Because I felt like it

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Friday after class: (I guess Thursday just ain't a day of the week anymore? Neither is Tuesday apparently)
Bakugo POV:

I hate being bested. Especially by Deku, the little asshole deserves to die. I'm walking back to the dorms after our training was finished. But I hear fast footsteps running up to me. My first reaction is to attack so I quickly turn around and throw a right hook but it's swiftly caught in the other persons hand. "Woah, Bakugo it's just me" Todoroki says pulling his hand, which is still holding my hand, away from his face. I quickly look down so he doesn't see me bleeding from class. I hate looking weak too.

"What do you want IcyHot?" I ask still not looking up from the ground. "You looked upset from training today so I wanted to walk with you" he states with a shrug that I see out of the corner of my eye. "Yea whatever" I mumble to him and start walking. I haven't looked up at him but I can feel him watching me.

He opened the door to our dorm rooms and sweetly held it open for me. Damn it Half n Half, stop being nice to me. I'm not in the mood. I turn left and up the stairs, continuing walking towards our rooms.

"You alright Bakugo? You haven't looked at me at all" he asks concerned. "Yea, I'm fine. What's it to you anyway?" I say accusingly and angrily. I'm not mad at him, just Deku still. He stopped at his door and grabbed my hand pulling me backwards towards him. I use my hand that's not being held and place it on his chest to stop me from running into him, still not looking up. He uses his free hand to gently pull my chin up forcing me to look at him. "You're my boyfriend stupid," he said jokingly.

"Bakugo, did you get this during training?" He asks. I avoid his gaze and nod. "Did you not want to tell me because you want to be all tough and brave?" He teased me like he's talking to a little kid. I slap his shoulder and respond, "Shut up! It's not a big deal". "That's why right?" He said smugly. I roll me eyes and nod again, not wanting to verbally admit it. He chuckled and rubbed his thumb against my bottom lip where there was some blood dripping from my nose.

Why does he care so much about me? I'm a bully to him and pretty much everyone at this school. Sure I tease him for a different reason then everyone else but it's the only way I know I can get his attention. I'm not very good with showing my emotions and mushy stuff like that. Even though his my boyfriend.... but still.

"Come on" He said turning around and opening his door. He pulled me in by our intertwined hands.

He shuts his door behind him and walks over towards his bathroom. I'm actually able to see the room now, not just try to navigate. His room is pretty basic like everyone else's. Bed on on the left side of the room with a side table placed next to it. The only real difference is he has a huge tv mounted across from his bed above his bookshelf and desk. Everything looked really modern, nice cool tones like grays, blacks, and whites. It looked neat and well kept. I noticed a guitar was nicely placed on its stand in the corner next to his bed.

"You can sit down on my bed" he called to me rummaging for something under his bathroom sink. I walk over and sit down criss-cross in the middle of his bed. He came walking back with a small first aid kit in his hand and sat across from me, also cross-legged. He sat so close that I was pretty much sitting in his lap. I mean I don't mind at all, it's kind of nice. I look down at the jeans he's wearing and notice they have those holes in the knees. I play with the strings around the edges staying concentrated on them afraid that if I look at him my face will turn bright ass red. He gently pushes my chin up and says "If you want me to help you, you have to look at me." A light blush rushes over my cheeks and nose... called it. He gives me a small smile and rubs a warm, damp cloth over my cheek bone, over my eye brow, and under my nose to clean up the blood.

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