[2] markhyuck | instagram

By smolhyuck

183K 9.7K 7K

Mark and Donghyuck are ready to start a new chapter in their lives- with Donghyuck flying over to Canada for... More

welcome back !!
twenty one
twenty two
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
~ intermission ~
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty one
forty two
*☆ neomu happy ༓☾
forty three
forty four
forty five
forty six
forty seven
forty eight
forty nine
fifty one
fifty two
fifty three
fifty four
fifty five
fifty six
fifty seven
fifty eight

twenty three

2.6K 156 92
By smolhyuck

Jaemin waves enthusiastically as Jeno jogs through the hotel's big glass doors, looking so adorably out of place in his ripped jeans and scuffed trainers.

With the marbled floors and bright white lights highlighting the boy's black hair and colourful sports jersey wonderfully so.

"You ready?" He asks with such a wide smile on his face that Jaemin swears his mood is contagious.

"Yep, super ready" He had no clue what to expect as he'd never been to a proper game before, but after he had rung Chenle and the boy had linked him to a couple of full games that were uploaded to YouTube, Jaemin had started to feel more and more excited.

Of course, that feeling only heightened whilst he buckled himself into Jeno's car, the older starting up the engine as he gives Jaemin full control of the music.

"We should be there in about 20 minutes" Jeno states as he changes gears, catching Jaemin out of the corner of his eye, "It's gonna be a good game, we have really good seats"

"They weren't too expensive were they?" Jaemin asks, not wanting Jeno to have spent too much money, especially since the basketball player refused to let Jaemin pay him back even a penny.

Jeno shook his head as he flicks the indicator on, "We got upgraded", he answers, lifting his hand up to the mirror to thank the driver that let him go, "I don't know why, but when I gave my name they changed our seats, we're gonna be sat so close to the managers and the players themselves!"

"Oh... cool"

The model gives an appreciative smile, before sorting through the CDs stashed away in the glove compartment of the car.

"You have Chase?" Jaemin asks, looking at Jeno in curiosity as he pulls out the album in question, Chase Atlantic's self titled album.

Jeno nods as he checks his mirrors, "Yeah, you know them?"

"Love them" He answers, sliding the disc into the car's player, "Tried to get Hyuck to listen to them but I don't think it quite stuck"

At this Jeno breaks out into a grin, "Hm, Sihyeon likes a couple of their songs, but she'll mainly let it play for me"

"Do you know how the interview went?" Jaemin asks as 'Into It' begins to play through the car speakers.

Jeno shrugs, "I think it went well, she hasn't told me otherwise... but I need to speak with her so I'm hoping to catch her tonight"

They both had a lot to talk about, about her maybe moving to America, about him choosing a new basketball team to play for... about other affairs...

Jeno shakes his head, trying to clear his mind as he focuses on the road ahead.


Donghyuck bit his lip anxiously as he cast his eyes around the café again, looking specifically for one boy in particular.

Him and Mark were meant to meet up and have a quick little catch up in between their busy schedules, but unfortunately it had been almost 40 minutes and Donghyuck's boyfriend was still nowhere to be seen.

Was 40 minutes normal...? Or was that just Donghyuck's seemingly crippling optimism?

Donghyuck pushed the cold cup of coffee away from him and towards the middle of the table, forehead creased.

He's probably just stuck in traffic or something, he even called Donghyuck this morning to remind him of their date. He wouldn't have forgotten, Donghyuck's sure of it...

But another 20 minutes later and Donghyuck was beginning to lose hope that Mark would just miraculously appear, and with slumped shoulders he pulls out his phone and sends another text.

With a finale look around the café, Donghyuck takes a deep breath and closes his eyes in defeat, before he rises and leaves the coffee untouched on the table.


"That was incredible!" Jaemin gushes, eyes blown wide as the atmosphere around them erupts, everyone screaming and clapping.

Canada's National team had won by a landslide and so everyone in the stands were going crazy, and even though Jeno and Jaemin were sat at the front, slightly separated from the rest of the crowd, the energy that they both felt from all the other spectators was overwhelming.

Jeno beams as he sees Jaemin smiling widely, whipping his head round to look at those behind him in the stand who were singing loudly.

