Unexpected Love Dak Prescott

By cm4629

14.5K 270 22

Kaylie and her family are attending a Cowboys game in New Jersey. Later that night, she meets someone unexpec... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 12

710 15 0
By cm4629

Work is going by the slowest right now which sucks because all I want to do is see my bestie right now and talk to Dak. I won't be getting home until around 10, but I doubt she'll even be back yet because the flight from Paris to Charlotte is about 12 hours, which makes it about 1am when she gets off. Then she has to fly from Charlotte to PA which takes less than 2 hours so we are probably talking 3-4 in the morning. Ugh. I guess I will have to catch her up on everything all tomorrow. I'm opening at work which is 9:30-5 so I'll have the whole night to myself. Thank god I was able to get Friday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday off from work soo last minute all for Dak. And I guess this benefits me too a little. Hehehehe I'm not complaining trust me. I'm using a lot of my vacation time which helped me a lot.


10 o'clock rolled around fairly quick and by that time, I was done with everything that needed to be done. I exited the mall and made my way to my Rover. I hoped in and checked my notifications on my phone per usual. I decided to text Dak.

K- super long day and super tired 😴  I hope yours wasn't as tiring as mine.

I send the text, lock my phone and put my car in drive to make my way home.

Once I get home I plop all my things down on the kitchen table and check my phone. I have a text from Dak. EEEEK.

D- heyyy film is pretty tiring too so yah I know how you feel.
K-hmmmm sure very tiring
D- have you thought more about your trip here?

Well obviously. Basically the whole time I was at work.

K- a little. I have no idea what my explanation to my parents is going to be as to why I'm going to Texas but yanno I'm still breathing.
D-lol. You didn't tell them about me?
K-well um no
D-well you're screwed out of options here
K- I will eventually tell them. Plus half the family knows because I was attending last weekend game with half of them and all of them can't be quiet. But I told them to keep it specifically quiet around my dad, because the cousins I went with are on my dads side of the fam.
D- that's funny
K- yea real real funny. But seriously I will them. I just waited a little bit because I didn't want it to be so soon. What time is this flight anyways?
D- I gotcha. Flight leaves the Philadelphia airport at 9:20 tomorrow morning.
K- great thanks for the heads up. Now I need to wake up at like 5:30.
D-sure thing. Yea sorry I forgot to mention that to you lol. Are you going to drive yourself to the airport?
K-I really didn't think about that too much yet. But I will figure it out soon. I'll probably end up just leaving my car there. It's fine
D-okay just let me know what you end up doing.
K- okay.

Plus, you probably didn't tell any of your family about me either jerk..

K- I never flew alone before on a plane. I'm nervous
D- it's so much better alone. Especially where you're going to be sitting.

Omg. He got me a first class ticket. That's so extra and unnecessary

K- do not tell me your bought me a ticket first class?
K- um why? I was totally okay with just sitting on the part of the plane where I normally sit.
D- trust me you will not think that after this.
K-yes I will that is ridiculous Dak.
D-be mad all you want. But you'll thank me later.

I want to smack him so hard in the face right now.

K- I'm going to smack you once I see you.
D- Kinky😏

Hehehehe omg there is butterflies in my pants right now. But I'm still mad.

K- hmmmm I'm still mad at you
D- mhm
K- hehe. Can't wait
D- ❤️

Alright I'm done answering for a while. I am all of a sudden really tired. I might as well go to bed a little early tonight. I have work at 9.


Thursday Morning

Today I wake up relatively early around 7:30 ish. Dak might be up since it's 6:30 there and I believe there practice start at 7. I shoot him a text before I even get out of bed.

K- good morning ❤️

I get out of bed, get ready for work and go on with my day. Before I leave the house, I write a note for Chloe saying I'd be home around 5 or so. I'm assuming she crashed at her parents because she had to of have gotten home so late.

I decide to text my dad and let him know I'm going to Texas tomorrow lol. I'm such a bad daughter.

Kaylie- hey dad💙 I'm going to Texas tomorrow. I kept it a secret because I didn't want anyone freaking out but I met Dak Prescott in New Jersey at the last game, and he bought me a plane ticket out to see him for a few days. Don't be mad at me!

