A Lethal Weapon - ALW Saga Bo...

By ZKFProductions

125K 4.8K 1.1K

Hanako Uchiha was supposedly a child that had to be executed, but in exchange of her life Fugaku Uchiha promi... More

Chapter 1 - The Ninja Academy
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 - Genin Promotion
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 - The Chuunin Exams
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 3

4.7K 193 61
By ZKFProductions

Once again, the shuriken hit dead center on the practice target. Hanako prepared another shuriken, when she heard someone aweing behind her. She looked over her shoulder to find her sister smiling at her. Hanako put down the weapon, and turned to face her fully. "Why must you always stand behind me?" She raised an eyebrow.

Hikari chuckled. "Sorry, I didn't want to interrupt."

Hanako sighed. "That's what you just did."

"I guess I did," Hikari walked towards her sister and took the shuriken from her hand. Hanako watched her throw the star towards the target and almost hit its center. "That was close," she muttered with chuckle. Her eyes then fell on the younger Uchiha. "Have you been working on your eyes?"

Hanako looked at the ground. "Not really..."

"You have been taking Fugaku-sama's advice, right? Don't be afraid to use them." Hanako pursed her lips. "Come on, use them on me. Right now."

Hanako widened her eyes. "What, but—"

Hikari glared at her. "Use. Them. On. Me."

There wasn't room left for refusing. Hanako took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Once she felt the usual warmth in her irises, she opened them. Her vision was red, and soon she found Hikari's pupils. She was absorbed into them, into a world painted black. She saw her sister's first colouring book, her first fallen tooth, her first day in the academy, her first grade book. All were fragments from Hikari's past, which soon became the present. Hikari was with her when they met Fugaku, and then she saw her classes after. More images showed her Hikari's future graduation, her team and her first sensei. She saw a boy with black curly hair smiling at her and Hikari laughing. Then a mission, then screams. Hikari was running, and she saw that same boy holding someone in his arms. There was blood staining his shirt and their eyes were lost. The last thing she saw was her sister, eyes teary and red...the Sharingan.

When Hanako was brought back to reality, she realized she was sweating cold. Hikari was expecting to know what she had seen, but Hanako was just processing all the images that flowed in her mind. "Well?" she finally asked.

Hanako looked up. "I saw the moment when first awaken your Sharingan." Hikari's smile vanished. She didn't know if she should be happy, or not. She was happy because she would eventually get her hereditary power; but at the same time she wasn't happy because it meant she would have to face a tragedy. One thing she knew was that the Sharingan was linked to strong emotions. And those usually referred to the death of someone close, fear of dying in an event, or simply anger. She hoped Hanako saw the latter, but due to her pale face she assumed it was the first or the second.

"Cool," Hikari muttered, looking away from her sister. "I guess you won't be ahead of me anymore."

Hanako didn't laugh. She didn't even smile. That made Hikari be sure, what she saw was a tragedy. "Let's go home."

"The death of a friend. You will arrive late, there's nothing you can do about it," Hanako suddenly said, confirming Hikari's assumptions. The look on her eyes said it all. Hikari shook her head.

"Maybe, we'll see when it happens. I have to graduate first to go on missions, don't I?"

"You graduate in less than a week. That mission may happen in a month or so..." Hanako looked at the ground. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have used it on you, I shouldn't have said anything." Tears were gathering in her eyes.

Hikari ran to her sister and hugged her tightly. "I told you to do it. It's okay, Hanako. We'll see if it's true or not. Okay? The future is always uncertain, we can't take anything for granted."

Hanako sobbed, her sounds muffled by her sister's chest. "Calm down, please. Embrace it, Hanako. Imagine yourself. Look at yourself, what's your future?"

Again, images flooded in her mind, the same images she saw that day in the bathroom. The dead bodies everywhere, but someone was standing there. He was tall and slender, with a low ponytail. He had his back towards her, but she could picture his clothes tainted with blood. He was the one who killed everyone, but how could she see it on her future?

She needed to know who he was, if he was somehow related to her.

