My Hero Academia The lone wolf

By fund8579

19K 643 15

In a world full of superpowers, there is a boy with incredible abilities and an exceptional future, but he in... More

Isac's Bio
Your Suffering Never Ends
Time to Embrace Yourself
A New Path
Discovering Feelings and A New Start
The Enrollment Test
Proving Your Worth
The Potential Two
Second Test
Izuki VS Kastuki Part 1
Izuki VS Kastuki part 2
Izuki VS Katsuki Final Part
Top 3 of Class 1-A
Momo's debut!!!
Truths and secrets
New relationship?
League of villains
Class 1-A's Battles
True power
Beast inside
Divided hearts
Plan in motion
Helping a friend is something you do
Day 2 of training.
First Event
Struggles in mind, trapped in ice
Brains are electrifyingly toxic
Fighting with your soul pt.1
Fighting with your soul pt.2
Mimic Vs Tokoyami
Eiji VS Katsuki

The start of war

358 15 1
By fund8579


Everyone in class 1-A was present and ready for class.

"Decent work on yesterday's combat training you guys. I saw the video feed and went over each of your team's results", he then turned to look at Katsuki "Bakugo, you're talented, so don't sulk like a child about your loss, ok?", he asked.

"Hrggggg, yeah whatever", she responded.

"And Midoriya, I see that the only way you won was by messing up your arm again. Work harder, and don't give me the excuse that you don't have control over your quirk, that line is already getting old." These words that Mr. Aizawa stated made Izuki look down at her desk with a gloomy expression.

"You can't keep breaking your body while training here, but your quirk would be pretty useful if you can get a handle on it. So show a little urgency."

Izuki's face immediately changed to an expression of happiness and determination. "Hm, Right!"

Aizawa then returned his gaze back to all his students, "Alright, let's get down to business. Our first task will decide your future."

Hearing this, Isac, like all the others, was worried that Aizawa would mandate another quirk exam.

"You all need to pick a class representative."

Isac sighed and relaxed, [Crap, it was just normal school stuff.]

Immediately after relaxing he was startled by sudden screams and shouts from the students.

"Pick me, guys!"

"I'm totally the person you need!"

Everyone was shouting so that they would be noticed as a candidate for class rep.

Isac just leaned back on his chair while he threw his hands behind his head. Shouto noticed that her boyfriend didn't seem so excited like everyone else and tilted her head in confusion.

"Hey Isac, you don't seem excited about this", she asked.

"Not really, no. Being class rep is something I don't want, it is just a pain. You have to deal with a lot more pressure from the obligations you have and you have to maintain the class in a certain way and that's just too much effort. You already know what type of person I am, I just want to finish school and get out."


Suddenly someone started yelling above all the other students, "Silence, everyone, please!", it was Tenya.

Everyone turned to look at listening to what he had to say.

"The class representative's duty is to lead others, it's not just something anyone can do! You must first have the trust of every student in the classroom, therefore the most logical way of filling this position is democratical. We will hold an election to chose who is our leader!"

"It's pretty obvious you want us to vote for you!", everyone stated.

"Is this really the best idea?", Denki asked.

Everyone started talking about how the voting system wasn't the best idea since they all barely met, but Lida stated that the person who did have more votes was the most suitable. In the end, it was decided that everyone would vote.

The results were. Midoriya 3 votes. Yaoyorozu 2 votes. Everyone else had one vote.

When Midoriya and Momo both stepped up to the front, Isac giggled silently when he noticed how much Izuki was shaking. He also noticed that Momo seemed frustrated for not being class rep.

After that everyone headed out to lunch, Isac, Momo, and Shouto sat together like always. Momo and Isac sat on one side while Shouto sat in front of them.

"Damn, class was really loud today. How annoying", Isac stated. He then looked to his left, "By the way congrats on being deputy. Being up there suits you."

Shouto nodded in agreement, "Yup."

Momo sighed. "But what I don't understand is why am I not class representative", she said annoyed.

"Maybe its because Isac told everyone how mean and abusive you are", Shouto joked or at least she tried, but her voice was way too calm to sound funny.

Isac opened his eyes in shock, "Wait what!?"

"WWWWWHHHHAATT!!!!!!", suddenly Momo grabbed Isac by his collar. "You did what! Why Isac, was I really that mean when we studied? If I was then you should have told me and not the others!" She was shaking Isac back and forth almost making him what to throw up the food he hadn't eaten.

Suddenly there was an alarm going off throughout the whole cafeteria.


Isac quickly rose up to ask another older looking student behind his seat."Hey, what's a level 3 breach?"

