
By luton1983

73 8 0

Two warring families. Throw in a boy and a girl into the mix. What could go wrong? More



7 1 0
By luton1983

Jameel spent most of his time looking for her, yet she remained elusive. Where is she he thought? Has she gone back home? Did i imagine her he thought? He continued his search, but nothing. Well it was nice meeting you he thought. But he didn't realise Aaliyah was looking for him too. She wanted to thank the guy who had helped her. But so far nothing. Well whoever and wherever you are, thank you thought Aaliyah.

Aaliyah sat in a restaurant, eating lunch. It was a nice day, so she took her drink and book outside. She was so engrossed in her book, that she failed to see someone standing in front of her.

"Excuse me, can you move please? Your in my way."


Aaliyah looked up to see a beaming Jameel. She quickly smiled back, and let Jameel pull her to her feet.

"I've been looking for you for days. Hope everything is ok now."

"Yup. I've got new everything, thanks to you."

"Nice to meet you. I'm .........."

"Wait. Look I know how this is going to go down. You'll tell me your name, I'll say mine. We'll find out where we're from, then we'll say what a small world. Can we try something else?"

"What did you have in mind?"

"I propose we tell each other fake names. We lie about everything, where we're from, what we do. It's fun and adds to the mystery of who we really are."

"Interesting idea."

"Also, after the holiday we'll probably never meet again, so why ruin everything?"

"Brilliant. I'll go first. I'm a drug dealer from UK. I'm on the run from police."

"Brilliant. I'm an international spy from far away."

Jameel and Aaliyah shook hands, and proceeded to spend their last few days together. They went dancing, sightseeing, to the movies. They even managed to fool some people into thinking they were world famous people. Aaliyah realised she was having fun, and didn't want the holiday to end. All too soon it was time to go home. Aaliyah packed her stuff, and was leaving the hotel, when she ran back upstairs. She ran into Jameels room. She hovered over Jameels bed, until he opened his eyes.

"I want to say goodbye, seeing as we'll never meet again."

Aaliyah leaned downed and kissed Jameel on the lips. Jameel responded passionately as Aaliyah climbed into bed with him, and carried on kissing him. Aaliyah ran out of the hotel room and to the airport. She sat in the plane, and reminisced about the past few days. It had been intense. She had never met someone like him before. He had made her holiday, more fun than she thought. He was a fun person she realised. She wondered if she would ever meet him again. 

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