Kiss Me - Part One

By LarryStylinsex

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Kiss Me - Part Two
Kiss Me - Part Three

Kiss Me - Part One

810 4 4
By LarryStylinsex

[A/N] Prompt from an anon on Tumblr! I’ve made it into a mini fic. I hope you all like it. :)

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Louis slid into a table close to the cashier. He had just finished ordering a tea and he was now waiting for the waiter to deliver it to him. He glanced around the coffee shop, looking at the people inside and his breath hitched when he spotted a curly haired lad, wearing a beanie over his head although some stray dark curls peeked put through the top of it. He has dazzling green eyes and, although he seemed to have a frown plastered on his face, he was the most attractive guy he had ever seen. He watched him as he walked to the cashier swiftly, biting his lower lip as he dragged his gaze up and down the stranger, his cheeks turning a rosy pink before he hesitantly removed his gaze from the green eyed lad and looked at his hands on the table, which were interlocked together.

Harry asked for a small coffee and a muffin this morning, he would usually get two orders of that, but today he didnt, he wasnt going back home yet, not till late, he was too scared to even dare go see his boyfriend at home again, although Harry sometimes wondered if Nick even counted as a boyfriend when he would always hit Harry, slam him into walls then say he was ugly, low life, disgusting, repulsive, useless…the list could go on. Harry thanked the man behind the counter, and turned to go sit down in the booth near the window, as he sat down tears welling up in his eye’s while he thought of things, thought of how perfect his life was before him and Nick had drove off onto a dark road…he just wanted the happy path back, he wanted his old Nick back. He wasnt even sure what a nice hug, kiss, or hand hold felt like anymore, because every time he tried to have a gentle one, it would always end up hurting him.

Louis tried his best not to look at the Curly Cue again — that was his name for him — but he found his eyes drifting back to him, letting out a soft gasp when he saw a tear steak down his cheek. Louis bit his lip and gathered up all the courage he had when he stood up and walked stiffly towards Curly. Stopping near him, he slid into the seat in front of him. “Are you.. Okey?” He asked, willing his voice not to crack as he asked the question.

Harry snapped his head up and immediately wiped his eye’s free from his tears, trying his best to smile like everything was fine, like everything wasn’t burning and breaking inside him. “Uh Yes, i’m okay mate” Harry’s voice shook slightly, barley noticeable but still did in the slightest. He wasnt sure why this man was even asking him this, normally people would walk by Harry as he silently cried in this shop, they would glance to him and then walk away, but he was confused as to why someone like this boy- Beautiful, handsome, gorgeous, and so far nice- would even talk to someone like Harry, in his own mind Harry thought of himself as ugly, a whore, fat ass, everything Nick had ever told him he was.

Louis frowned as the lie left Curly’s lips and he leaned forward towards him. “For someone that says he’s fine, you really don’t look it.” He grumbled, his gaze leaving Curly Cue’s eyes and going to his dimples when he attempted a smile, making Louis’ cheeks heat up even more, his gaze going back to Curly’s eyes.

“No, I’m fine” Harry fibbed again, shaking his head in protest of the boy saying he wasnt okay while fiddling with the cardboard cup of coffee, Harry didnt like to talk about feelings, or how he hurt sometimes, but his heart fluttered minorly as this boy ahead seemed to care.

Louis bit his lower lip in frustration, but he didn’t want to push the topic. “Alright, well.. How are you?” He asked sincerely, putting on a warm smile and leaning back in his chair, putting his arms behind his head, glancing towards the register, a bit surprised they hadn’t given him his tea, yet.

Harry looked down at his drink in his hand “Okay…I guess…how are you?” Harry mumbled, watching the steam rise up from his cup, the smells of the caffeine lingering in his nose.

“I’m doing great! Well, so far and my day just brightened the moment I decided to get over here and talk to you.” Louis stated, a wide smirk on his face and he winked at Harry playfully before the water put his drink on the table and he thanked him before taking a sip.

The compliment made Harry’s cheeks tint pink slightly, smiling gently at the comment, he hadn’t heard anything like that in a very long time, a very long time. Harry wasn’t sure how to respond anymore to things like that, he used to be just as cheeky, but now he seemed to have lost that gift he had.

