Hello, Goodbye [BHNA Chatfic]

By EuniceAphroditis

413K 13.4K 11.2K

Un: you know you're a lot like an atomic compound you're simple you aren't connected to anything and you hav... More

username guide
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight
chapter twenty-nine
Christmas special
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-two
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five
chapter thirty-six
Reader Input? (A/N)
chapter thrity-seven
chapter thirty-eight
chapter thirty-nine

chapter thirty-one

3.4K 170 82
By EuniceAphroditis

Un has entered the chat

Hey bakugou 
pay attention to me 

KingExplosionMuder has entered the chat 

What the fuck do you want 

Come here 

Excuse me

Physically come over here 


No no,
Come here 

Did I fucking stutter?

But 🥺

I don't even know where you are 
I'm not playing hide and seek, you fucking toddler 

I'm in my dorm!!
Come here !!

I'm not walking across campus to your shitty dorms for whatever stupid reason you made up 

What if it's not made up 
What if I'm in DIRE NEED of the great hero BAKUGO KASTUKI?? 

I know for a fact you're not 

And how's that 

Because you're a dumbass 
But you'd also never come to me when there's a problem. You'd go to other dumbasses like Deku or some shit 
So fuck off, I'm busy. 

I'll come to you ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ

I swear to God, Blender Bitch 
You show up at my dorm room again I'll make sure you're stuck in the infirmary for a week 

That better be a Promise
I'll see you in five :) 

Un has left the chat 


Un has entered the chat 

I need you help 

Thwomp has entered the chat 

Did something happen, ___? 

More like did something NOT happen 
Because something which should be happening isn't 


I am on a mission of great importance.

Well what's the mission? 

I'm afraid you may be too close to the source for the full info
All you need to know is bakugou has to leave the dorm building right now 

What? Why? 

Can I trust you with classified information?

Of course you can!!
I promise to protect your mission  😤✊
And a bro promise is the strongest one you can give 

I just got the chills 
I FELT the promise 

Hell yeah you do 
That's the POWER 

Okay, I believe you 
Get ready for this 
Because I'm about to explain the BEST prank to ever exist. 
It starts with you getting Bakugou outside of the dorm building 

You said that earlier 
Why do you need him outside of the dorms?


Allow me to explain. 
It will all make sense bb 

I trust you 

Thank you 🥺


"Now just stay hidden until I say the codeword which is…"

"'Gotta go fast'."

"That's perfect, iida." I say, adjusting my couched position to take pressure off of my ankles. Damn, I have bad ankles. I should probably look into that sometime. 

Iida glanced over the bush and onto the path. No one walked through the thin layer of snow that covered the sidewalk but Iida continued to check every few minutes. He glanced left and right then returned behind the bush. 

"I really don't think this is an appropriate thing to do as students of UA and as classmates." He protested. I shook my head, lightly laying a hand on his shoulder with the knowing look of someone with more than two brain cells. A perfect fake. 

"Oh, Iida. This is a simple prank, and if anything happens, the blame will be on me and not you!" I assured though it didn't seem to calm Iida. 

"That's exactly what I'm worried about. You just arrived at UA and to leave so soon would be a horrible way to spend your childhood." He said, a small sparkle twinkling off the corner of his classes. "Plus, I would miss your presence around campus and during classes." 

He quickly added to the end, "As would the rest of the class I'm sure!"

Oh damn, he does care. That shits cute.

I tried to find a witty comeback to dismiss the sentimental comment but only came up with 'You're so fucking precious' and 'I literally have done nothing to deserve your sweet heart.'

I squeezed his shoulder lightly, "I'm not going anywhere anytime soon, Iida. This school will need more than a prank to kick me out." The comment didn't seem to have the heartwarming effect I planned as Iida didn't leap to his feet and agree with me. 

"I'm sure the school can still expell you regardless of the charge." Iida said flatly. I quickly raised a hand to his face, blocking his 'logic' from affecting me. 

"Shhhh, they're here!" I intensely whispered. Iida instantly closed his mouth and molded himself with the bush by burrowing into its branches until I could only see the bright blue hair and steel glasses poking out from the leaves. Or...whatever bushes were made from. Does anyone really know. 

Focus, dumbass. 

I focus. Because sometimes my brain might be kind of correct. 

Down the path, the unmistakable forms of Kirishima and Bakugou walk out of the 1-A dorms. Kirishima holding the door open as Bakugou takes a tentative look around before begrudgingly walking through. I could hear his complaining just by watching his big ass mouth. 

"Why the fuck are we out here. If you're trying to make me go to another party I'm going to kick your fucking ass."

"Come on, dude, don't be such a downer! It's a beautiful day, and that party was fun. You just suck at socializing."


Making my body look as loose as Gumby, I leaned against the tree nearest to the path.

"Oh, hey, ___!" Kirishima called, arm waving frantically above his head. Instantly, Bakugou turned from slightly annoyed to full on pissed off. 

"You fucking asshole! 'Nature walk' my ass! You planned this didn't you?" Bakugou stopped walking, preferring to shout at Kirishima in the middle of the walkway. I sighed. 

Looks like I have to do all the shit by myself. 

I pushed away from the tree and started walking toward the duo. Using his Spidey senses, Bakugou's head snapped in my direction and raised a hand to point at my head.

"You get any closer you'll regret the day you went to this school, blender bitch!" The shout turned to a scream across the peaceful campus. A wave of flapping wings followed the shout as Bakugou's voice literally caused a group of birds to fly away. 

"Awe, the only thing that could make me regret coming here would be if I had to room with Solis. Are you going to make me live in the same room as my brother?" I tilted my head. Bakugou's glare faltered slightly, but returned seconds later with an added flare I didn't expect.

He shoved his hands into the pants pockets. Kirishima flashed me a thumbs up from over Bakugou's shoulder. Not sure how this is going well but I'll take his word for it.

"Can you just go away for one fucking second? I'm tired of looking at your dumbass face." Bakugou grumbled, voice not matching his glare. I came to a stop in front of the pair. A hands reach away from Bakugou. That's all I needed. 

"Actually, I'm just about to go. I only needed to give you something." I said. Bakugou's nose wrinkled as he looked down on me. Ah yes, the condescending tall person stare. I no longer feel bad about what I'm about to do. Not that I ever felt bad in the first place. 

"Whatever it is, I don't fucking want it-"

I cut him off by slapping my hand against his chest. Beneath my fingertips, I felt the atoms swirl into new positions and lock into place. The deed is done. the shirt is polyester. I could basically see the irritated skin in my mind.

"Gotta go fast!" I shouted. A flash of blue shot out from the bush and appeared at my side in a second. In the next second, I was latched to his back like a koala. 

Bakugou understood what I'd done the moment my hand left his shirt, but it was too late. I was already racing away on the back of a determined class rep that was busy lecturing me on maturity.

"Years later when the moment is brought up again by a colleague, you're going to think back on it with regret and I will be there to say I told you so." 

I squeezed my arms tighter around his shoulders, "Awe, you're going to be with me years later? I love how you care, Iida." 

"We both know that isn't the focus of the story-" Iida's flustered rant was cut off by Bakugou.


I spared a glance to see bakugou chasing us using his blasty hand cannons, occasionally stopping to itch at his skin. Damn, I love people who are allergic to polyester.

"You can never kill your best friend!" 

And with that, Iida and I ran into the mid-afternoon sun as the gnarled shouts of bakugou drowned into nothing

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