Hanako pulled away from her sister. "Can we go home now?"

Hikari smiled.

* * *

"Today, we will merge both first year classes into one for our first physical training," Hanako heard the sensei speaking and sighed. She had been waiting for physical training for a while now. It was her third day as Izumi's vice president, but all she had done was follow the girls around as they stalked Itachi.

He wasn't an entertaining boy, Hanako noticed. All he did was sit around reading books or old scrolls.

Today, though, was a different story. A physical training meant they would get to spar with each other, and a part of Hanako was wondering if she could fight anyone, especially Itachi. Everyone knew he was the top of his class, as well as Hanako had quickly become top of her class as well.

"Well, with that said, let's meet in the training grounds in twenty minutes. Enjoy recess!"

Hanako was confused as she watched everyone leave the classroom in mayhem. She looked at Takeshi, who was casually picking all his things up. "What did the sensei say?"

Takeshi looked up at her and smirked. "You dozed off again, didn't you?" Hanako stayed quiet, giving him the hint to continue. Takeshi huffed.

"He said we would begin with an evaluated sparring session. Only for the teachers to know what are our strong points, and what we need to develop. It's kind of an ability test."

Hanako smirked in amusement. "We get to fight each other, then?"

Takeshi shrugged. "The matches are random. In case you were wondering if you would get to beat Izumi for forcing you into being her vice," he sighed. "Anyway, we're not allowed to use ninjutsu or genjutsu; just taijutsu and no weapons."

"Huh?" Hanako let out a whine. "Why?!"

"Because we are not meant to harm each other, maybe?" Takeshi raised an eyebrow. "Anyway, the teachers will probably choose the matches. We shouldn't worry about anything."

"Okay everyone, gather around, please!" The teacher called and all first-year students stood in a circle around him. "Today we will have our first physical training. Everyone will fight at least once against anyone. Remember, no ninjutsu allowed, nor genjutsu, nor weapons. The winner will be defined once their opponent hits the ground."

Hanako looked at Takeshi and rolled her eyes. The boy laughed slightly, shaking his head. The teacher noticed and raised an eyebrow. "Anything you would like to share with the rest of the class, Hanako-san?"

Hanako smiled. "Yeah, can I be the first one, sensei."

The teacher was taken aback. All the kids looked at Hanako with sour faces. "Why do you want to be first, you're a girl, we'll kick your ass," said one boy. Hanako didn't look at him, she just continued to stare at the teacher.

"Yeah! You girls have no chance against boys in a fight!"

The teacher sighed. "You'll go first Hanako." He then looked at another girl from the other class. "Himeko, you come—"

"Sensei," Hanako interrupted him once again. "I want to fight a boy."

The teacher wasn't surprised. Hanako was the top of her class academically. Her knowledge of jutsu was above average a beginner academy student, and her capacity for analysis was that of a genin. He wasn't surprised she wanted to try her luck in a fight against an equal.

The teacher looked at Itachi. The boy almost seemed to understand what the teacher was thinking and almost took a step, but the teacher's next words made him stop. "Kazuki Mitokado, you're up."

Hanako sighed. She was hoping the teacher would pick the top of the other class, but no. He picked just a random student. I wanted to fight Itachi, too bad.

Hanako stood in the center of the arena, waiting for the boy to stand right in front of her. Kazuki was the student ranked second in her class. At least I'm not fighting a loser.

"I'm going to take the first place from you," Kazuki said calmly.

Hanako became amused. "Oh? You're getting fired up." She grinned. "I like it."

Kazuki narrowed his eyes and formed the sign of confrontation. Hanako copied his stance and waited for the teacher's call.

"All right," the teacher straightened his arm and pulled it back swiftly. "Begin!"

Kazuki didn't waste a second. He aimed a punch at Hanako's face, but as soon as he was about to hit, the girl dodged and got behind him. Kazuki hit the air and widened his eyes. Hanako kicked him behind his knee, making him lose his balance, and then landed another kick on his side. Kazuki tumbled down and fell face first on the ground.

"Winner: Hanako Uchiha!" The teacher announced.