He's been at the beach for a few days with his girlfriend, my uncle and his fiancée. That uncle happens to be my cousins Keith, Kyle, and Kristens dad.

D- ahh yes.. if you thought you'd be able to keep that from me forever you were mistaken.. Have a great time and BE CAREFUL💙 love you

K- okay. Love you

Good that wasn't as bad as I thought I'd be. I wonder who spilled the beans to him though, after I said specifically said keep it away from HIM.

It's now 2:30 and I'm on my lunch break in the back room of the store. I got a text back from Dak.

D- good afternoon now❤️❤️ just got out of practice. Hope you're having a great day at work!!!

Aw he can be so sweet sometimes.

K- work sucks!
D- just think you're off for the next 7 days to come and hang with me 😘😘
K-yessss I know Can't wait ❤️
D-me either
K-I'll ttyl I gotta go back now😣
D-okay have fun !
K- lol

I finish work at about 5 and head home.

I had a text from Dak which was my plane ticket and all the information I needed for tomorrow. I text him back just a smiling emoji and continued to drive.

As I pull into my driveway, I lock my car and run to the door hoping Chlo is home. The door was unlocked which was a sign she was in the house. (I hope)

Yuppp she was back. I ran right into the kitchen into her arms. I missed her soooo much. Plus, we have lots to catch up on. We sit down at the kitchen table and we talked for what felt like hours. To be exact it was close to an hour. Ugh I didn't tell her I'm going to see Dak tomorrow morning. I hope she doesn't freak out. Here goes nothing.

Sooo there is one more thing that I left out.... I said in a nervous tone.

Yes..?? She said confused.

Well, I'm flying down to see him tomorrow until Wednesday.. I finally let out, but break eye contact with her. Ugh I don't want to see her reaction right now..

You what??? She said surprised.

Oh good she doesn't seem that mad.

Yea chlo!! He wants me to come down and stay with him. I don't know what we are or what we are going to be, but I really like him. He's sweet. If we can make this work that'd be great. Although it's going to be very difficult. I said.

Well thats so awesome!! I'm so happy for you!!! You deserve the world and hope this works out for you!!
You're such a lucky bitch though... I'm jealous. She said.

I seriously love my best friend so much.

I love you Chlo!!!! I don't know what I'd do without you!! I say giving her a kiss on the cheek and a huge hug.

I love you too sweets. She says smiling.

My mom texted me while I was at work that she's having my brother and sister over for dinner tonight if you want to come. That's where I will break the news to all of them of what I have been up to lately... I say.

I'd love to. Sure. She says smiling.

She said around 7, so we have like an hour. I said.

Sounds good. I just have to finish up some of my laundry before we go. I have so much. She says.

I bet. I'm going to get changed and start to pack my shit for this shindig I'm getting myself into for the next few days.. I say.

You poor thing are hooking up with an NFL football player. I feel so so bad to you. She says sarcastically.

I just roll my eyes at her and walk up the stairs. Once I get into my room, I pull my prized possession Louis Vuitton suitcase out of my closet and lay it on my bed. I hate packing. It's so stressful at times never knowing how much clothes you are going to need.
I pack 5 different lounge outfits and about 5 dressy outfits. I hope that's not too much. It definitely is. Plus I packed my game day outfit for Sunday. Wooo go boys. By the time I was finished packing my clothes, it was ten to 7. I yell down to Chloe and asked her if she is ready to head out to my moms. I make my way down the steps, then throw my shoes on. I grab my keys off the table since my car is blocking her car in the driveway. She got the garage since she has been gone for a while to Paris. I'm saying that with much sarcasm. We arrive to my moms and sit down to eat dinner. We all small talk for a while before I remotely think about bringing up Texas. After a while I finally decide it's time. I'm pretty sure My sister Emily has an idea about Dak but she surprisingly did not bring up anything to me regarding him. She's known to be super noisy and would be the one to make tons of jokes. On the other hand, Michael my ten year old brother, has no idea about anything about Dak. Honestly he might think I'm joking. He obviously has not been on the internet lately. And lastly, my mom and her man Tom definitely have no clue. Tom hates the Cowboys so he might not take this well.

