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Aaliyah was sitting at her dresser getting ready. A masquerade ball, how exciting. She should meet some interesting people there, as it was a high society ball. She did enjoy meeting these people, but sometimes she found them to be a bit snobby, due to their wealth. She, despite coming from money, didn't think she was better than anyone else, unlike some of these wealthy snobs. It was like because they were wealthy, they thought they were better than other people. Aaliyah didn't agree with that. A persons character defined them, not money she thought. That's why Aaliyah chose her friends carefully. Some were less wealthy then her, but she didn't care. They were more humble.

But in truth, there was only one person on her mind. Her drug dealer. Who was he? She knew they'd promised never to find each other, but she'd stupidity kissed him, instead of keeping it a platonic friendship. She knew she shouldn't have, but she'd thought she'd be able to forget about it. Boy, was she wrong. She couldn't stop thinking about him or the kiss. It was like when they're lips touched, he'd awoken something in her. Like his lips were meant for hers. Like they were two people meant for each other. The way his lips felt on hers. Like they belonged there.

Aaliyah shook her head, and finished getting ready. She walked downstairs and took her dads arm, and off they went. Aaliyah gasped as she saw the inside. The organisers had really gone to town. The whole building was lavishly decorated. Aaliyah sat down and watched people dance. She went and got something to eat, then had a wander around. Aaliyah quickly turned around as she thought she heard someone call her name. She saw no one, but people entering. She felt strange as she saw two men enter. She quickly went and sat down and drank some water, to feel better again. The music changed and Aaliyah hummed along. She recognised the song, her and her drug dealer had danced to it at a party. She remembered the fun they had. A smile crept on her face. A guy walked up to Aaliyah and offered his hand. Aaliyah smiled. She only wanted to dance with him, to recreate that dance, but what were the chances he was here? Aaliyah didn't want to appear rude, so put her hand in his, and let him lead her to the dance floor. They both curtsied to one another, then started to dance. Aaliyah just started dancing as she had done that day.

Another man interrupted them, and he and Aaliyah both curtsied to one another. Aaliyah was surprised, he matched her dance step to step, almost like he'd done it before. Aaliyah stopped halfway, it couldn't be could it? He realised Aaliyah had stopped, so stopped too.

"Why'd you stop my lady?"

"That dance. Are you?"

"Your drug dealer? What do you think?

Aaliyah gasped. She threw her arms around him. "What are the odds we'd meet again, especially here?"

Jameel started to take off his mask. "No, keep it on. We're at a masquerade ball. We have to keep up the illusion."

Suddenly Aaliyah's arm was being pulled. Aaliyah saw her bodyguards pulling her away. "We have to get you to safety. Your father's enemies are here."

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