her frown, " I know you have all these nerves and bad thoughts now but I promise after walking down that aisle everything will be perfect."

"Liz, that's easy for you to say, you're already married and you've got an angel for a child, where is little Peter?" Jennie asks.

"I put him down for a nap," Eliza replies, "look, Jennie, don't worry," Eliza takes Jennie's hands and as soon as she does she gasps.

"Elizabeth?" Jennie asks, concerned.

Eliza blinks, wide-eyed, "I'm alright but Jen you're pregnant."

A knock on the door causes both girls to jump, "come in," Eliza answers. Dean enters, looking identical to as he did in the photo.

"Elizabeth, could I have a moment to speak to my sister in private?" Dean asks politely. Eliza nods her head then leaves. They wait until shes gone and her footsteps faded.

"Putrid healers, I don't understand how you can be around creatures like her," Dean remarks, nose turned upwards in disgust.

"Do not speak ill of my friends Deacon," Jennie warns, clenching her fists.

Dean witnessing her action smirks, "or what little sister?" he scorns. Jennie ignores his comment.

"I refuse to carry out your plans," she speaks.

Dean's face contorts into pure anger, "you don't have a choice!"

"I do! I choose not to be a part of your sick plans anymore!" She screams back at him.

"You'll regret this Jennifer, you and all your little friends. You know what I'm capable of, you know what we can do. Mark my words, sister, your actions will have great consequences-"

Cries erupt from the couch by the back corner; hearing her child's cries Eliza runs in.
She picks up Peter and shushes him, her eyes move from her child between Dean and Jennifer.

Her expression mirroring concern, she knows something is wrong. Dean's eyes stay on Elizabeth as he pushes a thought into Jennie's mind, "great consequences."

The scene shifts, these in short, rapid beats, the wedding night plays out. Jennie and Eliza both hide their concern and distance themselves from Dean, who plays the part of loving brother. Conner notices Eliza's worry and confronts her, she quietly mentions what happened. Conner glaces at Dean then at Jennie, under his breath he replies to Eliza. Jennie spends the most part of the wedding by James' side smiling and laughing at his cheesy jokes.

The set transitions, the atmosphere dropping from light-hearted celebration to a depressed and gloomy night. James, Jennie and Peter are wearing black. Peter is tucked into a bed too big for him, clearly exhausted from crying. Jennie and James both mirror his fatigue but retire to a couch in another room.

James sits with his hands pressed against his eyes, "I can't believe they're gone, I could've saved them but I was too late," his voice breaks.

"It's not your fault," Jennie says quietly, James looks up at her, "there's something I need to tell you."

James stays quiet through Jennie's explanation, she tells him about who she really is, her family, her name, what she is. She talks about Dean's plan and how she went along. She tells him about how she got out but Dean threatened her and about their baby she was carrying.

"It's my fault they're dead, Dean sent those vampires there to kill them because of me," she admits, James' face drops he looks like a child, so vulnerable and teary eyed.

Guilt eats away at Jennie as she takes a step closer to confort him. He recoils before she can touch him and shouts, "don't touch me, get out, Jennifer. Don't ever show your face around here again!"

Jennie, scared and frightened, instantly disappears from the room. She teleports herself to Dean's location and falls to the floor crying. Dean takes back Jennie with open arms, she apologised for not listening to him and begs that he doesn't hurt her or her child. He swears he won't but the shimmering glint of eye suggests otherwise.

The scene shifts again for the final time as Jennie, cloaked in the darkness of the night, leaves a well bundled blanket by a door. Kissing a folded piece of paper before placing it on the top of the bundle. She pulls the blanket back a little to reveal the head of a sleeping baby.

It's me.

The baby's eyes open and shine in the little rays of light from the moon. Jennie shushes me back to sleep then knocks on the door. She steps back into the shadows and waits.

James' comes out, spotting me in the basket he picks it up and sees the paper. Unfolding it, his eyes flash with pain, it's a picture of his wedding night. Turning it over he reads the note, he puts it in his pocket and looks out into the darkness. "I'm sorry," he whispers before turning into the house with me in hand and shutting the door, leaving Jennie alone.

The darkness clears and I'm back in the dungeon although I never really left. Jennie looks at me pained eyes, "you're my mother?" I say in disbelief.

She looks down, unable to meet my gaze and the guilt rolling of her in waves, "yes," she nods.

"There's still so much I don't understand, why did you leave me, leave us? Why did you kill James?" I question, my frustration rising.

"Dean. He had plans to use you against James, with you under his influence he could simply snatch Thistle from James by killing him and you inheriting it. I couldn't let that happen so before my brother could get his hands on you I left you with James, you're father." She explains.

"But why did you kill him?!" I ask again. She flinches at the tone of my voice, "I'm sorry," I apologise, "I shouldn't have raised my voice."

"It's alright," she smiles weakly, "I need to explain why I did what I did, James isn't dead, I'm sorry for putting you through that pain but it was the only way to keep you both safe. Dean, he still conspired to kill your father so to stop him I 'killed' James and led you to expose him. You know we are demons and that ruins his plans, he worked under Julia to get to you; the only reason you met Prince Asher was because Dean planted the rouge Pure Blood in the manor, where he knew Asher often frequented. I don't know how but he knew you were mates and planes to use your new status to his advantage. But that doesn't matter now, he's gone for good now, believe me when I say that whatever he tries now will be useless."

"Elouise, I know this is a lot but right now you've got something bigger to deal with the coronation can't start without it's queen," she smiles taking my hand. I smile in return and squeeze her hand back.

"Thank you for telling me, I need to get you out, you shouldn't be in here if James' is still alive. I'm assuming you spelled him so you need to go wake him up, I can't have my parents missing one of the biggest days of my life," I laugh, for the first time in a while feeling fully relieved. I'd found my real parents and they were alive, James and Jennifer, this whole time right under my nose.

That meant that I was a pure blooded demon, makes sense to how I was a lot more powerful than a half breed.

"Don't worry about getting me out, I could've left a long time ago but I needed to see you first. I'll get James, it's about time that we made up. He can't stay angry at his wife and mate for all these years," she jokes.

"James is a stubborn one but he'll come around," I say light heartedly.

"I'll see you soon, Elle," she says as farewell before disappearing.
Eek one more chapter left till the end kiddies, thanks all your patience and your tolerance of my bad writing lol.

Also this chapter is very very unedited and icky. I just wanted to get another chapter up and this one is probably the longest one I've wrote. So please excuse its quality lol.

I'll see y'all later.

Enami out ;-)

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