Beauty And The Beast (A Raura...

By LoveliestWonderfill

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Ross Lynch was a monster inside. Sometimes he could control it. Other times it just came without warning. He... More

Chapter 1: Is He Really...?
Chapter 2: Researching
Chapter 3: The Castle
Chapter 4: You're Invited
Chapter 5: I Promise
Chapter 6: The Gathering
Chapter 7: Protecting Laura
Chapter 9: I Can't Lose You Either
Chapter 10: Nightmares
Chapter 11: Into The Magic Garden
Chapter 12: I'd Die For You
Chapter 13: After The Chaos
Chapter 14: Epilouge

Chapter 8: Tragedy

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By LoveliestWonderfill

Ross's POV:
I pushed through the crowd of running and screaming people, trying to get back to the ball room. Once I finally reached it, I looked around to see my family and some other people fighting the Demond's. I looked to my left to see one swooping down in the direction of Rydel. I snapped.

I could feel the fury of red boil up in my eyes. I sprinted towards Rydel and pushed her out if the way. The Demond wrestled me 'til we hit the floor. I punched and clawed every which way trying to get it off if me. I could see it's fangs coming closer by the second to my face. Just as I thought it was going to bite me, Rocky grabbed the Demond by it's collar and threw him off of me.

He held out his hand and pulled me back up to my feet.

Ross: Thanks dude.

Rocky: No problem. Go find mom and dad and gather them up. The last thing we need right now is for all of us to split up.

I nodded, then ran off to go find the rest of my family. Rydel and Riker were fighting off more Demond's. Rocky scampered over to help them, along with Ellington and Ryland by his side. I turned back towards the rest of the ball room. Where were mom and dad?

I ran around searching the entire castle, which was now empty with silence. My footsteps echoed through the halls an rooms as I jogged around looking for my parents.

Ross: Mom!! Dad!!

No answer. I continued looking anywhere I could possibly find. That's when suddenly, I heard a scream. I nearly tripped over myself at my sudden stop. I froze, hearing the scream. That was no ordinary scream. It was a woman's scream. A lot like... my mother's.

It came from the very end of the hallway. I sped off at the speed of light racing in the direction of the shriek. As I reached the end, I looked down both ways. To my right, nothing. To my left... There. There my mother lie on the floor. She was barely moving a muscle.

Ross: MOM!!

I ran over to her and dropped down on my knees. I hovered over her and looked down at her. She was pale. Very pale. Her once blue eyes now looked gray and lifeless. Tears started to fill up my eyes. My mother stared up at me, letting out quiet breaths.

Stormie: Ross... 'she says in a low whisper'

My arms shook as I reached out and slowly grasped her hand.

Ross: Yea mommy?

Mommy? I haven't called her mommy since I was little.

Stormie's POV:

Hearing my son call me mommy makes me think of him as my baby boy once again. I look up at him and see that same face when he was five tears old. Then ten. Then sixteen. And now eighteen. I lightly squeezed his hand, feeling the fear running through him.

Stormie: Mommy has to go now...

He shook his head ferociously at me.

Ross: No, mom! Please don't leave me!!

I winced in pain, feeling the Demond bight on my neck sink its way deeper inside of me.

Ross: I'll go get the medication! We can fix this!! You'll be okay mom I promise!!

I gave Ross a small smile.

Stormie: I'll be okay... 'she whispered' I'm going to a place where no one can harm me.

Ross: Mom...

Tears were streaming down his face. I wished to comfort him, but I had no strength to dry his tears.

Stormie: I love you, Ross.

I heard him calling my name. I heard him shouting it. But to me it was all a whisper. And then, there was no noise at all. Only light.

Ross's POV:

Ross: Mom...?


Ross: Mom?!?

Still no answer. Her eyes were closing.


It had been too late. Her eyes were fully closed now. Her hand in mine hung loose now. The warm, soft hand now turned ice cold. I was too late. The Demond bite had killed her. I stare at her, feeling dark emotions swarm inside of me. Anger. Sadness. Guilt. Everything.

I shakily stand up off the ground. I kept my eyes locked on my mothers body. The tears are pouring out if me like waterfalls. Suddenly, the anger inside of me starts to take over my sadness. My hands crunch up into fists. I then start to scream. Horrible howls I only let out when I become the hideous Wolf Boy everyone knows me for.

I punch at the walls. I kick the doors. I throw glass cases in all directions. My beloved mother is gone. My father has disappeared. Why is life suddenly crashing down right on tip of me? This night was going so well. Until the Demond's came.

