Reincarnated as Red Riding Ho...

By kermit_bread

1.7K 45 18

[light novel-esque book] in this weird type of isekai story, our main protagonist gets transported into the w... More

I wake up the first time
murder at first sight?
we're forced to make a truce
but I don't wanna go adventuring
first village and monsters already
ain't nobody got time for witches
we eventually try to fight a witch
what even is this anymore
everybody gangsta till I start vibing
stop snatching my wig, bro

of course im OP. im the protagonist

107 4 2
By kermit_bread

happy new year to y'all :)


The little girl stopped in front of a rusty looking shack. There were no more lanterns that lighted the place, so it looked like something out of a horror movie.

"Please help! A big monster took my big brother away and I'm too scared to go by myself!"

Instantly I felt conflicted. The logical, sane part of my brain told me not to act all heroic, but that kid's pulling the puppy dog eyes on me. I swear everyone in this whole universe knows what I'm weak to.

"Tell me... how come you wanted a Red Riding Hood to help?" Came Rian's voice. He caught up with me and the kid, Nathan following close by.

The little girl wiped her eyes from the tears threatening to fall. "My mother always told me stories of how Red Riding Hood was a very strong hero... And she defeated every single bad guy ever! So now I want her to save my big brother!"

A huge part of my developing ego grew. Me, very strong? Why thank you. But that also implies there were other Red Riding Hoods before me, so that's one thing needing clarification later on.

"Let's go." I gestured to the boys, turning to the entrance of the shack.

"You're actually going to rescue that kid?" Nathan looked at me with disbelief.

"Can't hurt to try."

"Lady Red's so brave!" Rian looked at me, eyes shining with admiration. This earned a side glare from Nathan.

"Tch. Whatever."

And the three of us ventured inside the shack, looking quite heroic if I did say so myself.

I was immediately hit with disappointment.

When that little kid said, "big monster", I meant something like a towering brute of an ugly mug ready to tear our heads off.


"You have got to be shitting with me right now." Nathan lifted a brow and Rian for once nodded along with him.

A half-assed looking goblin thing stood by the abandoned crates inside the shack. It was roughly around the size of a vegetable crate, green skin, beady yellow eyes and jaws that didn't seem to be able to support the rest of it's face.

Something that pathetic in looks managed to kidnap someone half their size?

I deadpanned as the little goblin shit just screeched and jumped at me with it's claws out. I took my axe and swung it in one move, not even moving an inch from where I was standing. It got severed in half and disintegrated immediately.

What the hell. This is actual bullshit.

"What a joke." Nathan sneered. I only shrugged, not really caring anymore. I looked around for any signs of that little girl's older brother.

A glimpse of red hair peaked out from a crate and a little boy appeared. His whole body was littered with dirt and a few scars. If it was one thing I couldn't stand, it was kids getting hurt.

"You're okay now, kid. You can go back to your sister."

He beamed. "T-thank you, Miss Red!" He ran off to meet up with the little girl, and started to embrace each other, crying.

How touching.

In the end we met the kids' mom, who had been looking all over for them. The kids told them the whole story of the events from before, because they were honest little tots. She thanked us to no end right after that.

"I'm very grateful for what you've done. If there's anything I can do for you, don't hesitate!"

"Actually... me and my companions here were looking for a place to stay for the night."

"Consider that done. It's the least I can do!"


I learned the little girl's name was Nina, and her brother was Layton. Their mom's name was Heather. She didn't have a husband and was raising her kids on her own.

We were treated for a huge meal for tonight. It was amazing. Not as amazing as Granny's cooking, but it came close.

Rian was hesitant to try out human food at first, but Nathan had convinced him to have some anyway (by slamming his head against the carrot soup).

I'll never be able to understand those two, seriously speaking.

I stretched in my cozy bed. Luckily Heather had two spare room, so I got to be on my own while the other two shared the same room.

There's a large chance they would start murdering each other, but they wouldn't dare. I hope.

A creak from the door startled me. Layton appeared before me, half of his head peeking through.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Um..." The kid flushed red and shuffled his foot around, avoiding eye contact. Well that was cute.

"Can I... Can I come with you tomorrow, Miss Red? I want to help you on your journey."

That caught me a little off guard. But obviously I couldn't let him come. It's was dangerous and someone as young as him can't handle something like that.

I was about to say no when he scurried over to me and tugged on my blanket. "Please! I won't be a bother! I can do a lot of stuff!" As if to prove his point, he backed away, and I just stared when the red haired child in front of me transformed into a small... cat thing?

It was extremely fluffy looking, that's what I can tell.

"No one knows but my mom and sister, but I can turn into different forms." Layton's voice spoke from the cat creature. "I'm small, but I can help! Please let me come with you!"

"But Layton... It's too dangerous. You have to think about this." I picked up Layton and set him on my lap. I tried not to bring his spirits down too much.

He stared at me with those wide, gray eyes and immediately I was beginning to falter. Must... resist... cuteness...

I sighed defeatedly. "I'll think about it." I said, just to humor him. But I stayed true with my mind, I couldn't let him come.

He smiled and hopped off the bed, turning back into his normal form. "That's good enough for me!"

"By the way, Layton, if you have powers, then why didn't you use them on the goblin?"

"I got too scared, so I panicked and forgot."



Before morning even managed to break through, I was already up. Nathan and Rian were also about, and it hasn't been that long before the two started to bicker again.

"Where's our first destination to the Giants, Rian?" I turned to the fox.

"We have to get to Enchantment Woods first. It's a rather long path to go there, though."

Heather appeared before us from the doorway of her home. "I can ask for a friend to get you there."

I waved my hands in front of me. "Oh no, you've done a lot already. We don't wanna bother you..."

"It's alright. Think of it as another token of my gratitude for saving my son." She smiled at me, and I just didn't bother to say anything anymore.

She had asked a man pulling a wagon with hay on it to give us a lift. The three of us boarded on, thanked Heather, and bid farewell.

I thought about the kids, most especially Layton. I knew he would be disappointed to find out I couldn't let him go anyway, but it was for the best.

"So where are we heading?" Layton's voice seemed to echo next to my ear.

"Enchantment Woods, or something." I replied lazily, but my eyes shot wide in an instant.

"What the—Layton?!" I turned to see the small cat thing hiding in the hay, giving me a smile.

"Hello, Miss Red!"

Oh Lord. This isn't going to go so well.


im tired send help

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