Tamed Wolf

By dmnaries

106K 4.1K 1.4K

JoongNine Fanfic ✏ This is not a fantasy ff --- I am definitely not used of thai culture and stuff so sorry! ... More

1: The Wolf
2: The Sheep
3: The Wolf's 💓
4: not so SmoOth confession
5: Determination
6: Eyes
♬♩♪♩ Not an update ♩♪♩♬
7: Alpha's Weakness
8: Heartbeat
9: Baby giant
10: ❗Danger❗
11: Hungry Wolf
12: Clearing things out.
13: Things he can't tell to him.
14: (Triggering) His unconditional love.
15: ⛤
16: 🎉
17: such a tease
18: little fight
thank you #J9 fam
19: #nineshappiness
20: 👊
2ne1: the nightmare
22: Misunderstanding
23: Mutual Understanding
24: the fox vs. the wolf
25: untitled
26: De Javu
27:Thank You, Joong.
28: Flashback I
29: Flashback II
30: Drunk Reminiscing
31: Dinner
32: misfortunes
36: I love you 3000
45 ♡ the real ending
♡ Special Chapter♡
shamless promoting ;;
#Support Long Trip by Ton Thanasit #SUPPORTJ9


1.6K 57 21
By dmnaries


After 7 years....


"We're late! Oii! Chen!" Dome whined as he went inside the car.

"Aww, Phi. Relax." Chen chuckled.

Chen is being at the right age already is now okay to drive a car but right now he is driving a white car designed for wedding, yes, a wedding.

Dome had to fix his tux and his hair one last time using the car's mirror. On the way, Dome suddenly eyed the cementery so he requested Chen to stop.

Chen instantly went silent.

"Hey, do you want to--?" Chen shook his head without looking at Dome.

Dome sighed as he went out, he went to the grave of the person he knew and he smiled.

"Hey, we're doing fine now." He said while smiling. He stayed more for minutes reminiscing some memories.

He wiped his bids of tears from his cheeks before he went back.

"Let's go!" Dome exclaimed as went inside the car again.

Chen just gave him an awkward smile, the whole ride became dead silent.


No one can deny that It is indeed a big day from the beautiful venue and the sight of the sun setting as the wedding takes place at the beach. In front of the sunset, families and friends have gathered for this very special day.

When they arrived, Dome instantly found his lover beside of the one who will be in charge for this wedding.

It was like a slow motion because while he was looking at Pavel's back his lover suddenly turned around and their eyes met.

Both of them flashed their dear smile.

The crowd's eyes are glued at the two handsome men who just arrived. Dome walked towards his husband while Chen went on his position beside his senior.

He looked at the couple and instantly smile teasingly.

"Ohoo, staring at each other like you guys aren't a couple for years already." He teased. Dome just smiled showing off his dimples.

"Because we are so in love.
~" Pavel proudly answered.

"Oho, after this it will be another honey moon phase." Chen teased while wiggling his brows.

Dome felt his cheeks burn, luckily, he was saved by someone so no one actually noticed.

"Sawadee Khrub!!!" Ben yelled as he approached the three.

"Oho, P' Ben. You really looked like you're getting married." Chen teased.

"He's too excited that's why." Earth suddenly said, appearing out of no where.

"Oho, after spending almost everyday together. You know this med that much already?" It was Pavel's turn to tease.

"W-what everyday?! He's my grandma's personal and private doctor, what do you guys expect?" Earth defended himself..

Ben just chuckled.

The group is having a good talk since today is like a reunion for them, they haven't met for a year since their career life became very busy. Specially the doctors. While catching up with each other,

A song suddenly played, it was the wedding song. And that is the signal for them to get ready because the wedding ceremony will start.

Chen stayed beside Pavel while Dome, Ben and Earth went out already.

The song was so beautiful that, that very moment of friends and family members marching to the red carpet was quiet emotional.

Because witnessing every people who were part of the couple's journey is like seeing every chapter of their lives. Seeing the meds and engineers marching together feels somewhat special because the two group hated each other before but now an Engineer will get married to a Med, a doctor to be exact.

The groom's heart started to beat fast, he did not even know what is it. Was it the nervousness he's been dealing since he woke up which he managed to conceal? or was it the excitement that finally he's marrying his very special someone?

When the person he's been waiting for appeared the groom's heart felt its going to explode.