I began to loose my breath from all the punching. I gave the wall one last slam, then rested my forehead on the cold wall in front of me. My hands rested against the wall as well. I was breathing heavily. My mind began to empty. Nothing mattered to me at the moment. One of the people I loved most, just left me. It wasn't her fault. She left too soon.

I could hear my siblings running towards me down the hall. I kept my eyes squeezed shut. They all crowded around me.

Rydel: Ross, what's wrong??

Rocky: Hey, are you alright man?

I ignored their questions as my tears continued to fall. I then suddenly heard another scream. It was easily identified as Rydel. I knew she had saw the horrifying image of our mother, dead on the ground. The comforting hands on my shoulders from my siblings slid off and ran in the direction if Rydel. I could tell by the silence among them, they knew what was going on.

I finally opened my eyes. I was alone where I was, but down the hall I could hear the weeps of my family. What are we suppose to do? How can we live here with no mother or father to take care of us? How will our lives go on? I lifted up my head and looked to my left. I worked up every piece if strength I had and started walking in the direction of my family.

I rounded the corner to find them all gathered around our mother. I held in the tears that still wanted to make their way out. I walked passed the group and continued slowly down the hall.

Rydel: W-Where are you going? 'she stutters'

I stopped for a small moment and took a silent deep breath.

Ross: I'm going to get Laura.

Laura's POV:

I rubbed my arms, getting colder and colder by the second. I could hear banging and crashing upstairs. Each abnormal sound made me jump. I was so worried about Ross and his family. Were they alright? Were they hurt? I couldn't think clearly.

I waited a but longer in the dark closet. Everything had been strangely quiet for a few minutes. I wonder if the Demond's have left. My legs began to fall asleep from standing for so long. But I needed to stay calm and strong. This was a life and death situation.

After a few minutes more, I began to hear slow footsteps walking above me. I froze. I held my breath. I could hear my heart beat increase. Then for a split second, everything went silent. Was the person gone? Did they leave? As if answering my question, I heard a slow creak up above. It sounded like the door to this basement. I began to panic.

What if someone finds me? What if it's a Demond? I began shaking if cold and now fear, as I tried to keep as calm as possible. I then heard footsteps coming down the steps. My eyes widened. The footsteps came closer... and closer... 'til they reached the bottom. I was now trembling. I could see the shadows of the shoes walk right in front of the closet. My eyes were glued to them.

Suddenly, the doorknob began to turn. I scooted myself way back into the corner. I began breathing heavily. The door to the closet opened. Please don't let this be the end of me. A figure then poked its head slowly inside. I could barely make out the person. I then realized it was just...

Laura: Oh... Ross...

I let my breath slowly escape, feeling relief flood me. He held out his hand for me to take. I took it and slowly walked out of the closet following his lead. He turned around and shut the closet door. When he turned back around, we both had our arms squeezing our bodies tight together in a massive hug. I'm so grateful nothing happened to him.

Laura: Thank God you're okay. 'she says quietly into his shoulder'

I didn't hear anything back from him, but I felt him squeeze me tighter. His head buried itself deeper in my shoulder. I wrapped my arms tighter around him. Honestly, if we squeeze each other any tighter, I won't be able to breathe. But it'll be worth it if I'm in the safety of Ross's arms.

After a bit longer, we slowly let go.

Laura: You had me worried sick. I was so worried that-

I cut myself off, as I looked up at Ross. He was staring at the floor. He looked... sick? Confused? I don't even know. His face was almost impossible to read.

Laura: Ross? Are you okay?

His eyes traveled from the floor, up to mine. I could immediately tell he was heartbroken. Without breaking our gaze, I slowly reached out and grabbed both of his tough, warm hands. He gave them a light squeeze.

Laura: Ross... 'she begins, a bit more quietly' What's wrong?

A small tear slowly crawled down his cheek. Now I was really worried. I gave his hands a squeeze back, letting him know I was right here for him. I stared deeply into his eyes. Why wouldn't he tell me? I mean, I don't want to be pushy. If it's something personal, I don't want to be involved if I shouldn't be. But I also don't want Ross to be upset.

Then out of nowhere, Ross started to lead me over to the stairs and up them. I was confused at first, but stayed quiet, allowing him to lead the way. We finally reached the first floor. The air was still a bit flat and cold, but warmer than downstairs in that basement.

