Hate To Love💘

By NayanaVihaan

862K 23.9K 649

Krithika was in love with Ankith for 8 years,They were neighbours and best friends . But ,all of sudden Anki... More

First day of my wedding
Our Reception❤️
chapter 5
Future husband😲
Abhinav vs Ankith
Am i lucky to have him??
🌹 Not a soulmate but a friend🌹
my wedding 😔👰
Broken heart
👨Ankith vs krithika👩
pizza 🍕 parantha
❤️pizza with love ❤️
Help me
My knight (ankith🙈)
Roses again🌹
Am i nothing to him??
I can't hate him
She is Mine,only mine.
will he be mine?
A beautiful start👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
Unknown Truth
Past and present
trapped with him
Love pizza
♥️Confession ♥️
A Ride 💒
Sorry,i love you,
Winning her trust
love is so sweet💗
Happy ending❤️🌹
Happy family

I want her ♥️

19.1K 481 12
By NayanaVihaan

In the office :

Ankith's pov:

I was infront of my new office ,i am now taking up one of my  dad's companies .I don't know that my dad's business was doing great progress in past 4years..but i never thought to take-up one of those branches.

I went near to  the elevator. but it's full and closed before i entered..I feel like i have seen a familiar face in the elevator before it closed..it looked like krithi.I might be halusinating her.I should get rid of her in my mind..

I went to my office..and it's totally not new for me .one of the receptionist took me to My cabin.I was quite nervous.but confident enough to handle everything. Soon after i settled down ,our head came to wish me and i and other board members had a meeting.it was really fun cause i don't know about anything but they are explaining the things to me.

Our lead told me that he will arrange everything for me.And he informed he would send me an employee who would guide me for few days .

I felt bored it's 2 in the afternoon.my stomach is growling..I don't want to disturb others so i went to look for cafeteria.I went there and ordered my food.it was crowded a bit so noisy ..but my ears were only hearing something..I could hear giggling and laughing i felt happy and turned to see who it is..

Everyone is walking around so i couldn't see who exactly is she..but i could see a girl wearing Peach colured  top ..her hair was going around as the wind blows.she tucked her strands.

Krithi...i said Is it real...i pinched myself..yes she is here..right infront me.She is smiling so hard she looked really beautiful and my heart is pounding heavily.

"Sir your order" i was interrupted .i took my food and change and looked for krithi but she is no where.May be i was dreaming since i missed her for 2 days.

I got bored and got up and decided to take a look at office.I  went to next floor.I was stopped in my senses when i saw krithi.Oh god it's real..she is working in our officeI mean we are gonna work in same office ...oh god thanks thankyou so muck i jumped around in joy.A broad smile appeared on my lips.

We are really made for each other so that's why you are giving me a chance to make every thing right ...thank you god.i blown a flying kiss to God.

i was so happy to see her.I wanted to meet her.but suddenly a man came behind her and started talking with her..She smiled at him.(my heart💘💘💘💘).

my favourite charming smile she is showing to him.I looked at him he was so familiar...This guy ..oh its the same guy from the wedding.

Oh no what the hell God ...why is he here.

I looked at his appearance.He was damn cool and his smile.I understood why the girls drooled over him in the wedding.

He moved closer to krithi and pointing something in the computer screen.There were other girls surrounded them but his eyes were glued on krithi.And krithi is looking at him and laughing  like an angel.

I don't know but why God is choose me to go through all these..why???
My wife is smiling at other man now.

His friendly gestures making me mad.I really wanted to drag krithika out from there. But if i do that she will continue to hate me more.

I leaned on wall and observed them ..i was only seeing my krithi.But that guy is leaning towards her and saying something ..

"Hello sir,do you need anything"one of the guy asked me.

"Are you new to this office"he asked.

"Hmm"i said.

"May i know who they are"i asked him pointing to the table where krithi sat.

"Ohh,krithi mam she is also  newly joined it's been a week or so,She is cute isn't she" he said smiling at her.

What the hell he is praising my wife infront of me.how dare he is.but i need to know the person who is behind her i asked him.

"He is Karthik ,our chief..he is so cool don't worry he is a bit arrogant too.."he said.

"Ohh" i hummed.

"They both look made for eachother right"he said

I glared at him,This brat is ??why he is making his own decisions..she is my wife and how can he pair with him..i wanted to slap him but can't help.instead i gave him a death glare but he didn't noticed me.

"Why are saying like that,she might married ."i said to him.

"No she isn't married,she only said that"he said.

What the hell,krithi doesn't told anyone that she is married.or they interpreted it themselves.I was really pissed off while seeing them together.

I walked out from there.I couldn't sat properly ,i was walking around the room ..my mind was still stuck on krithi and that idiot Karthik.I decided to ask her to forgive me.What i have done was unforgivable as far i know but still i ask her a second chance.

I don't know how would she react if i ask her but i know i couldn't hold back my love anymore.I hated her for  she caused the Pardhu's death.but when she asked anshul about what she has done to hate her so much.her eyes depicted pure innocence.She is shocked to hear Pardhu was dead.i could see her expressions changed when she heard it.I felt the love when she slapped me so hard .

And yesterday when i came to home ,she was lying on the bed ..i took her face in my palms she looked innocent i carrassed her cheeks her swollen eyes,her pale skin she looked so pathetic .I hated myself while looking at her soul.

"I never killed anyone ,i only loved you "she said and touched my hands.
I can't stop crying ,i quickly released my hands and went out of room.

I don't know but i want her to myself .whether she caused Pardhu death or not it didn't matter to me anymore.I want her, i want her back in my life ..where we happily lived.

I sat near the window and looking out of the window . Suddenly i saw krithi was standing there a smile blossomed on my face ,May be she is waiting for the cab to go home.

(Imagine ankith you and krithi going to home in your car ,you can ask her for a dinner)

Ankith go and grab the chance i said to myself .

i quickly took my suit and ran towards elevator .my fate the elevator is not coming i have waited but it's came ..but it's full of capacity.I entered into it.alarm rang inside elevator saying over weight. All eyes were on me now.I was embarrassed and looked down .I stepped out of elevator then the alarm went off .

I can't wait here anymore so took staircase god i have notice I'm on 7th floor ..i took 3 steps at time but when i reached floor 2 my energy drained and i couldn't walk or not stand anymore.Ankith you can do it.I leaned on railing and reached ground floor.I walked towards entry of the building.

I saw krithi was still waiting there..so i stopped and took a deep breath.I opened my selfie cam and look at my face.Perfect i said and looked at krithi.

I started walking towards her.She didn't noticed me i saw she was waving her hands .suddenly a car stopped and Abhi came out from the car .AbhiNav...why he is still pestering her.He seems okay now.but why he is coming to pick up krithi. No..god.He came and opened door for her she smiled  at him and got into his car.I took long strides to reach the car but Abhi started the car before i reached there.

"Krithi stop" i shouted but it doesn't reached her.I fall down on my knees and looked at the car

When the things are near you ,you don't realise it's value ,but when they go far from you ,you realise it when you are about to loss it.

Krithi...I'm sorry..sorry for making you cry sorry for not depending you,sorry for mistreating you.Sorry for not showing you love sorry for causing you pain sorry for breaking your heart sorry for hurting you.

But i promise I will never let you hurt again.

Tear drops escaped from eyes.♥️

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