chatterbox; hs

By simplyice3

7.2K 220 6

a website where you get to chat online with a complete stranger, get to know one another, become friends or m... More

hello, world
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79 3 0
By simplyice3

what am i supposed to do when i'm here

throw rocks at my window

there is none

there's no rocks.


i already was gonna do that so i looked and it's all just sad little specks of dirt and leaves that fell and some sticks

oh wait

although delilah knew he was there, she wanted to feel like someone wanted to see her. this was her vision of romance and whether or not harry liked her, she wanted romance. when harry walked into her life, she noticed how romance seemed like such an easy thing for him.

the rock harry had finally found on the ground hit her window, bounced off onto her roof, and almost nailed harry in the face. he dodged it as delilah opened the window. harry tried playing it cool by keeping his hands at his waist, slanting on one hip, and smiling with his pearly whites.

delilah held up a finger like she told him to wait. she pulled her phone out and texted him like usual.

there's a ladder on the side of the house. i use it whenever i sneak out lmaoo

harry chuckled to himself and slid his phone back into his pocket. he did as she told and the ladder was surprisingly sturdy. it was an old ladder but still in good shape. goes to show that delilah's a good person and doesn't sneak out often.

it took harry a while to get up but he finally did. at last, they were so close they could touch each other. delilah wanted to feel him and touch his hair and smell his shirt. harry wanted to feel her hand and ask her what perfume she was wearing and see if she was okay with a peck because harry thought she looked so beautiful, he couldn't but want a kiss.

harry only smiled at her, she smiled back. delilah had this smile that could make any girl gay and any boy fall in love with her and harry hated that that was exactly what she was doing. she had these brows that had so much emotion. her style was simple and cheap, h&m most likely. harry couldn't deny the attraction he had for her but he'd rather keep that to himself for now.

"we're so close we could count each others pores," harry said. others would've found it awkward but delilah found it comforting. this was what their relationship was all about. saying things that come off strong but make everyone laugh, that was them.

"lets not and say we did."

they sat on the roof for the entire time. delilah never went in to grab a bag of chips or to pour herself a glass of water. harry never asked for anything since he knew she wouldn't go get it. not because she didn't want to, she just didn't want to go downstairs to face her parents who had no idea a boy was sitting on top of their house.

"harry," delilah spoke up. the sky changed colors in the matter of minutes and all you could see were the stars and the faint clouds in the distance that would soon take over the stars and empower the city, "we're so different in person."

"we are," harry agreed, "i can feel that sexual tension we talked about. it's okay though because we're in person and it's not over text."

delilah rolled her eyes and slapped his arm gently. she wanted to push him off the edge but she liked him too much to see him hurt. then again, she'd laugh and then cry.

"last time we talked about sexual tension, we yelled at each other."

"it's not really yelling if it's over text," harry said, "you are so beautiful."

harry can't help himself. neither can delilah but she has more control in her words than harry. harry can control his actions while delilah can not. harry wanted to kiss her but couldn't lush through it, that's why delilah did...or at least tried to.

before their lips would touch and feel at home, finally, car lights appeared in the driveway.

"fuck, is that your mum?"

"my parents are both home," delilah said.

the car lights shut off and the car became clear even in the darkness the nighttime held. the car door opened and out came the staggering 5'8 woman in heels but 5'6 woman in flats, nora tisdale.

"did you forget i had find friends on?"

harrys entire body froze and so did delilahs. she didn't freeze because she was scared of her but of how loud she was being. delilahs parents would wake up from the sound of her loud, pitchy voice and delilah knew it. she wanted to scream at her and tell her to shut up but that'd only make things worse.

"i told you to stay away from him, delilah," nora said to her. delilah only glared at her. she felt this urge to kick her in the throat or push her into oncoming traffic or to rip her hair right out of her scalp.

instead of doing anything that would definitely screw up delilahs life, she laughed and said, "and i told you that you can't keep me away from my friends. you're being jealous, nora, go home."

"both of you, stop!" harry said, annoyed. he felt like kicking himself in his own throat, "listen, nora, i'm done being bossed around by you. you're a great girl with a lot of potential but fuck! you can be so irritating to be around. you are jealous and you, delilah, you're not making any of this better!"

the girls stared at him. delilah felt safe around him but when he raised his voice for the first time ever, she suddenly felt afraid to say anything else. nora had guts only because she was down on the ground and standing outside of her car. if harry did anything, she'd just run inside and drive away.

"either learn to get along or we're breaking up!" harry yelled. delilah didn't care about her parents anymore even though she should've.

nora glared hard at harry before hopping back into the vehicle. she was aware of her surroundings and purposely ran into delilahs mailbox. it tumbled to the ground and broken into two pieces. she groaned.

"god, delilah!" harry was frustrated.

"don't god me! god your girlfriend!"

"ex-girlfriend!" he raised his voice to make him sound stronger than delilah. he liked being the dominant one, the one to get the last word. delilah knew him and knew he liked it all so she let him.

"you suck at choosing girlfriends," delilah said softly but it was passive aggressive towards harry.

he rolled his eyes, "well, you know what's funny? you were the one to tell me to go for it!"

"how was i supposed to know she was going to be like this?!" she raised her voice once again.

"you're a girl!"

"not all girls act the same, harry!" they both groaned loudly and in sync, "this is the first time we meet. i mean, the first time we actually sit and talk and all we do is argue like a fucking married couple."

"guess it shows what life will be like in the future," harry smirked to himself.

"i'm not laughing, harry. i'm serious, nothing is funny. and the fact that you think this is a joke really pisses me off."

"you know what really pisses me off?" harry inquires, "not being able to do this."

delilahs mind was racing 100 mph when harrys lips touched hers. it's a feeling you never want to go away because it's so tasteful and beautiful, it's a memory you'd want to keep in a scrapbook if you could. harry feels over her bottom lip with his tongue which delilahs finds so sexy of him to do. harrys hands cup around her jaw to make sure she doesn't run away but delilah isn't stupid enough to do something like that.

she runs her hand over his waist just to squeeze and pull him closer to her. she feels like nothing, not nora or the rain or the snow or the cold can stop her from doing any of this. the wind gusts, blowing her hair all over the place and harry finds his fingers stuck inside.

she doesn't mean to but when she moans against his lips, he doesn't seem to complain but only to copy her. delilah didn't know or realize how much she'd been wanting harry. once she finally got ahold of him and could feel every crevice of his skin, she figured she was really starting to feel that spark. she really did like him and harry really liked her.

the more and more harry kissed her and grazed her skin under her shirt, the more harry wanted to touch her. he felt aggressive, like he should slow down but delilah didn't want him. in fact, she wanted everything to go a little faster.

finally, harry pulled apart from her lips. a strand of saliva barely separated the two. harry stared at her with all the stars in his eyes and she gave him a soft smile.

the rest of the night, they laid against each other to keep warm during the cold winter in new york. they kept their parts to themselves and held their clothes tight against their own body to keep from pulling it off of each other. every once in a while harry would grab her hand and peck at her skin and delilah would smile into the stars. the sound of him moaning against her lip was now her new favorite song while the sound of her was his.

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