A very Mary Sheikhy Christmas...

By JanVanEngen

45.7K 2.9K 173

Spending a couple of days in Tasmania was meant to be a time to get away and clear his head, before taking th... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Eight

3.4K 260 12
By JanVanEngen

Christmas Eve day

Waking up in Zafeer arms, made all the difference in the world. His strong, secure arms around her were all she needed, nestled against his bare chest. Dinner had been magical. She didn't want to move. Burying herself deeper against him, only to hear a meow, pulling back to be glared at. Sparky between them. Mary scooped it out and sent on its way, tail twitching and went back to snuggle in, peeking up into hooded dark brown eyes.

"That was not nice," he noted.

She placed a pleading hand on his chest. "Do you want a squashed kitten on your conscience?"

Smiling, he tucked hair behind her ear, trailing a finger along her jaw to her chin, tapping, gaze lazily, drinking her in that warmed Mary all over. "No, however, I could get used to finding you here."

Cheeks burned bright red, fingers curled against his bare chest. Her head rested on his arm, hair spread across, still wearing his shirt that felt good against her sensitive skin, soft silky texture, eyes focusing on his chest, finding his gaze too intense. "You're not too cold?" Spreading her hand across his pec, fascinated by his perfection, velvet softness yet rock hard. Not really wanting to give up his shirt, her brows going down. "I think there is a pair of pyjamas upstairs." Outlining his defined contour with her fingers, absently.

His chest moved with soft laughter. "Do you not think it is a bit late for that Mary Tingle?" She peered up self conscious, pressing her other hand covered by his shirt against her lips, nodding.

"Sorry." Suddenly very aware of her form, pressed up against him, the sofa not really built for two, wrapped in his bare arms. Sparky meowed from the tree, Mary head turned against his chest, peering across as did Zareef. "I should feed him," reluctant to leave his arms, especially what today meant. She needed to be kept busier than normal, but here, she wasn't so overwhelmed, peering up, looking deeply into his eyes.

She could tell him anything, lips parting, but to speak of the past was hard. So hard. Eyes clouding over, fighting back the pain to finally admit out aloud they were gone. His eyes became concerned. "When you are ready. I will see to the cat, while you get out of this," he tugged at his shirt. Together they sat up more, Mary eased back reluctantly.

"I'd have a shower. The food for the cat is in a bag beside the kitchen sink on the floor. Just a handful, actually," she reached for his hand and spread her hand in his larger one that seemed to swamp hers, fascinated. "Make that half and take no notice of him when he demands more." Leaning in she brushed his lips. "Thank you for last night."

"Shouldn't I be thanking you," he asked amused. "That I do," he rushed in, kissing her back.

She shook her head. "You have no idea how hard I find it...." She drifted off glancing at the tree, eyes shimmering. Gently he caressed her face and guided her back to him, searching, watchful. "It's the rhythm that is smooth and luring."

"Ah, the tree lights, which was, why you were so upset the other morning. I am so sorry, habibti, if I had known it would never have happened." He gathered back into his arms, holding her firmly against his hard chest, ignoring the indignant cat wanting to be fed, until it jumped down from the tree and dared to bite his socked foot, pulling back, yelping.

"Sorry," she apologised giving Sparky, her most scolding glare for daring to bite him.

"Just another demanding feline," Zafeer growled, scooping up the cat, releasing Mary, who glared at him now, more. "Not you," he swooped in and kissed her, before standing, arching his back, stretching, holding it with one hand, while carrying the cat in the other, heading towards the kitchen, entered and kept the door closed.

Mary rushed off to have a shower, leaving his shirt on the chair, where she changed into the reindeer leggings and a sloppy Joe that she always wore, ready to get everything prepared for tomorrow, yet seem disinclined. Everything had changed, worrying her lip with her teeth. She didn't ever talk to anyone about her family, even the memories of the past. Couldn't even bear having photos around.

The first year she had come up here, the only way she had coped was through cooking, all through the well wishes and packing up that had transformed into something different, now that would be gone as well. If it hadn't been for Zafeer, she really didn't know how she would've coped.

That was the first proper Christmas meal she had in five years. It was time to open up, finally deal with it. Taking a deep breath, she entered into the main room, as far as the chair, sinking into, finding it hard to breath, pressing a hand against her racing pulsating heart.

A sudden sharp knock jerked Mary out of her chair, leaping to her feet. Her heart caught in her throat, almost choking her. She wasn't expecting anyone until Christmas day, edging towards the window, filling with trepidation. Easing back the lace overlay. Her heart stilled, frozen to the spot at the flashing lights.

No, not again!

Flashes of red and blue lights, seeing them from afar. From another time. The police, who had stood on the other side of the front door. No matter what, one was never prepared for such news. The smile and joy in her had vanished that day, falling into abyss of darkness. Nothing could stop her from falling. Falling into the depth of hell. Five years ago felt like it had been only today. Stuck there, unable to crawl back from the blink.

