Can we be something again? (T...

By multishipper_17

45.1K 988 1.3K

Todoroki and Bakugo have been friends since elementary, but when Todoroki moved before junior high everything... More

Accidents Happen
No, I don't think you do
Truth or Dare
For You
Because I felt like it
I think I love him
I'm sorry babe
I think I do
You could have died

It's my turn to take care of you

2.4K 77 20
By multishipper_17

Back at the dorms:
Bakugo POV:

"THAT WAS ACTUALLY SO COOL!" I exclaimed throwing my fist in the air. "I see you like my bike a lot" He laughed. He grabbed my hand and unlocked the 1-A dorm building with his key. "Uh, duh! That was so much fun! Please take me out on it more!!" He chuckled, "Anything for you babe." My face heats up at the nickname but I try to push it away.

We walk into the common area still holding hands and everyone was sitting out talking and playing on the PS4. "GUYS!!" I yell. Almost about everyone jumps at my sudden outburst. "Jeeze Bakugo! You scared the shit outta me!" Denki exclaims holding a hand over his heart. I laugh at Denki's reaction, "Sorry bro. Didn't mean to almost kill you. But Todoroki has the sickest fucking bike! It's so much fun!"

Everyone gave me a weird look. Somewhat of disbelief. "What? Am I missing something here?" I chuckle at my own confusion. Todoroki walks back in the room handing me a red Gatorade opening his own blue one and sitting down in the empty Love Seat. I sit myself between his legs a lean up against his chest. He wraps his free arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him, more in his lap than I was before. One hand his holding my phone scrolling through Insta and the other one is tangled in Todoroki's hand that isn't holding me.

The room got oddly silent and I felt eyes on me. So I looked up from my phone and sure enough literally everyone in the room was staring at us. "What are you guys staring at?" I ask with so much confusion. "Um. Babe, I don't think we've told them yet" Shoto whispered in my ear. "Oh shit!" We both start laugh uncontrollably hard.

Kirishima and Denki know what's up so they just resume playing video games. "Haha! Beat cha bitch!" Denki yelled. "Dang it! Man! That's so unmanly bro!" Kirishima says pouting. "Go put that unmanly pout somewhere else you sore losing fuck!" Denki exclaims loudly poking at Kiri.

They're arguing was the only thing that was keeping the room from going dead silent. "Todoroki-san. Kacchan. D-do either of you want to explain what's going on?" Deku mumbled, his arm draped over Uraraka's shoulders. At this point we're all used to his dumb-fuckery so we all understood him. "Wait..." Momo started to speak, "Are you guys finally dating?" She was getting extremely excited. To the point to where she was already standing up. We both nodded and she attacked us in a huge bear hug we've gotten since we were kids. She may look girly but she's strong.

"Finally!! You idiots!" She smacked us both eupside the heads, "You both have been so oblivious to the freaking world since our 1st grade art class. NOW YOU GET YOU BOTH LIKE EACH OTHER!?" she was talking with her hands again. "Sorry Momo" we sat in perfect unison, "We love you" I add sinking down in Todoroki's arms, afraid of being smacked again. She laughed and ruffled my hair. I smacked her hand away from my head, "Stop! Piss off Ponytail!" I huffed in irritation, crossing my arms and pushed against Todoroki again.

   "Be nice" his deep voice rang in my ear. "Sorry Shoto" I wasn't able to control his effect on me. He was distracting me. "Damn Bakubro, you're going soft" Kirishima snickered. Damn it. "Yea dude. It's a nice change of pace from you rash, short-tempered, honestly asshole personality" Sero said. Everyone kind of laughed. Except for Todoroki but that didn't really matter at the moment

   I quickly pushed Todoroki off of me and ran to up the stairs to my room. I slammed the door behind me. I leaned my head back and sliding down the door onto the floor. Tears ran my face as I pulled my knees to my chest, burying my face into my legs.

Todoroki POV:

"What was with that?" Denki watched the stairwell with confusion. "I... have no idea" I lied. "I'm gonna go check on him though."

Bakugo is sensitive. He may not show it but he is. That ego of his is gonna get him hurt at some point. But he'll always have me to calm him down like when we were kids.

   I lightly knocked on the door with my knuckle. The answer I received was a series of sniffles and whines. I crouched down by where I knew he was sitting on the other side of the door. After our many years of friendship, I've learned a lot about the short-tempered, aggravating blonde. "Baby I know you hear me. Please open the door love" I whisper softly. When he's in this state loud noises scare him. Ironic for his quirk.

