Chillin Like A Villain-A Desc...

By randomreader000000

118K 3K 250

There's so many ways to be wicked. Here's mine. ____________________________________ Camilla De Vil was alway... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Not an Update - A Memorial
Possible Preview 😏

Part 26

2.1K 52 13
By randomreader000000

Chapter 26

Camilla had been with Uma at the chip shop when Mal sauntered in, "I'm baaaack." She sang.

"Loser, party of one. Right this way please." Uma said gesturing to the nearest table. She pushed a chair at Mal who caught it before turning it around and sitting on it backwards.

"Place still stinks." She commented.

"Oh, I'm sorry we're down a butler today, princess." Uma sneered.

"Where is he?" she demanded cutting to the chase. Uma pulled off her apron and tossed it aside.

"You know I've dreamed of this? You wanting something from me, and me watching you squirm like a worm on a hook."

"I'm so flattered that you dream of me, I haven't given you a thought since I left."

Uma slammed her hands on the table before she could control her anger, when she did she grit out, "Obviously. You have your perfect little life don't you?" she asked then turned to the crew, "Doesn't she have the perfect little life?" she shouted and the crew all sneered and laughed at Mal. "While we're twenty years into a garbage strike." Mal looked around at the pirates finally taking notice of Camilla leaning against the bar. She looked surprised at first then she put her mask back on.

"Working for Uma now Camilla?" she asked.

"Working with Uma." She corrected, "I figured why not join the winning side." She shrugged watching the exchange as Mal turned back to the sea witch.

"Listen if you have some kind of score to settle with me, game on. I see no need to bring Ben into this." As she spoke Harry entered from the back, he made his way through the kitchen and over to Camilla. He lightly tapped her on the shoulder and whispered in her ear, "Come with me."

The last place she'd expected him to lead her had been the Jolly Roger and the last person she imagined seeing was Carlos.


Evie had grown very worried as each minute ticked by, when Mal finally showed up she ran and hugged her friend. Before Mal told them anything about her meeting with Uma she took a look around and noticed someone missing.

"Where's Carlos?" she asked and Evie and Jay both perked up and looked around noticing for the first time their friends absence. Carlos had always been quiet, tinkering with one thing or another in a corner, so that's what they assumed he'd been doing while Mal was gone. But she was right Carlos was nowhere to be seen.

"He must have gone to find Camilla." Evie said.

"What!?" Mal asked now seeming worried herself.

"Harry Hook had mentioned her and Carlos went berserk." Jay explained, "He must have gone after her."

"Camilla's with them." Mal said, "I saw her with Uma at the shop."

"What!" it was Jay's turn to shout but Evie seemed less surprised.

"It was Harry." she whispered making the others turn to her.

"What was Harry?" Mal asked.

"Remember how Camilla used to go off and have 'alone time'? After a while I knew she must be sneaking out to see some boy but I was never able to get his name out of her. It was Harry, even then it was Harry. After she came back to the Isle and had no one he must have been the first person she turned to." The room was silent as they absorbed Evie's deduction.

"Then. . Camilla's not in any danger." Jay said, "Harry just mentioned her as bait. He knew Carlos would go after her. The whole thing was a set up!"

"Great." Mal sighed, "Now Uma has Ben and Carlos and she'd demanding Fairy Godmother's wand for Ben."

"Then how do we get Carlos back if she's only offering Ben in exchange?"

"Something as important and as powerful as the wand she won't leave to chance. When we make the trade we demand Carlos and Ben." Mal explained.

"Hold on." Evie began, "There is no way we can give Uma the wand. We can't just let her destroy Auradon."

"If Uma doesn't get the wand then Ben and Carlos are toast." Jay spoke up.

"So we're going to give Uma –of all people – the wand?" she debated as they began to bicker but Mal had a better plan.

"Wait! Carlos' 3-D printer!"

"A phony wand." Jay smirked.

"The second Uma tests it she'll know its fake." Evie said concerned.

