Swan Diaries (crossover betwe...

By ttsforks

19.4K 604 92

Isabella Swan was on the run from Niklaus Mikaelson, hybrid of a royal family whom she once called her own, w... More

O N E ∘ Unpleasantville
T W O ∘ Application
T H R E E ∘ Threat
F O U R ∘ Shocked
F I V E ∘ Troubled
S I X ∘ Comptine d'un Autre été
S E V E N ∘ Questions
E I G H T ∘ Fragile
N I N E ∘ Big Bad Wolf
T E N ∘ Enemy Territory
E L E V E N ∘ Unwilling
T W E L V E ∘ Undead
T H I R T E E N ∘ Kill The Witness
F O U R T E E N ∘ Covens
F I F T E E N ∘ Just Deserts
S E V E N T E E N ∘ Klaus
E I G H T E E N ∘ Growing Pains
N I N E T E E N ∘ Corruption
T W E N T Y ∘ A Kiss For The Ages

S I X T E E N ∘ Freefall

777 32 8
By ttsforks

Tuesday, November 7 2017

"Breathe, Mike," I reminded him.

"Right. Right." He took a deep, calculated breath.

I was impressed. He reacted relatively well to the whole vampire thing.

"So what do you want to do?"

He snapped his head up. "Do I have to decide right now?"

"Not right this second, no. You have about twelve hours until your time runs out."

"Well, what happens in twelve hours?"

"You can choose to feed and complete the transition... or you'll die. For real this time."

"What about my family?"

"You have a choice about them, too. You can either learn to adapt the hard way and stay here to live your new life in secret, or you can disappear."

"What did you do?"

"I stayed with my family. But I had it easy. They weren't human, either. They helped me."

He stood.

"I died, too, you know. I remember what that was like. It sucked." I tried to comfort him with the fact that I knew just what he was going through, this horrible thing we unfortunately now had in common, but it probably wasn't helpful in the least.

He nodded with wide eyes.

"I meant what I said. I'll help you if you decide to do this. It's not a terrible way to live. I don't regret the choice I made, not one bit."

He rubbed his hands together while he stared out my window. "I don't want to die, but I don't want to hurt anybody..."

"You don't have to. There are blood bags." Elena came to mind, but she quickly vanished when I remembered she was no longer a vampire.

I felt for Mike, sincerely. But part of me wanted to rush him a little. He could always decide to complete the transition as a trial-type thing, then change his mind later if he wasn't happy with it. It was a disgusting thing to think, but I didn't have a lot of time to fix this mess I made.

I guess I really was just an awful person.

"I need to go. Stay in this room. Don't go near Aaron. I'll be back later." I turned on my heel but was ripped back by his hand.

"Where are you going? You're leaving me alone like this?"

"I have to take care of something before it can come back to bite me, no pun intended. You'll remember why in a few hours."

Unless I wanted to come back here to an angry baby vampire and a dead fake brother, I needed to be as fast with this as possible.

I wasn't gonna bother knocking, but Alice was sitting on their front steps. The way her small porcelain face lit up as soon as she saw me, it almost seemed like she was waiting for me.

"Is Carlisle here?" I asked impolitely.

"No, he's still at the hospital. Most of the staff had kids and grandkids who knew Jessica and Mike, so he was kind enough to cover their shifts today."

"Damnit... More people." I covered my face with both hands, feeling defeated. "I can't do this by myself this quickly..."

"Do what?"

"In case Mike makes the choice to live and stay in town, I'll need to erase anyone's memory who knows he died."

"Erase their memory? With some kind of spell?"

"No, it's a vampire thing. We can compel people to believe or do anything we want."

"Hm... I'm surprised you aren't just going to let it play out on its own."

I sharply met her eyes for the first time. The yellow specks were darker than Carlisle and Edward's. "Because I'm a monster, right? I'm sure Edward told everybody what I did."

"He told us, but... Why are you looking for Carlisle?" She attempted to redirect.

"Because he's the only one I can tolerate," I said harshly, then ran back the way I came. It was much faster than the truck anyway, which was still at the hospital. I was able to go through the woods, which took up most of the space in this town.

