Hello, Goodbye [BHNA Chatfic]

By EuniceAphroditis

413K 13.4K 11.2K

Un: you know you're a lot like an atomic compound you're simple you aren't connected to anything and you hav... More

username guide
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five
chapter thirty-six
Reader Input? (A/N)
chapter thrity-seven
chapter thirty-eight
chapter thirty-nine

Christmas special

4.2K 176 179
By EuniceAphroditis

The day was the definition of aesthetic: slowly falling snow which blanketed the ground, brightly shining stars made from reflected sunlight, and perfectly comfortable temperatures to enjoy a beautiful cliche winter stroll. To not take advantage of the day would be a crime. 

So someone please throw my ass into jail.

A loud rip filled the room as a piece of paper tore in the middle. I cursed, setting down my pencil with a rough hand with my head not far behind. The paper rubbed against my forehead, somehow drying the skin more. 

When I sat up, my lips curled down at the sight of my own dead skin flakes sprinkled across the notebook.

That's what you get for not moisturizing for three days, dumbass. You get your own Christmas snow.

I grabbed the paper and ripped both halves from the notebook. A weak 'Kobe' left my mouth as I threw the crumpled paper, not bothering to look as it bounced off the side of the trashcan and joined the fallen brethren. 

Leaning back on two legs, I scanned the pages of the empty notebook. A glance at the clock showed that I'd spent a good three hours at this desk, getting absolutely nothing done. 

Good job, ____, leave it to you to wait until the day before to finish something. 

Hey! I've got 34 hours until anything needs to be done. 

Like hell you'll think of anything to buy and then actually get it. 

I tried to think of a retort for myself, then quickly gave up with a sigh. My mind was right after all. At this point, I'd be better off just making something. 

I perked up in my chair, mind finally churning out useful ideas. Before they could escape, I scribbled three down and grabbed my phone to get the needed reinforcements. 

 Un has entered the chat 

Mama Momo 
I need you 
Pls save my soul 

SugarMoMo has entered the chat 

Wow, I didn't think you'd try this ___

What do you mean?? 
Do you know what I'm going to ask 

And my answer is no 
I'm not going to make your Christmas present for your secret santa 


People ask you that??

I mean, why wouldn't they? 
It'd be no cost to them and probably better quality if I know the product… 

But like 
That's mean?? 

So you're not going to ask me that? 

Definitely not
And that's NOT because I don't have any idea what I'm getting my secret santa …
It's just because it's mean>:( 

You haven't gotten your gift yet?? 


The exchange is tomorrow!

I'm making the gift and it's just taking a while 
I just need help getting pieces I wasn't able to find 
I hope that's not too much 🥺


What do you need


Tell me what you need first 
But yes, I'll be happy to help you :)

All I need is a plain black t-shirt and a blank white coffee travel mug 

Really? That's it? 

Heck yeah it is
I've got everything else I need 

Oh, okay! 
Yeah that'll be easy, I'll have them to your room in a few minutes :) 

Momo you're a goddess

Un has left the chat 
SugarMoMo has left the chat 

Three hours later 

Bad idea.

This is all a bad idea. 

A massacre of creativity littered the room. Hot glue stuck to tissues, leaving burning clumps of thin paper in its wake. The once loved notebook lay baren with its limbs ripped and scattered across the desk. Hints of colored ink peaked through the crumpled paper but nothing legible to another actual person. 

And at the center of it all sat me. An empty husk of a person. A person who has absolutely not skill at DIY. Pinterest lied to me. Perfect graphic t-shirt in five minutes my ass. 

I looked at the fabric in front of me, if it could even be considered that. 

A crooked logo sat, half fused with the shirt. The clothing iron lay discarded in the corner of the desk. It wasn't a good idea to use it in the first place. I've never even ironed my own clothes. 

After that fail, I'd tried to readjust and connect the printed logo to the fabric of the shirt using my quirk. About halfway through the first section I realized the chemical composition of the ink was NOT what I thought it was.

And why didn't you stop?

Because I was too far in. It was too late. 

I breathed out my frustrations and pushed the shirt away. Instead, I turned my attention to the other enemy: the mug. 

Two stickers had been placed on the surface. That had been the easy part. Slap those boys on and let the adhesive stick. But I wasn't looking for mere stickers. No, I wanted lasting stick. 