Mom I just wanted to let you know that I will be going to Texas tomorrow morning. I say blankly.

Um Kaylie, for what exactly? She says in the most confusing way.

Well mom, while attending the Jets Cowboys games last Sunday... I met a boy.... I start to mumble now and look down at my fingers. Well that boy happens to be Dak Prescott, who plays for the Cowboys. I look up slowly at her. We started talking and he's a really good guy and wants me to fly out to see him and another game on Sunday. I finally finish saying.

I thought my brother was going to choke on his food.
I knew he'd freak out.

Kaylie, isn't that very sudden? Flying to Texas to see him? My mom says concerned.

Well here's the thing mom... I really like him and want to see if things will end up working out between us. I'll never know unless I go. And, he paid for my flight down so I'm not spending a dime. I say hoping that makes her change her mind.

Well, that's the least he can do. He's loaded. Tom says chiming in. As you can tell he speaks what is on his mind.

Thank you Tom for your observation. I say sarcastically because I'm not looking forward to the rich comments I'm going to get from everyone.. ugh.

Well if thats what you're heart wants then sure. Just be careful. She says with a slight smile.

Sheeesh glad that is off my chest.

I send Dak a quick text to let him know I'm alive and my mom took the news well.

K- my mom knows. We are good 😅
D- yayy

Thank you mom I say smiling back at her.

Wait you aren't joking about this ? My brother say lookin at me laughing.

No you moron. I say laughing back.

He's sitting by Chloe and I notice her show him something from her phone. I'm assuming it's the pictures from the paps that day.

What the hell? He says staring at the picture of Dak and me.

Watch your mouth. My mom says towards my little brother.

Lucky. He says back.

I mean you can have him if you want. I say trying to be serious but ends up failing.

Funny. He says looking at me with a weird look on his face.

We finish up dinner and Chloe and I head back home.

Wait what airport are you flying out of? Chloe brings up while driving back home.

Philly. I say.

Are you driving there or is he getting valet driving right to our front door? She says jokingly I hope.

Funny. No I'm just going to drive and leave my car there.  I say.

Do you want me to take you? She offers unexpectedly. I figured that'd be the last thing she'd want to do considering she just got back from her trip, which was hours of traveling.

I don't want to do that to you. You're probably so sick of traveling and it's pretty far just to drop me off.

I mean I can go visit my aunt and uncle that live down close to the airport. Plus King of Prussia is close to there I can go shopping.

This is why I love her so much. I know she'd do anything for me just like I would do for her. This is why we have been best friends for literally forever. Since grade school. Then, we even ended up going to Penn State together. Now we live together. We just cant get rid of each other. Lol.

Chlo, that's very generous of you, but that's a lot to ask. I have to be out of the house around 6:30 tomorrow. I say

Anything for you B. She says

Are you sure? Chlo I feel bad. I say m

Don't feel bad!  I get something out of it too! I get to see my fam and shop! Two things I love the most!

Ugh! Fine! I love you!! I seriously would be lost or dead without you I say grateful af right now.

I love you too!! Right back at ya! She says smiling.

When we get home it's around 9:30

I text Dak to let him know Chloe is going to take me.

K- Chloe is going to take me to philly tomorrow.

He answered a few minutes later saying to okay. He also asked if I wanted to FaceTime for a little.

I answered right back saying sure and to just give me a few minutes to get settled because I just got home from my moms.  Once I got changed into comfortable clothes, I called him. We talked for two hours at least until I was basically falling asleep on the phone. I have to get to bed anyways I have a flight to Texas. We hung up and I got up to shut off my light and to brush my teeth.

I shoot him a goodnight text before I head to bed.

K- goodnight. Can't wait to see you tomorrow💗
D- goodnight kayl can't wait to see you 😍💕

Omg it's already 11:45 and I have to wake up at 5:30. I'm totally screwed..... At least I get to see that cutie tomorrow😍

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