
بواسطة daviidsofiia

106K 3.9K 224

Jemma Jones has had a rough life right from her birth. Born of a prostitute, thrown out by the age of ten, th... المزيد

Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Cast- Part Two
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 36
Status & Glory
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 17
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 31
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
New Story- Forever His

Chapter 15

1.9K 89 7
بواسطة daviidsofiia

Jemma's dress in the media.

And happy new year!


"Try this and this and this," Paige shoved a bunch of dresses into my hands.

I dragged myself into the dressing room, reluctantly trying on  the dresses. We just got here and Paige insisted I buy a dress.

Jace's party was this evening and I was very comfortable with wearing my jeans or something but she insisted I wore a dress and wore a lot of makeup.

We made our way to the mall, immediately we closed from school. Madison and Quinn tagged along too saying they also needed a dress.

I put on the first dress that caught my eye in the pile in my hands. It was a plain black short sleeved dress. I put it on and examined myself I'm the mirror. The dress clung to my body like a second skin. First it is too tight and it isn't my style. It had a little too much of my cleavage showing.

"Come out already," I heard Paige yell from the other side.

I walked out of the dressing room, facing the girls, "what do you think?"

The looks on their faces mirrored mine and I ran back into the changing room. I picked up the second dress in the pile. It was a grey long sleeved dress, off shoulder with a V-neck. It looked like a wrap dress. I put it on and it fit me perfectly fine, it wasn't too tight like the previous one and it wasn't too loose. It stopped mid-thigh and it hugged my body at the right places.

I stepped out of the changing room and when the girls saw me the look on their faces told me that this was surely the dress I was buying. I bought a pair of black heels to go with it.

Paige got a blue dress with a deep back cut, Quinn and Madison gave up and decided to go in jeans. Sometimes they behave like twins.

We finished our shopping and we went over to Maddie's house since it was closer to the party. We had three hours to get dressed and get our makeup done.

Paige decided to do my makeup since I was slacking a lot in that aspect. While doing mine, Quinn and Maddie were getting their make up and hair done. When Paige was done with my makeup she just decided to straighten my hair since curling it would be a pretty bad idea due to the volume and length of my hair.

I only ever curled my hair if I had a lot of time on my hands, And now, time wasn't on our side. When Paige was done with her work on me she instructed me to quickly change my clothes.

I changed into the dress and Paige gave me a pair of earrings and a choker to put on. I followed her orders and only when I was done with all that did she allow me to look at myself in the mirror.

When I saw my reflection I didn't believe that that was me. I looked kind of different, the makeup gave me this kind of bolder look. Normal me without this much make up didn't look this bold and daring.

"You look absolutely stunning, Jasper's going to be totally dazzled." Quinn whispered into my ears.

I turned to her, "thank you." I flashed her a smile and she returned one.

I really wonder if Jasper is going to be at the party like the girls said. Even if he said so, his habit of disappearing at odd times makes it hard to believe him. But there's only one way to find out.

The girls finally finished their makeup  and we all decided to go in Quinn's car since it was a lot more capable of containing us all comfortably.

We weren't so sure we were going to drive there but when we remembered that we'd probably be coming back late at night and we can't really rely much on the security of this area we decided to go with a car. That being agreed we would surely need a sober driver to drive us back so Quinn volunteered herself, afterall it was her car.

Though I was sure I wouldn't get myself drunk but, I can never trust myself at times.

It took us ten minutes to find his house because Quinn kept on taking the wrong turns since no one could remember where his house was until I remembered the piece of paper Jace gave me the day he invited me to the party. Luckily for us I hadn't thrown the paper away as I had it in my purse, like I knew something like that would happen.

When we finally got to his house, Quinn parked the car a few houses down because the whole street was filled with cars and that was the closest we could get.

From where the car was parked, we could hear the loud music from his house. I really pity for his neighbors.

The front of his house was littred with empty red solo cups and drunken people and the party had just started.

We walked into the house and found our way to the kitchen. There weren't much people in the kitchen. Actually the only people were Kyler, Zayn, Jace, Jasper and some other guy I didn't know.

"Oh hey guys," Paige said walking towards them.

They stopped their chatter and their eyes focused on us. Scanning us from head to toe. The kitchen was silent.

"You know we'd feel a lot more welcomed if one of you guys said something," I said breaking the silence. "And stop drooling," I added for dramatic effect.

"JJ you came," Jace said walking over to me.

"Yeah, I did. And happy birthday" I said as he shook my hand.