"It means someone has trespassed on school grounds. This hasn't happened in my 4 years here", the boy said as he got up and started running to the exit.

Momo then got up, "We should get moving."

But Isac just grabbed her and didn't let go. She was curious why he wasn't moving.

"Are you sure you want to go, remember what I told you before. What are the first things humans do when in danger?"

"They fight or run away. In this case, it will be that latter", shouto answered

Isac then pointed the exits, as Momo turned to see she saw that they were blocked by a swarm of students.

"Its fight or flight all the time", Isac stated while continuing his lunch and shouto did the same.

Momo looked and both of them and then at all the students at the exit, she finally sighed and sat down.

After a while, they noticed that some of the students were shouting and screaming, more from desperation and worry.

Then they saw Lida floating in the air, he then lifted his pants in order to blast himself with his engine quirk.

He then slammed against the wall above the exit sign.


Hearing his words everyone went quiet and looked, the whole mob had become silent thanks to his shouting. 


Thanks to him everyone else remained calm, some students even looked outside and noticed that indeed the press was outside.

"Good job Lida", Isac whispered.


Now that the commotion was settled everyone went back to their classrooms since lunch was basically over.

"Its time class rep lets begin", Momo said.

She and Izuki were up in front of everyone to start class once more.

"U-Um, ok. So we need to figure out who the other class officers will be, but first, there's something I want to say", Izuki then looked up at everyone. "I've thought a lot about this, and I think that Tenia Lida should be class rep. He was able to grab everyone's attention and get us in line. So I believe that he should be the one leading our class from now on.

Eiji was the first to respond, "Hey, you know what, if Midoriya vouches for him then I'm good. Plus he totally manned up and took charge right?"

"Yup", Denki responded.

Everyone else followed the conversation talking about how funny, cool, weird he was.

"This a waste of time, I don't care who the rep is,  just hurry up", Aizawa spoke up.

Lida then stood up, "If Midoriya is nominating me for the job, then I humbly accept. I pledge to carry out the responsibilities of class rep to the best of my abilities.

Isac gave out a big grin knowing that Momo would be irritated by this, and in fact, she was. Shouto also noticed Momo's frustration and grew a small smirk.

"Anyways let's get class started", Mr. Aizawa ordered.

"Today's training will be a little different, you will have three instructors. Me, Allmight, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you. 

"Sir what kind of training is this?", Sero asked while raising his hand. 

Mr.Aizawa dramatically rose a card with a word on it, "Rescue. You will be dealing with natural disasters, shipwrecks and things like that. 

Everyone once again started talking to each other saying how this training was exciting and would be awesome and that they would finally show what they had. 

"Guys I'm not finished yet."

Everyone went silent when hearing there teachers word's again and returned their attention to Aizawa.

"What you wear in this exercise is up to you. I know you are all excited about costumes", he pressed a button on a remote he had and from the wall emerged glass cases with costumes in them. "But keep in mind that you haven't got used to them yet and they might limit your abilities. This special training will be in an off-campus facility and we'll take a bus to get there. That's all so start getting ready"


Everyone was ready and outfitted with their costumes awaiting for the bus to arrive.

Izuki noticed that Isac was standing by himself and decided to talk with him, "Hey isac."

"Oh, hey Izuki. Wait, why aren't you wearing your hero costume?", he asked.

"It's being repaired since most of it was destroyed in from the last training, hehe."

"You look good either way", Isac stated, causing Izuki to blush bright red.

 Izuki then composed her self then she looked at Isac from head to toe."By the way our outfit looks familiar. From what hero is it based off?"

"W-well.......... its fr-"

"Hey Izuki, why aren't you wearing you hero costume", Uraraka asked.

[Nice save ochako], Isac thought.

"Well its getting fixed from the fight before", she told Ochako.

There was a sudden sound of the whistle. "Gather around class 1-A. Using your student numbers, form two neat lines so we can board the bus efficiently."  

"Lida is kicking it in high gear as class rep, huh?", Izuki stated.

"No kid, he really acts the part. Makes you wonder how he was as a child.", Isac joked causing both girls to think and picture a little Lida. Suddenly they all started giggling from the thought.


Lida was now lowering his head in shame from his plan failing due to the layout of the bus being different.

"Yeah, you really need to chill", Mina sated.

"If we are pointing out the obvious then there's something I want to say", Asui then looked to her right where Izuki was sitting. "About you actually."

Isac quickly stopped listening while he was talking with Momo and paid attention to what Asui was saying.

"About me? What is it Asui?", Izuki sounded somewhat nervous and startled. 

"I told you to call me Sui"

"Oh, yeah, right."