"Yeah, it was a good game!" Jeno laughs as Jaemin brings his attention back to him, giggling as the voices around them get louder and louder.

Jeno couldn't help but watch as Jaemin clapped along with everyone else- cheering as the players waved to the stands. It reminded him so much of when his father first took him to a game, how he was in complete awe of everything, how his innocent curiosity just blossomed into a love for the sport and the atmosphere that came with it. As he watched Jaemin's smile grow wider with every passing minute, Jeno was reminded about how much he truly loved basketball, about how much choosing a new team means now that high school is over, how the decision would become the basis for his career...

"Excuse me, Mr Lee Jeno?" Feeling a hand placed firmly on his arm, Jeno spun around, only to come face to face with someone he never thought he'd ever see in person, especially not since he didn't receive any letter from the man when Mark did, "Lee Jeno, why I recognise you from your final"

All Jeno could do is nod at the man crouched next to him, a well tailored suit clinging to his figure. Jeno was afraid that his voice wouldn't be loud enough for the man to hear him, so like an idiot, he just keeps nodding.

Jaemin, noticing that Jeno wasn't going to say anything back, makes himself known to the man, giving him a small wave, "Hi, I'm Jaemin, Jeno's friend"

"Nice to meet you Jaemin, I'm Rowan Barrett, the team's general manager", he greets politely as he holds out a hand for Jaemin to shake, "I hope you liked the seats" he says, turning his attention back to Jeno who seems to have awaken from his daze, "your other friend and former co- captain Mark Lee mentioned you'd be at the game today, I have a few things I want to discuss with you, if you've got the time"

"I- uh, yeah- yes, yes, I do, I have all the time, yes" Jeno splutters, cheeks turning red as Mr Barrett laughs

"Why good, good" Mr Barrett seems to glance at another man who was currently wearing a similar suit, guiding the team back off the court, before he quickly returns his attention to Jeno, "Well then Jeno, would you like to follow me?"

"I- uh, yeah.." Just as Jeno goes to follow the recruiter, he abruptly remembers that he's not alone, that Jaemin is stood besides him, but before he can say anything the model is laughing, pushing Jeno after the manager.

"Go, go, quickly, I'll wait by your car!" He whispers urgently, gently shoving Jeno out of his seat, and pointing to where Mr Barrett is walking off to.

"Okay, okay, oh God" Jeno babbles, running a hand through his hair, "okay, I won't be long!", he promises as Jaemin sends him a quick thumbs up before he's shooting off to follow Mr Barrett, clumsily tripping over his own feet in the process.

Jaemin can't help but smile as he watches Jeno go, really hoping that Mr Barrett is going to offer Jeno a contract of some sorts- it would be pretty cruel if he didn't, but Jaemin still didn't want to get his hopes up for Jeno.

From their little coffee shop meet ups and from when Jeno invited Jaemin to play with him and the others on the court in the park, Jaemin is aware of just how much securing a spot on this team would be for Jeno- it would probably set him up for life.

And so Jaemin crosses his fingers as he slowly makes his way over to Jeno's car, praying that his friend will get the chance to play for his dream team.

True to his word Jeno wasn't long. Once getting to the car, Jaemin was playing some oddly addictive line colour game on his phone, when he heard it- Jeno shouting his name from across the car park, screeching as he almost gets ran over by a chunky four wheel drive trying to exit the lot.

"Jaemin!! Jaemin!! Oh God, Jaemin!!"

"Jen, be careful!" Jaemin warns, but despite the near death experience, Jeno still has the widest smile on his face as he makes his way over to the model.

"Jaemin, you'll never believe it!" Jeno screams, taking in a deep breath as he nears the car, "I did it! I did it! I've been offered a place! I'm going to be playing for Canada's National team!"

And as soon as Jeno reaches the model, he throws his arms around Jaemin, lifting him up off of the ground and spinning him around, like something from a Hollywood movie.

Jaemin lets out a squeak at the action, but his shock quickly subsides when Jeno's words sink in, and he processes what that means, "Jen! That's incredible, I'm so happy for you!"