The worst day of her life.


After cleaning everything up properly. Last night had been more of a dumping of everything in the sink. The Pavlova didn't fit in the fridge so shoved into the oven; it had been cold enough to keep it fresh. He pulled it out, not so sure, finding a garbage bag to dump into, then cleaned up the plates and stacked off to the side, wearing her apron rather than that other hideous thing; he was seriously thinking of hunting it down and placed it in with the remains of the desserts from last night.

If only they could see him now? His father probably would pass out. Very undignified for a Prince. His mother would clasp her hands in delight. Always enjoying the small things of life and she would have found it all rather amusing, him dressed up like Santa Claus by proxy. Sparky was once more purring around his ankles, where he scooped up the offending cat.

"I see how it is, feed the cat and all is good." Sparky purred louder, rubbing him under the chin. "That will not make up for biting me. So no more or I might just bite back," he growled, placing the kitten down that skidded across the kitchen floor, slamming into the closed door. Zafeer bit back a smile. Payback.

As if reading his thoughts the kitten hissed. He also realised he needed to confront the one thing he was reluctant to do last night, about telling Mary the truth. He had not wanted to spoil their night or the mood. Also time was running out, they could turn up at any time. He couldn't delay it any longer.

Zafeer exited the kitchen with anticipation. Her answer last night made him doubt if she would accept who he really was. He saw her standing frozen near the window, closing the distance, grabbing his shirt on the way, shrugging on, hanging free, touching her arm. Shocked to see the devastation in her eyes. Deep, dark, depth of hopelessness. She was so still, his heart dropped to the pit of his belly.

He glanced out seeing the flashing lights, having a feeling his time had just come to an end, cursing under his breath, wishing he had told her last night. "Stay here I would see to this." She just stared at him, as if she didn't see him. Another hard knock. "Mary I have to see to this." He went to answer the door, finding a policeman at the door, not quite who expected, yet also acceptable if the word had been sent to search for him, until someone arrived from the palace.

"Do you mind?" He waved his hand at the flashing red and blue lights from the police car.

"Oh, of course, sorry," he signalled his partner to cut the lights. They died instantly. "Where's Mary?" He asked, his hand resting near his hipped gun, eyes narrowing, suspicious. Maybe he had jumped to conclusions.

The door opened further and Mary was there, smiling, yet still looked grey under the skin that worried him profoundly. Also the way she had her arms crossed. Closed off. "Hello Sam, what can I do for you?"

Relief washed over his face, hand dropping. Zafeer eyed him closely, not so easily reassured. "Been a while, Mary. How are you?" His light blue eyes vigilant.

"Me? I'm fine, thank you. What is this about?"

His focus shifted towards Zafeer. "You wouldn't be Sheikh Zafeer Al-Zairo?" Mary stared at him, shocked. Zafeer nodded. "Everyone's been looking for you."

"Yes, well, as you can see I am safe." Suddenly there was a loud humming sound. They stepped out and looked up towards the cloud covered skies, yet not so threatening. His time was over. He had to go home. They were here for him. There was plenty of room between the house and surrounding forest to land and they did. Zafeer walked away as a man jumped down out of the helicopter.

Mary watched as he walked away without a backward glance, hugging a man tightly as they greeted each other. His family had found him. Sheikh whirled around in her foggy brain. He had said that, but never really took it in, having no idea what that meant, apart from the fact he wasn't a part of her life. "Come on in, Sam." He hesitated to enter. "It's fine," she promised. He raked the back of his neck with a hand.

"I have to go. I have to report that his royal highness is safe and sound."

Royal highness swirled around. Worse than she had through, which made things very clear. Never was going to happen. Ever. She turned and went back inside, upstairs into his bedroom and entered without a thought, packed his bag and took it back downstairs, placing it near the door. She had Christmas treats to pack. One more day and she would also be gone. For good this time. Yet her heart wasn't as heavy as it should've been. The fog slowly dispensing. A heaviness lifting from her heart.

She had new memories, stopping at the Christmas tree, where four lonely presents sat under the tree far in the back, out of sight. The same for the last five years. Time to give them away. Sparky swatted at her from the tree. She reached in and scratched its cheek. This year she was keeping Sparky. Sparky the fifth.

"Mary," she turned towards the man, who had changed her life. "I have to go." There was so much sadness in his voice.

"Of course you do," she crossed over and hugged him. "I am so glad you found my door."

"Thank you for taking such good care of me. Once I get everything settled, I would be back," he promised.

She stepped back. That couldn't happen, for both of their own sake. She had to let him go. "I don't live here Zafeer. This is where I spend Christmas. Go home, you don't belong here." Deep sorrow passed through his eyes, breaking her heart. She didn't want him to suffer as she had. Time to face the past. Alone. She had no choice in that, because she was alone and it was time to face that in the real sense.