Ross still held my hand tightly as he led me over to another big flight of stairs. It was the staircase that lead up to the second floor. The floor with the library. Except instead of turning down towards the library, we turned down the opposite hallway instead. We walked a little ways, 'til we came to what seemed to be a bedroom. My best guess, Ross's bedroom.

He pulled me inside and shut the door behind us. When he fully shut the door, he didn't turn back around towards me right away. He kept his hand on the knob. I stared at his back, waiting for something to happen. I was afraid to say anything. Maybe he just needed a moment of silence.

Finally, he turned back to me. I saw now that even more tears were pooled up in his eyes and running down his face. My heart broke seeing him so sad.

Laura: Ross please tell me what's going on. You're scaring me.

Another tear made its way down his cheek. Whatever was bugging him, it's obviously something huge. He walked us both over to his big, king sized bed. We both sat side by side on the comforter. Ross took a deep breath, then slowly shut his eyes. He sat silently. I waited. He didn't do anything.

I reached over and grabbed his hand once again. He seems to relax a little more if I hold his hand. It makes me feel good inside knowing that. I intertwined our fingers together. After a few seconds, Ross opened his eyes again. He slowly turned his head towards me. I sat up a bit straighter.

Ross: My... My mom...

I furrowed my eyebrows.

Laura: What about your mom? 'she asks softly'

Ross took a deep breath.

Ross: She's gone... 'he says, shutting his eyes again'

Laura: Gone? Where did she go?

I was confused. Ross shook his head.

Ross: No... She's gone.

I stared up at him, suddenly realizing what he meant. She's gone. As in...

Laura: Oh... Ross. I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to-

Ross: No. 'he says, cutting her off' It's fine.

I could just hear him choke out those words. I felt terrible. His mother, I only met about an hour ago, is now dead. I know how horrible that feels. I hate that Ross now has to experience that pain.

Laura: ... Is there anything you need?

Ross's POV:

I need my mom back. I need her here with us again so life can just be normal. I didn't say that to Laura. I knew that'd be rude, and she wouldn't know what to say. I slowly turned and looked down at Laura. I stared at her. I took in every small detail of her beautiful face.

I knew Laura couldn't poof back my mom. I knew she couldn't poof away my sadness. But I knew exactly what I wanted.

Ross: You...

She looked up at me, clearly confused.

Laura: What?

I gave her hand a squeeze.

Ross: I just want you...

She stared into my eyes.

Ross: That's all I want right now...

I knew now by the look on her face, she understood me. I looked down at our hands together and gave her little one a squeeze. I was almost afraid to see her reaction. She probably thinks I'm stupid now. Why did I have to tell her what I wanted?

I then felt her small hand squeeze mine in return. I work up the nerve and finally look down at her face again. She gives me a small nod.

Laura: Okay. 'she whispers'

I felt a shred of happiness grow inside of me. Even if I didn't show it, I felt overjoyed Laura was willing to cheer me up. I scooted backwards on my bed, giving her room to scoot up next to me. She crawled on the bed next to me, and sunk down into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and held her closer to me than anything I've ever held. Feeling her warmth flood over me caused me to feel a little happier.

I felt tears rise up again. I don't know how many times I'm going to cry today. But all I know, is I have the one person with me who I know will always make me happy, even if I'm in the worst of moods. I began to lightly cry in her soft hair. I thought she maybe think it was weird or gross, but she didn't seem to mind. And I was grateful for that.

One of her hands gently placed itself of top of mine. She stroked it lightly with her thumb. Which for some reason only made me cry harder. Yet at the same time, it was soothing. I hugged her closer to me. No one has ever let me cry on their shoulder, because, I never do cry. But if I do which is in the rarest of situations, it'd be my mother.

Now that I think of it, Laura is similar to my mother. Friendly, generous, patient, all of the traits you could want in a friend. I cried and cried and not once did she complain. Or talk. She let me have my moment. And I can't thank her enough for that.

Okay. I know what you're thinking. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN MISSY?? I HAVE BEEN WAITING YEARS AN YEARS FOR A NEW UPDATE OF THIS BOOK!!! Yes, I understand, but calm yourself, because you just got another chapter.

One word to explain why I'm so late updating everything. School.

Like oh mah gawsh school suuuccckkksss!!

It keeps me from updating and that is a big set back for me, let me tell you.

I hope I can update ASAP on my books. Tell me what story I should update and I'll do my bet to work on it.


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