   Shuffling. "Please? They didn't mean to hurt your feelings. But it's just me I promise." "You promise?" His voice sounded small and kind of muffled. "I promise. Do you want to open the door for me love?" After a long silence I heard him get up from the floor. I stood when I heard the doorknob move.

   The door creaked open and a teary eyed Bakugo stood peaking out at me from behind the panda stuffie I gave him for his birthday. I opened my arms and allowed the baby teenager to abruptly jump at me. His body was shaking with every sad cry when he nuzzled into my neck. I lifted the 16 year old up and wrapped is legs around my waist. His arms stayed wrapped around my neck with the stuffie sandwiched between us.

   I walked into the room and kicked the door shut behind me. He is actually really light. To the point where I should probably watch him a little closer at lunch and such. He is known to me to skip eating. Yes, he's naturally a little bit lighter but this isn't normal for him. "Baby?" I asked after I had him sitting on the bed. "Hmm?" He hummed in response and laid his head down. I grabbed his pastel blue hoodie, black gym shorts and walked back over to him. "When did you eat last?" He looked over at me with a sheepish smile and then looked back at the bedding. "Yesterday... lunch."

   I nodded and grabbed my phone.
   Hey Kirishima. Would you do me a huge favor?
   Yea of course bro! What do you need?
   Could you go to like Chipotle and pick up Bakugo some food? I'll pay you back I promise. He just hasn't eaten since yesterday and I can't really leave him right now.
   Yea that's cool! Denki was just bugging the shit outta me to go get food so perfect timing 😂
   Thanks dude. I appreciate it.
   Ik ik, I'm great 😉
   Np. I know what he likes. Be back in like 30mins
   Thank you again. And be quiet when you come back please.

   I put my phone down on his bedside table and sat across from him. I tried to pull the panda away from him but he just smacked my hand away from him. "Baby, if you want me to help you stop being a brat." He smiled at me and put the panda in his lap. "Thank you." I pulled his black t-shirt over his head and pulled the hoodie on him. It was to big for him but he looked cute. The sweaterpaws it gave him always made him laugh.

   Before I could finish changing him, he moved over to me and sat himself in my lap. "Do you want me to finish helping you or not?" He shook his head and snuggled into me, "I'm ok." His little baby voice muffled by my body. I picked him up and moved us over to where his pillows were. Once both of us were laying down he shuffled as close to me as possible. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him partially on top of me. He eventually fell asleep snuggled up close to me.

About 45 minutes later:

A quiet knock was heard at the door. I carefully rolled the sleeping blonde off of me so I could get the door. He jumped a little when I got off the bed.

   Kirishima and Denki were standing on the other side of the door holding Bakugo's food. "Thanks guys. I appreciate it a lot" I whisper. "It's no problem dude" Kirishima says handing to me. "You can give me 10 bucks later." I chuckle as they walk away bickering.

   He looked peaceful when he was asleep. I really didn't want to wake him up.

   I laid down between his legs and wrapped my arms around his waist, laying my head on his stomach. He began to stir from my movement and placed his hand on my head ruffling up my hair. I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back, his ruby eyes shining brightly.

   I stood up and handed him the food. "Here. Eat something." "Nah I'm good" he tried handing it back to me. "That wasn't a request" my voice got dark. It was a complete accident it kinda just happened. "I'm sorry" he whimpered. "I just want you to eat something love. Not eating isn't good for you" I say sitting behind him on the bed. I nuzzle my face into his neck and hug him tightly. "I know..." he whispers.

   We stay in that position as he eats. I fall back onto his pillows and flip threw my phone. When he finishes he places his garbage on his bedside table and lays back onto me.

   There was a nice comfortable silence for a long time. Just quiet.

That was until my phone buzzed. The message slid down from the top of my screen. My stomach dropped as I read the senders name. Fuck.

Big Brother 💙🔥
Hey Sho. I was hoping you could lend me a hand. I'm outside UA with Toga. We need you.

Damn it.

"Hey love. Could you get up? I need to go" my voice sounded unintentionally dark and honestly scared. "Go where?" He looked at me confused as I grabbed my entrance and dorm room key cards. "To take care of something. I'll be back though." And I shut the door.

Bakugo POV:

What did he need to take care of right now? It's dark outside. Almost 9:00. My curious ass decided to follow him. All the way to the UA gates. He never left the perimeter of the school. He just stood there. I was watching from the school door. It was to dark for anyone to really see.

Two dark familiar figures walked out of the forest. The rest of the street was light up with street lamps.

"Look! He actually pulled through!" God that loud shrill voice still makes my ears bleed. Wait... Toga? What the hell?! "Don't be so surprised. He made a promise. And when Sho makes a promise... he keeps it." The black haired, scar covered villain's face was slightly visible but I could hear the taunting smile in his voice. "Did you two just come to annoy me with your comments or do you want what you asked of me?" Todoroki sounded annoyed with having to even converse with the villains standing in front of him.