Louis smirked faded slightly and he looked at his drink, taking a long sip before he looked back to Curly. “So, er.. What’s your name?” He asked politely, since he realized he was talking to the lad without even knowing his name.

“I’m Harry” he spoke self cautious of it, because Nick had always teased him about it, said it was the dumbest name he had ever heard in his entire life.

“That’s a beautiful name.” He breathed, his smile now fully back before he told his own name, biting his lower lip after he had said it.

Harry looked up fairly shocked, he was expecting an ‘oh…uhm thats different?’ or some rude offensive comment, and after he heard Louis name he was surprised Louis thought his name was beautiful, because Louis name was gorgeous. “Thats a…thats a beautiful name as well, it suits you…Louis” Harry grinned small, liking the way his name just sounded leaving his lips.

Louis smiled and tilted his head to the side as a small smile lit up Harry’s features and he caught another peek at Harry’s wonderful dimples, not being able to contain himself while he reached forward and poked them softly.

Harry’s face lit into a million flames, smile wiping off his face as Louis poked his cheek, “W-Why did you do that?” Harry asked worried, he was insecure, wasnt sure if the reason of Louis touching him was good or bad. Harry’s face lit into a million flames, smile wiping off his face as Louis poked his cheek, “W-Why did you do that?” Harry asked worried, he was insecure, wasnt sure if the reason of Louis touching him was good or bad.

Louis stuck out his lower lip in a pout and he pulled back, crossing his arms. “I wanted to touch your dimples!” He whined, groaning childishly.

“Why?” Harry pondered, Nick always told him they were stupid, and that he hated them, honestly Harry wasnt sure why he was with Nick.

Louis’ childish façade faded and he smirked, his eyes twinkling. “They look adorable on you.” He stated casually, his grin widening when he saw Harry’s cheeks pink.

 Harry’s body went hot, the compliment taking control over himself as he smiled and looked down, he rarely got comments…very rarely, and one coming from someone as beautiful as Louis was considered lucky for Harry. “Thank y-you” Harry whispered looking back up, smile still across his face.

Louis giggled and reached over again, this time pulling Harry’s cheeks gently and rubbing the heel of his hand against his cheeks, admiring his dimples.”They’re so adorable!” He squealed.

Harry giggled, actually giggled for the first time in a long time, having these compliments come at him like this, never had he gotten so many in such little time. “Thank you, It really means a lot” Harry was happy, he felt like he was actually special to someone, even if this someone was someone he had only met a while ago.

Louis smiled when he heard the giggle escape from Harry’s lips and he leaned back against his chair, tilting his head to the side before he asked, “Do you want to come to my flat after this?”

Harry’s body stiffened at the question, not sure if he should or not, knowing when he came back to his own house Nick would ask him where he was all day, and when Harry lied Nick could tell, and if Harry lied, Nick would beat him hard, and if nick found out he was at another boy’s house, Nick would hurt him even further. “Uh…Uhm…I…I dont know Louis” Harry sighed and looked down to his still warm coffee, taking it up to his mouth and sipping some of it.

Louis’ eyes followed Harry’s large hand as he lifted his drink to his lips before his gaze went to Harry’s plump, pink lips and he licked his own slowly before he regained his composure and looked into Harry’s eyes again. “Well, uhm.. Why not? Other than the fact that we barely met.” He chuckled.

“Well…I, uh…I have a boyfriend…and…yeah” Harry mumbled, looking away from the gorgeous blue eye’s he was dying to look into, he wanted to go to Louis house, wanted to go and get to know more about him, but Nick’s future actions were getting in his mind, making him almost shake in fear now.

“… Oh…” He mumbled, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. “Maybe next time?” He suggested, smiling wishfully.

“I think so, maybe” Harry smiled sadly, knowing this would be the end of their chat, and then Harry would be back to sitting there alone, staring at his coffee silently, thinking about all the things Nick did to him before he walked here shedding endless tears.

