Shining of the Four

By ad_meliora

24.8K 828 207

[Warriors Cats Fanfiction] "As the Moon's shine vanishes and the light burns out, another cat will be lost. F... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 59
Author's Note

Chapter 58

205 13 4
By ad_meliora

Lemonfur sat in Ambershine's den, watching awkwardly as the calico she-cat slowly circled around her, observing her swollen stomach. She gently pressed her paw to Lemonfur's side, causing a slight kick to erupt.

"Ouch," Lemonfur snapped.

"What? It's not my fault," Ambershine argued, sitting down. "I was hoping maybe that would induce your labor," she joked.

"Ha-ha," Lemonfur replied, sitting down. She'd been grouchy for days, spending her time moping around the NightClan camp.

She'd heard no word yet from Lifesnow and Sunrise, and she was supposed to have given birth a week before. But still, her kits remained unborn and the prophecy unresolved. Lemonfur was getting a bit tired of waiting.

"Well, I guess it'll just happen eventually," Ambershine decided. "You're obviously on the verge of giving birth. I wouldn't be surprised if it happened at any second."

"Well, I want them out," Lemonfur complained.

Ambershine grinned. "If only I knew what the pains of being a mother were like," she joked.

"You're lucky you took an oath of having no mate or kits," Lemonfur explained. 

Ambershine laughed. "You're definitely acting like a grouchy queen. Just relax and head to the nursery," she advised her. "When you go into labor, which could happen at any time, we want you to be secure in your nest. I don't want you going out and about."

Lemonfur rolled her eyes. "Not even to stretch my legs?"

"If you need to make dirt then go ahead. What I mean is, you shouldn't be going through the forest alone or going to places you shouldn't be," Ambershine warned, eyeing Lemonfur.

"What?!" Lemonfur complained, though she knew Ambershine saw through her innocence. Just the other day, a NightClan patrol had caught her near the SnowClan border. She had been hoping to sneak across to speak to Lifesnow and Thornstar, but cats had noticed quickly her absence in the nursery. Thymewhisker had been furious to know she'd been out.

Besides feeling guilty about that incident, Lemonfur still hadn't told Thymewhisker about the prophecy, deciding it wouldn't be best until after the kits were born. He'd been stressed enough as it was, worried that the kits coming late was a sign that something was wrong. Ambershine assured him it was the exact opposite, that it was better later than earlier, but Thymewhisker still could not be calmed. Silverstar had assigned him on extra patrols to reduce his anxiety, though Lemonfur guessed it had only made it worse.

Ambershine led Lemonfur back to the nursery where Lemonfur curled back into her nest where soon tiny kits would occupy it. As Ambershine left, Lemonfur realized she had been so focused on the prophecy, she hadn't really thought too much into being a mother.

She assumed as soon as the kits were born, she'd be ready to assist the other cats. But kits were a lot of work, and from what Ambershine explained, it sounded like Lemonfur was having more than one.

"Please don't be five," Lemonfur whispered, thinking of Thymewhisker and his siblings. How had his mother handled all of them? Frostflight could barely control only her.

Being a mother was as terrifying as solving the prophecy, and Lemonfur grew more anxious each day. Her fur had grown wild and ragged. Ambershine described it as pre-birthing stress, but Lemonfur knew the anxiety from having kits and the prophecy had contributed to her unfavorable appearance.

The sound of cats coming into the camp grabbed Lemonfur's attention. She glanced up, hoping to see Lifesnow and Sunrise, but it was only a mere returning patrol. And from the frantic footsteps, she knew Thymewhisker was on it.

He rushed into the nursery, sighing in relief.

"Phew, you're still pregnant," he noted, glancing at her swollen stomach.

"Gee, thanks," Lemonfur responded grouchily.

"Sorry. I didn't want to miss the birth," he admitted.

"And you won't," Lemonfur assured him. "Relax."

"You know I can't," Thymewhisker sighed. "What if something goes wrong? What if I'm not a good father?"

That's your only worries, Lemonfur thought. But she couldn't be hard on Thymewhisker. He'd gone through temporary muteness, which was surely worse than Lemonfur's situation.

"Hey, you'll be fine. I promise that if I go into labor, I'll wait for you, okay?" Lemonfur promised.

Thymewhisker chuckled to himself and licked her ear. Hearing his name, he glanced up.

"That's Raspberryblaze," he noted, waving his tail to his sister. "I got to go."

"See you," Lemonfur sighed.

"Maybe I'll be a father by the end of the day!" Thymewhisker exclaimed, hopping off.

"Maybe," Lemonfur replied so quietly he couldn't hear.

For awhile, she laid there, getting a short visit from her siblings, who were checking on her health. They chatted quietly for awhile, then like Thymewhisker, dispersed to perform other warrior duties. Lemonfur longed to be a warrior again, though she knew it'd be another six moons in the nursery before she was able to step back on patrols.

Around mid-day, there was a commotion among the NightClan members. Despite Ambershine's request, Lemonfur rose and peeked her head out of the nursery, gasping in surprise to see a white and gray tom rushing into camp with Silverstar by his side.

Lemonfur gasped, wondering if perhaps this was a message from SnowClan and the third had been found. She longed to get up and rush to her leader and the tom, but alas, she decided to obey Ambershine's orders.

Laying back down in her nest, she was happy to find Silverstar enter with the tom and Ambershine moments later.

"I need this den cleared immediately," Silverstar ordered.