I couldn't stand this family. So righteous, so saintly, never having had a drop of human blood in their lives. I hated how they thought they were so much better than me.

Speaking of the...

"Bella." The usually guarded mophead smiled in greet.


I had always seen him in long sleeves, until now. His short tee allowed me to see his arms for the first time, which were covered in a ton of bite marks.

He noticed my intrigued speculation. "Battle scars."

"Looks like a lot of battles." I chuckled, and he gave me an odd stare. "It's nothing. I just... I misjudged you."

"You have a lot to learn about us. We never got our turn before you ran out on us earlier."

"My day got booked with a high priority case."

"Yeah, I heard. I'm sorry."

"You're sorry?"

He leaned against a tree and explained in his deep, smooth accent, "I've committed my fair share of murders, too. None of them accidents."

My eyes widened. "Wow. I didn't think any of you could say such a thing aloud. Aren't you afraid you're gonna burst into flames?"

He grinned, and I suddenly saw a young boy in front of me, no longer bearing an expression of resentment and fury. He looked to be about my age.

I found myself wondering how he died.

"What are you confused about?"


"I can feel your frustration."

I was quiet, and he shrugged. "It's my gift," he told me.


"Some of our kind has special powers, that were enhanced when we were changed. I'm an empath. I can easily sense and control the emotions of those around me."

"Oh. That's... interesting. Are you the only one with a gift in your family?"

"No. My wife can see the future, and Edward can read minds."

I froze. Edward could read minds? Then why the hell did I go over there today and give them a pile of personal information on me when I didn't have to?

He took in my reaction with amusement. "Don't worry, he can't read your mind. No one knows why, but... He just can't. That's never happened before."

Relief flooded through me like a flash of lightning. I sighed. "You're married?"

"To Alice."

He spoke her name with such adoration and admiration. I envied that.

"In a few months, we'll be celebrating seven decades together," he continued.

My heart squeezed painfully. I unconsciously clutched the chain that hung my wedding rings. That was ten years longer than I spent with Klaus.

Jasper eyed the silver hoops between my fingers. "Do you mind if I ask something? You don't have to answer if you don't want to, but... I'm quite inquisitive."

"Go ahead," I allowed cautiously.

"You spoke very highly of your husband this morning. But you also said you were running from him. It was made clear that he's powerful and dangerous, but... What did you do that turned him against you?"

The lump in my throat was suffocating. What I did was unspeakable.

I assumed he felt my mood, or whatever his gift was, so he took a step back. "My apologies. I should get back."

He didn't wait for my response before zooming away.

I felt kind of bad. He was actually kind.

After taking a couple of minutes to compose myself again, I headed toward the doctor at the hospital.

"Excuse me," I calmly tried to get the attention of an elderly woman behind the desk in the small front room. "Could you please tell me where I can find Dr. Cullen?"

"Does he know you're coming?"

"Um, his daughter might have told him. I'm not sure."

"Bella," Carlisle came up behind me when the lady looked down at papers. "Thanks, Jackie."

He held his hand at the small of my back, leading me to an office down the hall. "Alice did call. You were looking for me?"

"I need to know who knows. The more names you could give me, the better."

"Knows... about Mike?"

"Yes. He hasn't decided on what he wants yet, but the longer I wait, the more the news spreads in this small town. Therefore, the more work I have to do by myself."

"We've offered you our help, Bella."

"You can't help with this," I argued for the nth time, trying my best to keep my tone as light as possible toward him. "Unless you know a vampire who has a gift to erase or alter someone's memory, you can't help me." I sat on the tan leather seat against the wall to keep myself from pacing. I thought for a moment. "What would you do if someone in town found out what you were? How would you fix it, in order to protect your family?"

"We've had a few close calls. We always pack up the house and disappear."

"Just like that?"

"Just like that. As you said, it's to protect my family."

I huffed. "I can't run. I have to stay here. It's about protecting my family, too, not just Mike's. And myself. I plan on getting back to my son someday. At least to explain why I left first before his father kills me. Him being the last person I saw would be worth it."

"I thought you always came back to life."

"There are only two ways hybrids can be killed. If someone ripped off my head or ripped out my heart, it would be permanent. Knowing Klaus, he'd do them both at the same time... I've just..."

