From Friends to Lovers - Book...

By KrisBlowe

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The fourth installment of the series, From Friends to Lovers. If you haven't read Book III, please stop! Save... More

Chapter 1 - Crimes of Passion - May
Chapter 3 - Revelations - May
Chapter 4 - Next Level Bromance - May
Chapter 5 - Who He Cheating With? - Early June
Chapter 6 - Retail Therapy - June
Chapter 7 - Everybody's Plotting - June
Chapter 8 - This Thing Called Love - June
Chapter 9 - The "Comeback" Divo - Late June
Chapter 10 - The Darker Side - Late June
Chapter 11 - Cheers To You - Early July
Chapter 12 - Breaking Boundaries - Mid July
Chapter 13 - Busy Bodies - Late August
Chapter 14 - Don't Be Suspicious - September
Chapter 15 - That's What Love Can Do - Mid September
Chapter 16 - Bad Influence - Late September
Chapter 17 - I'm The Real Deal - Early October
Chapter 18 - The Interviews & The Confession - November
Chapter 19 - Tying Up Some Loose Ends - November
Chapter 20 - Family Ties - Thanksgiving Week Late November
Chapter 21 - Getting Caught Up - Late November
Chapter 22 - Sexual Eruption - Early December
Chapter 23 - Ultimatums - Mid December
Chapter 24 - Many Hours Later - Mid December
Chapter 25 - Sexploration - Mid December
Chapter 26 - Six Degree of CĀ² - Late December - Early January
Chapter 27 - In Conclusion - February - August

Chapter 2 - Paging Doctor Jackson - May

481 20 32
By KrisBlowe





Making that Chris was soundly asleep, Giovonni checks Twitter again and sees that the videos have been shared hundreds of thousands of times. He began to report the post to Twitter as unauthorized posts of him. Since he knew whom the person that was in videos and most likely was also the one releasing them. Giovonni decides to confront the person that he knows in the videos by sending him a message on Twitter.


Giovonni's Direct Message: I can't believe u did that shit to me. And don't even try to say that ain't u nigga. I see da room, them sheets, my clothes. You said you'd never fuck me like that again, and I believed u.

... U fucking sick in da head, you need help. I already spoke to da police. Nigga u going to jail on top of da shit you just did. I don't even know what else to say right now, frfr!


After sending the message, Giovonni continues to look for any more videos of him getting molested while he slept. Each repost he finds he reports using his official account on Twitter. Giovonni proceeds to sign into Twitter using one of his secret accounts (@anonnigga69) to report the videos again and to reply to the comments people had made.


@ Comment A: @GioStarr ain't sleep, no way a nigga could get str8 mfr hard like dat

@anonnigga69: @ Comment A why you can't see that he's sleeping and don't know what that guy is doing?

@ Comment B: @anonnigga69 u right, @ Comment A u the typa bitch that expose dl niggas just 4 fun, #grimybitch

@ Comment A: @ Comment B then you saying @GioStarr is on the DL?

@ Comment C: he doing a bad job of hiding it. [inserting a screenshot of Chris perform the "Red Light" dance on Giovonni]

@ Comment D: that's why Lil' Murda kicked him to the curb

@anonnigga69: @ Comment D then why he on tour while Lil' Murda sitting at home not doing shit?

@ Comment D: @anonnigga69 you defending that nigga kinda hard asf. He abandoned the person he grew up with for some gay nigga from south america! How much 💲 they paying you?

@ Comment E: sooooo first videos of him shaking his ass, now this shit ... Something going on frfr

@anonnigga69: why y'all want him to be gay so badly? y'all sound stupid asf!


Getting frustrated by the comments and replies he's receiving, Giovonni turns his phone off to avoid getting into any more arguments.




After driving all day and night through the storm and the traffic jams along her route from Charlotte, Addison arrived shortly before midnight. She told the night nurse that she didn't care what time it was, she was going to see her brother. Giovonni came out to get her, using his charms to smooth it out with the nurse. Addison, who wasn't the kindest person to Chris, couldn't contain her emotions as the tears flow freely from her eyes when she first saw him.


Addison: oh my God, what did they do to you? [making a cross across her chest]

... please lord God, we can't take any more of this. [taking Chris' hand and kisses it, before starting to pray]


Giovonni begins to step towards to door in order to give Addison some privacy with her brother. Addison stops him, handing her phone to him, which was already in the middle of calling Brooke.


Addison: please wait, can you tell my sister that I made it and that I'll get her more details once I see his doctors.


Giovonni relays the message to Brooke and hands Addison her phone back.


