Grindeldore Oneshots

By Rro110

97.2K 2.6K 1.5K

*No uploading schedule* Just some ideas I thought were funny\sad I don't own the characters. Rankings: #1... More

Sherbet Lemon
The Yule Ball
Why is the world so cruel?
I feel the same
I want you
Never do that again
The Dumbledore way
I make these high heels work
Cock roach clusters
Summer Sun
Tis the season to be jolly
Boxing Day
New Years
The Perfect Gift
Above it all
The Blood Pact
The Truth
The Cafe

Hidden Love

2.9K 71 32
By Rro110

Tw: Suicide, homophobia
This is very sad so I'm sorry but I hope you like it

Gellert POV:

In the streets of Godric's Hollow, it was hammering down with rain that was so harsh we were drenched head to toe. Even so, it's not like we could go back as we ran hand and hand as fast as we could, for our lives. It was hard to see in the windswept water that was being blown everywhere in this storm. Smashing into houses and filling the cracks in the pavement which we sprinted down.

My mind raced and I could say without a doubt this was the most scared I've ever been in my entire life. Heart pounding in my ears, I ran faster than I believed my legs could carry me as they painfully whacked the cobblestone path one after the other on an endless repeat. Not only could I hear my blood rushing in my ears but the furious shouts of the people chasing after us. Merlin we're dead, we're so dead.

A few minutes ago

Me and Albus had decided to go to the pub just down the road for a quick drink to celebrate our progress on research. We'd been studying hard but we'd recently found the exact location of the elder wand and planned to take it any day now when Albus said the word. I would always wait for him, my true love.

'How will we share it?' Albus asked inquisitively.

I smiled at his interest, longing to take his hand but knew that would do no good in a place like this, 'Ve vill take it in turns, ve can touch it at the same time so it vill vork the same for us both,'

He nodded, his auburn hair falling over his perfect, pale face that had a rosy glow from the alcohol; his bright blue eyes twinkling in the warm glow of candlelight and his full pink lips that were wearing a small smile of nervousness as I realised I had been looking at him for too long. I managed to pull my eyes from him but a thought lingered in my head that I couldn't put to rest.

I lowered my voice to a whisper, tucking his fiery hair behind his ear so only he could hear, 'I vant to kiss you,'

Albus blushed deeper but tried to get a grip so he could look me sternly in the eye, 'You know that we can not,'

Shrugging, I glanced around, 'Maybe not here...' my eyes found his hand which I tried to take but he coughed and flinched away to finish his drink. I sighed, slightly irritated, finishing my own drink and slamming it down.

'What?' Albus shook his head, 'Why are you being like that?'

I decided to hold back what I was going to say and instead thought of how much I longed to be kissing him right now, to feel his lips on mine as we expressed how much we love each other without anyone judging us for feeling. It's sickening that we have to hide, it makes me sick.

'Are you seriously mad I'm trying to keep us safe?-'

'No,' I interrupted, 'I'm mad because you have to,'

His expression softened, 'I know but...when we rule it won't have to be that way...ok?'

Our eyes met and his somehow soothed my building anger until it had completely dissolved into nothing but warmth for Albus. It always does. I smiled a little, gesturing to the drinks, 'Should we go?'

'Yeah, ok,'

We got up but something seemed off about Albus as we went to leave the pub. As soon as we opened the beaten wooden door, a gust of wind blew into the pub making drinks fall over and paper thrash about under its force. I closed the door and took Albus' hand without thinking.

'Ve can't go out in that, let's go out the back to aparate,'

Even he didn't notice I was holding his hand it was so natural to us. I'll tell you who did notice though, almost everyone else in the pub. I didn't care so much about their snobby looks with their ugly crooked noses pointing at the sky but it was when I heard one of them mutter, 'Sodomites,' that the rage returned to my soul and my eyes flickered up to meet the eyes of the one who said it. He only glared back as I realised why they were saying these things and ripped my hand from Albus' and went out the back door with him.

Luckily, out back was sort of like another room except for the missing wall at the end but no rain was thankfully blowing in. I pointlessly scowled at the door between me and those people and debated going in and teaching them a thing or two before Albus took my hand

'It's alright Gellert, you'll only cause more trouble,'

His pleading eyes calmed me right down again as I nodded to him. My heart still felt torn though, torn that we had to keep to ourselves like rats that crawl in sewers. Like wizards to muggles. Which is exactly my point. We shouldn't feel unsafe like this, we shouldn't live in fear.

