You need ME, I don't need YOU

Av TheWriteSide

341K 4.6K 538

"Your a TEASE, Jocelyn. That's all you ever were." Drew's voice roared. The Lunch room was now quite, watchin... Mer

Chapter 1: You need ME, I don't need YOU
Chapter 3: DREW : 3 | JOSIE : 2
Chapter 4: Play ground Perks
Chapter 5 : Just Jake's SISTER.
Chapter 6: IM A SLAVE FOR YOU.
Chapter 7 : Mean Girls
Chapter 8 : What's Ferrah Hiding ?
Chapter 9: I love you so Much. But I hate You So Bad.
Chapter 10: Advice
Chpater 11: Cafeteria Star
Chapter 12: Don't Care. Won't Get Hurt.
Chapter 13: How it should have been.
Chapter 14: I Didn't forget...
Chapter 15: They think I'm troubled.
Chapter 16: Things Therapist Do.
Chapter 17: OH. MY. GOSH.
Chapter 18: I'll Love You Anyways.
Chapter 19: He'll never commit.
Chapter 20: How Awkward.
Chapter 21: Locked in a Closet.
Chapter 22: NO COMMENT.
Chapter 23: F. M. L.
Chapter 24: TEASE
Chapter 25: The Test
Chapter 26: ...
Chapter 27: Welp.
Chapter 28: The End.

Chapter 2: This is WAR

13.5K 206 40
Av TheWriteSide

"How was School Honey?" My mother called from in the kitchen as I walked into the house.


I was pissed off 1. Because of drew, I had to wear Ferrah's gym shorts for the rest of the day, 2. Because I couldn't Find Jake. . So I had to Walk home. . and 3. Because I had Freaking Detention.

"I'm Sure it wasn't that Ba-"

"QUIT SAYING THAT OK. YES IT WAS!" I cut my mother off as I ran up the steps.

What the hell was Drew's problem. I ran into my room, undressing from Ferrahs gym clothes and then pressing my body up against my door. I took some deep breaths and tried to clear my head. . .No help.

I heard the roar of my brothers car pull into he drive way, I peeked my head to look out the window.

Looks like Drew's Coming over. . . You know what. If its Hard Ball he wants, Then it's Hard Ball He'll get.


I pulled on some sweats and a tank top, Shoving my feet into the pair of uggs that laid at the foot of my bed and then I raced out my door. I heard my mother call to drew as I rushed down the steps. ."Drew, Its so nice to see you, again!" She gushed as she pulled him in for a hug. I rolled my eyes, as drew noticed me.

His lips curled into the annoying evil smile after my mother pulled away and walked back into the kitchen. he pulled me in for a hug next, "Whats up Josie." He asked. I tried to push away but his grip was tight around my waist, . ."Don't try to play nice now," I scoffed into his ear, "Why Whatever Do You Mean. Josie?" Drew said all Innocent like. I Finally got out of his grip and I went for the basket ball that laid by the door.

"Jake. Wanna play!" I asked as I diverted my attention to him, he looked at me knowingly. If it was one thing I could be better at than my brother It was Basket ball. "Ill Beat you this time!" Jake said as he took his jacket off, showing me that he was ready to play.

"You in Drew?" I said as I opened the front door. "Unless. . your afraid you'll get b-" "I'm In." He said confidently. I smiled, Knowing my plan was going right were I wanted it.

We were about only 10 minutes into the game, and I was kicking their-

"Whoa. . That's a Foul." I said as I stopped in my tracks. . "Theirs No fouls in Street Ball," Drew called to me as he chased after the ball. "JAKE. Tell him there's-" I started.

"Josie. . Are you scared your gunna Loose," Jake said, cutting me off

"No." I said As I ran over to Drew, Nudging into him with my shoulder and making him stumble back a bit. I hit the ball out of his hands so that it bounced on the ground and then up into my hands. His mouth hung open. "What! There's no Fouls, remember." I said I threw the ball into the hoop

"AND THE WINNER IS!" I announced as Jake went to the grass to get his shirt back on.

"Yea. Yea. Yea.." My brother said as he pulled his beater back over his head. "I'm going in," Jake announced as he started to make way back to the front door. "I'm gunna play one more game." Drew said. My brother shrugged and went into the house.

"You sure you wanna do this, Drew," I said as I bounced the ball up and down in my hands.


8 to 8. First one to 10 wins. . and right now we were tied.