Hanako looked at the group of boys with a smirk. "What? A girl can't kick a boy's ass?"

They huffed and looked away. "Yeah! You go, Hanako!" Izumi cheered. "Shut them up!"

Hanako looked at her. "You have to win too, Izumi." The girl smiled back. "Of course!"

"Don't forget about the sign of reconciliation," the teacher told them.

The next matches were uneventful. It was noticeable that most kids had never fought in their lives. They would just blindly punch and kick the air, hoping they would magically hit their opponent. Takeshi lost his match against Kaichi, and swore he would never lose again.

"Do that when you learn to keep your balance while kicking," replied Kaichi. Hanako huffed. Takeshi lost because he fell down after kicking the air. Everyone laughed at him.

The last fight was Izumi against Itachi. She wasn't very good at hand-to-hand combat, but Itachi went easy on her. When she was about to attack him, he made her lose her balance but made sure to catch her before she hit the ground. Then he laid her down softly. He won without landing a single hit.

"Itachi-kun! He's so charming and careful!" All girls had hearts in their eyes. Izumi was blushing furiously as Itachi helped her up off the ground. Hanako rolled her eyes, and one of the fangirls glared at her.

"What are you doing, Vice? You should be adoring him." Hanako narrowed her eyes but Takeshi bumped her shoulder.

She shook her head and looked at Itachi. With a bored tone she said, "Oh yeah, so cute and kind and gentle, he can easily put in shame the Hyuuga's gentle fist..."

"You sound miserable," Takeshi stated bluntly, trying his best not to laugh.

"Shut up, loser." She smirked.

Class ended after another lecture about the Water Style jutsus. Hanako picked her things and hurried out of the class with Takeshi on tail as soon as the teacher assigned their homework.

"Hey! What's the hurry?" Takeshi asked when he reached her side.

"None, I just wanted to get out of there." Hanako stopped abruptly when she recognized Itachi with his father outside. Takeshi stopped next to her.

"Who's that?" he asked, confusion lacing his voice.

Hanako sighed. "That's Itachi's father, the clan leader." She looked at him. "Let's go before he sees me."

"He's looking this way..." Takeshi laughed nervously, pointing at the older man. Hanako looked at Fugaku, and found him staring right at her.

With a sigh, she walked in their direction. Takeshi followed her closely, hiding behind Hanako, so he could avoid Fugaku's intent stare. "Fugaku-sama, it's a surprise seeing you here." Hanako smiled nervously.

"Hanako." His voice was stern and unfriendly.

"He's scary..." Takeshi muttered in her ear, but only earned Hanako elbowing his middle.

"How has it been going with your training? Have you followed my advice?" Fugaku asked.

Hanako looked at him, and pushed her hair behind her ear. "Oh, yeah... I think so," she chuckled slightly.

"I promised Itachi I would teach him new techniques today. How are you doing with fire jutsu?"

Hanako widened her eyes. Itachi was already training his fire techniques? She looked at the boy, who was calmly looking at her, waiting for her answer. Her eyes immediately narrowed, fire techniques required tremendous amounts of chakra even for the adults. If Itachi could already perform them, it meant he had an advanced control of chakra, and maybe... Maybe Itachi also had the Sharingan.

She looked at Fugaku once again and smiled slightly. "I... still haven't learned any fire jutsu... Fugaku-sama."

The leader nodded. "I see. In that case, would you like to come with us? I can teach you the most basic fire jutsu of the clan."

"Come with you?" Takeshi and Hanako said at the same time. The girl immediately glared at the boy. "Don't mimic me."

"I'm sorry!" Takeshi took a step, hiding his face with his bag. "I forgot I was supposed to help my dad with dinner today! See you later, Hana-chan!"

Hanako watched him leave, running desperately as if he was being chased by a pack of hungry wolves. "Then," Fugaku called her attention. "Will you come or not?"

Hanako thought about his offer. Learning fire techniques would definitely allow her to become Genin faster. Besides, she would get a glimpse of Itachi's abilities. She smirked. "Yes, of course!"

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