"That power of your's, isn't it a lot like Allmight's"

Izuki immediately started squirming in place, "What!? Really? You think so huh? I never really thought of that."

Eiji then spoke up, "Wait, hold up Sui, you forget that Allmight doesn't hurt himself. That makes a huge difference."

Isac then spoke up to add to her contradiction, "Also nobody really knows what type of quirk he has. It might be something totally different." As he said this he slightly met eyes with Izuki, but she didn't understand what it was for.

"Speaking of quirks, I remember when we fought you used multiple quirks, do you have more than one", Eiji asked.

"Oh, Now that I remember, you weren't there for the reveal", Mina stated.

"Isac's quirk is super powerful, he has the ability to copy the quirk's of anyone and then use then at will", Izuki blurted in excitement. 

"Woah, really", both Sero and Eiji gasped.

"It's not with its flaws though, I can only use 3 quirks at a time. Just using three exhaust my stamina greatly", Isac said as he looked down at his hands.

"Can I guess what type of quirks you used during the exam and then you answer if I'm right", Izuki asked.

Isac nodded, "sure."

"I believe you used a fire quirk in order to burn the door down, am I right?", Izuki asked.

"Nope. It was actually a combination of a strength, speed-enhancing quirk, there was also a mix of an electricity quirk", his hand then suddenly started to vibrate and become bright red. "Its was something similar to this", he said.

"Woah", everyone gasped in unison.

"Having pro quirks is cool, Todoroki, Bakugou and Isac all have them", Eiji stated.

"Sure, but Bakugou is always angry so he'll never be popular", Asui blurted.


"See", Asui said as she stuck her tongue out. 

"This is so annoying", Momo whispered.

"And here I thought that you were always calm and collected Ms.Yaoyorozu", Isac teased. 

Momo then snickered a little, [From that I now know he was looking at me.]

The other students were still teasing Katsuki when suddenly a voice spoke out.

"Hey, hey, we're here. Stop messing around", Mr.Aizawa ordered.

"Yes sir", everyone said in unison.

  When the students arrived they were greeted with someone named Thirteen. Isac knew a little bit of her, her quirk was named black hole and it could suck up anything and turn it into dust. Isac never saw why he would ever need a quirk like her's, so he never really needed to copy her quirk, he only did it for precaution.

Timeskip........................Inside the USJ facility.........................................

"Hey shouldn't Allmight be here already?", Mr.Aizawa asked Thirteen. "Let me guess, he booked an interview instead."

Thirteen then came relatively close to Aizawa in order to whisper something, but even while whispering Isac managed to hear her, "Actually it's something else. Apparently he did too much hero word on his way to school this morning and used up all his power. He'sresting the teacher's lounge."

Aizawa frowned, "That man is the height of irresponsibility." [Well we should be okay with just the two of us], he then turned to his students, "Clock's ticking we should get started."

From that moment on thirteen told the students how their powers could be used to fight, but also to kill. When she was done she slightly bowed and everyone cheered.

Aizawa then returned the attention to him, "Right now that's over-"

He was suddenly stopped when all the power was cut out making the training facility slightly darker than normal.

Isac then felt an ominous presence and activated his quirk, it was a combination of Shouto's fire quirk and a rock-earth quirk. This caused his skin to look like molten magma.   

Aizawa noticed Isac's actions and then he too felt that ominous feeling.

Suddenly there was a small dark purple circle forming in front of the fountain that was located at the center of the facilities interior. It was slowly starting to grow when it out of nowhere started spreading wider and wider. After reaching a certain size a hand suddenly appeared from the hole, then a face was visible. Aizawa turned around to see what was happening. When he looked he noticed that not just one person was coming out from the circle but many mores at first it was 10, then 20, then 30 and so on.

"Stay together and don't move!", he ordered his students. "Thirteen protect the students."

Eiji couldn't see what was going on and was relatively confused, "Wait has the training started already? I thought we were rescuing people."

"This is no training", Isac said as he stepped forward and got in a stance, "Those are villains!"

Aizawa noticed that Isac was looking at the enemies with eyes that said he knew what the situation was and that he would fight no matter what. Aizawa already knew that Isac was special since he was recommended to the school, it was because the police department's chief told the highschool director and staff that Isac was actually the vigilante named Mimic and that he was actually a minor with no hero ID. They all knew that he was actually here just to get back on the streets and do what he did before, only now legally.

Aizawa then put on his visors getting ready for the fight, "Isac's right. Those really are villains."

Everyone then became shaken from this new information, it was obvious that a war zone was forming in front of them and that they were in the middle of it.

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