By Shivid18

131K 2.9K 159

what happens when BILLANIOUR Christian Grey's only daughter grew up... find out the love story of Phoebe Grey... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 2
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
i hAte my life
Chapter 19
chapter 3
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 4
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 29
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Author's Note
Chapter 75
Author's note
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79

Chapter 45

1.2K 31 2
By Shivid18

(Phoebe's Pov)

I wake up to people talking around me. I rub my eyes and finally see what is happening. The doctor is in my room again talking to my mom and dad. Teddy is here what? I didn't see him when I fell asleep on my shoulder this morning.

Teddy is the first to notice I am awake. "Bubs," He says and rushes over to me. He kisses my head and hugs me the best he can. I groan in pain when he pushes against my ribs. "Be careful Theodore," My dad scolds.

"It's fine." I croak out. Both my parents come and surround me. The doctor stands at the end of the bed looking through my chart. When did he come in?

"Phoebe, how is the pain? Has it gotten any better since you woke up?" He asks and I think about it.

"My head and ribs still hurt, but it is not as bad as before." He writes something on the chart and nods.
"Phoebe I am going to check some things okay?" I nod and start to feel nervous. Teddy picks up my hand from the bed and squeezes it. I smile over, but he is staring at the doctor.
The doctor shines a light in my eyes and tells me to follow it. I go back and forth, up and down. Next, he puts his stethoscope on different places and tells me to breathe. Taking really deep breaths hurts my ribs, but I suffer through.

"Okay, Phoebe everything checks out. Why it hurts to breathe is because you broke two ribs. It will get easier as the rib heals. We will be keeping some ice on it and that will help. Your skull fracture is healing too, so we will be watching that over the next couple of days. Do you have any questions?"

"When can I get this cast off?" I lift up my right arm. I don't even know what I broke.

"You broke your wrist, but luckily it was a clean break. So, I would say about 6 to 7 weeks," He says.

"When can I go home?" He sighs, it is like he was expecting this question.
"Phoebe you are in a very delicate state right now especially since you just woke up. I would say we can aim for the end of the week. We also will be moving you into a different room, since you do not have to be in the ICU anymore." I nod and try to sit up a bit more.

After the doctor leaves we are left in complete silence. I clear my throat and look down at my hands. I wonder how Nathan is, he was probably so worried. I know I am probably in trouble for taking the car and crashing it.

I look up to see all eyes on me. Teddy, Mom, and Dad are all just sitting watching me. "Hi," I mumble. It is all I can think to say at this point.

"Hi baby girl we are so glad that you are awake," Wait how long was I out for the ball was just last night.
"What do you mean your glad I am awake?" I ask and my mom looks to my dad.

"Phoebe, what do you remember?" She asks and I think hard.

"Last night we went to the ball and I took the car. Somebody ran a red light and hit me." I shrug and my mom looks anxious. "What don't I know?" I ask and look at the three of them.
"Phoebe… the ball was four nights ago." What is that possible? "You were put in an induced coma because of the bleeding and swelling in your brain." My dad says and he looks so hurt. Tears start to come out of my eyes. I put my family through hell over a basketball game.

"I-I-I am so sorry." Is all I can say before the sobs take over. My mom rushes to me and strokes my hair. Teddy picks up my hand and holds it tightly. My dad just stays in his chair staring at me.

"Daddy I-" he holds up his hand and shakes his head. "Phoebe we will talk about this later. For now, you need to focus on getting better," he says sternly. At that moment, I knew I hurt him.

A knock on the door awakes us all from our deep conversation. "Hi I am Camden, I'm here to move Phoebe into her new room. Phoebe, we will move your bed, the rest of you guys can meet us up there. Her new room is on the 10th floor. Room H.10.21," the young guy around Teddy's age says.

They maneuver my bed out of the room. When I realize my parents aren't going to be with me I panic. "Wait," I call when half the bed is out the door.

My parents come around and can see the worry on my face. "What is  wrong baby?" My mom asks she has an overnight bag and a purse.
"I want you guys to come with me," I say I can tell the Camden guy is uncomfortable with my crying and doesn't know what to do.

"I don't want to go alone… please," I look at them pleading not to leave me alone.

"Ana you and Ted go up to the room I will walk with them," My dad says running his hand through his hair. Relief fills my body. Camden pushes my bed and my dad walks next to me. I keep staring up at him. They take a weird way to special elevators and nobody is back here except us. I am really glad my dad is here.

I reach out in the elevator to grab his hand and he takes mine. His thumb strokes my knuckles and everything feels okay for a split second. "Dad?" I say trying to get his attention.

He looks down at me waiting for me to say something. "I love you," I say the first thing that comes to mind.
"I love you most." Those four words made me feel completely better than before. We go in silence to my new room.

My new room is bigger and has a window with a good view of the city. I stare out of it as the new nurse, I think her name is Janene, evaluates me.