Nine together with his mom and Chen's mom are now marching at the aisle.

Nine is wearing white tux with black trouser. He is also wearing his usual long earring at his right ear. Which matches Chen's black tux and white trouser and at his left ear is the pair of Nine's earring.

Nine smiled dearly. Chen felt his eyes burning as the small drop of tears started to flow down his eyes.

He remembered everything vividly those happy, sad memories and hardship they went through but above all is the memory when he almost lost the chance to actually make this big wedding to happen. 7 years ago, at the same date right now, he almost lost his P'Nine.

He called him many times, broke the door just to get to him. He begged and begged to him to comeback and when it was time to record is time of death. Nine breathe back to life.

Chen snapped back when his mom greeted him.

"Congrats my son, may you have a healthy and full of love marriage life." She said as she held Chen's hand.

"I want you my sons to live a happy life. Grow old together na kha? Congrats to the both of you. I love you both." Nine's mom said while trying to hold her tears.

Nine started to tear up too. He never expected that he will be given a second chance to live. He was right to hold unto his love for this guy in front of him. He had no regrets until this very day,

Because Chen is his everything.

Mrs. Kornchid gave her son's hand to Chen while Mrs. Aydin put the couple's hand together.

Both kissed their sons to their cheeks before they went in front.

The process of the wedding was both emotional and memorable, they did other ceremonies before it came to the exchanging of I do.

"Do you Joong Archen Aydin, take Nine Kornchid as your soulful wedded husband and to stay with him to sickness and health, for better or worse and richer or poorer, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him, for as long as you both shall live?

Chen looked at Nine right into his eyes and said the two words lovingly, "I do."

Then he moves his body with an excited yet tensed smile out of nowhere that made the crowd laugh.

"Oiii." Nine whispered whinning to his husband to be.

"Can I kiss him now?" Chen asked. The guy who is in charge of the wedding was completely shock that he couldn't answer.

Chen received a slap from Nine which made the crowd laugh even more.

"I haven't said I do yet!" He scolds.

Their friends are laughing hard,

"They didn't change after all." Dome said while smiling.

"It's a lit wedding 555+" Earth commented.

"Last time at Dome's wedding we were all crying now we're laughing. Next time we will be angry. So, who is next?" Ben jokingly said.

"You!" Pavel and Dome said in unison.

Which made Ben laugh.

"Well, I wish~" He said.

"Shall we continue?" The person in charge of the wedding asks.

Nine smiled and nods. He looked at Chen and gave him a glare which only means the guy should behave or else---

"Do you Nine Kornchid Boonsathipakdee, take Joong Archen Aydin as your soulful wedded husband and promise to stay with him, cherish him and take care of him in all aspect of life and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him 'til death do you both apart?"

Nine with teary eyed answered, "I do."

After that they vowed to each other and put on their rings.

"I announce both of you, as newly wed. You may now kiss---"

Chen did not even wait for the sentence to finish because he pulled Nine's waist and kissed him.

When Chen started to move his lips Nine had to push him or else his husband will go extreme. Chen pouted while Nine nerviously laughed while facing the crowd.

"That's my boy!" Pavel shouts while waving his hand at the air.

Nine rolled his eyes while Dome is stopping his husband's craziness.

After that, the elder member of both family gathered to them as they sit. The elder members did a sai mokhon to the couple then Rod Nam Sang was next and then the Phit Bai Sri Su Kwan and lastly, was Sai Sin.

After all the ceromonies, everyone went to the beach for the Evening Party where everyone enjoys and celebrate for the newly wed.

The couple sat at the mini-stage watching their family and friends enjoying the party.

"Congrats, hooray! Two down again!" Earth yells as the gang approaches the couple.

Nine chuckled.

"Ben is next I have a hunch." Pavel teased.

"Don't make me hope for it when I don't even have anyone right now!" Ben responded.

"Stop teasing Ben, he's gonna be single for life specially because Nine put a curse on him." Dome said then he laughed.

Nine shook his head while smiling.

"I take that back please have someone soon!"

"Oho, why is the other husband being so quiet?" Pavel teased as he look at Chen.

"Can we skip the party and go to our room already?" Chen asked which made the gang fall in silent.

"Hey, be patient you're gonna get him later. Gosh bro, you're worse than me." Pavel told Chen while looking at him with disgust.

"You practically taught him so you created that verison of him." Dome said as he folds his arms in front of his chest. Pavel scatches his nape.

