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When he woke he smelled bacon and coffee. His mother was always up early to cook his favourite on Saturdays. 

He opened his eyes, they landed on the purple haired friend of his. They had somehow entangled themselves with each other during the night. The smell had already brightened his mood. Now, he was getting a headache just thinking about yesterday. He even dreamed of it.

Toritsuka kissing him, him kissing back, and other things that Saiki would rather not share. He had never felt that way before and he was honestly shocked himself. It wasn't like him to feel for other people outside of his family. He usually steered clear of people. They tended to irritate him and get in his way.

But for some reason he was drawn, almost attracted to wanting the boy around him. His dream didn't help any. Now, when he looked down at the boy his cheeks shamefully heated. Before his thoughts could embarrass him any longer his father spoke from the other side of the door.

"Kusuo, your mother made breakfast. It'll be ready in thirty, and get your friend a shower and new clothes."

Toritsuka moved a bit but stayed asleep still. Saiki on the other hand had been disturbed by the moving. Especially in a certain place, he froze before quickly heading to the restroom to run a shower. 


Word Count 227

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