The other she-cats glanced at their leader in confusion, but they did not hesitate to obey her orders. Hustling their kits along, the kits whispered among themselves about the strange-smelling tom, then resumed their games outside.

When the den was clear, Silverstar ordered the tom to sit. Sitting in a circle, Lemonfur glanced in confusion.

The tom was out of breath, as if he'd been running to NightClan.

"The-the fourth has been found!" he exclaimed.

Lemonfur's eyes widened. "Is it certain?"

He nodded.

"I ran into Patchfur during patrol," Silverstar exclaimed.

"I was Shinypelt's mate," Patchfur explained. "You've heard their theory, haven't you?"

Lemonfur nodded, feeling odd around the tom. If she were a reincarnation of Shinypelt, would this technically make him her mate? She shuddered at the thought. Still, she definitely recognized him from her dreams of Shinypelt's warriorhood. He'd been a constant presence, always hunting with her, going on patrols with her. He didn't feel too much like a stranger.

"Thornstar wants Lemonfur to come immediately," Patchfur explained. "It's important that the four are united."

Lemonfur was about to speak up when Ambershine spoke.

"Absolutely not! Can't you see she's about to give birth? If she takes one step she'll go into labor!" Ambershine argued.

"Ambershine," Lemonfur began.

"It's vital she comes!" Patchfur urged.

"Could they not come to NightClan?" Silverstar asked calmly.

"Thornstar says she must come to SnowClan. After all, if the theory is correct, SnowClan was Shinypelt's home, and the prophecy best be fulfilled there."

"But NightClan is also a part of the prophecy," Ambershine pointed out.

"Patchfur's reasoning makes sense. It cannot be done here then," Silverstar sighed.

"I can go!" Lemonfur argued.

"You may not. You'll give birth in the woods," Ambershine snapped.

"Enough fighting!" Silverstar growled.

Lemonfur flinched, never seeing her leader angry before. Both she and Ambershine fell quiet, and Patchfur glanced at them awkwardly.

"I'm sorry, Patchfur, but we cannot fulfill Thornstar's request until Lemonfur has given birth and the kits are old enough to be without her. It may be as much as a moon."

"A moon?!" Patchfur exclaimed. "But-but..."

"It may be a moon," Silverstar spoke firmly. "And it may not. Please relay this message onto your leader. If he has any concerns, he may speak to me directly. We must keep in mind the health of Lemonfur. She is one of my warriors and therefore my responsibility. I am sure Thornstar would not put one of his own warriors in danger."

Patchfur sighed and dipped his head. "Very well. I will relay the message." With those words, he exited the den, Silverstar returning him. Ambershine turned her head towards Lemonfur, as if already knowing her plan.

"Not a muscle will be moved, you hear?!" Ambershine exclaimed.

"I know," Lemonfur groaned.

The she-cat quickly left, and the queens and kits entered into the den again. Lemonfur consistently glanced out of the den, checking to see if the coast were clear, but each time, she could see Ambershine sitting outside her den, glancing around.

Lemonfur supposed she wouldn't be able to sneak out at all when fortunately an apprentice limped into camp with a sprained paw. She could see the nervousness in Ambershine's face, but she of course had to take him in and inspect him.

Turning to one of the queens, Lemonfur spoke, "I'm going to make dirt."

The she-cat glanced at her oddly but nodded. Lemonfur bit her lip as she stepped out of camp. Going straight through was not an option. Instead, she turned and slipped into the bushes behind the den.

She struggled through with her swollen belly, and when a kick came, she feared she was going into labor. Thankfully, it subsided, and she emerged on the other side in NightClan territory.
Knowing her absence would be noticed quickly, she began speedwalking through the forest, trying to take all the routes that the patrols would not take. Going on patrols so frequently had aided her, and she easily avoided any patrols that were out.

At one point, she picked up the scent of a warrior and apprentice, but they had recently left, and she slipped by easily. She padded through the autumn woods quickly, praying she wouldn't break into labor here.

Coming to the SnowClan border, she sighed in relief. Turning her head, she saw the coast was clear and slipped inside. She was no more than five minutes into the territory when a patrol caught her.

"What's a pregnant NightClan cat doing here?!" a white tom sneered.

"Marshshadow, leave her be!" a storm gray tom, whom Lemonfur recognized as Goosefur, spoke. "Thornstar's been wanting her. Lemonfur, come this way."

Marshshadow was confused, as well as the rest of the cats, but Goosefur quickly led Lemonfur towards the SnowClan camp.

"You shouldn't be out here," he whispered. "You look as if you're about to give birth."

"I'll be fine," Lemonfur assured him. "Thornstar wanted to see me immediately, yes?"

"Yes, but Patchfur said you weren't coming," Goosefur replied.

"Well, the decision was changed. I was well enough to come."

"You decided this, or your leader?"

"Silverstar did," Lemonfur lied. She felt guilty, but she knew this was incredibly important and could certainly not be delayed a moon.

"We're almost here," Goosefur spoke.

Lemonfur nodded, though an odd feeling had begun to rise in her stomach. She tried to push it away and ignore the small sting of pain, but something was off.

Oh, please not now, she thought, wincing.

"You okay?" Goosefur asked, noticing her pain.

"Fine," Lemonfur lied, catching up to him. As soon as she stepped into the sunlit camp, however, she let out a yowl in pain.

"Lemonfur!" Goosefur gasped.

Lemonfur immediately sat down, panting heavily. The extreme pain in her belly could only mean one thing.

"My kits are coming!" she yowled.

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