Knowing I was still thinking about it, Albus stroked my knuckles with his fingers, 'If you promise to forget about them, I'll let you kiss me right now,'

I raised an eyebrow, 'Really? Ve von't have to vait till ve get back home?'

'No,' Albus beamed.

I inched closer hesitantly, I wasn't sure if he was teasing me or not because he doesn't usually allow this but then again this is serious. If we were to get caught, I'm not sure what would happen. We were leaning forward so agonisingly slow that my anticipation grew to the point where I was getting extremely impatient. It was worth it though as when our lips finally met it was as good as I had hoped it to be. He was soft, gentle as always as he moved his lips against mine in sync. He tasted of wine all things sweet just as he always did. I wrapped my arms around his waist to pull him closer to me, to deepen the kiss as much as I could. Albus had his arms around my neck as we shared this moment together, letting the whole world melt away until it was just us. Except it wasn't just us.

'What did I tell yer? Bunch of Pansy's the two of them!' There was an evil cackle that made me pull away, still holding Albus close to me to protect him.

I glowered at them with all the anger I had left in my bones but they just grinned with their manky yellow teeth and beer breath, 'Vhat did you just call us,' I spat, trying to strike fear into their hearts, 'Vould you like to say that a little louder?'

But they only laughed harder, 'I said that you're both pansy's, ain't that the truth?'

The longer I knew their hearts were beating the more I wanted to kill them. I reached for my wand but Albus took my hand, whispering, 'Gellert, let's just go-'

'What'd you be going for?' They smirked, 'We aren't done with you yet, you have to learn your lesson!' As they started staggering towards us, I knew very quickly that even with mine and Albus' power we were much younger and very outnumbered, 2 to 7. We had to run for it.

'Albus,' I murmured, 'Ve need to run,' I tried to aparate but noticed that one of the men was pointing his wand at us, flicking it every time I tried to do so. Great, we're stuck.

As one of them started to cast a spell I tightened my grip on Albus' hand and ran out of the shelter and into the chaotic storm that was pelting down more water than I've ever seen it rain, even in England. Although inconvenient, it was helpful in letting us know how close they were to us as their boots also slammed on the floor into puddles.

Back to present

'Albus! Hurry!' I screamed to him as they were gaining in on us and threatening to cast a spell if we continued on. I didn't want to risk it, all I wanted to do was be close to Albus back at home from the safety of his room or mine. But these bitches weren't going to let it go.

Since we didn't stop and only sped faster, almost slipping on the mud and shiny stones, they began casting spells at us. It made my body hurt like hell as not only was I being soaked through so I was freezing; my feet smacking so hard on the floor just to avoid death and blind with fury and water. My heart torn to pieces at these wretched things we call people, I was being cursed at the same time. I clasped Albus' hand tighter in my own as it was beginning to slip from my grasp what with all this rain.

We'd been running for what seemed like eternity when I finally felt the hand I was holding go limp, lurching away from me as I stopped dead in my tracks, my head racing with theories before I saw it and the spells were no longer being fired.

Albus was lying on the floor, his eyes shut loosely and not in the peaceful way I was accustomed to seeing when he slept. I hoped he had just grew tired from the sprint, that is what I had concluded...until I saw the scarlet red blood seeping into the cracks in the cobblestone. It mingled in the water but was pounding out at an alarming rate that made my heart feel like it had been dropped off a cliff  and kicked a few times for good measure. Now, I would have much preferred that then what I got.

Desperately, I fumbled around in my pockets but found nothing so instead flicked my wand so that a lilac cloth fell from the tip into my hand. Immediately, I clutched it tight to Albus head by lifting him up slightly so his body was slumped against my chest whilst the cloth absorbed all the blood. My breath became uneasy and I prayed with all my life that he was going to be ok. I needed him to be ok. I pressed my two fingers lightly to his neck. His heart is still beating.