"Hold on. . Lets make this interesting," Drew spoke with the ball in his hands. I huffed, ready for him to just shoot the ball because he was about to beat me. "If I win. . Then, you have to Kiss me." The words rang in my ears but my brain didn't really process it. "And If I win?" I said. "Ill make sure I don't tell Jake to leave you again!" He said as that evil smiled played across his face.

So he was the reason I couldn't Find Jake. . Douche bag. I slammed my hand into the ball, Knocking it out of his hand. It hit the ground and started rolling down the drive way. It seemed we both gave each other a -Ready-set-go- look before racing for it.


I had the ball in my hands, ready to make my winning shot when. . . . CONCRETE.

My body slammed face first into the ground As I looked up and saw Drew, Throwing the ball into the net. "You cant do that!" I rolled over onto my back, the pain racing through my chest.

"I Won, Josie." He said as that smirk crossed his face, He held his hand out for me to grab.

Ignoring it, I pushed up onto my feet from my hands, as I dusted off my knees I could feel Drew's eyes burning a whole though me.

"Cheater." I mumbled just loud enough for him to hear me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "You'll learn sooner or later. . . I always WIN."

I huffed as I crossed my arms over my chest, I took a step closer to him, ready to fulfill the bet we had made. Before my day rushed through my head, replaying itself.

I smiled a little as Our lips were close enough to kiss, I reached my hands around his neck, Tilting my head as his eyes closed lightly. . He puckered, And I back away. "You didn't Actually think I would kiss you, did you?" I said As I turned for my door.

"Drew C'mon," My brother said as he went up the steps. "DREW. Your staying for dinner right?" I said loud enough so my mom could hear as I walked into the door. Phase 1 of my plan was put into motion, when my mother raced into the room, "We'd love to have you?" My mother added.

"Of course, " He said staring straight at me and then following my brother up the steps.


DINNER TIME. . or should I say SHOW TIME.

"Your gunna go put some clothes on, arnt you?" My mother asked as she set food down at the table. She was referring to the sweat pants and tank top I was still in from earlier. Drew and Jake had already been sitting at the table, awaiting hungrily to dig in. "YES. MOM!" I said as I raced to go up stares.

I pulled on a grey sweater, and a white pencil skirt. I left my hair in the messy bun it was in before i slipped on my tan flats. For my plan to work, I needed to look and smell at least decent, So I snuck over to my moms room, and sprayed some her Gucci perfume all over me. I even took the time to through on some bracelets and stick in some earrings, I was going to let Drew know that I wasn't the One!

I walked into the dinning room, taking a seat right beside drew.

Alec sat next to my mother, My mother sat next to Me, I sat next drew, who sat next to Jake. The circular table was full, and on overload with food. I crossed my legs, Letting my foot caress Drew's Leg.

I noticed he felt it when His eyes trailed down. He let out a small cough, "You OK?" I asked as I cut into my steak. He plastered a fake smile on his face, as he picked up his glass of water and took a sit of hit.

"So Drew, Hows the Family?" My mother asked.

before Drew could answer, I rested my hand on his lap.

"My Dad Got Married." Drew spoke in disgust.

Drew's Mom had died in a car wreck when we were all 8. Drew had really never been that close with his dad since.

"That's Great!" My mother gushed. "Not Really. . .I have step sister." Drew Said.

"A Hot step sister!" Jake added with a mouth full of food.

I let my hand trail a little further up. I felt Drew's Leg twitch a little.

"How was Detention, Josie?" Drew spoke, Making my mothers face go stern.

"You had detension?" Alec spoke up. I shot him a look as if to say , -Shut-up.

Drew's face looked victorious. That only made my hand trail a little further up. "Its Not my fault" I said looking at my mother. "Then Who's fault is it?" She asked.

"Some Douche Bags'-" I scowled

"Jocelyn. We don't use those words at the table." My mother said as she put down her fork.

I had planned to seduce Drew. . . and then to take it all back. You know, tease him. . This was all back firing. He just hit me with a burn, and now his hand was on top of mine.

I felt his fingers intertwine with mine as they moved my hand up farther. I pulled away quick. Looking at him with wide eyes. "Can I be excused." I said to my mother as I threw my napkin on my plate. . I didn't even wait for an answer, I just got up and rushed up the steps.


I went into my room. . Kicking out of my flats and then throwing myself back onto my bed. I looked up at my ceiling as my hands crossed over my stomach. Drew Had become a total jerk. . . and I hated it. My door Handle twisted and my door opened in a quick motion. I sat up fast. "Why are you in my room?" I asked bluntly as Drew shut the door behind him.