"I'm glad you could make it," he turned around, "would you like a drink?"

"No thank you," I declined his offer.

I'm not really one to drink, especially at a place filled with drunk hormonal teenagers.

"Suit yourself," he shrugged. "Enjoy the party," he walked out of the kitchen, the unknown person behind him.

"I'm a bit surprised to see you here," Jasper was now beside me.

"I can say the same for myself," I replied.

"That looks good on you," he said making me raise a brow.

"You prefer this on me or your clothes?" I asked jokingly but he just had to take it to another level.

"I'd actually prefer to see nothing on you than any clothes at all." I smacked his head.

"Ouch," he touched his head, feigning hurt.

"Oh sorry I hit you, did I damage your perverted brain?" I mocked him in a tiny voice.

He laughed, "anyways you look beautiful. I've never seen you on this much makeup before."

"Thanks to Paige," I said pointing at Paige who was laughing at a joke Zayn said.

He nodded, "are you sure you don't want a drink?" he asked.

"No, I'm good" I shook my head.

He nodded,  "I'll be right back," he said before walking out of the kitchen.

I sat on a stool, listening to Paige and Zayn's conversation. They were talking about some new movie that just came out. The kitchen started getting flooded with people and the place became noisy quickly.

My phone started ringing and I decided to leave the kitchen to find somewhere less noisy to answer the call. I found the stairs and went up, I walked into the first room I saw.

It was empty. I sat on the bed then picked the call, "what happened to movie night?" Devin was angry.

Oh shit. I forgot to call Devin to cancel movie night.

"Devin I'm sorry," I apologized.

"Where are you?" he sounded really tired.

"At a party," I said lowly, almost inaudible.

"At a what?"

"A party," I said this time louder.

"Jace's party right?" He sighed.

"How did you know?" I was shocked that he knew whose party I was at.

"Jasper, Zayn and Kyler are there right?" He asked as if he already knew the answer.

"Yeah" I replied.

"Alright I'm on my way there." he said before hanging up.

I was confused. Was he angry with me or not? I was expecting him to go all cave man angry on me. Normally when Devin's angry with me he always yells at me, he never just keeps shut about it.

If he knew about the party then that means one of the guys must have told him.

The door to the room suddenly flung open and a guy and a girl came stumbling in, making out.

"Kaitlyn stop," the guy said, trying to pull away from the girl.

His voice sounded really familiar and from behind he looked familiar. They still weren't aware of my presence.

"Kaitlyn," the guy successfully pulled away from her.

I stood up from the bed and gasped when I recognized the face. That blonde hair and those piercing blue eyes. Their gazes shifted to me and Jasper's eyes went wide.

I felt my heart break into a thousand pieces at the sight in front of me. Though Jasper and I weren't a thing yet but the feelings I had gradually began to grow for him made me this way. The way he always made it seem that he cared and that maybe he felt the same way I had began to feel for him made me to slowly
let my guard down and try to let someone in but I have been proven once again that that was a stupid idea. I should have known he would betray me but I taught that he was different, I taught he could prove me wrong that they are not all the same.

He led me to believing a lie and I fell for it. My mind was wrong, the girls were wrong, he didn't see me any different than other girls, he wasn't feeling the same way I felt. They were all just lies and I don't blame the girls, they were deceived just as much as I was.

"Jemma," Jasper said walking towards me,  "it's not what you think"

Before he could walk too close to me the girl that was with him, pulled him back, a confused look on her face, "babe who is she?"

Jasper turned to her anger evident in his features, "don't you ever call me that" he said and the girl flinched retracting from him.

"I don't unders-" she swallowed the rest of her words when Jasper gave her a warning look.

I wasn't the one he was talking to but I felt his rage. He was pissed.

He turned back to me, stepping closer "Jemma, it's not what you think, I can explain," he wamted to touch me.

I took a step back, "explain what?" I chuckle, "I get it, you're with her now" I tried to mask the pain I felt but it wasn't working.

"No, I'm not," he reached out to touch me again but I took a huge step back. He didn't stop trying to come closer and I kept moving back, till my back hit a wall, having me trapped, "Jemma just listen to me, what you saw shouldn't have happened, I didn't even want any of it to happen."

I remained silent, deciding to keep shut about it. It is his life and he can do whatever he likes, it's not like we're dating or anything. I just made a huge mistake, the second time.

"Say something," Jasper whispered, looking into my eyes.

