Therapy Sucks [Kiribaku]

Por squidwards_laugh

2K 144 42

Bakugou needs therapy for a lot of reasons. He swears the only reason he's doing it is because stupid Deku ke... Mais

Chapter 2: Sunday Hell To Pay
Chapter 3: Worry
Chapter 4: Normal Fucking Day
Chapter 5: Grow
Chapter 6: Tell
Chapter 7: Can't

Chapter 1: First Session

439 22 11
Por squidwards_laugh

Stupid fucking Deku. He didn't understand a damn thing. Didn't understand he was fine. Didn't understand that it wasn't for him. The nerd was more bold and comfortable with talking to him. He didn't really mind that much. He had to say he never hated him. Just a passionate dislike. Katsuki also had to say a lot of things had crossed the line.

Some people needed it, he could admit that. He didn't think it was pathetic unless it was him. Therapy was not an option, was never an option.

But as Deku had put it when they walked to the dorms (yes, sometimes Katsuki put up with him), "I'm just saying you should sort through some of your issues, Kacchan."

His response was always something like, "I don't need that kinda shit, dumbass!"

"You could work on your anger issues too," Deku had said back one time.

When they both showed up for class scratched up, Aizawa had asked what happened. Katsuki's only response was, "It's a blur."

He got done with his run. He had been doing them earlier than usual, always having a slip of paper in his pocket. Him leaving early always woke up Eijirou. The redhead always mumbled an, "I love you" or "Go back to bed, please". He showered and when he grabbed his dirty clothes, he took the piece of paper out.

6:30 before classes
she's in room 5-1

Katsuki scowled at the handwriting, why did he even keep it?

That's how he ended up away from the dorms and down the hallways, in search of room 5-1. When he was in front of the door, he wanted to turn around. Wanted to walk away and never think about it again. Maybe she wasn't here on Saturdays. But his arm raised, made a fist and came down.

The knock was soft, but he heard a feminine voice say, "Come in!"

He could still walk away. Once again his body betrayed him, his hand grabbed the handle and pulled it open.

She had smiled when he entered, "Bakugou, correct?"

He nodded, standing awkwardly in the doorway.

"Well come on in then!" She laughed, "Make sure to take off your shoes. The couch or chair whichever makes you comfortable."

He took the chair after taking off his shoes. Looking around he noticed that the place looked like a living room. It was homey, but there was also another door in the room. A name plate on the one, he remembered the numbers only being on the other door. For confidential reasons? But he read it, Tanaka Y.

She must've noticed his staring because she grinned, "That's my office, I like my office and room to be separate. Feels too tense if ya know what I mean."

It made sense, he liked it more than what he pictured a therapy session. He didn't really know what to say, so he took in the room and her in general. She had to be young or maybe she just had a baby face. Either way he had to admit she was beautiful. Her brown hair was really long, probably past her butt if she stood. But her eyes were the most captivating feature, they were round and purple. Her features may be part of her quirk. The room was nice. A mixture of light blues and brown.

"Bakugou?" She said, making the boy jump. He needed to say something.

"How do you know my name?" He had a few guesses as to why and frankly he could careless. But he needed to get this thing started and over with.

Mrs. Tanaka blinked at him for a moment, "Oh, well, a friend of yours, Midoriya, I think, mentioned you may drop by for daily sessions. Took you a while to show up, I almost forgot about you."

He scowled, "Deku doesn't know shit. I was never gonna come."

"But you're here," The lady's smile never dropped, "So you must have something you wanna talk about?"

It sounded like a question so he answered, "No, only reason I'm here is get him off my back."

"Well, let's just talk then," Mrs. Tanaka said, "Did you sleep good last night?" She was trying to get him to talk.

"I got nine hours," he said.

"But did you sleep good?" She tilted her head, insisting that he answer.

"Not really," he frowned, "Eijirou had to help me sleep again."

"What's stopping you from sleeping?" She asked, "Who's Eijirou?"

He sighed, relaxing, it was like talking with an old friend, "I don't know. I get nightmares sometimes. Eijirou's my boyfriend."

Mrs. Tanaka grin grew larger, "How cute! What's he like?"

The nightmares were pushed aside for later he assumed. "He's a ray of fucking sunshine. Always worried about someone, so he's gullible as hell sometimes."

"He balances you out, I assume," She said, "How does he help you with sleeping?"

"His presence most of the time is enough," Katsuki said, crossing his legs onto the chair, "But sometimes the thought of the dreams alone make me not want to sleep."

"Are you comfortable with sharing them?" She didn't push him to say anything, just a slight nudge.


"That's fine," Mrs. Tanaka said, her smile almost dropping, "Anything particular you want to talk about or ask?"

"I've been told I have anger issues," he honestly just wanted to see what she was going to say.

"Do you just brush people off or are you mean?" She asked, it was straightforward which he liked.


"Do you say nice things to Eijirou?"

"When we're alone, yeah," If he did compliment other people it was when they were upset and it was always aggressive.

"Try complimenting or being affectionate with him in front of someone," Mrs. Tanaka said thoughtfully, "It's small but it'll get you out of your comfort zone a little bit. You don't even have to let anyone else hear. Just where there's people." She suddenly glanced at the clock, "Looks like we only have a minute or two left."

"That was an hour?" He got up.

"I'm here on Sundays," She said, it wasn't a scheduled appointment, it was an invitation, "From 3pm to curfew."

He slipped on his shoes and left without a word. Leaving the offer hanging in the air.

When he got back to the dorms, Eijirou was on the couch alongside Kaminari, Mina, Tsuyu, and Uraraka. Everyone else was probably at home, at the mall, or something to that degree. Some probably weren't even up. He was surprised these five were. Although he heard Momo was introducing Jirou to her parents today. His boyfriend jumped up from his spot and attacked Katsuki with a hug.

