I think I love him

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Todoroki POV:

   I wake up to the feeling of warm light heating up my face. When I turn around in my bed I expect there to be another body next to me but he's gone. Where in the hell did Bakugo go? I rub my eyes with the backs of my hands. I'll check in the kitchen, sometimes he makes breakfast for everyone. He can be nice when he wants to. It's about 7:30 in the morning so everyone is still sleeping. We two are the only ones ever awake at this time.

   I quickly brush my teeth just to make sure I don't have that nasty morning breathe smell. I look at my reflection in the mirror to see the deep purple love bites on my neck and collar bone from last night. He did say pay back would be a bitch. I'm currently to lazy to completely part my hair so there's some red in the white and vis-versa.

   I slip on joggers and a random tee from my dresser drawers, grabbing my phone before walking out of my dorm room. It smells good in here so he's defiantly in there. Which means they'll be up in a bit, my guess is about 8:15ish if I know them well enough.

   I push the swinging door to the kitchen open quietly so he doesn't hear me. The sound of 'My Chemical Romance' is blasting so I doubt he will. Bakugo is standing at the stove so I sneak up behind him. I slip my arms around his waist nuzzling my face into his neck. He tensed up a bit, but relaxed and leans back into my touch when he realized it was me.

   "Morning Love" I say, happily. I breathing in his smell of clean linen and honey.

   "Morning babe" he replies, hugging my arms tighter around his waist. He turns around in my arms to face me. He pulled my face in and kissed me deeply. I used his waist to pull him closer into my body. His arms hung loosely around neck.

   The door to the kitchen swung open making us jump and back away from each other quickly. "Good Morning bitch-ass 1 and 2" Denki greeted us with sleep still evident on his face. Kirishima shuffles in behind him, rubbing the tired state out of his eyes. "Aww, Bakugo! You're making us breakfast? What a sweetheart" Kiri said half asleep. "Eh shut up about" Bakugo answered, face flushing a deep red color. Mine probably looks very similar to be completely honest.

   Momo comes waltzing into the room wearing her normal day clothes. Considering the changing of the seasons, it's colder outside then the past couple of weeks. Today she's sporting black, ripped jeans with a white cropped shirt under her leather jacket I bought her for Christmas last year. She had her black, high top converse on. Accessorizing with a silver heart chain, a grey over-the-shoulder Louis Vuitton purse and a maroon beanie placed over her curled, jet black hair.

   "Daaammmn! Good morning my beautiful best friend. Who you trying to impress today?" I ask. She smiled widely at me, enveloping me in a huge hug. I grabbed her hand and twirled her in circle pecking her on the cheek. "Do you like it? Does it look nice? Is it to boring?" She spit balled questions at me. "You look drop dead gorgeous as always. Hey! Is that my beanie?" realizing why it looked so familiar. "Maaaybe" she draws out smuggly walking over to the other boys sitting at the table. Plopping down in the empty chair next to Bakugo.

   "You thief!" I say exasperatedly turning around to look at her. She flashed me her 'I may have taken this from you but you know your gonna let me wear it cause you love me unconditionally' smile. I roll my eyes but smile back at her showing I'm not mad. "Yea, whatever. Just don't lose or dirty it. I like that one" I say sitting down next to her. She laughs at me not arguing with her about it. She knew she was gonna win anyway, I'm just making the process faster.

   She swings her arm around my shoulders and says jokingly "Love you too babe." "Yea, yea, yea" I say turning back to the pancakes, eggs, hash browns, and yogurt with blueberries in front of me. "Thanks bab-akugo for the breakfast" I almost said baby but quickly stopped myself. He looked up at me, smiled, and winked "Your welcome Candy Cane."

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