Tangled Love : The Day We Wer...

By SharkBaitOhNaNa

46.4K 1.7K 1.7K

|Saiki Kusuo & Toritsuka Reita| Toritsuka has a crush on Saiki. Saiki is oblivious, for he has been wearing t... More

•twelve •


2.3K 90 150
By SharkBaitOhNaNa


Saiki was rudely awoken by the flash of a camera. Followed closely behind with giggles of his two middle aged parents. He groaned inwardly and opened his eyes. The two rushed out, his mother yelling after him.

  "Lunch for you boys!"

He looked down at himself, on his chest was Toritsuka. He had slept through the whole show that Saiki's parents had put on. Saiki admired his serene face and tangled hair. His headband hadn't been on for the whole day. Saiki preferred him this way, although he would never admit it. He absentmindedly stroked the boys hair. It was soft, and he slowly worked out the tangles. Saki knew he tossed and turned at night. He remembered seeing it last night when he went to the restroom. He wanted to know what disturbed the peaceful sleep he deserved.

Toritsuka's eyes opened slowly, his smile greeting Saiki. Saiki felt his stomach flutter, it was strange to say the least.

He had always assumed he was asexual, never finding interest in anyone. He knew everything about everyone, he even knew their bad habits. He wished that the ring, blocking his abilities was the culprit, that it was clouding his mind with the absence of his powers. He wondered if it was time to take the ring off, it was making things so spontaneous, but deep down he knew he liked that change.

The idea of never having to listen to thoughts again was tempting. Honestly he-

  "I thought I heard your mom say lunch?" Toritsuka spoke into Saiki's chest. His voice vibrated through the thin fabric of the shirt. Saiki visibly shuddered and Toritsuka  apologized quietly.

  "Yeah, we should go before it gets cold." Saiki tried to pull Toritsuka's arms off of him but the purple haired boy resisted.

  "Can I call you Kusuo now, since we're friends... I mean if you say no that's fine too but-"

  "Sure." Saiki stopped the rambling boy atop of him.

This erupted a sheepish smile. Allowing Saiki to admire the scene.

After a few seconds Toritsuka had managed to pull himself off of Saiki. Saiki was thankful that Toritsuka hadn't bumped into places again. He would have been too embarrassed to do anything.

The two made their way to the dining table. The warm floorboards creaked under their weight. The two sat side by side this time. Saiki's father was shoving rice into his mouth while humming. His mother was looking over the polaroids she took of the two boys.

Finally after embarrassing them enough, she sat down with them to eat.

Lunch was quiet, yet relaxing. The only noises were the clicks of chopsticks and Mr. Saiki humming a tune that Saiki couldn't decipher. Saiki took the time to think over everything. The kiss was still invading his mind. He wasn't really religious, so that wasn't really bothering him. He decided that on New Years when all of his 'friends' wouldn't leave him be.

But it still confused him, why had he wanted it so badly? He didn't like Toritsuka, well he didn't think he did.

He knew his heart raced when their knees touched at the dining table. And he knew his mind blanked when Toritsuka smiled at him.

And the kiss, oh god, he'd never felt anything like it. No one had ever touched him like that and it truly infatuated him. He decided that he wanted to do it again.

He was shocked back to reality when Toritsuka's hand made its way to his thigh. He was laughing about something with Saiki's mother. What they were talking about he had no idea.

A slight blush krept up his face at the action. He looked at Toritsuka who was holding the polaroid in front of his face.

  "Kusuo you were so out of it, look!" Saiki decided he also liked the way Toritsuka said his name.

The picture made his stomach flutter. His arm was lightly laced around Toritsuka's small waist. Toritsuka had his head buried in Saiki's neck.

  "Oh you can keep it, I have plenty more." She said, sipping her water. Toritsuka rubbed his hand on Saiki's thigh. His stomach turned as the warm hand moved closer toward his torso. He quickly placed his hand on top on Toritsuka's own to stop him. When he sent a glare at the mischievous boy he saw a smirk on his face.

The warm hand continued to creep further. Saiki was thankful for the high table. He pretended to cough as he stifled his unruly voice. The sensation was foreign, although it wasn't distasteful.

It actually felt amazing, he could feel himself about to give in to his body.

  "I'm finished." He said, causing Toritsuka to pause.

  "But you barely ate Kusuo."

  "I'm not too hungry at the moment, I need to study." He lied and turned before pulled Toritsuka with him.

Once the door to his room closed he turned to the boy with purple hair.

  "Why did you do that at the table. My parents were right there!" His voice erupted with anger and confusion into Toritsuka's head.

The boy simply shrugged, causing Saiki to become more heated. He looked Toritsuka over again, this time he was trying hard to suppress a fit of laughter.

  "What's so funny?" Saiki asked.

Toritsuka laughed again before pulling himself together. He pointed downwards at Saiki's lower region. He blushed furiously and covered himself.

  "It's your fault, it wouldn't have happened if you didn't provoke it."

  "Did you just call your penis an it?" Toritsuka laughed out.

Saiki shrugged and fell onto the bed.

  "Whatever." He mumbled into the sheets. Toritsuka stopped laughing and came beside him.

  "I'll stop teasing you, big baby." He mumbled from his spot crouching on the floor.

When Saiki didn't reply he felt Toritsuka leave his side. At first he'd assumed that he hurt Toritsuka's feelings. Quickly after though, the TV was turned on and Toritsuka sat beside him on the bed.

Saiki turned to his side, getting a better view of the screen. His head made its way to Toritsuka's lap. The two sat comfortably for a few hours. They decided on rewatching Death Note.

Toritsuka stroked Saiki's pristine, pink hair with his slender fingers.

Saiki scolded himself as the touch made his body shiver. He looked up at Toritsuka, who was deeply engaged in the screen. It illuminated his serene face and illuminated Saiki's when he would erupt into laughing fits.

Saiki never wanted to leave, he felt so at peace. Toritsuka strangely calmed the heavyweight he carried. And he hoped that he was helping Toritsuka too. Whenever he'd seen him fidget or bite his lips furiously throughout the show he would calm him by stroking his hand.

After they made it to the tenth episode Toritsuka turned it off. He looked down at the drowsy Saiki who was smiling slightly as his hair was rubbed.

Saiki didn't really understand why Toritsuka claimed to be in love with him. He had never acknowledged him and when he did it was seldom.

But nonetheless, he was grateful that he did.

It felt nice to know that someone cared about you so deeply. Maybe even more than you love yourself. He turned so he laid on his back facing Toritsuka.

  "Why do you love me?" He asked and watched Toritsuka's face go through an array of emotions in seconds.


Word Count 1231

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