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Jameel was confused. She had suddenly left from the party, and never come back. He was sure she'd be back, that's why he had waited for her to return, but nothing. What was going on? He thought they had bonded during holiday and were friends. Apparently she didn't think so. Well either way, it seemed rude to Jameel. Jameels phone rang, before he could ponder anything further

"Jameel, we need you back at the house. We think we've found her."

Jameel left the party, and sprinted back home. After all this time, how? Where had she resurfaced? Still, it was better than nothing. It was progress on their part. Jameel ran to his dads room.

"Where? How'd you find her?"

"Her dad has been hiding her from us. But recently she let her guard slip. She took a picture which ended up online. It got forwarded to me. Finally, after all this time."

"Who is she? Where is she?"

"Patience Jameel. We've waited all this time, we can wait a bit more. Anyway, you know what you have to do."


"Good. Here's the picture I got. I've circled her face for you."

Jameel looked at the picture and did a double take. It couldn't be, could it? But it was her. His spy from holiday. She couldn't be who he was looking for, could she?

"Dad, are you sure this is the girl?"

"Yes Jameel. This is her. I can't forget our enemies daughters face or name."

Jameel couldn't believe it. His friend from holiday, his spy, was his worst enemy. Someone they had been looking for for months and years . Jameel didn't know what to do or say. He couldn't believe his bad luck. His friend from holiday, the girl he'd spent time with, laughed with, danced with, turned out to be his and his families worst enemy.

Jameel laughed to himself. It was ironic, wasn't it? Who he thought was his new friend turned out to be his worst enemy. Jameel had a sudden thought, did she know who he was? Was their meeting on holiday not a coincidence like he thought, maybe it was her well played plan. He didn't want to believe it, but it was looking like that. What were the chances out of everyone on that holiday, they'd run into each other? That she'd ask for his help?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2020 ⏰

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