"What is it?" Carlisle sat next to me, his hand now resting on my shoulder in a comforting gesture. I found myself leaning my shoulder into his palm, then caught myself before I thought he noticed.

"I've been... alone... for most of the last sixty-eight years. I lost my parents, both sides of my family. My own coven cast me out. When I finally found a real home, I ruined it for myself." I sobbed once. "I'm just so tired of living this way. I want to go home. I want to see Evan again."


"My son. He was named after my older brother. I lost him when I was seventeen. I'm always losing people... And when it's not people, it's myself." I stood up. "Maybe I should just stop fighting against it. There's no one left to fight for. No one's coming here to save me. If there was a way, Bonnie would've found it by now. She's the strongest Bennett anyone's ever known." I was mostly just ranting to myself at this point.

He was struggling to find the right words. That was okay. I didn't want him to say anything. I didn't even know why I was telling him any of this.

I guess I wasn't. Maybe I was just saying it out loud. For myself, so I could get some relief.

"You still have a brother. You have Aaron."

"He's not my brother. I compelled him to tell everyone that so I could use him as a cover until I was able to go back home." My voice sounded dead now. "But... it is becoming very clear that that isn't happening."

I trudged back out into the hallway, feeling my emotions rocking inside of my head like a harsh wave. The humanity switch was just underneath the surface. Calling out to me, taunting me...

The monster in my head growled. She wanted me to turn it off.

When I got out to the pavement, I flew. I didn't stop running until my boots hit sand.

There was a storm brewing in the distant sky, threatening to come this way. The dark sea waves crashed against the rocks.

Was this the universe's way of telling me the monster was right? Should I just give in to her?

My thoughts were cut short when I heard a man scream. It was full of glee, and I wondered what he was doing. I needed some glee.

A further walk down the beach gave me my answer. There were three guys on top of a huge cliff overlooking the rocks.

I tilted my head.

This is why vampires think humans are stupid.

One of them jogged to the edge and did a perfect dive. It took about six seconds for his body to slice into the deep blue and green water.

Eh, why not?

I made my way up there, intending to do the same. They had all already gone in, and I saw them down at the beach, four of them now. Heading home or back around for another dive, I had no idea.

I welcomed the breeze during the fall. The wet air hit my face, and I closed my eyes in bliss.

I didn't kick myself up to the surface like I thought I would. I floated peacefully. My lungs burned, but I didn't care.

If I didn't break surface soon, I knew my flip would be switched when I woke back up.

My slow thoughts were broken when an exceedingly warm hand grabbed my forearm and pulled.

My head swayed, and the person swam to shore with me in tow. "Bella?" I heard him say in surprise.

The voice sounded very familiar. Was he a student at school?

"Breathe, Bella." His lips outlined mine, and he blew. I rolled over and coughed up what felt like a gallon of saltwater. My throat was on fire. "You're all right... It's okay... Just breathe..."

I finally put a name to his face. "Jacob?" I gasped.

"What the hell were you doing?"

"Freefalling," I replied simply.

"Obviously, but why?"

"It looked like fun. I needed some of that."

"Oh, you saw us."

"That was you? Hypocrite," I accused.

He laughed heartily, a deep, husky sound that I found I liked. "I guess so. We do it all the time." He helped me to my feet. "Hiking alone... walking on the beach alone... cliff diving alone... You need to make some friends."

"I have friends," I said bitterly.

"Sure, sure," he sighed. "Are you gonna be okay? You're not gonna pass out again, right?"

"No, I think I'm safe."

I looked into his dark chocolate eyes, almost like mine. If you didn't look at his whole frame, he looked like a kid. Maybe sixteen, seventeen.

"I don't think you should be driving," he advised.

"Good thing I didn't bring my truck."

"Wait, what? You..."

"I like running."

"You ran all the way here? Forks is sixteen miles away. It must've taken you, like, five hours."

"More like five minutes," I whispered lowly.


"Nothing. I'm fine."

I started walking away, but he pulled me back. What's up with guys here that think that's an okay thing to do? "You really think I'm gonna let you off by yourself? A five-hour walk, when you almost just drowned?"