“Oh, do you have a phone? Here’s my number!” Louis said eagerly before he pulled a napkin from the napkin dispenser and grabbed a pen from his pocket, writing down his number on it quickly before handing it to Harry, grinning happily.

“Yeah, thank you.” Harry took the napkin, looking at the number on it then took out his phone and tapped in the number, before texting Louis ‘Helloooo i see you!’ and sent it smiling at his own immaturity.

Louis pulled out his phone from where it had vibrated in his pants and grinned at the message, rolling his eyes and laughing before he typed in, “My own personal stalker? I have got to blog this. ;) .xx” and sent it, glancing back at Harry.

Harry laughed and smiled to Louis, he decided to stop texting, he liked the voice of Louis more. “Well, I’ll be texting you then, got to do that when you leave.” Harry was surprised in his feelings, he was just so joyful right now, he wished could feel that way all the time.

“Hahah, speaking of leaving, I have to go and babysit my little sisters. Great to meet you, Curly Cue.” He joked before he got up and walked towards the door, glancing back at Harry and waving before he exited, walking towards his parents house, his head filled with thoughts of Harry and their conversation.

Harry’s smile soon faded watching the lad walk away, feeling himself miss him even if he had just met him not long ago, he wanted to talk to him again, look at him and just let his thoughts be clouded with how beautiful Louis was. Harry sighed and drank the rest of his coffee, then got up from his seat, and walked out of the shop as well, walking down the snowy streets with his hands deep in his pea coat while he walked, looking up to the sky seeing flakes of while float to the ground. Eventually Harry made it to the park he always went to after fights with Nick, a quiet little park with a side and swings for kids, a now frozen over water fountain and four benched surrounding it. Harry sat down in one of the benches and texted Louis. ‘Hey!’ Harry sent, hoping to god Louis would reply, he missed him so much, he didnt even know why.

Almost immediately after the getting the text, he replied a, “Hey, Curly! .x” and closed his phone again although he looked at it in anticipation before his sisters, Phoebe and Daisy, kept bugging him about playing Princess and the Ball. “Alright, girls! Go get ready for the ball, Prince Louis will take you when you’re done!” He told them, ushering them up the stairs and to their room where they began to pull on pink and blue princess outfits while Louis laughed and put on a bow-tie — he loved them.

Harry’s heart skipped a beat and his stomach fluttered in butterfly’s as he felt the vibration of his phone on his lap. He unlocked his phone and smiled at the cheeky nick name and ‘x’ Louis had sent. ‘How are you?’ Harry asked tapping away at his phone, not being able to stop his giddy feelings inside.

Louis winced as his sisters roughly combed his hair and he paused them for a second while he got his phone out of his pocket again, glancing at the message and grinning, “My sisters are going to make me bald!”. Then after, Phoebe and Daisy began to comb his hair again he groaned, acting like a child. “You girls, it hurts!” He complained.

Harry chuckled and smiled faintly at the silly text, ‘Uh Oh, better find a wig next time i see you then’ Harry smirked and pressed send. It was fun talking to Louis, he didnt worry about anything or anyone else, just him and Louis.

By the time he received the text, he had managed to complain enough so that his sisters would move on from combing his hair, now they were all settled in their teacher set, Louis hardly able to sit on the small chairs while he pretended to drink tea. “You’re so much cheekier in texts, aren’t you, Curly Cue?”

Harry blushed and then laughed a bit, he didnt think that was very cheeky, but apparently it was ‘Haha I guess so” Harry’s worry’s were gone for now, as he just joked through text, sure he thought it would be a lot better if it was face to face, because damn he missed Louis beautiful face, but this was good, good enough for Harry.

Louis giggled and shook his head slightly when his sisters asked him if he was texting a new girlfriend and he quickly explained what had happened and they both grinned. “Can we meet him?” They both said in unison. “Maybe, but for right now let’s just play, yeah?” They nodded and went back to playing, smiling as they did while he typed a reply to Harry, “Do you want to come over tomorrow?”

Harry’s stomach flipped again over the message, he wasn’t sure if he should or not, but it wasn’t like he wouldnt be hurt again tomorrow anyways, how can visiting a friend hurt? ‘Sure! I would love to!’

