Fractured {Wanda Maximoff}

By arrow_to_the_heart

57.8K 1.7K 277

Wanda Maximoff was many things: a twin, a sister, a girl with many undiscovered powers at her fingertips. But... More

Same Fandom, Different Story
Assemble! - Cast
01 - "Guess the Gig is Up."
02 - Wanda Maximoff, Meet Helena Rowe
03 - "Weird Company is Still Company."
04 - Trying To See Eye-to-Eye
05 - Alone. Again.
06 - Following the "Scent"
08 - Perspective
09 - Origin
10 - Busy Mind
11 - "Never Again."
12 - Insight, Provided by Wanda's Conscience
13 - In Search of Breakfast
14 - A Surprise Gone Wrong
15 - "Help Us Help Her."
16 - Wanda Talks Strategy With Her Dead Brother
17 - Code Red
18 - The Morgue
19 - Did Someone Say Disaster Ahead?
20 - Choosing Pain Over Love
Cue Sad Song...

07 - "Start Talking."

1.7K 59 0
By arrow_to_the_heart

Helena's legs screamed, and her feet ached. But she trudged on. She wanted to put as much distance from Wanda Maximoff as possible. She considered going to the Avengers, though when she thought about it more, that was a terrible idea. It'd put her in the crossfire, one day. Besides, what could the Avengers do with her? Detain her? Lock her away somewhere so she couldn't kill again, intentionally or on accident?

Not that she ever killed intentionally. There were plenty of deaths on her hands by mistake.

The sun was lowering itself to bed in New York. Helena's stomach growled, and her bladder was starting to whine. She found the closest food joint and slipped inside. The hostess had her seated at a booth. As soon as her waiter came and she ordered her drink, she made a run for the bathroom, careful to not touch anyone in her mad dash.

As Helena left the stall to wash her hands, she took a look at herself in the mirror. How could she be good company when a touch from her caused illness and inevitable death?

When Helena returned to her booth, she bristled. Waiting on the opposite end of the table was Wanda Maximoff. She looked apologetic, but Helena wasn't buying into it.

"What are you doing here?" Helena snarled.

"Please, sit."

"I'll go somewhere else."

Wanda's eyes flashed red. "I insist."

"Is that a threat, Maximoff?"

The witch sighed, her eye color going back to normal. "Helena, please. Let me say my piece, and then you decide whether or not you want me around anymore."

Conceding, Helena sat herself. She stirred her Coke around with her straw. "Start talking."

Wanda put her hands together on the table. "I'm sorry. All I intended to do was to show you perspective. Remember when I said we're both learning our abilities? I'm still learning to harness mine. It got away from me. I...I never intended for it to happen."

Helena scoffed. "And I'm supposed to believe you're sincere?"

"I didn't want to do that to you. If you can't dig into my mind, I should pay you the respect of not digging through yours. My magic can be temperamental and sometimes develop a mind of its own. Sometimes it gets very curious and can't help itself."

"Your magic is part of you. Therefore, you were curious and couldn't help yourself." Helena tapped her fingers against the wooden surface. "You know what they say about cats, Wanda."

"I do." The witch sat back in her booth. "But I'm not easy to kill."

"You wanna test that?"

"Is that a threat?" Again, the witch's eyes flashed red.

On cue, the waiter came back with Wanda's drink, a Sprite.

"You ladies set to order, or do you still need some time?" he asked politely. The kid couldn't be older than the minimum legal age to get a job. His face was in serious need of acne treatment, and he was gangly. He reminded Helena faintly of her older brother, Frank. He'd had the gangly phase in his early teens before he filled out and started to focus on his health.

"I think we're set," Wanda told the kid.

The two girls ordered their food, and once the waiter walked away, silence ensued. Wanda watched the condensation from her drink slide down the glass. Helena kept her eyes on the witch.

"Do you really think you could kill me?" Wanda asked passively.

"I have the touch capable of doing so."

"But do you have the mind for it?" The witch cocked her head. "Accidental murder is one thing, but intentional murder is an entirely different animal. I don't think you're a killer, Helena. You've been given an ability."

"I call it a curse." Helena sat back against her booth. "Do you know how annoying it is to have to watch myself so I don't touch someone else's skin in passing? I need to keep my emotions in check so I don't blast a plague within a block's radius. I'm poison, and I'm the only who can survive it."

"You aren't poison, Helena. I used to think lowly of myself, for a time." Wanda kept her eyes fixed on her Sprite. "I considered myself bad. My powers, I wasn't using them correctly. For that, I've blamed things on myself."

"Did you blame Sokovia on yourself?" Helena blurted out.

Wanda flinched. "Some parts, yes. It wasn't easy to get over. I dug myself out when I realized I shouldn't be hating myself, but—"

"The Avengers. What you showed me, Wanda...I just don't see why you hate them so much. Is it because of the civilians that get in the crossfire? They try and save as many people as possible, it's in their job description. Is it all of the property damage when they take on the bad guy of the year? It's hard to limit that; it seems like it's all fair game when on the field."

Wanda's nostrils flared. "If you really want to know the origin behind my hatred for them, that will require you to allow me back inside of your mind."

"Or you could just tell me." You're not diving back inside of my head, witch. No way on this earth.

Wanda shook her head. "It's hard to talk about. If I show you, it's easier on me."

Helena's eyes squinted at the brunette before her. "And how do I know you won't invade my privacy again?"

"I'll make sure it doesn't happen."

"Words don't mean much." Helena frowned.

"Please, Helena. I swear to you, it will be the last time I ever go inside of your head for anything."

Helena exhaled loudly. She can't guarantee that everything will go right. She'd assured me last time, and she had invaded my privacy. How can I trust her?

"I understand if you don't want me around. You may see my reasoning as bullshit."

"I'll give you an answer once we're done here."

When their food arrived, the two girls ate in silence. Helena was watchful of Wanda, and in return Wanda was watchful of Helena. The two never took their eyes off of each other. Helena felt no invasion in her brain, so Wanda wasn't attempting any voodoo magic on her. Unless she can mask its presence.

When it came time for the two of them to leave and pay for their meals, Wanda handled the situation. Helena watched with a slight frown as Wanda released some magic towards the server, convincing him that they'd already paid and to forget that they were ever seen.

"You never feel guilty about doing that?" Helena asked as the two left the food joint.

Wanda shrugged. "I don't have money trees, do you? Besides, if they happen to find out, they won't be able to pin it on us."

"Sure, if they don't have cameras, which it was possible that they did."

"New York is a big city, I'm not too worried." Wanda paused. "So..."

Helena walked alongside the witch, keeping close in order to avoid contact with strangers. "You can spare us the awkward if you just tell me."

"You'll understand why I can't, Helena. But that's only if you let me show you. I promise, it won't take long."

Helena avoided Wanda's curious gaze. The two stopped, waiting for permission to cross the street as traffic crept by. "If you go digging, Maximoff, I actually might consider killing you."

At this, Wanda laughed. "You need to be a better liar than that to convince me, Helena. Besides, if you do kill me, who would you have for company?"

No one, Helena thought grimly. I'd have no one.

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