"I did think that, yeah."

He sighed again. "Come on. You need to get some dry clothes, and you need your energy back. The boys and I are going back to my place for a barbecue."

He led me to his little red car. "You're gonna bring a stranger back to a family thing you're hosting?"

"Yeah, why not?"

I hesitated, speaking slowly so he would hear how crazy it sounded. "Because... I'm a stranger."

"Not to me."

"Pretty much."

"I just saved your life. You owe me. Let me do this. I'm not gonna let you walk all the way home. You could pass out on the side of the road and die. Can't have that on my conscious." He flashed me a teasingly sinful grin.

He hopped in his Rabbit and leaned over to open the passenger door for me. I leaned down to look at him with doubt in my eyes.

"Get in, Bella. I won't bite."

"I might."

He started the engine. "Kinky. I like you even more now. Let's go."

Huffing, I sat next to him. The scenic drive gave me time to calm down. Even though I almost died, in one of the considerably worst ways to die, I felt at peace.

Jacob seemed sweet. He saved a stranger. That had to count for something.

He also reminded me of someone, but I couldn't quite place it yet.

I almost laughed aloud when I realized I already liked him better than Edward. Jacob was carefree and the opposite of broody. He was a little bossy, but as far as I could tell, that was the one and only thing they had in common.

He pulled up next to a tiny house, the faded red color matching his car. I got out when he did, and he nodded his head, silently telling me to follow him inside.

We were no longer alone. A seasoned man with long hair rolled up to us in a wheelchair. "Jake. Who's this?"

"This is Bella," he introduced me to everyone. Other than the three of us, a group of five guys were in the diminutive living room. Three of them looked like they were Jacob's age. One looked around two to three years younger, and the last one looked about two or three years older. "Bella, this is my dad, Billy. That's Sam, Embry, Paul, Seth, and Quil." I remembered Embry and Quil from the carnival, but they looked different in daylight. They noticed my speculation of them and exchanged a smirk.

"Isabella Swan, nice to meet you," I said politely, speaking too quickly. I had already revealed my lie to Carlisle, that I was not actually related to Aaron Vincent, but until I left town, I had planned on telling everyone my last name was the same as his.

It was a good thing these people lived in another city. I doubt anyone on the reservation knew anybody in Forks.

"Sit. I'll get you some water." Jacob walked to their small kitchen and opened the refrigerator. I thanked him when he handed me the water bottle and sat next to me on the loveseat.

Billy went to check on the food while the rest of Jacob's friends whispered to each other, squished together at the dining table.

His father's voice made me look up a short while later. "So, Bella. Your last name is Swan?"

"That's right," I confirmed nervously. I had already convinced myself I didn't have to worry about this. I mentally palmed my forehead.

"I thought you looked familiar, but I couldn't figure it out at first. You must be Charlie's girl!"

My breathing sped up. "What?"

"Charlie Swan. He's the Chief of Police. Closest friend of mine in Forks."

My heart sank. Charlie Swan.

How much of a coincidence could that be?

No. Impossible. He died. Jason Griffith stabbed him right in front of me. He died.

But... Vincent Griffith was the one who sent me here. Maybe Jason sent Charlie here, too.

But my father was human. He wouldn't still be alive now.

"I've seen pictures, but I never imagined you would actually visit," he went on, a huge smile on his face. "I thought you and your mom were still adjusting to Florida life. What brings you all the way to La Push, though?"

He's seen... pictures of me? My mom?

My head felt like it was about to explode. "I... I have to go," I whispered in a dull tone.

"So soon?" Jacob narrowed his eyes. "You haven't eaten. Are you okay?"

"I just... I need to find someone."

"I'll give you a ride." He stood up with me.

"No, really. That's okay. I know my way back."

He was slipping his feet into his boots anyway. "I'm not letting you walk back home, Bella. We've been over this."

I rolled my eyes at myself. What could I say to him that'll make him let me go? "Look, I get it. It's in your nature to protect people. But I'm not part of your pack. You saved me once, but you don't need to keep saving me."

"What did you just say?" His eyes went wide, like a kid whose hand was just caught in the cookie jar.

