Why don't we imagines three


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My third imagine book. Wow. Еще

Brothers roomate- daniel
The way they kiss
Hints -jonah
Their kinks
My football player- jabbie.
Its all about the start- corbyn
Private school drama- daniel
Scared the holy shit out of me- Jonah
Fingers- corbyn
Supernatural -zach
Out of breath-corbyn
Baby daddy- zach
Frustrated- jonah
Him getting head
Him giving head
Alone -zach
He needs you
Jock -zach
Devil -corbyn
Stepdad -daniel
Bossman -jonah
I can't -daniel
fixed- Daniel
rough day- jonah
the help- daniel


2.9K 35 7

I looked down at my dot, rolling my eyes and covering it with makeup, cleaning up my face so it didn't show I had been crying all night. When you turn 18, you either get a red or green dot on your hand and when the year comes to an end, red dots get disposed of and green ones get to stay. My worlds overpopulated and well the government needed a way to help that issue, so this is what they came up with.

Once I got to school, corbyn came running towards me, he had already gotten his dog earlier this year, my 18th birthday was yesterday, I got my dot at midnight. Corbyn got a green dot, so in a few months he'll continue to live a good healthy life. "Y/n where's your dot?" He asked looking at both of my hands "no clue" I told him and he nodded "maybe you'll get it tonight, I'll catch up, call me later" he said and ran off.

Corbyn and I have been best friends since we were like five and it breaks my heart that I gotta show him my dots red.

Corbyn's pov

"Did y/n get her dot yet?" Daniel asked, I shook my head "yeah she did, I saw her covering it this morning" Zach told me and I gave him a look, "what?" I asked him, "well I was walking to the bathroom this morning and her door was open, I was going to say good morning but I saw her putting makeup on her hand, she got her dot last night" I was confused, why would she lie about this.

"Wait no.. she wouldn't lie to me about this, this is too serious" Daniel's eyes went wide "maybe that's why she lied, you gave green and she doesn't" he threw out into the open and I froze, I shook my head "no" I said and they both gave me looks "she definitely has a dot Corbyn" Zach told me and I took a deep breath in, taking off to find her before class.

When I found her In the hallway, I pulled her into the girls bathroom, there wasn't anyone in there, lucky for me. I took her hands and wash them off with warm water and soap, what looks to be foundation washing away till there was enough of the red dot to make out. "Corbyn" she started but I stopped her "god y/n why didn't you tell me, I'm have to say goodbye to you in a few months and you didn't want to tell me, you lied about it" she nodded.

"I didn't know how to tell you, I was trying to by myself some time" she said and dried her hands, "how'd you know I was lying?" She asked me, "Zach said he saw you covering it up this morning, that isn't important, we've been friends forever and you didn't know how to tell me" she gave me a look, "I hate seeing you hurt, and I knew that this would just about kill you Corbyn"

Once I got home later that evening, I sat at my desk and began typing a letter up to the government, begging for them to switch mine and y/n's dots. I cannot have her die, everyone heard about the story of the wife and husband, the husband had gotten green while the wife got red so what he did was beg the government to switch them over, the wife's dot turned blue and then the husbands turned red, it took some time for the switch to happen of course but he saved his wife's life and I'm saving y/n's.

She doesn't get to die before me, she should be the one with the happy and healthy life, I've don't nothing to deserve this.

Y/n's pov
"Corbyn can we talk?" I asked him pissed off in front of his friends, it had been a few months since I found out about my dot, disposal is next week and suddenly my dot changes from red... to blue, and I didn't even have to think about who gave their life for me. "I understand you may be mad, but I couldn't let you die y/n" he told me.

His friends, and my brother all looking at us weird, "you didn't have to trade your life because now you didn't give me enough time to change back, how am I supposed to deal with you dying?" I asked him. I had tears so close to spilling out of my eyes because I love Corbyn and right now I was so incredibly pissed and sad. "You'll get through it, I know you will, I wouldn't have, it's what's best" I looked at him and my tears just feel "god I hate you so much right now Corbyn" I said as I held onto him tightly.

"I love you too y/n"

"Your dots blue" a girl sitting beside me said, I kept my eyes on Corbyn as he was standing in a line behind the glass wall, he mouthed an I love you to me, as I did to him back "yeah, the love of my life took my place without my say" she smiled. I watched as the gas filled the room with him and all the others in there, the curtains closing as they started slowly feeling the effects, everyone knowing that when the curtain closes fully.. their dead.

I held back my tears for as long as I could, till the curtain closed and Corbyn couldn't see me anymore.. and I bust into tears knowing that I would have done the same for him, and he never would have went back and undid what he did, because that's the kind of love we had.. true love.

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