I feel the sudden urge to pee and sit up but groan because it still hurts to move, the nurse looks over at me "Phoebe what are you doing hun?" she asks and both my parents sit up.
"I have to use the restroom," I say and try to swing my legs around the bed, but pain shoots through me and I fall back.

"Phoebe you cannot walk or get out of bed yet. You have a tube attached just relax your muscles. We can't have you up and walking just yet." I frown that is what that weird thing is between my legs. Everything hurt so I just assumed I did something.

"No that is gross please I just want to walk to the bathroom." I look to my mom who is smirking at my dad. What could possibly be funny at this moment?

"Phoebe sweetheart, you heard Janene you can't get up, use the catheter. I know it isn't the most pleasant thing, but we can't risk you getting hurt." My mom says I cover my face with my hands and shake my head. I refuse that is disgusting.

"Phoebe Grace Grey you are not getting up. Listen to the nurse now." My dad cuts in, using his no-nonsense tone. Shit, he is frustrated. I look to Teddy who is giving me the same look as Dad.

I am sure my face is crimson. I have to pee so bad at this point. I finally just let go. l watch as my dad and the nurse eye the bag to make sure I went. This is humiliating.

The nurse finishes up her check and walks out. "Teddy, when did you get here?" I ask him and he looks up from his phone.

"Three days ago, Dad called and told me everything, so I took the next flight to Seattle." He says and I nod.

"I am sorry," I say. He shakes his head. "Bubs, you made a really stupid decision one that was reckless and dangerous, but I know you learned a lesson and will never do it again. Besides, I think triple the security is in your future." My mom scolds him for that. I look to my right and my dad is still sitting there holding my hand.

I didn't even think of this as a possibility when I left the ball that night. I still want to talk to my parents about everything, but I know for now I need to worry about getting better.
Dad got me chicken noodle soup for dinner and I ate the majority of it. He smiled at this and I think that was the first genuine smile I have seen in a while.

"You tired Phoebe?" My dad asks as he clears the food from my tray table. I nod and he leans down to kiss my head. Dad takes my hand in his and rubs my knuckles. "Sleep then." I fall asleep soon after.

(Next day)

I wake up from my afternoon nap to a new nurse checking my chart. She catches that I have woken up and smiles. "Hi Phoebe I am your nurse for today, I am Sara," she says. She is really pretty and young.

"Where are my parents?" I ask, and she looks down and starts checking my blood pressure. "Stay still for me… your parents are down in admissions signing a couple of things. Your big brother just walked out to answer his phone." I nod and watch as she writes down the numbers.

"Does anything hurt more than it did yesterday?" I feel around. I shake my head no. My head and ribs still ache, but it is bearable.

"Okay well, I am done for now… call if you need anything," Sara smiles and walks out. I am left alone in my hospital room. I turn on the tv and see if there is anything on.

There is a knock on the door and I call out to come in. Grandma Grace and Grandpa Carrick walk in. Oh, it is so good to see them. I get long hugs from each of them as they sit and take me in.

Talking to them is like a breath of fresh air. Neither of them are mad and there is no elephant in the room. It feels so much lighter.

"Phoebe, how are you, sweetie?" My grandma asks. I smile and tell her about the pain, but also mention that is it bearable.

"I broke a rib when I was 25. It was horrible. You have to ice it and make sure you keep breathing deeply. If you don't it could lead to pneumonia." I nod that is what Doctor Woods said.
"I am going to run and get you some ice packs baby." My grandma says and kisses my head. Grandpa and I are left to talk.

"I am in the middle of dealing with the imbecile that was driving drunk." He says and I thank him.

"I am really sorry that you have to take time off your work to deal with my problems." I shake my head in regret. Just another person to add to the list that I am inconveniencing.
"Phoebe this is my job. I take care of the people who make bad decisions. I want to send this guy to jail, so he doesn't hurt another innocent person." He says and I nod. It makes sense I just feel so bad.

"Well thank you again. It means a lot to me. I also am just glad that you are not mad at me like my dad is." Grandma Grace walks in just as I say that. She shows me how to position the ice pack and it does help a lot.

"Phoebe, what makes you think your dad is mad at you?" Grandpa asks and Grandma looks over concerned.

"I don't know… he hasn't been talking to me. He snapped at me earlier. He also hasn't called me Bubs." I know it is stupid, but he always calls me it.

"Phoebe you have to realize how much power you have over your parent's hearts," Grandpa says and Grandma agrees.

"Phoebe, when you have kids all you want to do, is protect them from the bad in the world. When your parents got the phone call that you were being rushed to the hospital they felt so out of control. I can barely imagine how they felt. You will understand when you have kids. Your parents aren't mad Phoebe. They were scared, and having the most important thing in your life be in danger can do that to you." My grandma says and it sounds like she can say this from experience.
"How do I make it up to them?"