I sighed. "Which part?"


I chuckled. "Yeah, I know about you. All of you."

He gave me a blank stare. Their seven heartbeats raced.

"When I first met you in the forest, when I ran away from that huge wolf I told you about... You smelled just like it. And this place reeks of wet dog. It didn't register with me at first, but it did when I got into your car."

He looked like he was about to convince me otherwise, but I continued.

"That, and the fact that no one had to verbally invite me inside this house, made me sure of it. You're werewolves."

I took advantage of their stunned silence, walking out the door.

It barely took me ten minutes to reach Aaron's house. Aaron was washing dishes, and I noticed empty grocery bags thrown on the floor behind him. He must've went shopping. He didn't hear me come in, so I rushed up to my bedroom.

Mike was still sitting on the window bench with his head in his hands. I didn't know what to say that would comfort him. There probably weren't any words out there that could help anybody in his situation.

"You killed her," he whispered.

I knew I should've said something nicer, but what came out was insensitive and uncaring. "Yes."

"You tried to kill me."

"I didn't mean for you to die."

"I don't want to be that way."

"Is that your decision?"

He didn't answer.

"What about your parents?" I inquired. "Don't you want to see them again?"

"I wouldn't be the person they knew. It's better this way."

"Becoming a vampire doesn't change who you are. It's the opposite, really. It amplifies everything about you."

"Wow," he mused. "You must've been a real jackpot when you were human."

I sighed. "I wasn't always this person. I didn't used to be so..."

"Messed up? A murderer?"

"Yeah, sure." I rolled my eyes. "I have a family, too, you know. I have brothers and sisters. I have a husband. I have a son."

"What? You're married? With a kid? Where are they? Did you..."

"No, I didn't kill them, you psycho. It's a long story. I've been alone for a long time, about three times as long as you've been alive. That changes a person."

He finally met my eyes, and I saw that his were bloodshot. It softened my tone.

"My point is, it gets better. I've known a lot of people before and after their transformations. There are downsides to this life, of course, just like there are to every life... But being a vampire can be really great if you let it."

He stared at the floor.

"This might sound like a horrible thing to suggest, but you already think I'm a monster, so it doesn't matter."

"What would that be?"

"You could make the choice to feed... And if you don't like being a vampire, you can change your mind."

I left Mike with his thoughts while I went to find Aaron.

"I have a question for you."

My sudden voice surprised him, and he jumped. "God! Give a guy a warning, would you?"


"What do you need?"

"What's the Chief's name?"

"Uh, Charlie Swan. Why?"

"Do you know where he lives?"

"Again, why?"

"I need to talk to him."

He cocked his head, suspicious.

"I'm not gonna hurt him."

"I wasn't suggesting that... I'm going over there Saturday night for dinner with him and his family, so you can come with me."

"His family?"

"Mh-hm. A wife and a son. He has two daughters, too, but I've never met them."

"I thought you two were close friends."

"We are, but they live in Florida with his ex-wife. I've been dating his sister-in-law for about a year, so that's how we met."

That shocked me. "You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend."

"Well, you didn't tell me you killed your classmates, so we're even." He turned back to the cabinets, making more room for the new groceries.

I flashed back up to my room, catching Mike in a chokehold. "I told you not to go near Aaron," I growled. "And you have the nerve to talk to him about—"

"Hey, hey!" he gasped and grabbed my arm, trying to get me to release him. I didn't budge. "He came up here looking for you. I didn't know you kept secrets from him, too! I mean, he's your brother."

"No, he's not. He has no idea what I am!"

"What? Wait, he's not what?"

"He's not my brother."

I let him go. He cupped his neck and cleared his throat.

I took a deep breath. "We had never met before I got here. I used a mind-controlling power that vampires have, called compulsion, to make him think I was his sister so I would have a place to stay while I figured out how to get back home."

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

When I faced him again, my red scleras and black veins caught him off guard. "I promise you, you do not want to piss me off right now, Mike."

He took four quick steps back. "You're not really convincing me that becoming a vampire is the right choice."

I shrugged. "That's not my problem. Do whatever you want. I'm done talking about it."

I left him, running into town to get something to eat.

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