Spoby After 7x20 {Completed}

By Avery_C_D

3.4K 29 23

Life after Alex Drake, a normal life for the liars as a family. Enjoy -A More

Authors Note!


401 3 0
By Avery_C_D


"Hanna who is it?" Aria asked

No answer


"Hmm . . . oh, its just Caleb" Hanna answered

"Yeah, I forgot my keys" Caleb said "oh, her you go sweetie" Hanna said grabbing the his keys from the counter and handing them to Caleb. "Thanks, babe" Caleb said kissing her cheek.

"Hey, Aria, how have you been" Caleb greeted Aria.

"Hey, I've been great a little too happy but great" Aria said smiling.

"Good" He said nodding "Aidan?" He asked.

" OH, he is the bedroom playing with his toys" Hanna answered.

" Oh, ok, well I'll see you for dinner " he kissed her cheek "bye" He said "bye" she said looking to each others eyes lovingly.

After Caleb left Hanna and Aria went back to their conversation.


"Baby, you have to go now" She said

"NO, five more minutes . . . please" he said giving her his puppy dog eyes that he knew she wouldn't resists with his beautiful light unique blue eyes he had that she fell in love with. "Tobyyy, don't makes this any harder than it needs to be" Spencer whined

"Fine, but you owe me" He said seriously

"Ok, how about tonight, after dinner" she smiled " huh, what do you think, take it or leave it Mr. Cavanaugh." she aid seductively

"Anything to be with you Mrs. Cavanaugh, so tonight" He said and she nodded smiling cause she loved it when he calls her 'Mrs. Cavanaugh'. "Can't wait" He let out a sigh and got up from the bed to get dressed and ready to head to work. "Have fun with the girls, bye" He said and kissed her she kissed back "I love you" she said" I love you too baby". With that he headed to work.

spencer had 1 hour until she had to meet the girls at the grille in Rosewood. She got up from the bed took a shower, combed her bangs, curled her hair and did her makeup . She got dressed, she was wearing black jeans and boots with a white blouse and her grey coat, she grabbed her keys and left the apartment making her way to Rosewood.


When spencer made it to the Apple Rose Grille she took her seat and waited for the girls to come. She was about 15 minutes early. The first one too make it was Emily with Lilly and Grace.

"Hey, Spencer" she said giving Spencer a hug "It's been too long since the last time i saw you"

"I could say the same" Spencer smiled, when she noticed the twins she said "Oh my god they have grown so much from the last time i saw them" she hugged both lily and grace. "Careful they are still adjusting to walking and balancing on their own" Emily said " Mhmm . . . you girls are going to grow up and become strong and independent women like your mothers" spencer said as she tried to carry both babies at ones. " Who are the most beautiful babies of Rosewood Huh you are oh yes you are " Spencer cooed that made lily and Grace to giggle. Spencer smiled at Lily and Grace she loved when she was able to be good with the kids. Ever since Spencer had her pregnancy scare she's had a wanting for children with Toby and know they were Married, living together in philly having kids was their next stop.

Emily was seated next to spencer with the girls when Aria and Hanna came. They greeted each other, until they noticed the baby girl in Aria's arms.

"oh god Aria she adorable" Emily said in awe. "I know right, Em that's exactly what I said!" Hanna exclaimed

"She's a total angel, can I?" spencer asked Aria nodded "How old is she?" Spencer asked "she just turned 15 months last week" Aria answered. Spencer eyes widened "What! She is too small to be 15 months" "I know, she will turn out just like Aria small but mighty" Hanna said with a big smile "Yup, she has a strong grip" Emily said when Katherine was ahold of Emily's finger.

"Well I'm starving, lets order and continue talking about this angel called Katherine Fitz" Hanna said.

When they were all seated they ordered their food and continued talking about their kids and memories.



"Honey, am home!"

No answer

"Baby are you here?"

"Hmm, am here" He said weakly "Babe, are you ok" she asked

"Yeah am just . . .  really tired, ok" he said tiredly

"Well lets go to bed" she said heading towards the bedroom "wait did you?" she stopped and asked "Yes Hanna I put him to sleep" Caleb answered slightly irritated "Ok then lets got bed.

"How was lunch with the girls" Caleb asked

"It was fun" Hanna answered "how was work?" she asked

"About that"



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