Jeno squeezes Jaemin tightly as he continues to spin them around, both of them crumbling into fits of giggles as Jeno begins to slow down, getting tired after his short burst of energy.

"I can't believe it..." He whispers excitedly, as he slowly lowers Jaemin back to the ground, "I mean I had a hunch when we were walking to his office but I didn't wanna get my hopes up, ya know?"

Jaemin smiles up at Jeno, who still has his arms wrapped around the model's waist, holding tightly onto his jacket, "Well I'm so proud for you, I'm happy that you've achieved your dream- not many people can actually do that Jeno.."

Overcome by emotion, Jeno pulls Jaemin into his chest, giving him a hug as he leans down to rest his chin on Jaemin's shoulder, "I know... and thank you for being here... I just can't believe it"

Jaemin smiles into Jeno's chest, so happy for the other, and so sincere when he utters the words, "I'm glad I could be here for this"

As Jeno's grip loosens and Jaemin pulls away, leaning back so that he can look Jeno in the eye, Jeno's lifts up his head, meeting Jaemin's gaze, and for the second that their eyes meet, for when they're wrapped in each other's arms, it feels as though the world has stopped.

As though there is no one else around, no car doors slamming or horns blaring, no excited chatter of the fans leaving the venue...

It feels as though they can't move- that there's a bubble surrounding them of which they physically can't step out of... the air around them becomes thick and charged with tension.. and there's a sort of gravitational pull holding them together...

When Jeno meets Jaemin's eyes, he abandons all sense of rationale. He looses himself in Jaemin's kind eyes, his porcelain skin, his big and warm heart... he doesn't have the time to think about any consequences as he's leaning in, brushing his nose softly against Jaemin's.

The model's breath hitches, as Jeno doesn't move any close, waiting for Jaemin to make the next move, and by God he feels like he can't breathe.

Up close, he admires Jeno's long eyelashes splayed beautifully against his skin and he can smell the familiar scent of the player's cologne...

Jaemin tilts his head upwards slightly, the motion causing Jeno to slightly tighten his grip on Jaemin's waist, holding him gently in place.

Jaemin's mind is clouded by everything that is Jeno, and he finds himself lulled into a calm sense of security and contentment... that when Jeno finally leans in some more, Jaemin lets him.


"Hyuck- ohmygod- thank God you picked up I-"

"Woah woah, Nana" Donghyuck whispers into the phone, "You have to slow down, I can't understand what you're saying"

Donghyuck hears his friend draw in a shaky breath before he's sighing down the line, "Okay I'm sorry, I'm sorry but God I need to talk to you, my head is a mess right now"

Donghyuck straightens up from where he'd been slouched against his dorm's sofa- crumbs of onion ring crisps littered around him, "What happened? Jaemin are you okay? Is everything okay?"

The line seems to go silent and beginning to panic, Donghyuck almost screams for his friend once more, until the faintest sound could be heard, "I almost kissed Jeno"

Donghyuck frowns slightly as he tries to make out what Jaemin just said, "Wait- Nana, I'm sorry you're going to have to say that one more time, I thought you said that-"

"Hyuck..." There's something desperate and vulnerable about Jaemin's voice as he almost cries into the phone, "Jeno and I almost kissed"

And Donghyuck is stumped. Completely and utterly stumped.

Jaemin and... Jeno...

"But you didn't...?"

"No, no we didn't because he's got a girlfriend and I'm seeing Renjun but God, we almost kissed" Donghyuck feels Jaemin's frustration despite being a world away, and yet despite hearing Jaemin loud and clear, Donghyuck has no clue what's going on.

Donghyuck squeezes his eyes shut for a moment, before calmly speaking into the phone, "Nana, you're going to have to talk me through what happened"

"Okay, okay, we were at the basketball game and it was so nice, it was so nice Hyuck, it felt so nice... and then Jeno got scouted, and he was just so happy, we just got so carried away.."

"And you almost kissed" Donghyuck finished, before Jaemin hums.

"And we almost kissed"

"Jaemin..." Donghyuck starts but he cuts himself off- truth be told, he has no clue what to say. Na Jaemin always manages to leave him speechless, "Nana you need to think about this"

"I know I know.. God it's so fucked up..."