"So we just get them out really fast we need some kind of diversion."

"Smoke bombs!" Jay suggested.

"That's perfect! I can get the chemicals I need from Lady Tremaine's place, that could work." Evie said excited as the plan started to come together. "Are you sure Uma will let both of them go?" she asked turning to Mal again.

"Don't forget, I know Uma better than any of you." She said with a sour taste in her mouth remembering her past with the sea witch. Then she turned to Jay, "While Evie and I work on the smoke bombs you think you can make the 3-D wand?"

"With all the hacks Carlos' installed? . . Maybe." He shrugged.

"Well Chad can work it so I'm sure you can." She said and that seemed to reassure him.


Gil had brought Carlos to the brig in the Lost Revenge.

"We're getting really good at this kidnapping thing." He said with a smile as he parted from Harry and Camilla. The pair then made their way to Harry's cabin. The son of Hook noticed how shaken up Camilla seemed after the encounter with her brother no matter how hard she tried to hide it. When they had made it to his room she sat by the window and looked out at the sea. He walked up behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders rubbing up and down her arms. In her reflection Harry could see two sides of herself at war, and he understood why. Carlos had sided with her enemy so that made him Camilla's foe. But on the other hand he was still her family and how far could she go with her revenge before she felt like she'd stooped as low as he had? Being a villain wasn't as easy as other people thought it was, not every dastardly deed was simple and done with ease. Harry wanted to comfort her but knew he'd never been good with expressing his feelings with words. Instead of talking he sat down beside her and brought his fingertips to her chin making her look at him. Then he leaned in and kissed her, it wasn't the same as their other kisses and Camilla understood what he was trying to convey through the action. He'd be there for her, no matter what path she chose now. He wouldn't turn his back on her for anything, not for freedom, not for all the gold in Auradon. He'd be there for her through thick and thin.


After Camilla had fallen asleep in his cot Harry decided to take a trip down to the brig to check on the captives. On his way there he ran into Gil who had been instructed by Uma to fetch Ben for her. Together the pair went below deck and Harry opened the heavy wooden door allowing light to flood the otherwise pitch-black room. He pulled a lighter from his pocket and lit a few lanterns that rested in corners and hung from the ceiling. He noticed that both Ben and Carlos looked extremely worried about the pirate's arrival but it was the king who spoke first.

"Whatever you all want I can get it for you, just let us go. Just name your price, silver, gold, jewels, anything name it." Harry turned to Gil and the pair scoffed before Harry responded in song.

"My dear old king yer sorely mistaken, I don't give a damn 'bout yer rank. The gold in yer sack, well, it isn't worth jack. I should make you fools go walk the plank." He looked between Ben and Carlos. "Yer riches would fill other pirates with glee, but none of those pirates are me!" he pointed at himself with his hook, "Sing a yo-ho, keep yer jewels divine, yo-ho and yer manners refined. 'Cause even more precious than rum in a stein, is revenge, revenge, revenge and it's gonna be mine!" he said kicking over a small table and approaching the king, he opened the cell door and pulled bestie boy out by his collar and tossed him at Gil. His mate took some rope and tied the king's hands before taking him above deck to Uma.

"Revenge on who?" Carlos asked through the bars causing Harry to turn back around to face him.

"Wait for the second verse whelp." He sneered walking across the brig. "I've savaged and pillaged and pilfered each village, my conquests I'm justly proud of. Each town that I plunder I leave torn asunder, a pirate's life is one to love. And yet my heart's hardened as hard as a rock, won't rest til I've skinned me a croc!" he drew his sword from him belt and approached Carlos pushing the blade threw the bars making the boy step back in alarm. "Sing yo-ho you can beg, plead and whine. But yo-ho, you are wasting yer time. That croc got dad's hand, wanna tear out his spine!" he raised his free hand, made a fist and pulled at the air imitating exactly what he intended to do to the wretched crocodile. "Revenge, revenge, revenge is gonna be mine!" he backed off and re-sheathed his sword.