"Come on Sho. Let us have a little of our own fun!" Toga's space buns bounced as she talked. She's annoyingly animated with her words. "Don't. Call me that" his anger increasing. Shoto doesn't really get angry often but when he does you don't want to fuck with him. "Here" He handed Dabi what looked to be a folder. "It's everything you asked for. Location. Reasoning. Pretty much anything I could find." Since when has he helped villains?

"You know... dad's computer was a pain in the ass get into. His fucking password is 'fuck_allmight#2'. I changed it to 'suck horse dick dad' so that'll be funny when he tries to login again." Sounds like a thing he would do. Hold up. Did he say dad as in a mutually shared parent? "Thanks baby brother" Dabi ruffled up Todoroki's hair. What. The. Actual. Fuck!? "I'm not a baby anymore Touya. I'm almost stronger than you so you can fuck off" he smacked away his hand but laughed.

"Let's go Toga before they notice we left" Dabi grabs her hand. "Wait!" She pulled away and jumped at Todoroki, hugging him tightly. He kindly returned the hug. But when she kissed him in the cheek is when I almost fucking blew the fuck up. If that little bitch fucking touches him one more fucking time, she won't see tomorrow.

"Bye Todoroki. Your ugly face will be burned in my nightmares now" she sighed dramatically. "The feeling is mutual Toga. And we can call me Sho if you want" he lightly shoved her towards Dabi. "Really!?" "Yeeaa. Just don't push it" he chuckled.

   "Bye brother" Dabi waves to his brother as they disappear into the darkness.

   He turns around and starts walking back towards me. He stops by the bench and sits down. He sat there for a minute quietly looking at the ground before he spoke. "Bakugo, I know your watching me." Damn it.

   I walk towards him with my eyes glued to the ground. I sat down next to him but stared at my hands. "How long did you know I was there?" "Since you started following me from the dorms. I didn't have to see you. I could feel your eyes watching me" he said looking over at me but I didn't look up. I continued to pick at the skin around my finger nail.

   He placed his hand around mine to stop my action. "I'm sure you want an explanation." I nodded.

   "Ok" he let out a long sigh. "Well I'll start from the beginning."

   "Touya or Dabi is my eldest brother. You wouldn't know him from childhood because he was always held back from us by Dad. He was worked and abused similarly to me but before my quirk manifested. He was treated horribly by father. Some days he was over worked so badly he would come home with burns. He was cold to Dad but loving to me, Fuyumi and Natsuo. He was my big brother. Someone I looked up to. After my quirk grew stronger throughout my life, I became the target for dads beatings and training. Touya tried to protect me but would just get shoved to the side. Eventually he got fed up with the treatment and left. Ran away from home. He tried to get me to come with but I stayed behind. To protect the rest of the family that couldn't protect themselves." Tears were sliding down his cheeks as he spoke.

   I cupped his face in my hands and used my thumb pad to wipe them away. "It's ok. You don't have to tell me everything now" he nodded and laid his head on my shoulder.

   We sat there for a bit until a sudden gust of cold air made me realize we were still outside. "Let's go inside. It's to cold outside for me." He laughed and nodded. We walked back to the dorms hand in hand.

   Once we were back at our dorm doors he hugged me tightly around the waist. I returned the embrace with my arms around his neck. His body shook slightly as he silently cried into my shoulder.

   I carefully opened my door and lead him into my room, nudging the door shut. I pulled him all the way to my bed. Once my legs hit my bed, I fell backwards. Him following behind me and landing softly on top.

   He buried his face into my chest and just held on. He mumbled nonsense words, trying to not cry more. "Hey. You spend so much of your time and energy looking after and taking care of me. It's my turn to take care of you" I rubbed circles on his back.

   The grip on me relaxed a bit. "Babe?" "Hmm?" He hummed in response. "We should lay down more comfortably. You're to heavy for me to move" I say. I use my feet to pull of my shoes as carefully as possible. "Yea" He whispers getting of of me and taking his boots off. I give him sweat pants, fully aware he won't use them.

   I turn my light out but the LED string lights I have around my ceiling stay on. I lay down next to my almost sleeping boyfriend and quickly get pulled into his body. I hug him close as he tangles our legs together comfortably. My face nuzzled into his hair, the smell of forest and snow calms me into an sleepy state.

   Todoroki presses his soft lips to my jawline. "I love you Katsuki." I kiss the top of his head in return. "I love you too Shoto."

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