"I thought you went home," he whispered into his hair, "Without saying goodbye."

Katsuki remembered what Mrs. Tanaka had told him. He had to implement that today somehow. "Course not. I would rather be here than with her."

Eijirou released him a smile, "You wanna finish the movie with us?"

Katsuki looked past him and saw Mulan on. He nodded and that made the redhead drag him to the couch.

Somewhere in the middle of the movie, Eijirou looked at him and whispered, "Did ya eat anything?"

Katsuki snorted, "Yeah."

"What?" Eijirou asked, "A bar of any kind doesn't count."

"Whatever," Katsuki stood up, "Any of you losers eat yet?"

All of them shook their heads in confusion, including Eijirou which Katsuki made sure to raise an eyebrow at that.

"I'm making breakfast," He stalked over to the kitchen, "What do you want?"

"Muffins?" Tsuyu said, as if she was still questioning his motives. Although it wasn't the first time he had cook for them.

"Bacon!" Kaminari and Mina shouted in unison.

Katsuki stopped then looked at Eijirou. He sighed saying, "Eggs would be nice."

So Katsuki made a lot of muffins, eggs, and bacon, enough to feed the rest of his classmates as well. In the middle of making the muffins he realized that this was nice, in fact, it was really fucking nice. Good for him. He's making breakfast for his class.

When the five in the living room sat down to eat, Tsuyu took a bite of her muffin, "Mmm Tastes like it's homemade."

"It is," he said, eating a muffin himself to satisfy a certain someone who was waiting for him to take a bite first. After Eijirou saw the bite, he took one of his own, "Your cooking is always the best."

A round of agreements passed and after a round of thanks.

"Don't worry about it," was all he said while putting the rest of the food out, and putting a sticky note that said 'take one'.

"You made more?" Kaminari asked.

"So?" Katsuki put the eggs and bacon in tins and in the fridge with another sticky note saying 'if you're hungry'.

Mina cooed, "Awww you made some for everyone else, usually you just make food for whoever is standing around."

"Shut up," He snapped at them, "I just had a lot of ingredients so I used 'em."

"Suuuure," Uraraka said, "You're just a softy, uh Kiri?"

"Oh yeah," Eijirou was walking around the table, "A big softie." He wrapped his arms around Katsuki's waist from behind and laid his head on his shoulder.

"Only with you," he said softly, it was barely a whisper, but they caught it. That was supposed to be for just Eijirou. Mrs. Tanaka said that he had to say it in front of people, but it didn't have to be heard. It was. Somehow above the laughter, all them heard.


"Oh, shut the fuck up," Katsuki huffed, leaning into Eijirou, placing his own hands on top of his that were still wrapped around him.

"In the whole year I've seen you guys together, this is the most affectionate I've seen Kacchan in front of others," Kaminari laughed.

"I thought it was a year and a half?" Tsuyu asked, placing a thoughtful finger on her chin, "Yeah, when he takes me to go workout with him, he told me when."

"You guys were dating for a whole six months of  first year?!" Mina slammed her hands on the table, "Why didn't you tell us?!"

"Yeah!" Kaminari shouted.

Uraraka giggled, "Because Bakugou is a grouch, he probably didn't want many people to know at first."

"Watch it, Round face."

"She has a point Katsuki," Eijirou looked back at Mina and Kaminari, "He just wanted it to be a secret."

"But you tell Tsu?" Kaminari said throwing his hands in the air, "No offense."

"None taken," She said, taking Uraraka's hand, and getting up, "We gotta leave though. Have fun guys!"

"We do?" Uraraka asked, following closely.

When the two were gone, Katsuki sighed, "Kermit is making date plans."

Before anyone could laugh his phone started ringing. 'Mom' popped up, and he declined the call without a second thought.

Mina tried leaning to see who it was but failed, "What was it?"

"Just the Old Hag," He said, slipping his phone back in his pocket.

"Wanna watch a bunch more Disney movies?" Kaminari asked jumping from his seat, "We can have a marathon."


"Really?!" Mina jumped out much like Pikachu, "We should get Sero, Momo, and Jirou, to join too! It'll be the squad-"

"Jirou is meeting Momo's parents today," Eijirou said, somewhat sad about that, but very happy that Katsuki decided to join the fun.

"Sero can still come," Katsuki said, "He's prolly still asleep."

"We'll go get him!" The two cheered.

Eijirou leaned down to give Katsuki a kiss as soon as the two rounded the corner. His boyfriend was surprised he agreed. His mother usually put him in a bad mood-

Another ring from Katsuki's phone immediately made them both tense. He fished it from his pocket seeing the same person. He was going to decline, but decided to just get it over with. He felt Eijirou hold him tighter when he pressed the button.


"Decline me one more time brat, and I'll beat your ass."

"Do you need something?" His reply was spoken softly, it usually was unless he was angry, but he was content and she wasn't going to ruin it.

"I fucking need you to get your ass down here tomorrow," The redhead held him even tighter and he replied with a squeeze from his hand, "Your uncle is coming over."

"Cousins too?"

"Yeah, why the hell wouldn't they?"

"I don't fucking know," he scoffed, "I'm not going."

"Don't give me that attitude, brat! I worked hard on this dinner! You're coming whether I have to drag you by your hair."


She hung up on him.

"You okay?" Eijirou nuzzled into him, "I can go too if you want."

"It's fine," He said as the three stooges came back.

"We're back-" Mina stopped mid-cheer, "What happened?"

"Nothing," Katsuki said stretching from his boyfriend's arms, "There's breakfast on the table, Tape Face. Let's watch some Disney."

He walked passed them all, so of course he didn't see the trio stare at Eijirou and him mouth "Mom".

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