"So you want revenge on the crocodile? For taking your father's hand?"

"Afraid he did more than that." Harry spat turning to the nearest porthole and gazing out at the sea, resting his arm against the old wood of the ship. "Once I dreamed of a horizon, where I might find happiness waiting. Until that croc destroyed my life and filled me with hate unabating. Some say let it go –" he turned back to his prisoner "- but I say hell no! I'm finally on the right path. Soon the Pan will feel the fire of this pirate's wrath!" he gazed down at his father's hook in his hand.

"Wait – did you say Peter Pan?"

"Aye. The demon boy returned and killed my father. Pushed 'em right into the croc's jaws."

Carlos looked confused. "They never said anything about –"

"Of course not! Why would they want to tarnish their perfect image?"

Sadness entered the boy's eyes, "Hook I'm –"

"No! I don't need yer pity, only my revenge." He said slamming the hook against the bars making Carlos's eyes widen in fear.

"Sing a yo-ho I'll slaughter the swine, yo-ho must be fate's design." He stepped back and spread his arms out wide, "At last our tales will again intertwine." He looked back down at the hook as he stepped away and turned his back from the cell. "Revenge, revenge, revenge is gonna be mine. Oh, it's gonna be, oh, it's gonna be, oh, it's gonna be mine! Oh, it's gonna be, oh, it's gonna be, oh, it's gonna be MINE!"

Below I've inserted just the lyrics without any actions. The song is from Once Upon a Time and can be found on YouTube under 'OUAT Revenge is going to be Mine' it's originally sung by Captain Hook and with a few adjustments I thought it suited Harry quite well. Camilla will be getting a solo song soon as well!

Harry Hook:

My dear old king you're sorely mistaken

Don't give a damn 'bout your rank

The gold in your sack, well, it isn't worth jack

I should make you fools go walk the plank

Your riches would fill other pirates with glee

But none of those pirates are me! (They're not he!)

Sing a yo-ho, keep your jewels divine

Yo-ho and your manners refined

'Cause even more precious than rum in a stein

Is revenge, revenge, revenge and it's gonna be mine!

Carlos De Vil:

Revenge? On who?

Harry Hook:

Wait for the second verse, whelp

I've savaged and pillaged and pilfered each village

My conquests I'm justly proud of

Each town that I plunder I leave torn asunder

A pirate's life is one to love

And yet my heart's hardened as hard a rock

I won't rest 'til I've skinned me a croc!

Sing a yo-ho, you can beg, plead and whine

But yo-ho, you are wasting your time

That croc got dad's hand, wanna tear out his spine!

Revenge, revenge, revenge is gonna be mine

Revenge, revenge, revenge is gonna be mine

Carlos De Vil:

So you want revenge on the crocodile? For taking your father's hand?

Harry Hook:

Afraid he did more than that

Once I dreamed of a horizon

Where I might find happiness waiting

Until that croc destroyed my life

And filled me with hate unabating

Some say "let it go!", but I say "hell, no!"

I'm finally on the right path

Soon the Pan will feel

The fire of this pirate's wrath!

Carlos De Vil:

Wait – did you say Peter Pan?

Harry Hook:

Aye. The demon boy returned and killed my father. Pushed 'em right into the croc's jaws.

Carlos De Vil:

They never said anything about –

Harry Hook:

Of course not! Why would they want to tarnish their perfect image?

Carlos De Vil:

Hook, I'm –

Harry Hook:

No! I don't need yer pity, only my revenge.

Sing a yo-ho, I'll slaughter the swine

Yo-ho, must be fate's design

At last our tales will again intertwine

Revenge, revenge, revenge is gonna be mine

Oh, it's gonna be, oh, it's gonna be

Oh, it's gonna be mine!

Oh, it's gonna be, oh, it's gonna be

Oh, it's gonna be mine!

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