Reincarnated as Red Riding Ho...

By kermit_bread

1.7K 45 18

[light novel-esque book] in this weird type of isekai story, our main protagonist gets transported into the w... More

I wake up the first time
murder at first sight?
but I don't wanna go adventuring
first village and monsters already
ain't nobody got time for witches
we eventually try to fight a witch
what even is this anymore
of course im OP. im the protagonist
everybody gangsta till I start vibing
stop snatching my wig, bro

we're forced to make a truce

157 3 0
By kermit_bread

"Red!" I heard Granny and Maika call out my name. I still had my eyes closed, and the axe in my hands. As for that weirdo, I still don't know what became of him.

"You little midget! That hurt, you know!" The weirdo yelled out and hurriedly I opened my eyes to find what sort of damage did I cause.

I swung a giant axe, and yet all he got was a small slash wound on the forehead. And this little bastard's being all bitchy about it?!

"Grow up, would you?" I just told him and he growled, averting his eyes off me. Seems like I scarred his pride, figuratively and literally. "And don't call me midget."

Granny came over to my side, seeing the ruckus I've caused. "Oh dear. This is something else."

"What? What is it?" I asked, letting the axe go beside me with a huge thump.

"You managed to even slash the Wolf's face! No one's even able to do anything like that to him for ages!" Maika came bouncing towards me.

"Can you both please clarify. I have no idea what you guys mean."

Granny turned an eye towards that Wolf guy, and he just gave her a side glare, still holding his wounded forehead. She turned back to me, looking all serious.

Please don't find out about the eggs.

We both came back home, plus Maika. But for some reason that weird wolf followed us all the way there. Neither Granny or Maika commented on it, so I didn't move either. I was still wary of him though.

"Alright, it's understandable since you're still new, Red. But Wolves like him," Granny pointed at the glaring Wolf by the far corner of the living room. Why did she allow him to come inside?

"They're mostly catalysts of mischief and fear, and they live off that kind of lifestyle. But there's a way to cease that kind of behavior if one's brave enough."

"What is it, then?"

"That means getting in close proximity with a Wolf and manage to lay a blow on him. Adding to their damaged pride, as they're really prideful of themselves, they'd be sealed to the person who attacked them for life."

"Sealed...?" That sounded weird.

Granny gave me a smile, one that I really couldn't understand. "He's bound to you now as a servant for your own bidding."

The Wolf growled with annoyance.

I remained silent for a moment. That weirdo, my servant? And with all the weird requirements for it that I didn't even know about until right this moment... It was a mouthful.

"Now he's limited from causing any chaos anymore. As long as he's bound to you, he won't be able to harm you or anyone around."

I perked up at that. I'd smile, but my face couldn't seem to form that. I really needed to work on conveying emotions.


I stepped out of the house into the meadow that I've seen the first time I got into Encantadia. It became my favorite place to hang out with when I wanted to be alone.

As alone as I could get, I just felt annoyed when I heard a rustle from behind me.

As your servant, Red, the Wolf's supposed to follow you around. And I mean, follow you everywhere you go.

"You don't have to follow me. You can just go on to you merry way." I spoke up, slightly joking.

"As if I have a choice! Thanks to you I'm stuck being a servant to some stuck up midget." He replied. Okay, that was insulting.

"I told you not to call me a midget."

"I can call you whatever I want." He sat down on the grass a few inches far from me, smirking. "I may not get as much freedom as I had, but still, I get to do some mischief."

I sighed. It was pointless trying to talk to this guy properly. I cleared my throat, trying again anyway.

"So, you got a name other than just being called 'the Wolf?'"

He seemed to stare at me for a second before turning away so I couldn't see his face. "None of your business."

"Hey! We're supposed to get along now, huh? You gotta at least tell me your name!"

There was an awkward silence that was so bad I could feel it physically manifest into something. Although it was a little quiet, I could hear him speak again.

"Nathaniel. My name's Nathaniel."

I didn't say anything. He sounded really sincere for once, and it was honestly the best sounding thing I've ever heard from a total jackass ever.

"You're name's too long. I'll just call you Nathan."

"Wha-its not that long, you little midget! You're just being lazy!"

"But I can call you whatever I want." I gave him a smug smile, retelling the words he said from before.

Nathan huffed, it was clear he was through talking to me again. I didn't mind, though.

"And in case you might forget, I'm Red. Not the best name, but I don't care." I laid down on the meadow, taking in the shapes of the clouds above.

Another awkward silence.

But neither of us were ever willing to talk again that day.


"Are you kidding me right now?" I gave Granny a "wtf" face. (although I looked like that almost everyday)

She shook her head. "That's one of the many things Wolves need to do, Red. Didn't I tell you they will follow you wherever you go?"

"That's just straight up invasion of privacy."

"Not that kind of follow." She sighed. "He's just going to be in your room at a safe proximity to act as your guard."

"Do I really need it though?"

"Yes. While there are perks to having a Wolf around, there are some downsides. Like dangerous people being sent to get you."

I couldn't tell if Granny was being overly serious or weird again. How could anyone say that with a straight face?

In the end, I ended up having to go to bed with Nathan right beside me. No, we're not sharing the bed, what are we, 12?

He sat on the floor beside my bed while I lay there comfortable and warm under my blankets. A little selfish, but that's what he gets for terrorizing me earlier.

"How's that forehead of yours?" I began. He huffed at me, crossing his arms, not really making eye contact.

"I've had worse." Geez, he's even more stuck up than I am.

"That's, uh, great. But anyways... I'm going to sleep now. If I ever catch you doing anything weird..." I jokingly warned, and he turned around to glare at me.

"Don't get so assuming, midget! As if anyone would wanna sleep with you!"

"Thought so. Anyway, night." I turned myself over to the other side, my back facing him.

Lord, I don't know if my new life will be turned for the better or for worse, but I sure hope it's not the last one.


Here's another chapter! Thank you for reading :D

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