“Great, see you then! .xxx” Louis grinned and got up, telling the girls he was going to shower before he went to his room, threw his phone onto his bed, then went into the bathroom where he stripped down and went in the shower, turning the water on and just standing there, biting his lower lip gently.

Harry smiled faintly, then got up from the cold bench, and walked away from the calm park, down the streets till he finally made it to his flat he shared with his ‘boyfriend’. Harry sighed and opened the door, walking inside and hoping to dear god Nick wasnt there, but to his surprise he was, and slammed him up against the wall, pinning Harry there by the shoulders. “Ye old cunt! Where were you!” Nick spat in Harry’s face, making Harry wince and turn his fear covered face away. “I-I was at the coffee shop!” Harry said truthfully, trying his best not to break down and cry. “Fucking lies!” Nick yelled and punched Harry’s gut hard, making Harry bend over and wheeze, a tear falling from his eye. “Your nothing but pathetic you know!” Nick yelled then Harry got back up, when Nick then threw a punch to his arm, Making Harry drop his phone in his hands, sending it to the ground, Nick saw this and went to pick it up. “Give it back!” Harry attempted to yell, but it came out hazy. “Who is this fucking slut?” Nick asked showing Harry the messages. “Why is he acting like your his?” Nick was mad, furious, he chucked the phone at Harry’s face hitting him in the head making Harry shed some tears.

When Louis was done showering, he stepped out and air dried himself. After that, he ran out the bathroom and into his walk-in closet, grabbing a white shirt that used to be his dads, but now it was his. He then grabbed a pair of boxers and pulled them on before he went into his bed and plopped down onto it, searching for his phone through the messy blankets piled up on the bed. Finding it, he tested Harry a quick, “Harry, guess what?” Grinning after he sent it.

Nick saw the phone light up on the floor and launched down to grab it, unlocking the phone and seeing the same bloke had texted Harry. “Harry who the fuck is he!” Nick hissed in hatred of this man who he didn’t even know. “H-He’s my friend!” Harry choked out. “Bullshit! you dont even have friends!” Nick laughed darkly, “You arent going to text him anymore, tell him soon that you never want to talk to him again, or else your beating will be a lot worse that what it was today!” Nick then whipped around leaving Harry there to pick up his phone. ‘What Lou?’ He asked, bawling his eye’s out on the floor, he would miss this, talking to Louis.

“Oh, nothing, I just thought you were going to say something random. ;)” Louis rolled his eyes at his lame joke but shrugged it off and hugged his pillow to him.

 Harry smiled sadly and wiped away his tears that fell from his face. He couldnt tell Louis what Nick told him, not today or tomorrow, he needed to be with Louis one last time before he did. ‘Your weird hah’ Harry sent and struggled to stand from the floor, walking over to the couch to go lay down since Nick went to go sleep upstairs.

Louis giggled, “Yeah, but you love it. .xx” He sent it and nuzzled his face into his pillow happily while he thought of Harry’s beautiful smile and his cute dimples, giggling like a little girl in love.

Harry covered himself with a thin blanket, snuggling into a decorative pillow, not a very comfortable one but did anyways, and continued to text Louis, so far the only thing that was making him feel the slightest bit of happiness. ‘Yeah i do love it’ Harry sent and got a bit panicky, what if Nick saw that later on? He would probably have bruises for months.

Louis bit his lower lip as he looked at the text, his cheeks taking on a pinkish color before he replied, “Really now, Curly Cue? Anyways, I’m going to go to sleep. See ya tomorrow? :) .xx” and went under his blankets, waiting for Harry’s reply before he dozed off.

‘Okay, good night Lou! x’ Harry smiled and put his own phone down, looking up to the ceiling, he just wished Nick could go back to being the sensitive sweet person he was before, he wished he could enjoy being cuddled instead of pushed, kissed instead of forcibly making out. He just wanted the joy back in his life.

Louis smiled sleeping when he read the text and he shut his phone after, his eyes already drooping. “Goodnight, Harry..” He whispered before he fell asleep, a small smile on his face.


[A/N] Hope you all like it! <3 .xx

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