"Say what? You are free to do whatever you want Jasper, I can't hold you," I whispered.

He looked at me for a while before stepping back and smashing the lamp on the table beside us on the wall.

The girl in the other side of the room who I think is Kaitlyn, screamed, "Jasper!"

Jasper sat on the floor resting his back on the edge of the bed. He was pulling on his hair furiously. He was pissed, really pissed.

Why should he be?  He has suceded in getting the girl so, he has no reason to be pissed.

"Jasper are you alright?" Kaitlyn asked from the door where she had been standing ever since.

"Get out Kaitlyn," Jasper said, his voice deeper.

"But-" Kaitlyn managed to say before she got cut by Jasper again.

"I said get out!" he yelled raising his head to look at her.

That alone got her running out of the room in a flash.

I took in a deep breath and started walking out of the room but before I could make it far Jasper held me back.

"Jemma wait, let me explain, you don't understand," he pleaded.

I shook my head, "I'm not interested in your explanation, I just need to stay away from you."

He looked hurt at my words and I held myself from taking them back. It was the truth, I needed to stay away from him, he wasn't doing me any good.

He finally let go of me and I walked away, I need air. I went down the stairs and out to the front. People were still allover the place and the place was an even bigger mess than before.

I sat on a large rock at the front of the house. I could just walk over to Maddie's house and drive back home, luckily I hadn't been drinking so I was safe. But I came here with people and I just can't leave them like that.

My mind wouldn't stop replying what happened not too long ago. How his hands were all over her when she kissed him. Though he was reluctant but his hands were still on her and that image is burned to my skull.

I don't know how long I sat there but when I looked up again I saw Devin standing in front of me.

"Hey," he sat beside me, "aren't you supposed to be inside?"

"Yeah," I nodded, "I just needed some air."

"Are you drunk?" He examinedmy face.

"No, I haven't even tasted a drink," I replied hugging myself. It was getting colder and my choice of clothing was not quite appropriate for the cold.

"Oh," he said taking off his jacket and draped it over my shoulder.

"Thanks" I put on the jacket and I slid my hands into the pocket of the jacket, hoping to get them warmer.

We sat in silence for a while before he spoke up, "do I need to ask you what happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it," I said looking up at the sky.

"Are you ever going to go back inside?"

"Maybe. Are you?" I turned to him.

"Not with you here."

I felt my cheeks warm up at his words, "I need a drink" I stood up and walked back into the house.

I headed straight to the kitchen and before I could get to the cooler to get a beer, Devin got to it before me.

"Thanks," I took a seat on a stool and he sat beside me.

"Where's  everyone?" He asked, taking a sip of his beer.

"Somewhere," I said, downing my own drink. "I'm sorry I didn't call you to cancel movie night," I wiped my chin with the back of my hand.

"It's fine," he shrugged.

We sat there drinking and chatting when I had gotten to my third bottle I asked for something stronger so he went ahead to get me another.

I didn't know whatever drink it was but I do know that it was strong. I took the first gulp and I could feel the burn down my throat. It was sweet yet bitter and I wanted more.

I guess Jasper had really created a huge gap in my heart to make me drink that much. The last time I drank so much was at the sleepover with the girls and that was just for the fun of it.

I normally don't drink to forget about my life but right now, I need it. The pain was too much and everytime I closed my eyes, the image of Jasper's betrayal kept appearing in my head.

After a countless number of drinks I dragged Devin to the dance floor where I found Paige and the girls dancing wildly. Just like Devin and I, we were totally drunk and at that point we didn't care what was happening. At some point I think I took off Devin's jacket.

After dancing and I got tired, I excused myself to the bathroom. Finding the bathroom was a bit hard but I still did. When I was done I stared at my reflection in the mirror and what I was seeing was a reflection of how I felt on the inside.


My make up was smudged and it looked like I just came out of an epic war. I did my best in doing damage control, luckily I had some wipes in my purse.

When I was done I stepped out of the bathroom and I almost fell when I bumped into someone.

"There you are," Devin said, steadying me.

"Where you looking for me?" I struggled to stand up straight.

"Yeah, you were taking too long," he answered pulling me closer to him.

I smiled at his words and I pulled away from him, "let's go back."

I wasn't able to take a step back before Devin held me back and the next thing was his lips on mine.

I quickly responded to the kiss, wrapping my hands around his neck and pulling him closer to me. The kiss was rough but gentle and his hands snaked around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

We gently pulled away for air staring into each others eyes, his breathing was ragged just like mine.

