The billionaire's savior

By baeline0711

1.6M 39.2K 8K

Samantha Camilla William. Daughter of the richest family in the world. She's absolutely gorgeous, and not on... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
This is not a update
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Please read!!
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 27

37.3K 1K 124
By baeline0711

Point of view ;
Samantha Camilla William





"Bub" i yelled not knowing where Austin is. When i didn't get a respond i started walking towards his guard outside to ask where he went. I closed the door behind me and didn't see his guard either.

Where are they?

"If everything fine, Miss Samantha?" Rudolfs voice snapped me out of my thought. Where the hell did he come from?

"Uh yeah, where is Austin?" I asked still confused.

"His father called, something about giving the company to Demon at his company party." Rudolf said, making my eyes widen. He's been saying that he would give the company to demon, forever, but he still hasn't done it. I guess he was waiting for a good moment. But what is so special about today?

"Rudolf, is there going to be paparazzi at the party?" I asked rudolf and he nodded before starting to explain.

"Yeah, mr De Luca wants everyone to know. He thinks that if people know about a change of Ceo, it will make people think that Demon has to be really good, since he'll be taking over a company without buying it over" rudolf explained making my eyes widen. Shit. This happened a few years back with another company too. I have to fix this, or else Austin is going to be a laughing joke, that will never get a job.

"Get the car ready, I'm going to change real fast and after that we'll be attending the party" i told rudolf strictly before running back into the house.

Where the hell did i put my phone.


I run upstairs to my room and walked inside. I sighed relived when i noticed my phone on the bed. I pressed Lisa's number and started calling her.

"Good evening ms William, how can i help you" Lisa asked politely. She's really the best PA.

"Hello Lisa, i need you to call all the William speed number and tell them to be at the De Luca company party this evening" i said before hanging up and trowing my phone on the bed. I know it's rude but she's used to it, and I'll make it up to her, but I'm just way to stressed right now. The William speed number is a number that she has to call to send every William a message. That's so she doesn't have to call them one by one.

I walked inside of my closet and grabbed the first dress that i saw. Good thing it's cute too. I put the dress on and sighed before starting on my make up and hair. I didn't even get the time to take a shower. Luckily i took one last night.

I finally finished up, and grabbed my phone before running out of the room with my heels. Working in the business world, really teaches you how to run with heels.

"Rudolf, are you ready?" I called out loudly. Just on time he walked inside of the house and smiled my way.

"Ready?" He asked politely and i nodded walking towards him and the both of us walked out of the house. I got inside of the car and sighed irritated.

Why didn't he tell me?

I honestly can't believe he didn't tell me. I know it sound selfish, and it is. But let's be honest here, this can ruin his whole life. I know I'm giving him my company so i can work on my interior designer company, but that doesn't mean everyone can think of him as a laughing joke. If he's taking over my company and this happened, no one is going to work with him and my company would go down too. The whole thing is that i don't even care about that the most, it's him who i care about more. He's ruining everything for himself.

"Are you okay miss Samantha?" Rudolf asked snapping my out of my thoughts, once again. I took a breath and nodded before noticing we were in front of the De Luca company. Two cars pulled up next to us and i smiled knowing who they were. I got out and smirked to myself.

All four doors from both cars opened and out of the two cars came, my two brothers, Leo, Conner, Drake, my parents and the one and only Caleb William. Everyone and i mean everyone knows who Caleb is. He's the most cruel business man in the whole business world. He ruins people's company in a snap of his fingers, without feeling bad about it.

"Let's go" i said and they all nodded before all following behind me, and inside of the company. I smirked looking towards the others when we reached the big door that led us to the party. I gave them all a look and pulled the doors open. The place was packed with people.

"So by this, the De Luca will officially be taken over by Demon De Luca" Austin's dad said in the microphone making everyone gasp. I looked around for Austin, and noticed him standing at the side of the stage, looking butt hurt. The fact that those people made him feel like that made me furious. I noticed the paparazzi focusing on Austin, asking him all sort of questions about how he feels about all this.

I stormed towards the stage and grabbed the microphone from Austin's dad. I send him a death glare before turning towards the whole crowd. Austin's eyes widened at the sight of me, he looked towards the door and noticed the other making his eyes widen ever more.

"Can i have everyone's attention?" I asked in the microphone, everyone going silent. "Funny isn't it? How this fool calls himself smart" i started, letting out a chuckle, pointing towards Austin's dad. "I can assure each and everyone of you that Demon is no good. Austin is who made the company keep it's worth, but that won't be needed anymore" i continued, making everyone give me confused stares. "I have a few people that have something to say" i said nodding towards the others. Caleb was walking in front, my parents behind him, and behind them where my brothers and cousins.

