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"What the hell, is this all you can do? Only a sack of trash? Don't tell me you took than from the uni's disposal area instead of picking those up from our department's area?" I yelled to the group of freshmen from College of Engineering, our juniors. I instructed them to collect the trash they see on our department's ground. And I don't believe that this is the only trash they could have pick when I saw a lot before going to class this morning.ww

"But-- P' The janitors will surely clean the area. Why do we need to do this?" One of them have some guts to ask.

"That's the point, you guys are fed up with laziness. just because someone is cleaning it for you, you will not clean. Come back here with 9 more sack of garbage no one will go home or else I will whoop your asses! That's a lesson for you to learn not to throw your trash anywhere." I declared, I heard a lot of complaints.

I turned my back to them and sat on the bleachers.

I wiped my sweat. It's gonna be dark soon.

I closed my eyes, I'm not on my good state after meeting him again. He's bugging my mind 24/7 I need to drink just to forget about it and now my hangover is striking.

I opened my eyes when I heard my phone ringing.

It's Chen. What's the matter with this punk? Maybe he already got his own a lover, huh?


"P! I need you to come at that place! Lek, he took P'Dome and P'Nine! Let's meet there!" My eyes widened upon hearing what Chen said.

I closed my fist, that fucking garbage! I hurriedly took my bike and ride it with full speed.

I will end him if he ever touch him! I fucking swear I'll kill him!

I did not care about the uni's guard scolding me with my speed while I exit the uni. I need to hurry!

"Slow down! OI!"


The place Chen was talking about is the abandoned building where we use to make hazing for the top-tiers of our frat. That fucking bastard still use it as his lair? He is surely sick in the head!

I arrived quickly and there Chen was waiting.

"What is he up to?! Fuck let's just go and kill that bastard." I angrily spite.

"P' wait, we need to be careful they have P'Dome and P' Nine we can't just move without a plan." That's why this kid work well as our beta he is quick witted and calm. Which I don't posses I'm used to barge without thinking because I rely to my strength than my fucking brain.

We planned to make negotiation to him but when they finally get their hands of to Dome and Nine we will take them down and wait for Ben and the police.

"LEK! Get out of there you coward rat!" I yelled as I take my steps to the stair.

I heard the guy's annoying laugh.

"Welcome new 'alpha' here to take back your husband--you faggot?" I did not give a damn to his remarks. He's so homophobic shit, I bet he's like that because he's been alone for the fucking who knows since forever. No girls would accept his offer to be his "queen" he makes me puke whenever he hit girls. He's good looking I can give him that but he's sick in the head and his reputation is badly damaged.

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