"I always win Josie." He spoke as he approached me on my bed. "What. . What are you doing." I said in sort of a panic as Drew Crawled onto my bed. . "You Know.. We could always have another night Like-" I stopped him by putting my hand to his mouth.

I knew were he was going with his statement and I didn't wanna hear it. Drew bit down onto the palm of my hand, making me move it from his face. I tried to crawl from up under him. . . But it was no use, His Muscled body was to strong for me to even push away. Drew Hovered over top of me. . His eyes on my lips. . Soon he rested his lips on mine. I did the one thing I knew would piss him off. . I kept my lips closed, not letting him get any tongue action. He pulled away, "Kiss me Josie," He said staring deep into my eyes.

"Drew, You have a girl friend." I said as i turned my head. It was the only was our faces wouldn't be so close together, but that didn't help because drew had used his index finger to turn my chin back to facing him. "Ali isn't my girlfriend." He spoke softly. "Then why'd you kiss her." I questioned.

"I Kiss who ever I want."

Those words Broke me.

What a Cocky Bastard.

I Pushed my hands onto his chest, trying to get his body from off top of mine. "And I kiss who I want," I said repeating him. . . "And I don't Want you." I said as I got him to roll over, Drew Looked somewhat taken aback. I crawled from off me bed, As drew Stood as well. . "DREW. I think you should know.. .. From Now On, I'm the one who always WINS. K,"

And with that I went over to my door, Opening it and gesturing my hand for him to leave. He fixed himself. .Combing his fingers through his hair before he actually attempted to leave.

Before he did, he grabbed my hips. . for the second time today, Hiking me up against the wall so that my legs were crossed around his waist. His forehead was on mine as he stared down into my eyes. "We'll see about that." His voice had gone deep and Dark. . but it was. SEXY.

He let me down gently, Before pushing a strand of hair behind me ear. "See you at school, Josie." Drew said as if he didn't just have me pinned down to my bed, . or held up against the wall. . .I watched as he walked down the steps, Hoping he would look back, but he never did.




7:30 a.m. SHIT!

Why didn't my alarm clock ring. Ughhhh.

I Scrambled for something to wear. . Fuck it. Jeans and a tank, it is!

I ran into the bathroom, Pulling my hair from the messy ponytail it was in and then taking a brush to it. Worst Idea Ever. he brush was tangled to my hair. . I dropped it, letting it stay hanging to the strands of my hair as i pulled my tooth brush from its spot in the holder. I never really though about how long brushing your teeth could take. . I mean really, I had to wet the tooth brush, then put tooth paste on . . and that happened like 3 times because every time I would run it under some water the tooth paste would fall off into the sink.


I dropped my toothbrush, Taking the tube of toothpaste and squirting it in my mouth, then I tilted my head down so that I was underneath the faucet letting the word run into my mouth. I gurgled and Swished my mouth around. .

So Much Better than Actually brushing. . .I sware !

I ran out of the bathroom, trying to untangle the brush. "Your going to be late, Lyn!" My mother called calmly.

"Yea. . I know." I said as My attention was still fixated on the tangled brush in my hair. "GOT IT!' I said happily as I pulled the brush from my hair. . . AIR!







I had just hit the bottom step, my whole body aching. My mother stood at the top of the stairs. "Jocelyn, Are you OK."

"Im Fine."

I got up, mentally smacking myself for falling down the stairs. THIS WAS GOING TO BE A LONG DAY.













And Hour Later

I finally made it to school, Only half an hour Late.

I walked into math class, . .


I handed Mrs.Stencen my admit before taking my seat beside Drew. "Sorry. . I didn't mean to unplug your Alarm Clock, Last night!" He whispered. I grounded my teeth together. And I could feel my nails scratching at the wood in the desk. "You Ass-" I whispered before I was . . TAPPED.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT . NOW." I said a little to loud.

"I was Just passing up these paper. . Gosh. . Sorry" The guy who sat behind me said as he shoved some papers my way.

I sighed, . . . "I'm Sor-"

"RUDE." He said cutting me off and crossing his arms.

"Whatever." I said through clench teeth.



Why was I so happy? Oh maybe because I knew Drew would be going off Campus with my brother for lunch.. so this was half an hour with out him!

"You Look horrible!" Chelsea said as she patted down some fly away hairs on my head.