Grandma smiles and strokes my face. "Phoebe you are human and make mistakes. We just have to learn from those mistakes in the future." I nod and take as much from that as I can.
When my parents come back they have Ava's family with them. Ava runs to me and gives me the biggest hug. I groan a bit but keep it under my breath.

"Little cousin you almost gave me a heart attack. I am about to be in here with you." She jokes and I laugh, but it hurts too.

"Oh, Phoebe we are so glad you are okay." Aunt Kate hugs me and I give her a big hug back. Uncle Elliot kisses my head and gives me his best wishes.
We all sit and talk ignoring the fact that I am chained up in a bed. Ava tells me about how Nathan has been in the shittiest mood for the past couple of days. She said he hasn't talked to anyone at school and when the teacher tried to talk to him he stormed out. My poor boy. I need to call him, but I have been too scared to ask for my phone.

I start to get tired after about an hour and a half. I feel lame telling everyone to leave so I push through. I yawn and try to cover it with my hand, but Dad notices and stands up.

"Phoebe needs her rest guys. Thank you for coming and visiting her." He says and I am in no position to argue. After lots of hugs and kisses, I am left with just my parents and Ted.

"Sleep Bubs," Ted says and rubs my hand. I bite my lip wanting to ask for some privacy to call Nathan but decide against it. I yawn and soon I am asleep.

When I wake up it looks to be the middle of the night. I check the tiny clock they have on the wall and see it is almost midnight. I look around and see my Dad asleep in the chair next to me. My mom and Teddy I assume have gone home.

I look around and take a deep breath. I need some more ice packs the one on my ribs is melted. I put it to the side and lay back. Right as I am about to hit the call nurse button I am interrupted.

"No… no… don't please…. STOP." I freeze. My dad is thrashing and yelling in his chair. What is happening? He is having a nightmare.
I try and reach over to wake him up, but it is too far. "Don't hurt her… no… no." I can't take it anymore I ignore the pain. I groan and struggle over to his chair. All the wires I am connected to being pulled on. Tears roll down my eyes not because of the physical pain, but the pain of knowing I caused this.

"DAD… Dad wake up." I shake him and struggle because it hurts so much. I see his eyes flutter and I am left sobbing laying on my side in physical and emotional pain.

"Phoebe? Phoebe oh my god." He says and hits the nurse call button a million times. When Sara rushes in he explains that I got out of bed trying to reach him.

"Phoebe… Phoebe calm down honey. Can you tell me what hurts?" She asks and has my dad help her set me back so I am laying down.
"My… my chest and arm." She nods and undoes the side of my hospital gown. She checks my ribs and has me breathe. She then goes and unwraps my arm and makes sure all of the stitches stayed intact.

"Okay, Hun. Everything looks okay, but you need to make sure to stay in your bed. We tell you not to get out of bed for a reason." She scolds me lightly and I nod.

When she leaves the room my dad is pacing. "We don't have to talk about," I say giving him the option because I know it is hard sometimes.

"No Phoebe we do." He says sternly and I bow my head not looking at him. "You were having a nightmare," I say and I hear him sigh.

"Phoebe… I get nightmares. I have since I was little. They used to be more frequent and then I met your mom. It was like a breath of fresh air. I still got them occasionally, but she helped them a lot. When things happen that leave me feeling out of control they happen." I nod and feel the tears.

"I am sorry Daddy. I didn't mean to… to hurt you like I did. I was selfish and made a horrible decision. I should have never left the ball. I deserved everything that happened. You shouldn't even be here with me right now." I cry and he comes and sits on the bed.

"Phoebe Grace…" He sighs and I can tell he is looking for the right words. "If I know you and I am sure I do… you are one of the most altruistic and loving people I know. You care so much about the others around you it astonishes me sometimes. I know that you didn't mean to do this. Do I think at the moment you were thinking of yourself before others? Yes. But we all do that at some point in life. You never meant to hurt us. I know that for a fact. Yes, there are going to be consequences, but Phoebe we just have to get you better, learn from our mistakes, and move on." Tears stream down my face. My eyes are fixated on the bed sheets.

Dad takes my chin and raises my gaze up to look at him. "I love you, Phoebe. More than this life itself. You are my heart walking around. You are the reason I do the things I do. Never forget that." He kisses my forehead.

"I can't believe I was so selfish. Now that I look back I feel so stupid." I say and he leans forward and kisses my nose.

"Hindsight is a funny thing, Phoebe. What seems like a great idea at one time usually isn't. You are allowed to make mistakes. Contrary to popular belief in that head of yours." He smiles, I am always too hard on myself and he tells me that all the time.

I sit up and he helps me. "What are you doing Phoebe?" He asks and I lean forward and put my head on his chest. I just leave it there and don't move.

"I love you, Daddy. I am sorry." He rubs up and down the length of my back.

"Shh, I love you most Bubs." He called me Bubs. For now, I think I am going to make it through this.

Love you guys

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