My hair was dripping with rain down my face which was beginning to numb from the cold, my eyes also filled with water but it was tears that were to spill any second like an ink pot on parchment. I was so vexed with everything that had happened this evening, that I couldn't help but scream my lungs out in complete and utter heart break, 'DO YOU SEE VHAT YOU HAVE DONE? VHY VOULD YOU DO THIS? YOU ARE MONSTERS THE LOT OF YOU, VHY COULDN'T YOU JUST LEAVE US ALONE?!' I bellowed as loud as I could so it echoed around the entire street. I noticed a few of them seemed extremely guilty and clearly felt sorry for me but their leader was laughing as if it were nothing at all. But it wasn't nothing, it was Albus, my beautiful, intelligent, sweet Albus.

I wrapped the cloth to his head so I could stand up before the people who caused this, those who think it's funny to murder others, 'YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY?' I screeched at him.

He stopped laughing but still wore that same, revolting smile on his face, 'The fairy got what he deserved, how about you go back to where you belong,'

This took me by surprise and only made me even more enraged, 'First you come after me and my lover and now you come after my race?'

The guy started crying with laughter again and pointed at me, 'See! I can't understand a word of what he's saying!'

I was now so angry, tears streaming down my face as my mind swam through everything, their words, their cheek, what they were saying about me, about Albus. How Albus was now hurt because of them. It was too much to cope with, I couldn't bear it any longer. I needed to do something.

With every fibre of my being, with every fragment of my soul I mustered up more power than I have ever done before. What people don't understand is that Albus is the love and light of my life, without him I am nothing but a man with a broken heart. Without him, I am as good as dead. Raising my wand with this intense power, I blasted the lot dead on the floor, all of them. Every. Single. One.

Slotting my wand back in my pocket, I picked up Albus, cradling him in my arms as I noticed that the blood had soaked through the cloth and was so bad he was sure to die. Even so, I pressed it hard to his head and ran as fast as I could to Tante's.

Without a care for decorum, I burst into her house, giving her a right scare as I carefully laid Albus down on her sofa, also not caring if the blood stained the pretty patterned cover, 'TANTE FIX IT, COME ON HELP!'

She nodded, rushing beside Albus and lifting his head to get a look before delicately putting it back down on the cushions and backing away, looking from me to him a couple of times. She just stood there.

'TANTE VHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING THERE?! MOVE! DO SOMETHING!' I screamed at her, so desperate I really didn't care about anything. Not even the Deathly Hallows.

Tante avoided my eyes, 'Gellert-'


She stammered, shaking as she did so, 'He's...he's dead.....I can't do anything, I'm sorry,'

I violently shook my head, refusing to believe it, 'No he's not, he's not, Tante this isn't funny!'

But her expression worsened as she too began to cry as I, wanting terribly to prove her wrong, knelt down beside my love and took his hand. The reality washed over me as it was ice cold as if he were a marble statue with no life in him at all. I guess he didn't.


I couldn't bring myself to attend the funeral, I watched from afar as people talked about Albus as if they knew him. Even Aberforth seemed to have a tear in his eye and spoke only kind words of his brother who he appeared to loathe. But they could never understand him, not the way that I did. None of them knew what he was really like, what he really wanted and who he really was. Only I could say, and even if asked I would not. I would not give them the time of day if it meant sharing something Albus did not wish to be shared. That would be outright disrespectful.

When I saw that the ceremony had finished, I felt the emptiness I had felt in my chest begin to way me down even worse than it had done the moment I realised I would never hear Albus speak to me again or feel the warmth of his skin on mine. It was an emptiness I knew I could never get rid of, one that I knew would drag on and on. One that I knew would be fatal.

Not once had I thought of ending my life before now. I thought I had such potential and that it would be a waste to do such a thing. But when I'm stood here without the presence of Albus beside me and having the knowledge that it will remain that way forever, I'm finally in the position to understand what it is like to think thoughts such as that. I felt as if it were all my fault he had died as if I had told him to wait till we got home we would never have been chased.

The pain was so numbing that I knew I could no longer do anything I planned to do with Albus as I needed him to do it. I wasn't going to live my life without him, I couldn't do it and I refuse to even try. So, as I stand in front of the grave of my lover, dagger in hand, I hold onto everything I was to leave behind in this world. It was upsetting to know I could never fulfil my goals but to know I'm giving it all up for Albus makes it worth it. With a final stab to the heart, I let my blood flow out of me onto the grass near to his grave, focusing on the name of my love that had been etched on the stone beside me. Although so painful I was in agony, it wasn't as painful as the loss of Albus. The love of my life.

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