"Jemma," he whispered, biting his bottom lip.

"Devin" I leaned in once again for a kiss.

He kissed me back and this time around his tounge brushed against my bottom lip asking for permission to slip his tounge into my mouth and I granted him the permission. His tounge exploring my mouth fervently.

He tasted good, but not as good as Jasper.


I quickly pulled away from the kiss and the look on Devin's face showed confusion.

Why does everything I do remind me of Jasper. I should forget about him and his traitorous acts.

"What's wrong?" Devin asked concerned.

"Nothing" I said before crashing my lips with his once again.

The kiss was getting really heated and the next thing I know is I'm running up the stairs with Devin behind me hot on my trail. When we were up, he pulled me to him,  kissing me deeply.

It felt wrong but I didn't care, I just need to take Jasper off my mind. I didn't care if I was using Devin as an escape from my haunted mind. All I know is that it was working.

My back hit a door and Devin pushed open the door, pushing us both inside. He slammed the door shut behind him and he locked it. He pushed me up against a wall and he lifted me up, making me wrap my legs around him.

He pulled his lips away from mine as they began trailing kisses down my neck, sending a hot sensation down my entire body. I was getting excited. He kissed a spot on my neck making me moan and that made him stop his exploration on my body and he kisseed harder on that spot. If he didn't stop I was sure going to have a mark there tomorrow. As he kissed that spot I couldn't help a moan escaping my lips. It felt so good.

He pulled his lips from that spot and they met mine once again. He picked us away from the wall and the next thing I knew my back was hitting the soft bed. My legs still wrapped around his waist. His hands began to roam my legs as he slowly lifted my gown up and off my body, I rose my hands up so he could slide the gown off my body leaving me in my undergarments.

When my gown was successfully off I took off his shirt in one swift movement. Devin began assaulting my body with his kisses and his hands groped my left breast, stroking it in his hands. I let out a loud moan and that made him increase his assault on them. His hands found my other breast, groping it like the other.

He reached out to my back to unclasp my bra and I arched my back giving him a better access.

Before he could complete his mission, the door flung open, hitting the ground with a loud thud. Devin quickly pulled away from me to see what the commotion was about.

Before I could ask him what was happening he was quickly thrown off my body and punches were sent flying to his face.

I could only see the back of the attacker and I lost my shit when I saw who it was.

"Get away from him!" I yelled at him and he stopped his assault on Devin. He stood up and looked at me, his eyes scanning me up and down. Anger and disappointment was written all over his face.

I ignored his stare and immediately crouched down beside Devin, examining his face. His face had already began to bruise and it looked horrible.

"Are you okay?" I asked trying to get him to sit up.

He nodded slowly sitting up. I ran my hands on his face. Jasper had thrown some bad punches and his face was bruising really fast. He had a small cut at the corner of his lips.

"I need to get yo-" before I could finish my sentence I got yanked off the floor and facing a very angry Jasper.

"What the fuck is your problem?" He yelled picking my gown from the floor and handed it to me, "get dressed, now!" He ordered turning away.

He has got to be shitting me if he thinks he should just order me around like that. He has no control over me so he has no right. If he's angry with me for what happened with Devin a few minutes ago then he is really sick.

I didn't complain when I saw him with that girl Kaitlyn and so he shouldn't complain about Devin and I.

I put on the dress, not because he told me to but because of the presence of Jace in the room, he ran in just seconds ago and his eyes flew open when he saw me half naked.

When I had my dress on I crouched down again beside Devin, ignoring Jasper and Jace in the room.

"Hey, I'm so-" once again I got stopped mid sentence and I was dragged away from Devin.

"That's it for you, I'm taking you home" Jasper said dragging me out of the room.

"Let go of me!" I yelled, hitting him multiple times.

"No, I'm taking you home, you've had enough for one night," he continued dragging me with him.

"Stop it, you have no right to drag me like this," I didn't stop hitting him.

"That's it," Jasper lifted me off the floor and over his shoulder rendering me hopeless.

He carried me down the stairs and out of the house, even into his car. Throughout the journey I continued hitting him but he just didn't budge.

He threw me inside his car and locked the door from outside so no matter now much I tried I won't be able to come out unless he opened the door for me on the outside.

He got inside the car and he drove off, not even saying another word.

He is so going to get a piece of my mind once we get home.


Longest chapter I've ever written. Word count: 4036

Don't forget to vote, comment, share, and follow if you like.

Till next time!

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