Nine's soul has left the chat. He felt shivers to his spine. This night is going to be a LONG night.

The gang just changed the topic and talk about other stuff.

"Okay, kha. It's time to give message for the newlywed. May I call Mila Kornchid na kha?"

Everyone stopped at partying and look at the mini-stage. Mila went up near the newly wed as their friends went back to their seats.

Nine looked at his sister and sweats start to come out from his glands.

"First, It was so hard to be one of the people who witnessed their journey. It was like watching a drama and you wanted it to be a happy one but you can't really do anything. Nine is very closeted person, I mean he doesn't let anyone see if he's going through something. He's not a vocal person and if you don't know him that much you will think he doesn't give any fucks but no. He looks like he can handle everything but deep inside he's badly hurt. Chen on the other hand is a very vocal person sometimes you will feel second hand embarrassment because of him.

As he honestly tell people how much he loves Nine and other things. They are perfect for each other as they go together.

Nine can be really vocal because of him and Chen can go quiet because Nine practically scold him everytime.

Their journey til this day was a roller coaster ride."

Mila cracked at the last sentence as her tears started to flow which made Nine also cry.

But she continued, "I saw my brother cry, look so weak when he don't even want anyone to see him like it and also almost die. But look at him being happy despite of those traumatic and overdramatic things that had happened to him? He's so happy beside that dude he used to call just a baby bro. You shithead, how dare you get married before I could! I wish you both all happiness that you guys deserve. Find me a boyfriend soon." She said and then she went to her baby brother and kissed him on the cheeks which she never did before.

The sibling hugged each other and cried before the next person went to the mini-stage.

"WHAT?!" Nine yelled when he saw Pavel goes up.

His tears paused, literally.
It's gonna be a mess. He thought.

"Hahahaha, Nine is shook. Okay, today I won't be silly. Before Chen was very disrespectful and has no path to go before he met you again. He would get into fights, skip class or get scolded. That kid never listened to anyone, he doesn't even call me as Phi. But what I noticed to him is that, he's so lost.

Like something is missing to him but when you came he brightened up, smile a lot and be silly. Like his cold heart was warmed. But of you, was also part of how our story begun again and I was really thankful. Nine, I know that he still act like a kid even he's turning 26 already but please have a long patience to him. I really wish the happiness and long life for the both of you. And lastly, Chen, don't be rough." Pavel smirked at Chen before he went down.

Can't really count how many Nine rolled his eyes because his friends are damn extra.

After that the parents went up and tell all stories about their sons and have more domestic talk.

When night finally came and the moon is already waving hello to the guests and the newly wed.

They once again congratulated the newly wed before the party was put on an end with the message of the newly wed.

"Everyone thank you, thank you for being part of our lives for supporting and loving us. Thank you for clearing up your busy schedules to witness this very days specially to our gang. To our parents who supported our love thank you and we promise to cherish each other na khrub. Rak na~" Nine said whole heartedly as he wai to the guests.

"Khrub, Thank for everyone. I wish you all happiness like you wished for us. Please go home safe. Seni Seviyorum!" Chen also wai then waved his goodbye.

"Hey, hey. What is that?" Dome asked.

"Shhh, they will notice tone it down." Ben shush Dome which made him frown.

Pavel was snorting as he try not to laugh out loud.

"What are you putting on the drink??" Dome asks.

Pavel had to shut Dome so he pinched his husband's butt before he could stop the plan.

Dome gasped and Ben took the chance to give the drinks to the couple who are bidding their goodbye to their families.

"Hey, newly weds~ have a drink na~" Ben smiled evilly to them.

"Cheers to the newly wed! Love shot! Love shot!" He cheered.

Earth who was busy eating heard Ben screaming love shot so he left the food and went to them to cheer to, without knowing what was really happening.

"Love shot!" Earth and Pavel joined.

Dome was shaking his head as he finally know what is happening, his evil husband told him what was on the drink.

Nine and Chen took the drinks and did a love shot. The gang had a final hang out before they bid their goodbyes and let the couple have their honeymoon already.

NOTE: Hello, I have no idea much about how thai do wedding ceremonies so I kinda mixed it up. I don't mean to disrespect the culture and I genuinely adore their wedding culture as it gives more meaning.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Happy New Year~! May you guys have a great year. Find happiness and receive blessings that you all deserve.



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