Addison: [smiling] thank you, she's super pregnant and about to pop. So, she doesn't need any more stress right now. [looks at Giovonni and smiles again]

... thank you for staying with him. I wish we could have met under different circumstances. For you to make sure that my baby brother was okay is a very noble thing to do. [picks up Chris' chart and glances at it]

Giovonni: he's something like my lil bro to me, so I got no problem being here. I know you must be tired from all that driving. The other bed is empty, I'll go sleep outside.

Addison: thank you, and I need to speak to those two so-called managers or producers or whatever they claim to be the first thing in the morning.

Giovonni: I was thinking the same thing. Goodnight. [waves to Addison as he closes the door behind him, Addison doesn't even notice him as she was scouring over Chris' chart]




The next morning when Clay arrives at the hospital, Giovonni meets him in the lobby and leads him to Chris' floor. When they get there, they see Addison gesturing vigorously at a group of doctors going over the chart with them.

Addison: I can't believe the level of incompetence I've witnessed since stepping foot in this hospital. As soon as he's stable enough to be moved, I'm transferring out of this third rate ... [her accent become more prominent as she struggles to find the right word to insult them with, she resorts to cursing]

... SHITHOLE! [quickly gaining her composure when she sees Clay with Giovonni. She gives the doctors one last look of disgust as she walks past them to greet Clay]

... thank God you made it [hugging Clay]

... come with me so I can explain the extent of his injuries. Try not to worry too much. It's nothing that the best doctors can't fix, but still ... [putting her hand on Clay's shoulder]

... I'll need you to prepare yourself. He didn't want you to see him like this. But I convinced him that not seeing him would be worse than seeing him. Okay? [Clay nods his head]

... he suffered significant head trauma to the back of his head. He bit a lot of blood. [Clay gasps, Addison leads him to the chair and sits down with him]

... I know, I know. [begins to cry]

... there's more, but that's not important right now. The most important thing is that he's alive, and his family is here for him or praying like we've never prayed before. [sighs to catch her breath]

... are you ready? [Clay wipes the tears from his eyes and nods his head]

... come with us please. [asking Giovonni to go in with her and Clay]


When they enter the room, Clay sees all the monitors and tubes. When Clay sees Chris' bruised and semi swollen face, Clay passes out briefly. Addison and Giovonni grab him to prevent him from falling, as he quickly regains his balance.


Clay: [holding onto Giovonni] I'm okay, I'm okay.


When Chris hears Clay's voice, he turns his head as quickly as he can. The heart monitor begins to beep faster as the mere sound of Clay's voice only causes his heart to flutter in excitement. Clay moves towards the bed: Chris eagerly waits for the moment when they both embrace each other. The two lovers grasp each other, Chris clings to Clay tightly, and Clay tries to hug Chris without injuring him any further. No words are said between the two. Addison nudges Giovonni towards the door.


Clay: I don't think I've ever been so scared in my life. Not knowing how you were, I felt as if I was dying.

Chris: ssh ... [pulls Clay in closer and barely manages to sound of his words as tears stream down his cheek]

... just ... hold me!


Clay complies with a long loving hug. They both shed tears of joy, although Clay's were also overjoyed that Chris seemed to be better than he anticipated. All he could think of was all the emergency room scenes from movies and TV shows.


While Clay and Chris spent time together to get Addison asks Giovonni to get a hold of Ashley and Lamar. Addison tells Giovonni she'll need to be somewhere that she can be free to be as loud as she wanted. They decide to use her car to call them using the Bluetooth in her car.


Addison: Soo, first of all, I want to thank you for letting us know what was going on, but my concern is where was the security? I was there in Los Angeles when that guy attacked him. Again, where was the security?

Ashley: we have that same question.

Addison: Okay, that's all well and good, but my question has not been answered. How does someone have all that time to do that to my brother? How did they make it inside the bus? How did they leave unnoticed? What are you two doing?

Lamar: I know you're upset, and you should be. Believe me, we're upset too.

Addison: No sweetheart, I am not upset, I'm livid, I'm, I'm furious. Upset doesn't come close to describe it. In case you've missed it, MY BROTHER IS IN THE HOSPITAL. He could have died! DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?

Lamar: I understand, but no one woulda thought that ...

Addison: [interrupts Lamar midsentence] don't even finish the rest of that asinine sentence. I just said he was attacked in Los Angeles. For someone, whose income depends on the ability of my brother to perform, it appears that you sure aren't concerned about his safety.

Ashley: Mrs. van der Berg, of course we're concerned about Chris. And it's not just because of money, we care about him.

Lamar: you making it sound like we don't care bout him.

Addison: sir, SIR! Whoever you are, just stop! Shut ya scunt! Young lady, I need you to have some type of security at the hospital. I need you to look into getting a charter flight back to Atlanta. I'll let you know after when Chris is well enough to travel. Did you get all of that?

Ashley: yes ma'am.