Here's Another FUN FACT ABOUT ME: I hate people who point out the obvious. I'm also allergic to Stupidity. . I break out in Sarcasm.

"Really! I thought I looked Supper CUTE today!" I said in a mock to her.

She dimmed some, "Some one woke up on the wrong side of the bed."She mumbled.

"I'm Sorry-" I started to explain but the doors to the cafeteria opened, and every one. . Like yesterday Diverted their attention to my brother and Drew as they entered.

I stared down at my trey, Not wanting to make eye contact with drew. I focused on the chocolate chip cookie that laid there



I was starving !

And there was a chocolate chip cookie!


I picked it up taking a big bite of. . . . FREAKING DISAPPOINTMENT.

Raisin cookies that look like chocolate chip cookies are the reason I have trust issues.

"Dude what are you wearing?" Nadia said as she sat her treay at the table before taking a seat across from me.

I looked over to ferrah and then to Chelsea, "Is it a sin to be casual?" I said fully annoyed and a little upset because they all did look better than me.

"Welcome to our school. You will be judged on what you wear, your taste in music, what you look like, and how you act. Enjoy your Stay!" Ferrah said in a Voice mail Voice. I sighed, "This si better than your gym clothes. OK!" She nodded in agreement.

"Haaa. . Yea.. . and then Josie..."

I looked over to Ferrah who's eye were wide as well. Why did my name just come from that table. I looked down at my trey again.

"No She DIDN'T! Hahaa... thats crazy!"

We all heard Ali's voice and Now i couldn't help but think, "Where they talking about me. . "

"Jocelyn! C'mere," My brother yelled from the booth he sat at with Drew and Ali. I sighed, And shook my head No.

"GO.GO.GO.GO!" Chelsea pushed.



"Yea?" I said standing at the edge of their table.

"Drew said you use to Eat Ants." Jake said as he let out a laugh, followed by Ali who let out an evil snicker. My Mouth hung open. "It Was A Dare!" I said in defence. "So It was True!" Ali now went into a full laugh.

If I was ever challenged with a Dare or Bet. . I was the type of girl who would never back down. . So that day when we were 11 and Out side playing. When drew Discovered an Ant hill, and said, "I bet you wont eat one." I took him up on his challenge. . Eating not one but at least 10.




I rolled my eyes before walking back to my table in defeat.




I sat my bag down on the bench as I reached up, putting in the locker combination for my locker. "You got my gym clothes, right?" Ferreh asked as she unlocked her locker as well. I unzipped my book bag, pulling out her short and handing them to her.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Ferrah squealed. I looked down at my bag, that was swarming with Ants.

I let out a disgusted scream. "DREW." I yelled out aggravated. . .


I Picked up my bag. Only to carry it out of the locker room and Bust into the Boys Locker room, that was right across the hall.

"WHOA. AYE. GET OUT OF HER.. . THIS IS THE BOYS LOCKER ROOM." Most of them called to me as they hurried to put on their clothes.

"Wheres DREW?" I stopped at Reese, One of Drew's Best friends. He pulled his shirt over his head. ."You know this is the boys-" "Wheres Drew." I said to Darren, Drew's other friend.

OK. no one wanted to answer me. I went around to the other side of the lockers. . there sitting, With a Winning smile was DREW. "I see you got my pres-" I stopped him mid sentence, throwing my bag at him.

"Whats wrong Josie, I thought you might be hungry." He said As he kicked my bag away from him. "1. YOU DARED ME TO EAT THEM. 2. WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?" I said as my arms folded.

"Josie. . Dude. . you eat ants?" Some random guy said as he came around the corner.

Wait. . He didn't just call me Josie. . .

"AAAAAHHHHHGGGG" I let a frustrated yell. The dudes eyes got wide as he poked his way back around the corner.

I took in a deep breath before walking towards Drew who was now standing. Even though I had a Big bad front on, secretly Drew Scared the shit out of me. He was way to tall and his mussels just made his intimidation all that more scary. But I kept my fear inside As I looked up to him. . I stepped up on my tip toes and Swerved my head so that it was in the nape of his neck. .

I let my lips sit right at his Adams apple, kissing it lightly before tracing my lips to his ear lobe.

"This is WAR." I whispered before pushing him back down on the bench and walking back around the lockers. I looked at Reese and Darren's Dropped Jaws. . . They couldn't believe what I had just gotten myself into. . and Quite Frankly, neither could I.

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