Chillin Like A Villain-A Desc...

By randomreader000000

159K 3.5K 323

There's so many ways to be wicked. Here's mine. ____________________________________ Camilla De Vil was alway... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Not an Update - A Memorial
Possible Preview 😏

Part 31

2.4K 62 12
By randomreader000000

Chapter 31 

He'd had him! Harry thought in rage. He'd had the king helpless, his hook around one hand, the other gripped behind beastie boy's back. He could have finished him if those cowards hadn't launched that blasted smoke bomb. The king had twisted his way free and by the time the smoke cleared and he stepped out with Uma the VK's had already made their retreat. Mal kicked the bridge destroying their only chance at following them. Uma shouted in anger while Harry glared at the dragon witch with absolute loathing.

"Harry." he heard a weak voice call and turned to see Camilla over his right shoulder. He couldn't describe the way she was looking at him, it wasn't like any emotion he'd ever seen before. As he turned to get a better look at her he realized she was using the rail beside her to support her weight with her right hand while she had her left pulled across her body so her it could grasp her side. Just below her ribs on her right she was clutching the spotted fabric of her vest on a patch that was growing redder with every second.

"Camilla!" he shouted horrified, all thoughts of the VK's vanishing from his mind.  He ran for her as she fell over but Gil, who had been further back to Harry's left, was closer and supported Camilla as her left side fell into him. Gil kneeled beside her as Harry joined them crouching down to her level as well. Uma had turned when he shouted and was now staring horrified at Camilla.


Carlos was halfway through the tunnel when he realized Mal wasn't behind them. He went back to get her and what he saw terrified him. The pirates were all gathered around his sister as blood dripped from between her fingers. Mal turned noticing his presence and started to push him away.

"Carlos we need to go." She insisted.

"Is she going to be okay?" he asked, his voice cracking.

"I don't know, but we have to leave now." She said sternly and dragged him back toward the limo.


"Gil take the crew and follow them." Uma ordered immediately jumping into action, "Harry grab her and follow me, we'll take her to the chip shop."

Gil made sure Harry had a good grip on Camilla, who was starting to lose consciousness, before he grabbed the crew and took the long way around to try and stop the VK's from leaving the Isle.

"Out of my way!" Uma shouted at others who had gathered during the fight as she cleared the way for Harry, who had abandoned his hook beside the puddle of Camilla's blood. He cradled her to his chest as they made their way back to Ursula's; once they were there Uma flung the doors open so hard the hinges almost broke off. She pulled a cloth off one of the tables and sent dishes and trays flying, for once the place was completely empty, everyone had flooded onto the docks to watch the fight.

"Put her down here!" Uma demanded as she ran off toward the back beyond the kitchen. Harry was puzzled for a moment, the only thing down there was Ursula herself and Uma never went down there. He didn't pay it mind long, Camilla taking up most of his attention. He pulled open her vest and pulled his sword from its sheath and started cutting the red top she wore underneath. When he was done the wound was completely visible, long and deep – fatal. It was like losing his father all over again but at the same time it wasn't. With his father he had been forced to stay on the docks while his father dueled, now he could hold Camilla close, fight off any danger; the similarity between the two was how powerless he was to stop it. He couldn't help his father just like he couldn't help Camilla, he could only stand by and watch as she bled to death.

Then Uma came rushing out with a shell in her hands, Harry was able to see it was a shark's eye moon shell. It was full of some kind off odd substance and Uma dipped her fingers into the opening to retrieve some of it. It looked dark green like seaweed and was thick and sticky, she began applying it to the wound on Camilla's side.

"It's an old potion of my mother's." she explained as she worked though it didn't seem to be working – maybe it was too old, Harry thought, could a potion expire?

"She needs help – Auradon help." He said hopelessly. Even if Auradon were willing to help there was no way they'd get her there in time, pleading their case, crossing the bridge, actually getting her to a hospital, by that point it would be too late. Harry leaned against the table his fingers grabbing the side so tight his knuckles turned white. Just then Gil came bursting in.

"Couldn't get them." he panted, "But this. . . " he held up a small leather book, his other hand holding Harry's hook, and Uma's eyes widened, "Maybe something in here can help her." He said as he approached them.

Uma dropped the shell full of thick, sticky potion and snatched the book from Gil's hands. She began to flip through the pages until she found what she was looking for.

"There's still the crack in the dome. Maybe enough magic has seeped in for this to work." She said getting close to the gash in Camilla's side and holding her hand over it in the air. "Beware, forswear, make this wound repair."

She waved her fingers and the wound closed. She smiled thrilled that she'd done magic successfully for the first time in her life, she was a witch after all. But after a moment the smile faded as they saw they Camilla still wasn't moving. Uma stood and pressed her fingers to the pulse point on her friend's neck and she felt no beat. She pulled her hand away slowly, even magic had been too late.

"Harry, I'm sorry." She whispered and it was probably the first time a villain on the Isle had said it and meant it. Harry began to shake, though with sadness or rage his mates couldn't tell. Then he grabbed a nearby bottle and threw it at the wall.

"NO!" he shouted as it broke into a million shards. Then he slammed his arms on the table before taking his face in his palms trying to stay strong in front of his friends. When he looked up at Camilla again they could see the tears in his eyes as he leaned over her and gave her a goodbye kiss. It was short but sweet and when he pulled away Harry's face still lingered only a few inches from hers. Together they sat in solemn silence, neither knowing how to comfort Harry after yet another devastating loss. Then Camilla's chest heaved as she took a ragged breath. Their attention all snapped to her as her eyes fluttered open a bit until she was looking up at Harry who was staring down at her in wonder.

"What?" she asked confused and Harry smiled, a full joyful smile as he helped her sit up. Gil looked confused as well but his eyes shone with happiness and relief.

"How –" he began to ask but Uma cut him off.

"True love's kiss." She whispered in awe, never did she think that would apply to a villain.

"Uma." Gil whispered, both of them afraid to break their friends out of the cheerful bubble they'd found themselves in. She looked up at him as he gestured to the door.  "Go." He said and it was her turn to look confused. "They have to drop the barrier to get out." Gil explained, "Go."

She looked back at Harry and Camilla and understood that the best way to help the people she cared about was to take her chance. She patted Gil on the shoulder as she passed with Mal's spell book gripped tightly in her hand and she ran out the door. The last thing they heard was a splash as she dove into the water. Then Gil looked back at Camilla smiling now that his sister was okay.

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