Addison: thank you! [ends the call and looks over at Giovonni who is obviously impressed with Addison]

Giovonni: wow, big sis handling "bitness!" [smiles and chuckles]

... my boy got some good people in his corner.

Addison: [exhales as she shakes her head] I hate to get like that, but I mean it's as if they're just collecting a paycheck. Chris and I haven't had the best relationship siblings should have. But nobody hurts us without all of us coming to aid each other.

Giovonni: I hear that! You was something like a boss just now. [smiling at Addison]

... I'mma head back upstairs to see how they doing. Then I'mma go see about this hotel room. They got one for you and Clay too.

Addison: well, at least they did one thing right. I'll probably stay here for a while. I don't have confidence with this staff ... [placing her hand on Giovonni's shoulders]

... Thank you for all that you've done.

Giovonni: no problem.


Giovonni heads back inside the hospital to check on Chris and Clay. Chris was asleep again, and Clay was resting on the chair. Giovonni sends a text message to Clay about the hotel room and quietly leaves the room.




Chris has healed well enough for Addison to have him discharged. The charter flight was arranged for her, Chris and Clay, to fly back home. Giovonni had flown home to Atlanta two days prior. Kelvin, who also flew in to check on Chris the day before he returned to Atlanta.


Addison: [hugs Kelvin] thank you so much for coming to see him.

Kelvin: [hugs Addison back as he uses his hand to brush her hair] of course, he's still my little bro, no matter what.


Addison smiles at Kelvin before hugging him again, placing face against his firm and muscular chest. The scent of his familiar cologne fills her nostrils. The memories of their time together flood her mind, and the blood rushes through her vessels. She places her hand on his chest, rubbing it the way she did before they would have sex.


Addison: thank you either way. How are the kids?

Kelvin: they're good, I only told them that "Uncle Chris had an accident." Ernest brought his son over, and my parents are gonna stay with them until I get back.

Addison: he's a really great friend.

Kelvin: yes. Hey ... why don't you get some rest?

Addison: no, you have to make that drive. You need it more than me.


When Addison leans in to kiss Kelvin, at first, he shifts his body but then allows his ex-wife a brief moment to take her mind off her family's current situation. Kelvin hugs her back and gently kisses her on the neck. Placing her hand on the bulge in Kelvin's pants, Addison smiles as she feels the dick that use to pound her into multiple orgasms. Gathering herself, Addison slowly let go of her ex-husbands now erect dick.


Addison: [hanging her head in shame] sorry, I shouldn't have done that.

Kelvin: [exhaling deeply and chuckles] it's okay, but ...

Addison: I'll leave you alone.


Addison leaves Kelvin with an erection, he adjusts before texting Ernest to tell him about what just occurred.


Kelvin TEXTING: Addison just tried to get some D

Ernest TEXTING: 😂 tell her that 🍆 belongs to someone who appreciates it

Kelvin TEXTING: 🤣 you know it's yours.

Ernest TEXTING: yeah but she had her chance n now she tryna get some freebie's

Kelvin TEXTING: well much should I charge her?

Ernest TEXTING: oh U wanna get pimped out?

... 🤣🤣 U my #1 🍆

Kelvin TEXTING: I better be your only 🍆

Ernest TEXTING: lol, of course plus I need some

Kelvin TEXTING: lol, I just gave you some the other night

Ernest TEXTING: you gonna turn down this 🍫 🍑 [sends Kelvin a naked selfie]

Kelvin TEXTING: 🥰 👅 you know I can't resist that. Gonna break my tongue off in there, then break this hard ass dick in it

Ernest TEXTING: lemme see it. Send me a 🎥! I need some new video to beat my dick to

Kelvin TEXTING: you so nasty!

Ernest TEXTING: like u don't know

... 🙏🏾 send me the video


Kelvin goes to the bathroom and makes of video of himself exposing his dick. He sends it to Ernest, saying.


Kelvin TEXTING: it's waiting to put some more milk deep inside all of that chocolate. I love you, goodnight!


Kelvin also sends Addison the video, saying.


Kelvin TEXTING: look what you did to me!

Addison TEXTING: I sure do miss that beautiful cock, I got caught up in your musk. I am supposed to be here to focus on my brother, but as soon as I see and smell you. I'm like a teenage girl seeing her crush. You still get me all wet and ready to feel you deep inside again. I want to show you how much you mean to me. Maybe one day I can see it again.

Kelvin TEXTING: lol, you just did!

Addison TEXTING: you know what I meant, but maybe it's for the best.


The former husband and wife exchange "goodnights" to each other. The next day Kelvin took Addison's car and drove it back to Charlotte for her. He then took Kelvin Jr. and Aaliyah to Columbia, SC, as Brooke went into labor that morning. Brooke delivered a healthy baby girl, which she and Royce named Jasmine Paula Garner.