Luckily, I had a little friend called Cyanoacrylate adhesive and Pryex glass. 

My hands ghosted over the surface, fingers grazing the edges of the stickers as I carefully binded the adhesive of the sticker to the glass. 

A single bond being disconnected and reconnected in a millisecond of real time, but what felt like hours in my mind. Wait too long and a new substance forms with new properties that probably aren't safe for humans. Contrary to popular belief, most things in this world can actually kill you. 

That's exactly why my quirk needs full attention. One wrong step and everything is destroyed- 

"Hey, ___, the entirety of class 1-A is standing at the entrance of the dorms. Please make them go away."

I jumped at the voice breaking through my concentration. The break lasted only a second but it was a second too long. Instantly, smoke rose from the mug. The final corner of the sticker unconnect and beginning to glow an uncomfortable shade of red.

"Fuck, shit, bitch…" Curses flew into the air as my hands returned to the sticker, quickly looking into the atomic structure of the newly made mess. I threw atoms together, bonding them in the same pattern as I'd been doing.

After I bonded the last atom, the smoking died down with the redness. But the damage had been done. A large burn scarred the side of the mug. Two inches of charred glass stared up at me as though saying 'yeah. This is your fault.' 

A knock sounded at the door again, "___, if you don't get your ass out here right now, the entire class is going to break into the dorms and I'm not dealing with their shit right now." 

I wrapped the shirt around mug and placed it in the bag before walking over to the door. Looking through the peephole, Shinsou's usual annoyed face stared back. 

"And why should I listen to you. I could be sick pranked right now." 

Shinsou continued to stare at peephole, not sparing my comment a reaction. I opened the door, coming face to face with my nocturnal dorm neighbor. 

"Do you know what they want? I've found it good to go into these things prepared." I leaned against the doorframe, trying to seem cool. Shinsou gave a quick shake of head/eyeroll combo. 

"Hell if I know. They sounded like they were saying something about secret santa?" He sounded casual but the mere mention of secret Santa was enough to send me scrambling back into my dorm room. I snatched the bag and a jacket without processing anything other than one thought: 

Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck.

"Thanks for telling me shinsou, love you!" I shouted over my shoulder while sprinting to the elevator. My finger tapped the button a good twenty times but when the elevator didn't arrive in the first three seconds I have up and went to the stairs instead. 

My foot reached the door before I did, kicking it open to make a clear path as I nearly fell down the three flights of stairs. 

I saw them all the moment I entered the lobby. Twenty-One faces pressed against the glass of the dorm's doorway. Even my brother, who is honestly forgot existed for a little bit, was shoving himself into the mix next to Kaminari. 

A path opened for me as I approached the door at Mach 20. I saw Iida be impressed by me. Good. I deserve it. 

Midoriya pulled open the door just in time for me to barrel through and come to a panting stop of poor cardio-vascular strength. 

"Oh my God, ___, are you okay?" Uraraka asked, holding out a hand in case I decided to fall on the ground. I flashed a weak thumbs up while trying to catch my breath.

"Yeah...just, uh…ran too much…" I said between breath, slowly standing up to face the whole class, "So what did you guys need me for? Shinsou was about to start a riot against you guys." 

Iida stepped forward, somehow more ridged than the cold air. 

"Aizawa-Sensei added extra training after classes tomorrow so we decided to have the Christmas party today since we are all free. You're the only one not in the class included so we came to get you." The comment had zero emotional connection to Iida but I felt a surge of emotion with the words. A warmth of inclusion flashed against the winter cold. 

My hand tightened around the handles of the bag as if a strong grip would improve the gift inside. What would I say? Sorry, can't go because I put off my secret Santa gift for three weeks. 

I pushed up a smile, rubbing my cheek with my sleeve to make it seem like my flushed face was from the cold.

"Yeah, let's get our party on!" The class broke out into smiles of different intensity and enthusiasm. I say this only for Bakugou, who seemed extremely annoyed that someone dared to include him in this event. 

You and me both buddy. 

Oh shut up. You're literally my brain. 

Not by choice.

I shook my head, hoping to give myself a little shake so I'd stop talking, and started walking towards the 1-A dorms. 

