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For some reason, Saiki no longer wanted the ring off. After all those months of having it on, he didn't know if he really wanted to deal with the noise.

Plus, his life was more interesting with Toritsuka in it. The added noise would drive him crazy.

"Blah blah blah what are the words I don't know!" Toritsuka yelled as loud music played on his laptop.

Amazingly, Saiki was reading a book. Toritsuka was jumping on his bed and screaming music he didn't even know the words to.

Saiki was on page 87 of October Sky. He was shocked actually, he'd finished the last 20 and got to 87. All of the ruckus around him ensued, causing him to try harder to focus on the book.

Finally though, he launched a pillow at Toritsuka. The boy stopped his horrid singing and turned to Saiki. Saiki played a good poker face but Toritsuka knew him too well.

"I am going to rip up that book if you don't let me have my concert time." Toritsuka said with an adorable smile. Saiki rolled his eyes and looked back at the book. He was sitting at Toritsuka's desk in the swivel chair. It was quite easy to spin around and ignore Toritsuka then.

Until Toritsuka spun the chair back around and pulled Saiki into a kiss.

"Gimme' the book." Toritsuka growled with no threat. Saiki handed it over and he tossed it on the bed.


Toritsuka gave the best back massages.

Saiki's parents thought it was a good idea to join a club. Apparently, because Kusuke was in town it was a bonding experience. Saiki sat between Toritsuka and Kusuke. The backseat was cramped and small(and his brother smelled like bad cologne).

Saiki and Toritsuka shared earbuds. Toritsuka bought Saiki a new book so he was reading that. It was about some alien adventure he wasn't really sure. It wasn't well written but because Toritsuka said it was 'super freaking cool and crazy', he decided to give it a try. Still, he had October Sky in his bag.

The game was simple. Tennis. Except, Saiki couldn't try, he couldn't afford to stand out. And he hadn't been practicing his strength so it was iffy if the ball would stay in this dimension. So, by channeling his strength into his arm he swung at a horrid angle. Lucky, the Saiki's won; because their father bet $5,000 they would.

Saiki groaned as Toritsuka loosened the knot.

"You'd think with all of these powers God would give your some healing properties." Toritsuka laughed as he applied more lotion to the shoulder muscle.

"God hates me." Saiki mumbled and Toritsuka laughed.

"No you're just unlucky. It's all apart of the plan. Every bad thing happening now is apart of the bigger picture. It all happens for a reason. Have faith Kusuo."

"Says the one who was born in a church." Saiki grumbled.

His eyes shot open as Toritsuka seized the incredible massage.

"Take it back Kusuo." Toritsuka said. Saiki rolled his eyes and shook his head. He heard Toritsuka snickered on the bed behind him. He wouldn't have apologized, but his back was killing him.

"Fine, I take it back. It is very cool that you were born in a church. Now please get this stupid knot out." Saiki looked back as Toritsuka smiled maniacally.

"Thank you. I am very aware of how cool it is."

Saiki sighed in relief as Toritsuka returned to massaging his back.


Word Count 578

Tangled Love : The Day We Were Wholeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن