Kissy |HS|

By CanyonMoon96

154K 2.9K 782

|British Dictionary| Kissy; adj. 1. Informal showing exaggerated affection, especially by frequent touching... More

Kissy |HS|- prologue
Ch. 2
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
Ch. 31
Ch. 32
Ch. 33

Ch. 15

4.1K 75 38
By CanyonMoon96


"I finished the album."

I watched as my mum turned to me in her seat with a sweet smile planted on her face.

"You did? My sweet Harry I'm so proud of you!" She exclaimed, wrapping her arms around me. The thing I loved the most was her support through every step of my career. Some people push, but never my mother. Every time I was struggling, she would be the one to say, "Don't worry, you'll get it soon enough."

She was the heart and soul behind my effort, and I could never thank her enough.

"Want to give it a listen?"

Her face lit up, per usual, she could never contain excitement if her life depended on it.

"Are you taking me to the studio now? Is that where we're headed?"

I nodded and smiled, thrilled myself to have her listen to the album. I was proud of the outcome, proud of how open I could be through my music.

None of it could be done without my family, my beautiful fans, or even Luna.

I smiled at the thought of her. We'd spoken this morning but her voice still remained with me. The image of her smiling implanted into my mind, as if it were a purpose.

"Are any of your songs about her?"

I glanced at my mum, and pulled into a parking space."who?"

"Oh you know who," she exclaims.

"I mean, the whole album is about me and my endeavors, my personal relationships-"

"Harry, babe a simple yes would do."

I blushed, turning the key, and unbuckling my seat belt, as I put my attention on her.

"Yes mum, I've maybe put together one."

All she did was smile, and press a kiss to my forehead. "Lets go listen yeah?"

I nodded and exited the car with her. We made our way up to the studio where a few of the people that took part sat, setting everything up for audio.

My mum took a seat on the couch placed in the room as I checked equipment and sound.

I listed the songs, and started with fine line since it was the longest one. I watched as she sat back and listened intently to the lyrics.


Time flew, but at the same time felt like it was taking forever. She had different emotions for every song. She cried, she smiled, she laughed, she scoffed if it was dirty. And now I have yet to see how she reacts to the last song.

The song I wrote with Luna in mind.

I turned it on, her being unaware that this was it.

My nerves were attacking every part of my body and I couldn't help but shake a little.

A moment into the song, her eyes widened a little and she looked at me.

"This ones for her?"

I nodded hesitantly, honestly quite astonished that she figured that out. But who am I kidding, she knows everything.

I watched as a sweet smile spread across her face, and she held her arms out.

"Harry it's beautiful, it really is. You've put a lot of this, into it." She said as she pointed toward my heart.

"Don't let your mind ruin that. For anything."

I smiled and wrapped my arms around her, a small sigh of relief escaping passed my lips.

That was the easy part. I can only hope Luna likes it.

And my hopes are reachin as high as possible right now.



"He comes back today!! He comes back!"

Avery burst through my room and jumped onto my bed, a groan leaving my mouth.

"Avery, take it somewhere else, chill out."

I pulled my blankets over my head, only to have it ripped away.

"You can't tell a stan to just chill out, do you know how offensive that is? To ask me to lower my level of love for the man YOU are seeing. Why aren't you excited!"

"Because I know he's coming, my elation is put away for a rainy day."

I'm lying. I couldn't be more ecstatic about Harry coming back and the thought was killing me.

"Well it's a good thing its always rainy in L.A!" She threw back my curtains to reveal, of course, the rain itself.

I rolled my eyes and sat up to check the time.

"Avery, it's 6:30. Why." I stared at her dead in the face, agitated that she woke me up so early.

She huffed and laid on my bed. "I wanted to share my bundle of nerves with someone besides myself."

I shoved her off and got up, to which she complained. "Ow, you bitch."

I chuckled and held my chest, "ouch, words hurt Aves."

"Oh shut up," she demanded and stood to her feet, making her way to the kitchen. I followed, and poured myself the biggest cup of coffee with peppermint creamer.

"When do you think he's gonna be ba-"

My attention snapped to the door, knocks interrupting Averys question. My eyebrows drew to a pinch, confused at who could be here this early.

I walked over and opened the door, sipping my coffee, confusion taking over.


Like the bastard knew we were talking about him.

"Hello love, you look stunning." His smile flashed across his face as he pressed his lips to mine.

"Mm, minty." He says and walks in, causing me to furrow my eyebrows even more and touch my lips.

"Oop, these are for you," he stops in his track and hands me a small bouquet of pink roses.

I hadn't any time to react, which meant I was still trying to process. I took a gulp of my coffee and made my way back to the counter, setting the flowers down.


"Avery! How are you this morning darling?" He gave her a hug, and without hesitation, she accepted openly.

"I'm fantastic, how about yourself?"

His eyes shifted to me and back to her, "well, it's good, but I can't lie, I'm a bit taken back. See, the girl I like, doesn't seem quite as thrilled as I'd hoped and as I recall, I don't think she kissed me back. Now why would that be?"

I looked at them, and watched as they huddled together, both speaking loud enough for me to hear.

"She just woke up, but she's got anticipation that could stretch for miles, I know it."

"Ahhh," His eyes met mine as he turned on his heel and walked to me, only leaving a few inches between us.

"Tired are we?"

I blushed at the proximity and sipped my coffee, averting my eyes down. I've never been one much for caring about my appearance or feel this insecure, but no one is ever in my house at 6:30, which really makes a big difference. Especially with Harry.

"Mm, and quiet." I shrugged and repeated my actions.

Harry sighed and grabbed the cup from my hands, setting it down on the counter. He placed his hands under my jaw, his thumbs gently placed on my cheek.

Bringing my face up, our eyes met and immediately, my coffee seemed to be kicking in faster than I expected. My heart pounded, and I felt my cheeks turn a crimson shade.

He brought his face closer to mine, the smell of aftershave and a hint of mint surrounding my senses. It made my knees weak, and I swear if things couldn't get worse, I was damn positive I was sweating out of every part of my body.

He smirked and pressed his lips to mine sweetly, to which I reciprocated instantly.

His touch made me melt, and I mean MELT.

Lady down! You know how hard it is to stand after a man grabs you and kisses you like that?

Our kiss lasted for what seemed like years, but as soon as it ended, it felt too short.

I exhaled deeply as he pulled away and swiped his thumb against my lower lip.

"Good morning sweetheart," he said with a smile.

I cleared my throat and stuttered, "uh, good- good morning."

He smiled and excused himself for a brief minute to use the restroom.

I turned to Avery, who was sipping her coffee intently with a smirk on her face.

I grasped the counter and rubbed my eyes.

"Fuck that, I think I need life support."

Avery snorted, spewing coffee through her nose, causing me to chuckle as well. I took a deep breath and waved my shirt to cool myself down.

She held onto the counter, her fit of giggles growing.

"Luna, you know how many girls feel that shit," she says, laughing even more.

"I got chills just watching it happen."

I laughed and took a drink of my coffee, still trying to comprehend what just happened.


So....which song do you think Harry wrote for Luna?

Also, I just want to wish you all a happy new year. I hope it brings you kindness and love from every direction. I send my love to you!

I'll update again in about a few days or so.

Much love!💛

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