Donghyuck can tell that Jaemin is seconds away from bursting into tears, and yet there's a question that Donghyuck is itching to ask, "Jaemin, do you like him? Do you have feelings for Jeno?"

"I... I don't know"


"I think I might..." The confession comes out as a whisper, Jaemin's voice breaking with every syllable, "but I also have feelings for Renjun"

Donghyuck sighs as he absentmindedly looks round his empty dorm room, wishing that he could be with Jaemin, "What are you going to do?"

"I don't know..." Jaemin whispers through his sniffles, "nothing?"


"I mean..." Jaemin stutters, not knowing himself what to do, "I don't know what to do... Jeno has a girlfriend"

"But he almost kissed you" Donghyuck argues, "That has to count for something"

"It was a mistake" Jaemin defends, "We were just caught up in the moment, he probably regrets it"

"Are you sure about that?" Donghyuck asks, voice soft and Jaemin can't help but call out his name weakly


And just as Jaemin calls Donghyuck's name, the model hears another do the same- a voice light and happy, "Hyuckie, are you home?"

Donghyuck looks up from his phone to see Mark just closing the front door of the dorm. Mark shoots Donghyuck a big smile coupled with a small wave before he's bending down to untie his laces.

Jaemin, having heard that Mark was back, sighs, "I'll figure this out, I'll be fine"

Donghyuck shakes his head in protest, not wanting his friend to hang up in such a state- God only knows what he'll put himself through if he's left alone, "Nana, you don't sound fine-"

"Bye, Hyuck"

And with that the like goes dead.

"Hyuck.." Mark steps tentatively forwards, sensing the mood of his boyfriend, "Is everything okay?"

Donghyuck drops his phone onto the sofa, still a little taken back by the call with Jaemin, "Not really"

At the response, Mark is by his side in an instance, his hand placed securely on Donghyuck's forearm, "What happened?"

My boyfriend stood me up and my best friend is crying but he's all the way in Canada and I'm here...

"It's just been a long day"

Mark hums at Donghyuck's vagueness, settling himself next to Donghyuck on the sofa and wrapping both of his arms around his boyfriend, "Was it work?"

Donghyuck shakes his head, not even looking at Mark when he asks, "You forgot, didn't you?"

Mark's eyebrows furrow in confusion as he brings one of his hands up to card through Donghyuck's hair, "Forgot what, baby?"

"Our date"

It takes a moment for Mark to remember his coffee shop promise, but Donghyuck feels Mark jolt when realisation sets in.

"Shit, Hyuck- I- I'm so sorry, I completely... my phone died and we were on the pre-chorus and I- God, I'm so sorry, baby, I swear I'll make it up to you.."

Donghyuck pulls away from Mark's hold, turning so that he can look his boyfriend in the eyes. Mark looks almost as shaken up as Donghyuck when he received Jaemin's call, and for that Donghyuck settles back into Mark's arms, nuzzling closer into his boyfriend.

"I know you're sorry, and I get that you're really busy... so I'll let you off the hook this time" Donghyuck sings, a teasing tone at the end.

Mark pulls Donghyuck closer, not believing what he's hearing, "You're not mad?"

"I was" Donghyuck confirms, "But I get it, I understand... you're too kind to do anything like that on purpose"

Mark places a kiss to Donghyuck temple, his lips lingering there for a moment longer as he whispers, "Hyuck, I'll make it up to you, I promise", before dropping another kiss to Donghyuck cheek.

The model smiles at the action, turning his head to face Mark and puckering his lips as he silently asks for a kiss, to which Mark gives him immediately.

"I know you will... now, let's order takeout and then you can tell me about your day, I'm starving"


.... how are we all after that?

so that was one LONG chapter, 3000 words yikes, and originally I wasn't going to include the last bit but I though it kinda rounded the whole thing off and I just couldn't leave it out

my university has suspended all face to face teachings because of the virus and we have a reading week this week so hopefully I can write a lot more and store up some more chapters- please though everyone stay safe, wash your hand, avoid mass crowds and just be aware, I hope you're all okay xx

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