"So, iida, are you getting totally wasted or do I need to double dog dare you into it?" 


Conversations layered in the small lobby, creating a blanket of noise and warmth against the cold outside. My ears struggled to pick out my conversation with Tsuyu beneath Kirishima's battle cries and Mina's aggressive trash talk. 

"It's certainly not what I expected a top school to be. Everyone seems so…" she trailed off, giving a contemplating look to the gathered group. 

"Immature?" I filled in for her. She gave a nod and we both laughed. My nail tapped against the mug, sending light ripples through the hot chocolate as I scanned the group. 

"We are all teenagers, it's probably more surprising that some of us are so mature. I bet the teachers expect us all to be twenty-two Kaminari's running around." We both turned to where the boy in question was attempting to drain a container of whip cream in one mouthful while Sero gathered bets. 

Tsuyu sighed,cringing slightly at the sight of her own mug topped with whip, "I guess you're right. At this point we should be happy Aizawa-Sensei hasn't expelled us all." 

"He's not that bad. You all are growing on him, I'm sure of it." I said, leaning my arm against the back of the couch. 

Tsuyu began to answer but a wild cry from the middle of the room cut her off. 

"It's gift time bitches!" Mina cried triumphantly from atop the coffee table. Iida stood aghast behind her, already reciting a five paragraph essay to get her back on the ground.

I send a nervous glance to the bag sitting beneath the tree. It swept into the air as Mina grabbed armfuls of gifts and started passing them around the room.  

I sucked in a breath as my gift landed in the hands of a very content Jiro. She paused her conversation with Momo to take the bag into her hands, a smile spreading across her face as she tried to guess the contents psychically. I connected gazes with Momo who sent me double thumbs up. My vision was blocked by a bag being shoved into my face. 

"And last, but certainly not least, ___ ___! Honorary member of class 1-A!" Mina declared. I mumbled a thanks, pulling the bag into my hands and placing it on my lap. Mina fell onto the couch to my right with her own gift, scanning the room to make sure everyone held a gift. 

"Okay, now we go around the circle and open the gifts then we guess who had us! You can tell someone, or you can keep it a secret and let people figure it out on their own! I'll go first!" Mina unceremoniously ripped the tissue paper out of her bag and started the odd process of secret santa. 

Going around the circle: 

Mina received cheetah print earmuffs and a dancing leotard from Aoyama.

Iida got a leather bound planner for the next three years and a set of metal pens from Shoji

Uraraka got two small battery powered fans and large pack of batteries from Kaminari 

"So you can control where you're going in the air!" 

Midoriya received a limited edition All Might hoodie from Momo 

"This was- This was $300!" 

"Momo, the limit was $25!"

Todoroki got ingredients to make his own soba from Sato 

Tokoyami got an occult history book and a copy of Ghostbusters from Sero 

"Now you can see how it's done for when Dark Shadow gets a bit unruly!" 

Mineta received a Bible and a kick to the back of the knees from Bakugou. 

When the group got to Jiro, I physically stiffened. Mina glanced over to me and instantly knew why I'd be nervous. Granted, I wasn't trying to hide it much. 

What if she thinks it looks ugly? You did fuck the whole present up. 

Jiro pulled the shirt out first, looking over the logo with furrowed eyebrows. She tilted her head to the side. 

She can't even read the logo of her favorite band. Dumbass. 

Then came the mug out from the bag. Instantly everyone saw the burn reaching out from one of the stickers. Jiro ran her fingers along it, rubbing slightly then checking the pads for marks. 

Then she picked up the shirt again and held it in one hand with the mug in the other. My entire body prepared to dissolve at will. I am ready to die. It's okay. 

But, Jiro didn't cringe at the gifts. She smiled at the items in her hands. 

"These are so rad. What the hell, I've never seen these online! And this burn is so cool, it looks real!" I didn't process anything else as she gushed over the items. My soul seemed to leave my body, only returning as Mina slapped a hand on my shoulder. She nodded her head towards Jiro. 

"Who did this? Was it you Hakagure?" The girl shook her head, leaving Jiro to purse her lips and look back at the group. I swallowed my nerves and raised my hand slightly into the air. 

"It was me. I made it." 

Jiro snapped her head towards the noise. 