Addison spends two days in Atlanta with Chris to make sure that he and Clay would be okay. The morning before Addison was supposed to fly to Columbia to see her newborn niece, she goes to see Chris. While she's sitting on the edge of Chris' king-size bed, he tells Addison that he saw his mother.


Addison: Oh wow! I can't say that ... that wasn't some kind of sign ... but ...

Chris: I know, I know. It sounds crazy, but I think it's because I miss her so much and want to see her again ... even if it's just for a little while.

Addison: That may be so, but you came back to all of us. [glancing over at Clay]

... I know she wouldn't want you to leave the boys. You know how much Brooke and I love them, but they need their father. They've already lost their mother, and unfortunately, Clay doesn't have any rights to them.

Chris: [looking over at Clay] that's basically what she said, but it's probably my own thoughts.

Addison: I miss her too. I know I was a complete bitch ... [Chris avoid looking directly into Addison's eyes, staring up and away from her face, causing her to giggle]

... I know it's true.

Chris: maybe, I just won't say it ... to your face at least. That's Brooke's job.

Addison: and she's very good at it. [she, Chris and Clay all laugh together]

... I need you to make sure you rest before you try to go back out there, with all those crazy fans, and who knows who else... oh yeah, did the police from Richmond get a hold of you yet?

Chris: yes, I'll do a phone interview with them tomorrow, but I still can't remember anything from that day.

Addison: I know, but whatever details you give them can help them find who did this.

Chris: I can't remember. Maybe I don't want to remember.


Addison decides not to press the issue any further after Chris' statement. She understood that people who recently suffered from violent trauma sometimes what to forget that it happened to them.


Addison: okay. I'll go hug the boys one last time before I go see our niece. [hugging Chris and slapping Clay on the leg before she gets up]

... bye, Clayton! [giggles]

Clay: bye ... [sits up in bed to joke around with Addison]

... Addy wait! Carl said he wishes he coulda been here.

Addison: [looking at Clay with a confused look on her face] Chris has enough people looking after and checking on him.

Clay: Okay, we're gonna play that game, huh?

Addison: [giggles] whatever do you mean, Clayton?

Clay: bye Addy! [smirking at Addison as he gives her the side-eye]




The detective left a voicemail for Giovonni, checking back with him about the report he said he was going to submit.


Detective: hey Mr. Starr, just checking up on you to see if you still want to make that report about the videos. I see that whoever posted it deleted the account that the video came from. It's still on there because people keep reposting it. But I can't investigate anything without someone filing an assault report. I understand that this is embarrassing and how it may make you feel. But the fact that you called let me know you want something done about it. Either way, you have my contact info, so if you still want to go forward, it this. Just let me know, okay.


After listening to the message, Giovonni calls his grandmother to see if she's seen Latroy. Sabrina is only concerned about the videos and his reputation.


Sabrina: ... how old are those videos?

Giovonni: ... I don't wanna talk to you bout that. Grandma, just make sure he doesn't come around there.

Sabrina: Why you so concerned bout him? He was here the morning after your concert. Then he left with Onika. She been with him since then. She only came back to get some clothes last night.

Giovonni: what? Are you serious, she ain't say where she going?

Sabrina: no... [begins to cry]

Giovonni: [sucks his teeth] I'mma kill that nigga!

Sabrina: baby don't say that!

Giovonni: she need to come stay with me. I'm gonna call her, talk to you later!


Giovonni ends the call with his grandmother and immediately calls his sister Onika. When the call is directed to voicemail after the second ring Giovonni knows that he was hung up on, so he begins to text her instead. But, before he can type in the first few words, he receives a text from Latroy.


Latroy TEXTING: my screen got cracked n it's messed up, I'm wit Troy! Dis O btw.

... Y U ain't call me nigga! I heard bout you boy!

Giovonni TEXTING: O call me from somebody else phone, this important!!!

Onika TEXTING From Latroy's Phone: nigga, we on our honeymoon!

Giovonni TEXTING: OMMFG!! On God O, say u joking!



When Onika calls Giovonni, he proceeds to yell and curse at her, causing Latroy to take the phone from her.


Latroy: yo nigga why's you on my phone doin' all that yelling and cussing in her ear! Kick dicks nigga! BYE!


TEXT From Latroy's Phone: n nigga stop textin my phone, worry bout ur "wife" I heard "she" get fuckd up 😂


Latroy TEXTING: convo over nigga, this goin 2 da 🚔 🚔 u stupid mf

Giovonni TEXTING: I kno u released them videos, tell the police dat nigga!

Latroy TEXTING: idk wat u talkin bout, so stop threaten ur bro-in-law & ur sister baby father!


Giovonni is left speechless as he looks at his phone in utter disbelief, the only thing he can down is scream at the top of his lungs.

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