People stared whispering with widened eyes, and a few even gasped.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen" Caleb started off, and i think all of them know, that when Caleb is polite, that we should be scared. Caleb cleared his throat before walking around the stage. "I honestly hate when these things happen, but this happening to family of mine is a whole different story. That's when you get me furious." Caleb continued, clenching his teeth. He kind of has anger issues, which makes him even scarier. It's funny how he still has every girl failing at his feet.

"What do you mean family?" Demon stuttered scared. Caleb slowly turned to him and send him his scariest glare. Even i was scared. Just kidding, that big teddy bear doesn't scare me.

"Don't talk when I'm talking" Caleb said slowly but still loud. Okay please someone take the microphone from him. I guess my dad saw my face because he grabbed the microphone from Caleb.

"As many of you know, i have a daughter that is the best business women in the world, and could buy every company that any of you have if she wants. Well none of you know, but she's married" dad explained making everyone gasp. What a bunch of drama queen. I rolled my eyes and looked towards Austin who was sending me questioning look. I just looked at him blankly before turning back to my dad.

I'm still mad at him.

I guess this is how he felt, when he found out about me.

Leo rolled his eyes, groaning before grabbing the microphone from my dad. "What Richard is trying to say here, is that Samantha here, is Samantha William. Yes you heard good, that is Samantha William. And she married Austin there" Leo said pointing towards Austin. What is from with this kid. "And Austin is like our brother and we don't accept all this" Leo added struggling his shoulders and giving the microphone back to Caleb who was glaring at him.

"Demon can keep the company, but i won't assure you that it won't go bankrupt" Caleb said smirking before dropping the mike on the stage and walking towards Austin, giving him a hug. What a bromance. I'm disgusted. And for the first time i turned towards Austin's parents to see them in shock. Demon on the other hand looked like he was about to cry.

"No no no please, I'm sorry. Don't do this" he begged. I feel sorry for him, it's going to be on tv. I made eye contact with my three cousins and nodded towards the paparazzi. The three of them gave me a nod before walking towards the guards to let all the paparazzi out.

"Your telling me, this whole time you were Samantha William?" Austins mom asked me stuttering. I nodded with a smirk and walked towards her, stopping in front of her.

"Yes, and I'll make sure you'll remember that when Austin takes over my company" i said with a huge smirk now. Her whole face turned shocked, and she started shivering.

"W-what? No you can't do that" she stuttered. I chuckled and put her hair behind her ear, before leaning towards her ear and whispering the next sentence.

"I can mother in law, and i will" i whispered. I pulled back with a smirk. "And haven't you heard that your other son is taking over my dads company?" I asked with a fake sad look.

"What is happening" she whispered to herself, putting her hands in her hair. I licked my lips before turning to her sweet husband who heard everything.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me" he begged, and i laughed to myself.

"Ah ah ah" i said, putting my finger up. "Should've felt sorry for what you did to my husband. Right now, i won't do anything. I'll let my lovely cousin take care of this" i said pulling Caleb, who had a evil look on his face, towards me. Austin's father has probably never looked this scared. I turned towards demon who looked defeated. "Congratulations on the company" i said with fake enthusiasm, before turning around and walking away.

"Samantha wait" Austin yelled from behind me. I'm honestly not in the mood right now. "Samantha" Austin said once again and this time grabbed my arm. I sighed looking at the ground before turning towards him. "I'm sorry, i just know you would've revealed yourself if you knew and the last thing i want is for you to reveal yourself because i was in deep shit" Austin explained.

Nice but no.

"Austin do you not understand? If i didn't find out about this, the both of us would've been in deep shit. There was paparazzi there, they can ruin you. And we're married now, we either go through something together or we don't. You shouldn't have kept this from me" i yelled angrily. "If you went through this alone, they would've ruined you Austin" i said softly.

"You lied to me too, and i let it go too Samantha. Don't be like this" Austin said angry too now. I looked at him in disbelief.

"Are you seriously saying that right now?" I yelled, a hurt look on my face. "I know i shouldn't of done that, and i showed that by being there for you every time. And that was a lie between the both of us. You kept something from me that would ruin your life, and you know i care a fucking lot about you" i yelled again, dapping my finger in his chest.

"And you think i don't care?" Austin yelled back, a angry look on his face.

"Where in that whole speech did you hear me say that?" I asked angry.

"Well it seems like it Samantha. You lied too, so you can't be mad at me" he yelled pulling his hair. I knew we should've talked about everything. Keeping everything locked up was the worst idea ever.

"Well Austin do you wanna know why i never tell anyone who i am? Because it's not really like you wanna tell someone that when they knew who you were, you got beaten back and blue multiple times because people wanted money from your. Or how i got stabbed because i didn't wanna tell where my dad keeps his money. My whole childhood was me in hospitals because people loved beating me up. My friends would steal from, teachers would threaten me to give them money or else i would get bad grads, and that's not all. Now tell me your goddamn excuse" i screamed, tears streaming down my face. Austin just stood there in shock.

"Being Samantha William, is my biggest nightmare" i sobbed before storming out of the company.


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