"Wait, you made these, ___? Thank you so much!" She said, reciting the list of why she loved the gifts a second time. A warmth rushed into my face.

Well, looks like you didn't ruin Christmas. 

And so the gift opening continued. 

Momo received high calorie chocolates and a thick cape from Koda.

"So you don't get cold while wearing your costume in the winter." Ojiro translated.

Hakagure got some face paint and an...interesting set of camo pajamas from Mineta. Everyone ignored the pajamas.

Aoyama got an embroidered handkerchief and a bottle of polishing solution from Jiro.

"I will always be sparkling!"

Shoji got matching set of gloves for all his limbs and a new shirt with a tall neck from Uraraka.

"It's like the one you have now! But just in case you want a color other than blue."

Koda received a book called 'Dogs Underwater' and a mini megaphone from Kirishima.

Ojiro got roll of fighting tape and a brush from Todoroki.

"For your tail. The brush is for your tail."

Sero got a set of Spiderman footie pajamas from Mina. 

Kaminari got a whiteboard with marker and set of organization cubbies from Iida.

"The whiteboard is to communicate when your quirk renders you unable to speak. The cubbies are because your room is below standard and needs to be cleaned."

Kirishima got a set of training gloves and a large obsidian plate from Tsuyu.

Bakugou got the movie Anger Management and a heat insulating robe from Hakagure.

"It's to help you sweat. And control your temper."

Tsuyu got a notebook with 'People Watching' on the front and set of frog pens from Tokoyami.

"It's to write down all the comments you have during class so we can hear them later."

And then it was my turn. 

The commotion from Tsuyu's present died down as I began to open my own bag. The tissue paper seemed to never end as I dug deeper and deeper. 

Finally my fingers felt fabric. I clucthed the softness and pulled out a sweatshirt. Writing striped the shirt horizontally, hundreds of quotes going down the body and arms. At first I wasn't sure what it said, but then I noticed how familiar all the quotes were. My eyes jumped around the sweatshirt.

"Uraraka! You won't believe what happened today!"

"Izu, you've lead me to heaven. AKA this groupchat."

"I know I can trust you."

"You're too wholesome."

"Goddammit Izu. Stop bothering my best friend with your masturbation issues."

Laughter burst from my mouth as I read the last quote. It mixed happiness and disbelief. Disbelief that I could receive a gift this fucking amazing.

I looked up and immediately locked eyes with Midoriya. He gave a sheepish smile. 

"It's not the most conspicuous gift I've gotten." I said with a raised eyebrow. 

"Well you're not a conspicuous person." He replied, "there's one more thing in there." 

"I swear to god, if you got me a friendship bracelet I'll cry right here and now." I said while placing my hand in the bag again. I pulled out an envelope, instantly flipping open the top flap and pulling out the card. It wasn't a friendship bracelet, but it certainly made me want to cry. 

The cover was a picture of Midoriya and I from our trip to the cafe when I first arrived. He held the phone and I peeked over his shoulder with a close eyed smile. Flipping open the cover, I had to place a hand over my mouth to keep from shouting out too loudly. 

Everyone's signature was scribbled inside with little messages around them. They ranged from short like Bakugou's message (You're annoying. Merry Christmas.) to Aoyama's near paragraph. Written in the center was Midoriya's own inscription. 

I don't think I've ever been so happy to talk to a stranger. Literally ever. When I become a hero, I want people to believe in me the same way I believe in you. You inspire me to be amazing, ___. You are amazing. 

"You little fuck." I choked out, letting my hand fall with my tears. Mina gushed at my side, asking me if I was okay, and Bakugou just yelled at me to stop crying. I tried to explain that I wasn't sad but the words wouldn't come out. 

I think they understood though. I could see it in how Tsuyu placed extra marshmallows into my hot chocolate and how Iida rushed to grab a box of tissues and a glass of water to 'maintain stable hydration'. 

I could see it in Midoriya's smile as he nearly started crying, only stopping when Bakugou turned his anger away from me. 

Almost instantly, chaos erupted again. Layers of conversation covering every sense as I stared past my friend and out the windows of the dorm building. It has started to snow. A slow falling of white in contrast to the energy inside. But neither was better than the other. 

The room was the definition of aesthetic. To not take advantage of it would be a crime. So I guess I'll have to enjoy my time to the fullest.

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