"Walk me out," she took a deep breath, heading out by his side. He paused to remove his bag that she had packed. "Trying to get rid of me," he teased, yet there was no laughter in his tone.

"How did you guess?" She teased back, toneless. They paused under the mistletoe and stared at each other. She reached up and kissed his cheek.

"Is that the best you can do?"

"It's all that is in me. Please don't ask me to," she blinked rapidly keeping it together, chin quivering, no matter how she fought it. This was it; their moment was just a stolen flash in time. Who she was and all, a damaged, broken soul. It was a start.

"Sire, we need to go," another man dressed completely in black joined them.

"Amir, this is Mary. Mary my best friend and the man I trust the most in my life, Amir."

She held out her hand that was taken. "A great honour to meet you. His Royal highness passes on his gratitude."

"Amir," Zafeer warned.

She placed a hand on Zafeer's arm. "I already know. Sam let it slip. Go Zafeer, you have your whole future in front of you." She reached up and kissed him on his lips, this time. "I will never forget you," she promised. "My snow angel." They shared a look. He touched her cheek that lingered.

"You will always be my guardian angel."

Then he was walking away towards the helicopter, the blades turning slowly. He looked back before climbing into the helicopter. She waved, although her heart was breaking. Sparky rubbed against her ankle. Mary picked Sparky up and held it against her heart and together they watched as he flew out of her life.

Slowly she turned and ready to go back inside, when she stopped and looked up at the mistletoe. Closing her eyes, she remembered that magical first kiss. Time to let it go. She entered the cabin, closing the door behind her. Back to normal, yet it wasn't normal, hadn't been for five years. The norm, she only knew. Her life in limbo, stuck in the past.


Zafeer spoke into his headpiece as they flew away. "Land somewhere close enough to the town. I need to fix a few things." He booked a hotel, for Amir and himself, sending the helicopter away for now. The first thing he did was ring his parents. His mother overjoyed, his father relieved. "Yes, father I know my duty. I will be back. Not sure in time, but I will be back to take your place."

"Then it would be delayed for another year, even later. When we are ready. I just needed to know if you were ready." In other words he had no desire to hand over the realms yet, much to his relief, because he could do so much more behind the scene, also prepare for taking over one day, hopefully not for a very long time.

"I am," he promised. "However, I will pick my own wife. Someone I can trust and who would never betray me and would support me. I think I have found such a person."

"This woman, who had taken you in? Be careful you are not just feeling grateful. Be certain of such things."

"I am." He had no doubt of that. She had brought such joy into his life. However, he needed his things from the plane, recalling the helicopter and headed back to Hobart, landing where his private plane was waiting on a private airstrip, less an hour later.

After a shower, he packed a bigger bag, adding a phone that wouldn't have issues of connecting. Also grabbed his laptop and did research as they headed back towards the town nearest where Mary was. As if he wouldn't come back. Estimating how long it would before she packed up that should give him a couple of days, at least, probably more. She had an awful lot to pack away. He didn't see her leaving it as it was.

Finally, he knew.

The one true thing that's been missing in his life, was Mary Clementine Tingle.

Christmas Eve night

Everything done, all alone Mary, sat in a chair, not on the sofa, legs drawn up, Sparky on her lap. Suddenly Sparky had gotten more affectionate. She picked him up and held under her chin. "You know I'm going to keep you, don't you." She smiled with memories of the sight of him in the animal rescue home. Sparky had been different colours over the years, not this one, a splitting image of the original Sparky. He had practically done somersaults to get her attention and leaped into her arms, when released from its cage. Sparky had actually wigged into the Santa hat on the back seat of her car.

She looked across through the window towards the garage. Her past was packed up in there. Unable to go through it. She couldn't deal with it. Lowering her head, ashamed of herself, it had been wrong of her. Everyone else dealt with loss, so why couldn't she. If she closed the door on that part of her life for good, it meant letting go, not sure she could.

Yet her days had been replaced with new feelings. Actual feelings. She had stopped feeling five years ago, on Christmas Eve. She looked back over towards the window, where red and blue lights had flashed in the night, bright and easily seen through the window, not like today, during the day. Eerie. Dreading. Life changing.

Sam had stood there at the door, hat in hand, head down, and slowly he looked up with such sadness and pity in his eyes. Closing her eyes, she heard a distant voice screaming in denial, in such pain it ripped out her heart. It had snowed that year also. Black ice. Lost control and now there was only her. For the first time since that black and dark eve, she wept. Nothing was holding her back, her body rocked with sobs, until she was drained. There was nothing left but numbness.

Tomorrow she was leaving and was never coming back.

He was gone, just like her family, and never coming back.

She had no future. It had been taken away from her.

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